US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
Obama’s “Regime Change” Strategy: How US Allies Aid Al Qaeda in Syria By Daniel Lazare, August 05, 2015
US State Deptartment “Doesn’t Know” Legal Authority Behind Obama’s Green Light to Attack Syrian Troops By Paul Joseph Watson, August 05, 2015
U.S. Agrees To Act As Terrorist Bodyguard; Open To Attacking Assad Forces By Brandon Turbeville, August 04, 2015
The Turkish Mission: Reining in the Kurds. Continued Covert Support to ISIS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04, 2015
British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2015
The Truth Behind Turkey’s Dual Offensive against Iraq and Syria By Andrew Korybko, August 04, 2015
USA, Turkey and Israel Act As Air Force for The Islamic State Terrorists (ISIS) By Washington's Blog, August 04, 2015
US Airstrikes Kill Hundreds of Civilians in Syria and Iraq By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2015
War By Deception: Obama Reboots Old ‘No Fly Zone’ Scam, Bombing For Regime Change in Syria By 21st Century Wire, August 04, 2015
Taking Sides In Syrian Civil War. Obama Authorizes Airstrikes ‘To Defend’ US-Trained Jihadist Rebels By RT, August 04, 2015
Washington Stunned by Attack on US Mercenaries in Syria By Bill Van Auken, August 03, 2015
US-NATO’s “Terrorist Foot Soldiers”: Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2015
The Fake War on ISIS: US and Turkey Escalate in Syria By Eric Draitser, August 03, 2015
Turkey Expands Military Campaign in Syria and Iraq By South Front, August 02, 2015
The US Hand in the Syrian Mess By Jonathan Marshall, August 02, 2015
ISIL and its So-Called Caliphate: Israeli-US Tools to Divide Iraq By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 02, 2015
Russian Brokered High Level Syria-Saudi Arabia Discussions: Al Assad’s Security Adviser meets Saudi Deputy Crown Prince By Ghassan Kadi, August 01, 2015
Obama’s “Safe Zone” in Syria Will Inflame the War Zone By Shamus Cooke, July 31, 2015
A US-Turkey Sponsored “Islamic State Free Zone” within Syria By Devon Douglas-Bowers, July 30, 2015
A “No-Fly Zone” by Any Other Name – The “ISIL-Free Zone” in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, July 30, 2015
Western Official Confirms Turkey-ISIL Secret Oil Business By Global Research News, July 29, 2015
Balkanizing Syria, Buffer Zone in Northern Syria. Redrawing the Middle East Map By Stephen Lendman, July 29, 2015
Are the U.S. and Allies Getting Too Cozy With Al Qaeda’s Affiliate in Syria? By Zaigham Kabir, July 29, 2015
“Terrorism” from Damascus’ Perspective. Bashar al Assad By Bashar al Assad, July 29, 2015
Turkey’s Call For “Safe Zones” In Syria Are Based On Problem Turkey Helped Create By Brandon Turbeville, July 28, 2015
Syria: America’s “Inherent Resolve” to Destroy Another Sovereign Nation. By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 26, 2015
“Islamic State” Terrorists and Syria’s Humanitarian Crisis. The City of Aleppo By Vanessa Beeley, July 26, 2015
Turkey Joins US War in Syria By World Socialist Web Site, July 25, 2015
Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Syrian Jihadis By Washington's Blog, July 24, 2015
Media Manipulation and “Discrepancies”: BBC Admits Switching Pictures and Video Footage By Robert Stuart, July 23, 2015
Propaganda Wave Portends Invasion of Syria By Tony Cartalucci, July 21, 2015
British Media Uses Fake Video Footage to Accuse Syria’s President of Killing his Own People By Robert Stuart, July 20, 2015
Expansion by Stealth: UK Strikes in Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2015
Conservative Government Concealed UK Participation in Syria Air Strikes By Julie Hyland, July 18, 2015
US-Israeli Imperialists Plot Downfall of Syria and Iran By Brandon Martinez, July 11, 2015
Shadow Play: The ISIS ‘Ramadan Attacks’ Smell of a Western-Born PSYOP By Shawn Helton, July 10, 2015
Senator Lindsey Graham Wants 20,000 U.S. Troops in Iraq and Syria By Brandon Turbeville, July 10, 2015
Pentagon Recruits 60 “Moderate” Syrian Rebels, Pays $9 Million to Train Each One By Kurt Nimmo, July 10, 2015
Daesh, The Revolutionary Neoliberal Party and the British Falsehood Corporation By Media Lens, July 09, 2015
Israeli General Calls for Providing Arms to Assad “to Save the Regime” against “Extremist Muslim Groups” By Middle East Monitor, July 08, 2015
Syria, A Proxy War, Terrorists Coming From 89 Countries. Italian Lawmaker Calls on His Government to Reestablish Diplomatic Ties with Syria By Global Research News, July 05, 2015
Belgium’s Exit From Anti-ISIL Coalition’s Bombing Campaign in Syria and Iraq By Sputnik, July 04, 2015
Now Jordan Announces Plans To Invade Syria By Brandon Turbeville, July 02, 2015
The War in Syria, Report from the Battlefield By South Front, July 02, 2015
US Admits Paying Al-Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria By Brandon Turbeville, June 30, 2015
Neocons Urge Embrace of Al Qaeda By Daniel Lazare, June 29, 2015
Syria’s “Moderate Terrorists”: Neocons Urge Embrace of Al Qaeda By Daniel Lazare, June 27, 2015
Pentagon Paying ISIS-Linked “Rebels” $400 Per Month to “Eventually” Fight Assad By Mikael Thalen, June 26, 2015
Corporate Media Claim of ”Alawite Regime” In Syria Debunked By Brandon Turbeville, June 25, 2015
Kurds Retake Town of Tal Abyad, US Warplanes Strike Iraqi Army and Popular Forces, Deliver Weapons to ISIS By South Front, June 18, 2015
U.S. House Debates and Votes Down Withdrawal from Iraq and Syria By David Swanson, June 18, 2015
Obama in the Middle East: From Bad to Worse By Jack A. Smith, June 18, 2015
Why Has Israel Embraced Al-Qaida’s Branch in Syria? By Rania Khalek, June 17, 2015
Patriarch Gregorios Laham: Stop the International War of Genocide against Syria By Haifa Said, June 13, 2015
Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads: Did the War in Syria Just Become a Regional War? By Eric Draitser, June 11, 2015
“It’s Like a Jail”: Account of Life in Lebanon’s Refugee Camps as Told by a Syrian-Palestinian Refugee By Louisa Lamb, June 08, 2015
Terror Trial Collapses: Suspect Accused of Supporting Syria Fighting Groups Backed by British Intelligence MI6 By Stuart J. Hooper, June 06, 2015
U.S. Foreign Policy in Syria: Sleepwalking to Another Mideast Disaster By Robert Parry, June 05, 2015
Iraq War Propaganda Redux: U.S. Claims Syrian Government Supporting ISIS By Washington's Blog, June 05, 2015
Iraqi Army Fighting ISIS in Iraq, “Moderate” Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria Pledge Allegiance to US By South Front, June 04, 2015
Declassified Documents: Hillary Clinton aided the Rise of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) By Dr. Jerome Corsi, June 02, 2015
Fake TV Images: BBC Admits “Switching Syria Footage” On Grounds of “Taste and Decency” By Robert Stuart, June 02, 2015
Holes in the Neocons’ Syria Story By Robert Parry, June 01, 2015
Syria: ISIS Palmyra Demolition has begun with Ancient God Lion Statue destroyed By Global Research News, June 01, 2015
Ex-Yemeni President: Wars in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya Stirred by Saudis to Serve Israel By Fars News Agency, May 31, 2015
Islamic State (ISIS) Mercenaries on Drugs Produced by NATO, Two Tons seized in Western Syria, Report By Global Research News, May 31, 2015
“There is no ‘Moderate Armed Opposition’ in Syria” By Global Research News, May 31, 2015
Al-Nusra Ordered by Al-Qaeda Not to Launch Attacks Against the West, Alleged Leader Says By Brandon Turbeville, May 29, 2015
Obama’s Gun-Running Operation: Weapons and Support for “Islamic Terrorists” in Syria and Iraq. “Create Constructive Chaos” and “Redraw the Map of the Middle East” By Julie Lévesque, May 28, 2015
To Beat ISIS, Kick Out the U.S.-led Coalition By Sharmine Narwani, May 28, 2015
Yemen Armed Forces Strike Back against Saudi Aggression, Syrian Army Offensive against ISIL By South Front, May 27, 2015
Turkey Says US Agrees to Provide Air Cover for Anti-Assad “Rebels” in Syria By Niles Williamson, May 26, 2015
ISIS Marches On Damascus: Syria May Soon Be Absorbed Into the Wahhabi Caliphate By Kurt Nimmo, May 26, 2015
US Department of Defense Admits Supporting ISIS, Buffer Zones In Syria By Brandon Turbeville, May 26, 2015
America is Behind ISIS: Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable Actors” in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, May 25, 2015
Defense Intelligence Agency: “Establish a Salafist Principality in Syria”, Facilitate Rise of Islamic State “In Order to Isolate the Syrian Regime” By Brad Hoff, May 22, 2015
Turkey Arrests Soldiers over Interception of Syria-bound Weapons to Terrorists By Global Research News, May 21, 2015
White House Reveals ‘Boots on Ground’ in Syria, but Media Too Giddy Over Special Ops Porn to Notice By Adam Johnson, May 21, 2015
Benghazi Scandal: Obama Administration Knew Weapons Were Being Sent to Al-Qaeda in Syria, New Documents Show By Judicial Watch, May 19, 2015
More Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War By Steven MacMillan, May 18, 2015