US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
A Belligerent Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: The Legacy of US President Donald J. Trump By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 20, 2021
False Accusations Used Once More Against President Assad of Syria By Steven Sahiounie, January 19, 2021
Aleppo: Industrial Capital of Syria Rises from the Ashes By Steven Sahiounie, January 17, 2021
Video: Israel and US Efforts in Large-scale Strikes on Iranian Infrastructure in Syria By South Front, January 15, 2021
Video: Mysterious Aircraft Pound Turkish Oil Smugglers in Syria. US Supply Convoys Are Blown Up in Iraq By South Front, January 13, 2021
End of the Saudi Blockade of Qatar: Will Syria Benefit from the “Renewed Gulf Unity”? By Steven Sahiounie, January 11, 2021
More War by Other Means: Sanctioning the Wife of Syria’s President Makes No Sense to Anyone By Philip Giraldi, January 08, 2021
Video: Tense Situation in Northern Syria. Actions of Turkish Military By South Front, January 07, 2021
Video: Russia Suffers Casualties in Greater Idlib. Israeli Air Force Strikes Damascus Countryside By South Front, December 30, 2020
Syrian Refugees Flee as Their Tents Are Torched in Lebanon By Steven Sahiounie, December 30, 2020
How Will Joe Biden “Resolve” the Syrian Crisis? The Viewpoint of a French Diplomat By Steven Sahiounie, December 27, 2020
US Sanctions London-based Family of Assad’s Wife Under Caesar Act By Middle East Eye, December 23, 2020
Video: Turkish Attack on Ain Issa Turns into Failure By South Front, December 22, 2020
“Walk the Streets of Damascus, and Listen to the People Concerning US Sanctions and Aggression Against Syria” By Janice Kortkamp and Steven Sahiounie, December 22, 2020
Video: Is Israel Searching for A Pretext to Invade Southern Syria? By South Front, December 20, 2020
Video: Russian Forces Establish Presence on Syrian-Iraqi Border By South Front, December 17, 2020
Outgoing Syria Envoy James Jeffrey Reflects on “What Everyone Got Wrong” By James Jeffrey and Jared Szuba, December 15, 2020
Aleppo’s Liberation Three Years Ago Today: Anybody Ashamed? By Jan Oberg, December 15, 2020
Syria: Weapons Found, Including Israeli Made Ones, and a Drone Left Behind by Terrorists in Syria’s Southern Region By Hamda Mustafa, December 14, 2020
Trump Administration Helped GOP Donors “Score a Deal for Syrian Oil” By Matthew Petti, December 14, 2020
Will Joe Biden “Revise” U.S Agenda in Syria? Use Terrorism Pretext to “Keep Boots on the Ground”? By Ahmad Salah, December 10, 2020
Video: Turkey Strikes against Kurdish SDF Forces in Northern Syria By South Front, December 09, 2020
OPCW Executives Praised Whistleblower and Criticized Syria Cover-up, Leaks Reveal By Aaron Mate, December 08, 2020
More Scandals on Dutch Government’s Involvement in Supporting Terrorism in Syria By SANA, December 07, 2020
The War Crimes of Obama and Hillary Clinton: Libya, Syria and Yemen By Rod Driver, November 30, 2020
Obama Admits His Failure in Syria. The Sarin Gas Saga. Obama Supported Al Qaeda By Steven Sahiounie, November 23, 2020
Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War By James Bovard, November 20, 2020
The Credibles: How Airwars Secured the Most Comprehensive Locational Data on Civilian Harm Ever Released by the US Military By Chris Woods, November 20, 2020
“The End of the War in Syria Will Come as Part of the Agreement Between Iran and China,” Says Iranian Foreign Policy Analyst By Polina Aniftou and Steven Sahiounie, November 19, 2020
Syrian Foreign Minister Muallem Was a Multipolar Visionary By Andrew Korybko, November 18, 2020
Video: Silent Retreat of Neo-Ottoman Forces from Syria By South Front, November 18, 2020
Syria’s International Conference on Return of Refugees. A Strategic Balancing Act By Andrew Korybko, November 12, 2020
Lebanon Economy is Sinking and Pulling Syria Down with Them By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2020
Syrians Talk About Their Suffering Inside Turkish Prisons By Khaled Iskef, October 28, 2020
US versus Russia in Syria. “A Fake ‘Revolution’ Using Islamic Gangs” By Stephen Lendman, October 28, 2020
Congress Will Say Anything About Syria These Days By Andrew Corbley, October 28, 2020
The US Proposed a Partial Withdrawal and Ease in Sanctions, Damascus Rejected the Offer By Elijah J. Magnier, October 26, 2020
US-China Confrontation: The Hijacking of the United Nations Security Council Continues By Carla Stea, October 25, 2020
Syrian Refugees Have Become a Tool of Duplicitous Politics By Ahmad Salah, October 23, 2020
US Seeks to Prolong Terrorism in Syria, Not Defeat It By Tony Cartalucci, October 20, 2020
Syria’s Devastating Forest Fires By Andrew Korybko, October 14, 2020
All It Takes Is a Spark: Syrian Wildfires Turn Olive Trees into Ashes By Steven Sahiounie, October 14, 2020
The War on Truth, Dissent and Free Speech By Professor Piers Robinson, October 11, 2020
Does Damascus Regard the Syrian Armenians Reportedly Fighting in Azerbaijan as Traitors? By Andrew Korybko, October 08, 2020
Video: Ex-OPCW Chief Jose Bustani Reads Syria Testimony that US, UK Blocked at UN By Aaron Mate, October 07, 2020
Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad on the “Role of Russia” in Syria War By Bashar al Assad and Zvezda TV Station, October 06, 2020
The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté Testifies at UN on OPCW Syria Cover-up By Aaron Mate, October 05, 2020
Russia-Turkey Agreement over Idlib Faces Collapse By Steven Sahiounie, October 01, 2020
Russia vs. US Imperial Aims in Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 01, 2020
UK Government Probing Cyber-attack over Syria Propaganda Leaks By Ian Cobain, September 30, 2020
Exposed: US Occupation of Syria Now Official By Drago Bosnic, September 30, 2020
Russia and Iran in Syria; Iran Prepares a Move on the Israeli Borders By Elijah J. Magnier, September 29, 2020
Hack Reveals UK’s Propaganda Campaign to Drive Syrian Regime Change By Johanna Ross, September 25, 2020
America’s Broken Syria Project By Tony Cartalucci, September 24, 2020
Elected Syrian Government, Led by President Assad, Saves Christianity in Syria By Mark Taliano, September 23, 2020
Islamic State’s New Caliph Snitched for US Military in Iraq By Nauman Sadiq, September 22, 2020
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Trump Had Contemplated Ordering the Assassination of Bashar al-Assad By Nauman Sadiq, September 19, 2020
Russia’s Role in Syria, Tensions between Russia and the US By Andrey Ontikov and Steven Sahiounie, September 15, 2020
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How the USA and Turkey Plunder and Loot Syria with Impunity By Rick Sterling, September 15, 2020
Senator John McCain: The ‘Charlie Wilson’ of Syria War By Nauman Sadiq, September 13, 2020
Video: Idlib Question and Prospects of New Syrian-Turkish Confrontation By South Front, September 06, 2020
Video: Israeli Forces Rain Down Missiles on Syria By South Front, September 04, 2020
To Capture and Subdue: America’s Theft of Syrian Oil Has Very Little to Do with Money By Steven Chovanec, August 31, 2020
Saudi Troops Join U.S. Base in Oil-Rich Northern Syria By Josh Owens, August 31, 2020
Syria’s Pharmaceutical Industry Develops Cure to Fight Covid By Miri Wood, August 30, 2020
The US and Russia Collide, while Syrians Call for US Withdrawal By Steven Sahiounie, August 30, 2020
Video: US-Russia “Road War” in Northeastern Syria By South Front, August 28, 2020
Video: Russian, Syrian Forces Operation against ISIS Terrorists By South Front, August 27, 2020
Video: Massive Explosion Rocks Syria’s Arab Gas Pipeline. Terrorist Attack By South Front, August 26, 2020
Video: Syrian Forces Are Hunting Down ISIS Terrorists in Desert By South Front, August 24, 2020
Video: Idlib Is Burning. New Proxy War in Deir Ezzor By South Front, August 21, 2020
Video: In Mysterious Incident US Military Lost Two MQ-9 Reapers over Idlib By South Front, August 20, 2020
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Video: Syrian Army Undertakes Failed Advance in Northern Lattakia Amid Rise of ISIS Attacks in Deir Ezzor By South Front, August 09, 2020
There Is No Political Solution to the Syrian Conflict By Steven Sahiounie, August 06, 2020
Trump Administration Approves the “Stealing” of Syria’s Oil By TRT World, August 06, 2020
Video: Turkey Cries Foul About Deployment of Egyptian Troops in Idlib. What’s Going On? By South Front, August 02, 2020
US Oil Company Signs Deal with Syrian Kurds By Amberin Zaman, July 31, 2020