US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
Syrian Endgame: The Battle for Aleppo and ‘Plan C’ By Prof. Tim Anderson, August 04, 2016
Russia says it Warned US before Aleppo Toxic Chemical Weapons Attack by US-Backed “Moderate” Terrorists By Press TV, August 04, 2016
Canada Supports Syria’s “Moderate” Terrorists, Endorses Saudi Arabia By Mark Taliano, August 04, 2016
New Chemical Weapons Claims Pose Threat of US Escalation of Syrian War By Tom Eley, August 03, 2016
Dangers of Military Escalation: Russian Helicopter Shot Down By US-Backed Syrian “Opposition” as Battle Rages over Aleppo By Alex Lantier, August 02, 2016
The Larger Context Of The Al Qaeda Attack On Aleppo By Moon of Alabama, August 02, 2016
Battle for Aleppo: Jihadist Rebels Attempt Major Counteroffensive. Rebranded Al Qaeda Group Involved By The New Atlas, August 01, 2016
Syrian Army Captured Major ISIS-Daesh Warehouse, Weapons Made in USA By South Front, August 01, 2016
Democratic Party’s Inflammatory Anti-Putin Rhetoric Prepares Escalation of Syrian War By Andre Damon, August 01, 2016
Hillary Clinton Allegedly Worked for Company that Did Business With the Islamic State Group By Telesur, July 31, 2016
America’s “Humanitarian Massacre” of Syrian Civilians. The “Counter-Terrorism” Campaign Is Directed against the Syrian People By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 31, 2016
Hillary to Deliver Syria to Jihadists? By Daniel McAdams, July 31, 2016
Abu Ghraib Torture Company Re-Hired For Syria – How ISIS Will Benefit By Moon of Alabama, July 30, 2016
US Warplanes Massacre Syrian Civilians Unaccountably By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2016
Al Nusra Rebranding: They are No Longer Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists, Henceforth They are “Moderate Rebels” By South Front, July 29, 2016
A Syrian Medical Doctor Demolishes the Propaganda put out by Politicians and the Media By BeCuriousTV, July 29, 2016
Failure of Putin-Kerry Talks: Regime Change in Syria Remains “On the Table” of the US State Department By Alexander Mercouris, July 26, 2016
Another US Foreign Policy Triumph: Syrian “Moderate Rebels” Behead Innocent Child By Steven MacMillan, July 26, 2016
Medical Doctor in Brussels Inspired by Independent Media and Journalists of the Likes of “Syrian Girl” By Dr. Eric Beeth, July 25, 2016
The US-Saudi Plan to Prompt an Iranian Pullback from Syria By Andrew Korybko, July 25, 2016
John Kerry Demands Regime Change in Syria as a Precondition for “US-Russia Cooperation”. Lavrov By Sputnik, July 24, 2016
“Collateral Damage” of the War on Terrorism: US Airstrikes Kill Civilians in Syria By Press TV, July 24, 2016
Did Russian Warplanes Bomb Secret U.S. Military Base in Syria? By South Front, July 23, 2016
Nice – 14th July – Lie Propaganda in Overdrive – Murder Is the New Normal By Peter Koenig, July 22, 2016
Damascus: Life Returns Five Years After NATO Destabilization Efforts By Eva Bartlett, July 22, 2016
Video: Russian Air Power Purges Jihadists in Syria’s Northern Latakia By South Front, July 22, 2016
President Al-Assad Interview: The Priority is to Fight ISIS, Al-Nusra and Al Qaeda Linked Organizations By Bashar al Assad, July 22, 2016
Syrian War Report: Fierce Clashes between Rebels and Government Forces By South Front, July 22, 2016
U.S. “Vetted” And Armed Syria Terrorist Group That Beheaded Boy, Gave Them TOW Missiles By Brandon Turbeville, July 22, 2016
“François, Tu es un criminel”: President Hollande Ordered the Massacre of Syrian Women and Children In Retaliation for the “Alleged” ISIS Bastille Day Attack By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 21, 2016
The Dirty War on Syria: ‘Zero Credible Evidence that the Syrian Arab Army Used Chemical Weapons’ By Prof. Tim Anderson, July 21, 2016
Hollande and Obama Behind “Bloody Massacres” in Syria. French and US airstrikes “Kill over 140 Civilians” By Inspire to Change World, July 21, 2016
CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria By Moon of Alabama, July 20, 2016
Milestone: We’ve Just Dropped Our 50,000th Bomb on ISIS By Daniel McAdams, July 20, 2016
SYRIA: Beheading of Palestinian Child Prompts US to Disassociate from its Proxy “Moderate Terrorists” By Vanessa Beeley, July 20, 2016
Syria War Report: US-Backed “Moderate Rebels” Behead 11 Year Old Palestinian Kid. “U.S. May Reconsider Assistance to the Group” By South Front, July 20, 2016
NATO, Germany and “The Dirty War on Syria” By Prof. Tim Anderson, July 19, 2016
Be Aware of What Is Happening in Syria! U.S. Government Support of Fundamentalist Fighters Destroying Syria and Terrorizing the Syrian People is a Terrible Mistake” By Mounzer Ahmad, July 19, 2016
Syria’s “Moderate Rebels” Are Not Moderate, Not Rebels By Tony Cartalucci, July 18, 2016
Saudi NGOs Send Cash to ISIS Under Guise of “Helping Fallujah Children”: Iraq UN Envoy By Fars News Agency, July 18, 2016
The Terror Attack in Nice: Open Letter to President Hollande, The French Republic’s Frankenstein By Bruno Guigue, July 16, 2016
President Hollande: “We Will Strike Those Who Attack Us”. France to Escalate Strikes in Syria and Iraq In Retribution for Nice Terror Attack By Telesur, July 15, 2016
Video: Fierce Fighting in Aleppo. Syria Government Seeks Encircling Terrorist Forces. Islamic State (ISIS) Shoots Down Syrian Government Mi-24 Gunship Helicopter By Brian Betts and Daniel Deiss, July 15, 2016
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
Video: President Bashar Al-Assad: “The Supporters of those Terrorists …Have the Endorsement of Some Western countries Including the U.S” By SANA, July 14, 2016
Historic Law Suit Against Barack Obama: White House Argues that Funding The War against Syria and Iraq Makes War Legal By Nika Knight, July 14, 2016
Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2016
Video: Russian Strategic Bombers Strike ISIS in Syria By South Front, July 13, 2016
Video: Syrian Army Advancing in Aleppo City. Turkish Military Advisers in Al Qaeda Affiliated Forces? By South Front, July 13, 2016
Syria Shocker: John Kerry Torpedoes US ‘Moderate Rebel’ Narrative By Vanessa Beeley, July 13, 2016
U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels Committing War Crimes, Torture, Abductions; Imposing Harsh Sharia Law: Report By South Front, July 13, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Aleppo City. Al Nusra Orders Massive Shellings of Residential Areas By South Front, July 12, 2016
British Air Strikes in Iraq and Syria increase by 85%, More than 15,000 Coalition Strikes By Chris Cole, July 11, 2016
Syrian War Report: Syrian Army Cuts Off Militants Supply Line to Aleppo By South Front, July 11, 2016
US-Sponsored Genocide in Syria By Stephen Lendman, July 10, 2016
US Mission to Train Syrian “Opposition Forces” Goes Awry By Alex Gorka, July 10, 2016
President of the Philippines: “It is the US that Imported Terrorism Into the Middle East!” By Middle East News Agency, July 09, 2016
Video: Who is Behind the ISIS? Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 08, 2016
Russia Deploys More Airpower to Syria: It’s Aircraft Carrier will Conduct Air Strikes against ISIS-Daesh and Al Qaeda By South Front, July 06, 2016
Video: John McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS By Dr. Kelli Ward, July 06, 2016
Turkey on the Ropes By The Saker, July 05, 2016
Video: Syria War Report, Towards a US-Russia Deal? By South Front, July 04, 2016
Canada’s Foreign Policy: “Copy and Paste” of Washington’s War Crimes Agenda By Mark Taliano, July 04, 2016
Bashar Al Assad Interview: Western Nations are Supporting the Terrorists. US Counter-Terrorism Campaign is Bogus By Bashar al Assad, July 04, 2016
The Pentagon’s “Salvador Option”: The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 03, 2016
Syria’s Jaysh al-Islam “Opposition” Group Which Washington Refused to Add to Terror List Shells UN Convoy By Sputnik, July 02, 2016
Another U.S. Proxy Force Defeated By ISIS – Incompetent Training or Intent? By Moon of Alabama, June 30, 2016
The ‘Dissent’ Memo That Isn’t: Calling for “A More Militarily Assertive US Role” in Syria, The Memo Had the Blessing of the U.S State Department including John Kerry By Gareth Porter, June 30, 2016
Video: Tense Situation Around Aleppo. Terrorists Counter-offensive. Heavy Clashes with ISIS Militants By South Front, June 30, 2016
FEAR INC. – Istanbul Airport. Gunmen Open Fire, Multiple Bombs, Western Media Claims ISIS Behind Attack By 21st Century Wire, June 29, 2016
Turkish Police’s Secret Reports Confirm Arms Shipment to Terrorists in Syria By Fars News Agency, June 29, 2016
Video: Al Nusra Offensive in Syria’s Latakia Province. CIA Weapons for “Moderate Terrorists” By South Front, June 29, 2016
Video: Syrian SAA Military Operations Supported by Russia against Terrorists in Aleppo Province By South Front, June 28, 2016
Obama’s “Humanitarian” Bombing Campaign “Against” the Islamic State (ISIS) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 27, 2016
Intelligence Veterans Call ‘The 51 State Department Officials “Dissent Memo” on Syria “Reckless”. “Disarray and Failure of U.S. Foreign Policy” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, June 27, 2016
Hezbollah Wages an Existential Battle in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, June 27, 2016
How the US Supports the Islamic State (ISIS): One “Accidental Airdrop” vs Billions in Covert Military Aid By Tony Cartalucci, June 25, 2016
Permits granted by the State of Israel to Afek Oil and Gas, a subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy, Ltd. By Claire Bernish, June 25, 2016
Ignorant U.S. Involvement. The 51 U.S. “Diplomats” Memo to Wage an All out War on Syria By Michael Jansen, June 25, 2016
State Department Syria Memo: Setting the Stage for War with Russia By Bill Van Auken, June 24, 2016
Canada Supports The ISIS and Every Other Terrorist Group which is Trying to Destroy Syria By Mark Taliano, June 24, 2016