US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
Syria: “Why is the US Helping Al Qaeda and Other Terrorist Groups”: Rep Tulsi Gabbard By Sophie Mangal, January 28, 2017
Today, January 28: The Truth on Syria: Canadian Journalist Eva Bartlett in Montreal By Global Research News, January 28, 2017
Syrian Army Repels Large-Scale ISIS Advance On Khanaser-Aleppo Road By South Front, January 27, 2017
Just Back From Syria, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Brings Message: ‘There Are No Moderate Rebels’ By Susan Jones, January 27, 2017
Al-Qaeda Consolidates Its Front Groups In Syria By Moon of Alabama, January 26, 2017
Trump Ordering Pentagon to Establish ‘Safe Zones’ in Syria By Press TV, January 26, 2017
Trump Expected To Sign Orders For “Safe Zone” In Syria, Reports By Brandon Turbeville, January 26, 2017
ISIS-Daesh Defenses Collapsing In Northern Aleppo. Islamic State in Disarray By South Front, January 26, 2017
NGOs and Media Disinformation: How We Were Misled About Syria by Amnesty International By Tim Hayward, January 26, 2017
Syria Ceasefire Conference in Astana, an Important Step Towards Peace By Mehmet Ersoy, January 26, 2017
Syria: Russian and Turkish Strategic Bombers In Action Against ISIS-Daesh By South Front, January 25, 2017
Syrian Peace Conference Closes, Repudiation of ISIS and Al Qaeda, Next Step in Geneva By Eric Zuesse, January 25, 2017
Stop US Interventionism and the Funding of Terror Groups in Syria: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard By Rep Tulsi Gabbard, January 25, 2017
“Rebel Civil War” Blazing In Syria’s Idlib By South Front, January 25, 2017
Fake News, Propaganda and Threats to Journalism By Professor Piers Robinson, January 25, 2017
The War in Syria, Debunking Lies and Fake News: Eva Bartlett’s Canada Tour By Global Research and Global Research, January 24, 2017
Astana Syria Peace Talks Conclude. “Negotiating with Terrorists is Risky…” By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2017
Here’s How and Why the US has Been Helping ISIS Take Deir El-Zour By Afraa Dagher, January 24, 2017
Syria Peace Talks In Astana. What To Expect? By South Front, January 24, 2017
Moscow-Ankara-Damascus Deal to Combat ISIS-Daesh: Syrian Army Advancing In Direction of Islamic State Stronghold Of Al-Bab By South Front, January 23, 2017
The Syria Peace Talks in Astana. Will Trump Administration Participate? By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2017
US intervention in Syria? Not under Trump By Gareth Porter, January 22, 2017
Syria: Consign “Barrel Bombs” to the Propaganda Graveyard By Vanessa Beeley, January 21, 2017
Contradictory “Alliances”: Joint Russia-Turkey Military Operation in Syria against US-Saudi Supported ISIS-Daesh By South Front, January 21, 2017
Syrian War Report: ISIS Repelled, Heavy Clashes between Ahrar Al-Sham and Al-Nusra in Idlib By South Front, January 21, 2017
Riyadh Continues to Supports ISIS-Daesh, Contradictory Saudi Stance on Syria Peace Talks By Sophie Mangal, January 21, 2017
Eleven Russian Warships Deployed to Syria, Russia’s Tartus Mediterranean Naval Facility. New Agreement with Syria By RT, January 21, 2017
Syrian President Assad: “President Trump said that his Priority is to Fight ISIS”. Interview with Japan TBS TV By Bashar al Assad, January 21, 2017
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
Joint Russian, Turkish Bombing Campaign in Syria Deepens NATO Crisis By Bill Van Auken, January 20, 2017
Breaking: Syrian Army Launches Large-Scale Campaign Against ISIS-Daesh In Aleppo Province By South Front, January 20, 2017
Who is Behind the Islamic State in Syria? ISIS-Daesh Attempts to Torpedo the Astana Peace Negotiations By Mehmet Ersoy, January 19, 2017
“The ISIS R Us”: The War Against America’s ISIS Proxy Force in Syria By South Front, January 19, 2017
US Media Propaganda Regarding Supply of Water and “Damascus’ Humanitarian Crisis” By Mehmet Ersoy, January 19, 2017
How The U.S. Enabled ISIS To Take Deir Ezzor By Moon of Alabama, January 19, 2017
U.S.-ISIS Alliance on Verge of Conquering Major Syrian City By Eric Zuesse, January 19, 2017
US Increasing Airdrops of Arms Supplies to ISIS-Daesh Terrorists in Syria: Report By Press TV, January 19, 2017
The Criminal Regime Change / Dirty War On Syria, The Siege of Deir Ezzor by ISIS Proxy Terrorists By Mark Taliano, January 19, 2017
Syrian War: ISIS-Daesh Advances in Deir Ezzor, Encircles Airport. Intense Fighting By South Front, January 18, 2017
The War in Syria is Not Over: Intense Fighting between Syrian Forces and ISIS-Daesh By South Front, January 17, 2017
Syrian Army Delivers Devastating Blow to Al Qaeda Militants Northwest of Damascus By South Front, January 16, 2017
What Motivates Israeli Missile Attacks on Syria? By Alwaght, January 16, 2017
Water Cut-Offs in Damascus: How “Militants” (US Supported Al Qaeda Terrorists) Use “Prohibited Methods of Warfare” By Mehmet Ersoy, January 15, 2017
Testimony on the Liberation of Aleppo: How the Media Distorts and Manipulates Reality By Jan Oberg, January 14, 2017
Canada Supports War Crimes: Endorses Terrorism and Destabilization in Syria By Mark Taliano, January 14, 2017
Israeli Jets Bomb Damascus Military Airport; Syria Vows It Will Respond To “Flagrant Attack”. Will This Lead to Military Escalation? By Zero Hedge, January 13, 2017
Syria, Turkey, Russia to Coordinate Counter-Terrorism Efforts in Northern Syria? By South Front, January 13, 2017
Video: US Intensifies Operations in the Syria-Iraq Battlespace. By South Front, January 12, 2017
Russia Deploys More Warplanes In Support of Syrian Army against ISIS-Daesh By South Front, January 12, 2017
What Should We Expect from the Talks on Syria in Astana? By Sophie Mangal, January 12, 2017
What Awaits Syria at the Astana Talks? By Andrew Korybko, January 12, 2017
Saudi-Made Chemical Weapons Were Delivered to Al Qaeda Rebels in Aleppo By Alwaght, January 11, 2017
Video: ISIS-Daesh Counter-Attacks Near Al-Raqqah By South Front, January 11, 2017
US-EU Supported Terrorists Contaminate Syria’s Water Reservoirs: Complicity of “White Helmets” By We Save Syria, January 11, 2017
Syrian War Report: Heavy Fighting Continues Despite Ceasefire By South Front, January 10, 2017
America’s Defeat in Syria: Bashar Al Assad Still Stands, As Obama Prepares to Leave Office By Steven MacMillan, January 10, 2017
President al-Assad: “We Will Liberate every Inch of the Syrian Land” By Bashar al Assad, January 10, 2017
WikiLeaks: US Was Aware Of ISIS Threat and Sought Regime Change In Syria By Mint Press, January 10, 2017
Could Turkey Swing Over to the Russian camp? By Thierry Meyssan, January 10, 2017
ISIS, Al-Qaeda And The U.S. Airforce Wage War On Syria’s Public Utilities By Moon of Alabama, January 10, 2017
The Media Disinformation Campaign on Russian Hacking and the US Debacle in Syria By Andre Damon, January 09, 2017
Pushing for a Lucrative New Cold War By Gareth Porter, January 09, 2017
Inquiry Points Toward a Pentagon Plot to Subvert Obama’s Syria Policy By Gareth Porter, January 07, 2017
Open Letter to “Human Rights Defenders” on Aleppo By Jean Bricmont, January 06, 2017
Syria: The Diplomatic Endgame By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 06, 2017
NATO against NATO? Turkey Lambasts US Role in Supporting ISIS-Daesh in Syria By Salman Rafi Sheikh, January 05, 2017
Erdogan Claims To Have Evidence, Photos, Video Of U.S. Coalition Support For ISIS-Daesh By Brandon Turbeville, January 05, 2017
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
The Geopolitics of Turkey’s About-Face By Thierry Meyssan, January 04, 2017
Good News: Washington Frozen Out of Syria Peace Plan By Rep. Ron Paul, January 04, 2017
How the US Deliberately Destroyed Iraq’s Water Supply, And Now Syria… By Prof. Thomas J. Nagy, January 03, 2017
Obama Obstructing Syria Peace Talks. Washington’s Dirty Hands Supporting ISIS and Al Nusra By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2017
Damascus Humanitarian Catastrophe: Al-Qaeda “Opposition” Cuts Water Supply, Leaves 5 Million Thirsty, Who is Behind Al Qaeda? By Moon of Alabama, January 03, 2017
Syria’s War Was Only The Beginning of A Broader Middle East War By Tony Cartalucci, January 02, 2017
Syria Elections 2016: US-NATO’s Failed Attempt to Deny the Will of the Syrian People By Vanessa Beeley, January 01, 2017
Turkey Plane Transfers ISIS-Daesh Terrorists from Aleppo to Yemen: Report By Press TV, December 31, 2016
Syria, Russia and American Desperation By Margaret Kimberley, December 31, 2016
The War Will be Over When We Get Rid of the Terrorists: Syria’s President al-Assad By SANA, December 30, 2016
Syria War Report: Nation-Wide Ceasefire, Kurdish YPG Forces Withdrawing from Aleppo City? By South Front, December 30, 2016
Cease-fire Agreement in Syria Signed by the Jihadists with the Exception of Al-Qaeda and ISIS-Daesh By Voltaire Network, December 30, 2016
Russia and Turkey Broker Ceasefire in Syria By Bill Van Auken, December 30, 2016
Syria-Gate: NATO Weaponry and Personnel in East Aleppo By Free West Media, December 29, 2016