US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
US Sets Up New Military Base in NE Syria By Jason Ditz, November 08, 2022
Israel Escalates Continual Airstrikes in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, October 25, 2022
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War on Syria: US and Turkey Agree to Keep Idlib as a “Terrorist Safe Haven” By Steven Sahiounie, October 16, 2022
US Troops in Dispute with Their Terrorist Mercenaries in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, October 09, 2022
Americans Find Gangsters Suitable to Lead the Country By Eric Zuesse, October 03, 2022
Cholera and US Sanctions Killing Syrian Civilians By Steven Sahiounie, September 28, 2022
Tracking the Flow of Stolen Syrian Oil Into Iraq By The Cradle, September 28, 2022
Greek Coast Guard Drowns Entire Syrian Family By Steven Sahiounie, September 22, 2022
ISIS Rises from the Dust in the Syrian Desert. A Surge of Violence and Terror By Ahmad Al Khaled, September 15, 2022
US “Steals” 88 More Tankers of Syrian Oil: State Media By Telesur, September 14, 2022
Syria Is Key to Turkey’s Future, Economically and Politically By Steven Sahiounie, September 08, 2022
“Fake Counter-terrorism”: As ISIS Advanced in Syria and Iraq, the US Did Nothing to Stop Them By William Van Wagenen, September 08, 2022
Weaponization of Water: Turkey Flexes Its Muscles Over Syria and Iraq By Erman Çete, August 29, 2022
Three Major Attacks in Syria in 24 Hours By Steven Sahiounie, August 29, 2022
Erdogan Repairs Syria Ties with Eye on Eurasianism By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 26, 2022
The Energy Crisis: A Cold Winter Ahead for Europe and Syria By Steven Sahiounie, August 25, 2022
US Military Still Stealing Oil in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, August 22, 2022
Syria Suffers Under US Military Occupation By Steven Sahiounie, August 18, 2022
Did the Syrian Revolution Have Popular Support? By William Van Wagenen, August 16, 2022
Putin’s Syrian Peace Plan with Erdogan By Steven Sahiounie, August 14, 2022
U.S. Abusing Thousands of Refugees in Rukban Concentration Camp, to Blackmail Syria By Arabi Souri, August 12, 2022
Washington Steals Over 80 Percent of Syria’s Oil Output Per Day By The Cradle, August 11, 2022
The War on Syria, The Bab al Hawa Deception. “Humanitarian Aid” in Support of Al Qaeda Terrorists By Syria Support Movement, July 28, 2022
NATO Drones Murder Syrians at Church Inauguration in Hama By Miri Wood, July 27, 2022
Turkey-Supported Terrorists in North-West Syria Attack Church with Deaths and Injuries By Steven Sahiounie, July 26, 2022
Assad and Zelenskyy – A Contrast in Media Coverage By Gavin OReilly, July 25, 2022
Syria Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Ukraine By The Cradle, July 24, 2022
“Yankee Go Home!” Russia, Iran, Turkey Agreement: US Troops Must Leave Syria By Steven Sahiounie, July 21, 2022
Damascus and the Kurds Align Militarily to Face the Turkish Threat By Steven Sahiounie, July 20, 2022
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Feeding a Stalemate in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, July 14, 2022
Sleeping Terrorist Cells in Syria By Basma Qaddour and Steven Sahiounie, July 12, 2022
Syrian Troops and Civilians Chase Away US Occupation Convoy in Hasakah By The Cradle, July 06, 2022
Syria Repairs Relationship with Arab Countries. Geopolitical Implications By Steven Sahiounie, June 26, 2022
France Views Terrorists in Paris as Enemies, but Allies in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, June 21, 2022
US Occupation Troops Steal Wheat from Syria to Send to Iraq By The Cradle, June 21, 2022
Syria Officially Launches the Procedure for the Recognition of the Donbass Peoples’ Republics (DPR and LPR) By Christelle Néant, June 18, 2022
Biden Rocks the Middle East. Partitioning Syria May be on the Way By Philip Giraldi, June 07, 2022
Syria: “The U.S never gave anti-tank weapons to al-Qaeda.” Former U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford Misleading Statement By William Van Wagenen, June 03, 2022
Global Food Security: Is America Illegally Importing Syrian Wheat, Smuggled Out of a War Zone By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 31, 2022
Erdogan Angers Biden but Holds the Keys to NATO Aggression Against Russia By Steven Sahiounie, May 29, 2022
US Military Clears Itself of Blame in Syria Strike That Killed ‘Piles’ of Women and Children By Brett Wilkins, May 20, 2022
Turkey Sponsored Terrorists in Northern Syria Attack Bus with 12 Dead and 14 Wounded By Steven Sahiounie, May 18, 2022
US Accused of Stealing Syrian Oil as Sanctions Waiver Aims to Divide Country By Steve Sweeney, May 17, 2022
Decades of US Attempts to Topple the Syrian Government By Shane Quinn, May 05, 2022
Video: Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War By Richard H. Black and Mike Billington, April 29, 2022
Syria’s Long History of U.S. Interference and Meddling Dating to the Late 1940s By Shane Quinn, April 28, 2022
Turkey and Russia Ready to Face-off in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, April 27, 2022
‘Al Qaeda Is on Our Side’: How Obama/Biden Team Empowered Terrorist Networks in Syria By Aaron Mate, April 23, 2022
The Turkish-Kurdish War in Syria Is at the Boiling Point By Steven Sahiounie, April 20, 2022
Ukraine: No Fly Zone? False Flag Operation? By Gavin OReilly, March 09, 2022
Syrian UN Envoy Accuses US Occupation of Enabling Terror Groups and Controlling Food Supply By The Cradle, February 28, 2022
How Oman Became the Chief Architect of Arab Normalisation with Syria By Danny Makki, February 22, 2022
ISIS Prison Break: False Flag by Kurds to Keep US Forces in Syria By Nauman Sadiq, February 16, 2022
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Turkish-Held Areas in Syria Become Asylum for ISIS By Armen Tigranakert, February 11, 2022
Video: Israel Bombs Syria Again By South Front, February 11, 2022
There Was a Young Man from Daraa (Syria, 2011-…. ?) By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 08, 2022
Regional Power Play and Killing of Bin Laden and ISIS Caliphs By Nauman Sadiq, February 08, 2022
Video: War in Northern Syria Is Gaining Momentum By South Front, February 08, 2022
Biden’s Strike in Idlib Proves It Is an ISIS Headquarters By Steven Sahiounie, February 07, 2022
How ISIS Leader was Betrayed by Rivals and Killed by US? By Nauman Sadiq, February 07, 2022
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Americans Responsible for ISIS Attack on a Prison in Hasakah By Armen Tigranakert, February 03, 2022
Video: ISIS Threat Still Alive in Syria By South Front, February 02, 2022
US Bombing Run over Syrian Dam Risked Tens of Thousands of Deaths: Report By Arab News, January 31, 2022
Video: On the Verge of the Battle for Central Syria By South Front, January 28, 2022
Stolen Syrian Oil Makes Its Way to US Bases in Iraq By The Cradle, January 28, 2022
The Imperialists’ and Proxies’ War Against Syria By Kim Petersen, January 28, 2022
Who Is Responsible for the ISIS Prison Break in Syria? By Steven Sahiounie, January 27, 2022
Video: Confrontation of SDF and ISIS Forces: Battle for Al-Hasakah Prison Wreaks Havoc Across Northern Syria By South Front, January 26, 2022
Video: Turkish-Kurdish War Gaining Momentum in Northern Syria By South Front, January 25, 2022
Yemen Conflict: Blowback of Obama’s Botched Syria Policy By Nauman Sadiq, January 25, 2022
How The “Deep State” Brought Russia and US to Brink of War in Syria? By Nauman Sadiq, January 24, 2022
Poisoning Ourselves with War… And the Money is Always There. “We still have our Finger on the Nuclear Trigger”. By Robert C. Koehler, January 03, 2022
Israeli Occupation Attacks Syrian Port of Latakia By The Cradle, December 28, 2021
Secret US strike cell responsible for untold number of civilian deaths in Syria: Report By The Cradle, December 20, 2021
Vicissitudes of Syria War Reporting By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 08, 2021
US Forces Start New Training for YPG/PKK Terrorists in Syria By Mahmoud Barakat, December 06, 2021