US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
Video: Government Troops Make Rapid Gains in Southern Syria against US Backed Rebels By South Front, June 26, 2018
Nothing Civil About War in Syria, Says Assad By Stephen Lendman, June 25, 2018
Breaking: Russia Officially Enters Southwest Syria Offensive Despite US Warnings By Leith Aboufadel, June 24, 2018
US, Allies Use Fake Evidence to Blame Chemical Attacks on Syria Government: Russia By Press TV, June 24, 2018
Israel Protects the Islamic State, Targets Iraqi Militias Fighting ISIS in Eastern Syria. 20-50 Dead By Marko Marjanović, June 24, 2018
Washington Is Using Proxies to Terrorize Syria By Vladimir Kozin, June 24, 2018
The Douma Gas Attack: A False Flag Operation By Mark Taliano and Fars News Agency, June 23, 2018
US State Department ‘Concerned’ Over Syrian Government Operations in…Syria! Against ISIS and Al Qaeda By Daniel McAdams, June 22, 2018
Video: Syria Government Forces Pressure ISIS Cells on Multiple Fronts By South Front, June 22, 2018
Biased UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2018
The Battle of Daraa against ISIS, Al Qaeda and FSA: Hezbollah Special Forces Will Participate By Elijah J. Magnier, June 21, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Attacks “Militants” in Daraa Province. Al Qaeda and ISIS Pockets in Southern Syria By South Front, June 21, 2018
Video: Many Government Fighters Killed in Alleged US Strikes in Eastern Syria in Support of Terrorist Groups By South Front, June 20, 2018
Large-scale Syrian Arab Army Offensive against US/Israeli supported Terrorists in Southwest Syria? By Stephen Lendman, June 19, 2018
Video: Syrian Government Forces Confront the ISIS in Southern Syria By South Front, June 19, 2018
Scapegoating Iran By Chris Hedges, June 18, 2018
Atlantic Council Lies Dashed “On the Rocks” in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, June 17, 2018
Russian-Syrian Warnings of a Coming False-Flag Chemical Attack Have Ring of Truth By Whitney Webb, June 17, 2018
The Impact of War: Mental Health of Syrian Children By Hanaa Mustafa, June 17, 2018
White Helmets: A Tool for ‘Regime Change’ in Syria that’s Too Important to Stop Funding? By RT News, June 16, 2018
Drivers Behind the War on Syria and the Impoverishment of Us All By Mark Taliano, June 16, 2018
War of Annihilation: Amnesty’s Investigation into the Siege of Raqqa: US, UK and France Committed War Crimes By Dr. Leon Tressell and Rosa Tressell, June 15, 2018
Video: Russia, Turkey Reportedly Reach Agreement on Tell Rifaat By South Front, June 15, 2018
US to Shell Out $6.6mn for White Helmets ‘Vital Operations’ Weeks after Promising Funding Freeze By RT News, June 15, 2018
Syria’s President Assad Says US, French, Turks, Israeli Troops Are Occupying Forces By Press TV, June 14, 2018
Video: Italian Troops Deployed in Eastern Syria By South Front, June 13, 2018
I Use Chemicals? Prove It! Syrian President Assad Brands Gas Attacks ‘Fake News’ and Calls Theresa May a ‘Colonialist and a Liar’ in Face to Face Interview By Hala Jaber, June 13, 2018
The “Manbij Model”, Turkey-US Deal for Northeastern Syria By Andrew Korybko, June 11, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Repels Series of ISIS Attacks on Syrian-Iraqi Border By South Front, June 11, 2018
ISIS Toyotas
Is Uncle Sam Funding the Islamic State? Where Does ISIS Get All Those Tanks, Weapons And Shiny New Toyota Trucks? By Elizabeth Parker, June 10, 2018
Breaking: ISIS Terrorists Are Only Present in US-controlled Areas in Syria – Russian MoD By Leith Aboufadel, June 10, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Carries Out Anti-ISIS Operation in Eastern Al-Suwayda By South Front, June 08, 2018
Video: Kurdish Leadership Declares Readiness for Direct Negotiations with Damascus By South Front, June 07, 2018
Voices from Syria. Baroness Cox and Revd David Thomas By Baroness Caroline Cox and Revd David Thomas, June 07, 2018
Video: The US-Turkey Roadmap for Northern Syria. Kurdish YPG Forces Withdraw from Manbij By South Front, June 06, 2018
Putin’s Endgame in Syria: Victory or Stalemate? By Adeyinka Makinde, June 06, 2018
Video: Roadmap for Manbij, Explosion Near US-French Military Base in Northern Syria By South Front, June 06, 2018
Canadian News Fabricators regarding the So-called “Syrian Opposition” By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2018
Amnesty Report: US-Led Coalition Killed Hundreds of Civilians in Syria’s Raqqa By Prof. Scott Lucas, June 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Government, SDF Reach Agreement on Omar Oil Field By South Front, June 05, 2018
War on Syria
Syria’s Upcoming Constitutional Commission Will be About “Decentralization” By Andrew Korybko, June 05, 2018
Extensive War Crimes: The U.S. Is Responsible for the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Raqqa By Firas Samuri, June 05, 2018
Russia Hints ISIS-Linked Militants Operating in US Controlled Zones in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, June 04, 2018
Does Anybody Really Believe that Iran’s “Advisors” in Syria Are Unarmed Non-Combatants? By Andrew Korybko, June 04, 2018
Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria By Mark Taliano, June 03, 2018
Video: Rising US-Turkish Tensions Over Manbij Issue: Clash Between Two NATO Member States in Northern Syria? By South Front, June 02, 2018
Video: 9,200 Locals from Eastern Ghouta Join Syrian Army By South Front, June 01, 2018
Video: “We Were Close to Direct Conflict Between Russia and the US Inside Syria” – Bashar Assad By Bashar al Assad and RT News, May 31, 2018
Protecting and Preserving Syria’s Sovereign Independence By Stephen Lendman, May 31, 2018
On the Liberation of The Yarmouk Refugee Camp from ISIS. Syrian and Palestinian Struggles Indivisible By Ken Stone, May 30, 2018
Syrian Military Sends Final Warning to “Militants” in Southern Syria By South Front, May 30, 2018
Syria Takes Rotating Presidency of UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva, US Protests By Press TV, May 29, 2018
Trump Set to Recognize Israel’s Claim to Occupied Golan Heights and Its Sizable Oil Reserves By Whitney Webb, May 28, 2018
Renewed ISIS Attacks in Syria. Russian SU-57 Stealth Fighter Carries out Strikes against “Militants” By South Front, May 28, 2018
US Officially Warns Syrian Army from Attacking Militants in Southern Syria By South Front, May 27, 2018
Does Trump Regime Intend Full-Scale War on Syria? By Stephen Lendman, May 26, 2018
Video: Israeli, US Strikes on Government Forces, Syrian Air Defense Forces Respond By South Front, May 26, 2018
Video: The War on Terror is a Fraud. “Syrians Do Not Wish to Live Beneath the Tyranny of Western-supported Terrorists” By Mark Taliano and Carla Ortiz, May 24, 2018
Syria: Music Therapy Heals War Wounds By Sarah Abed, May 24, 2018
Washington’s Sabotage of Russian Diplomacy. Putin’s Peace Efforts Are Coming to Naught By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 24, 2018
Why Did the US Sabotage President Putin’s Peace Plan for Syria? By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018
Predicting What a Syrian Peace Deal Would Look Like By Andrew Korybko, May 20, 2018
The Putin-Assad Summit in Sochi Proved that “Balancing” Yields Results By Andrew Korybko, May 18, 2018
Scandinavian Volunteers Participated in Battles Against ISIS on Side of Syrian Government By South Front, May 17, 2018
Get Ready for the New Middle East Battlefield: The Golan By Sharmine Narwani, May 16, 2018
Trump Israel Collusion on Syria By Renee Parsons, May 16, 2018
Bahrain: Former British Ambassador Resigns from Advisory Post after Bahrain Foreign Minister Supports Israeli Aggression By Peter Ford and 21st Century Wire, May 15, 2018
President Putin Is Syria’s Savior, but Don’t Go “Worshipping” Him! By Andrew Korybko, May 14, 2018
Welcome Home! Canada’s Trudeau Government Welcomes Confessed ISIS Terrorist back to Toronto By Mark Taliano, May 14, 2018
The War on Syria and the Astana Peace Process: Time to Make China Fourth Guarantor State By Peter Korzun, May 13, 2018
Chemical Attack Accusations ‘Fake’: Bashar Al-Assad Interview By Bashar al Assad, May 13, 2018
Putin-Netanyahu Summit in Moscow. Russia Is “Urging” Syria to “Compromise”, Now! By Andrew Korybko, May 13, 2018
Israel Baits the Hook. Will Syria Bite? By Tony Cartalucci, May 13, 2018
Iran Breaks the Rules of Engagement: Israel Takes Its Revenge, and Syria and Iran Impose the Golan Equation By Elijah J. Magnier, May 12, 2018
Britain and the War on Syria: Ten Questions for the British Government By Adeyinka Makinde, May 11, 2018
Israeli Attack on “Iranian” Targets in Syria a Sign of Tel Aviv’s Frustration, Fear By Elliott Gabriel, May 11, 2018
Where Syria’s Government Sends “Conquered Terrorists” By Eric Zuesse, May 10, 2018
Military Incompetence? Failed Performance of April 14th US-UK-France Missile Attack against Syria By Brian Kalman, May 09, 2018
Israel Will Assassinate Syria’s Assad if He Allows Iran to Operate in Syria? Israeli Minister of Energy By The New Arab, May 09, 2018
Syrian women
Syrian Civilization Confronts Western Barbarism By Mark Taliano, May 08, 2018