US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
Rethinking Peace By Massoud Nayeri, August 09, 2018
Video: Syrian SAA Forces Attack ISIS Supply Lines in Northern Hama By South Front, August 08, 2018
Video: ISIS Cells in Eastern Al-Suwayda Face Military Action by Syrian Army By South Front, August 08, 2018
More Lies About Syria’s “White Helmets” By Philip Giraldi, August 07, 2018
US War Machine Seeks New Pretext in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, August 07, 2018
Video: The Syrian Army Preparing for Operation in Northern Latakia By South Front, August 07, 2018
The Israeli Buffer Zone on Syrian Territory Will Have to Wait By Khaled Al-Kassimi, August 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Army’s Operation in Southern Syria in Numbers By South Front, August 04, 2018
China Says Willing to Team with Syria’s Assad in Push to Retake Territory By Asia Times, August 03, 2018
Are We Saving Syrian ‘Heroes’… or Just Importing More Fanatics with Links to Al Qaeda? By Peter Hitchins, August 02, 2018
Southwestern Syria Liberated. Idlib Next? By South Front, August 01, 2018
Why Will The US Leave Syria Soon? The Kurds Are Waking Up. By Elijah J. Magnier, August 01, 2018
Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings in Syria Back to Their Original Sellers” By Zero Hedge, July 30, 2018
New Fake ‘Rescue’ Scenes by White Helmets in Western Media Narrative on Syria. Stage & Training Scenes Published as ‘Real Action’ By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, July 30, 2018
Ex-Weapons Inspector: Trump’s Sarin Claims Built on ‘Lie’ By Scott Ritter, July 30, 2018
Each Tomahawk Missile Fired on Syria in April Could Have Fed 1,242 Malnourished US Children for a Whole Year By John Laurits, July 30, 2018
Russia Swats Away Israeli Bluster on Syria By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 28, 2018
Video: The Real War on Terrorism in Syria: Army Eliminates Over 600 ISIS Members in Southern Syria By South Front, July 27, 2018
ISIS “Victories” Are Western “Victories” By Mark Taliano, July 27, 2018
Iran: US Regime Change Project Is Immoral and Illegal By David William Pear, July 27, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Repels Large-scale ISIS Attack in Al-Suwayda By South Front, July 26, 2018
Assad: “Israel Has exhausted Our Patience and Iran Will Stay in Syria as Long as Is Needed” By Elijah J. Magnier, July 26, 2018
Syrian City Rocked by Deadliest Terror Attack in the Last Two Years By Zero Hedge, July 26, 2018
Supported by US-NATO: ISIS-Daesh Defeated in Iraq and Syria? By Stephen Lendman, July 25, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Kicks Off Operation Against ISIS East of Golan Heights By South Front, July 25, 2018
Syria: The White Helmets’ Final Performance By Tony Cartalucci, July 25, 2018
Syrian Army Forces Find Israeli-made Medicine in Militant Field Hospital in Quneitra By Press TV, July 24, 2018
Israel Evacuated Alleged Mossad-Linked Rebel Commanders During “Humanitarian” White Helmet Rescue By Whitney Webb, July 24, 2018
UK Favours Extremism Over Democracy in Syria By Mark Curtis, July 24, 2018
Canadian Government Offers Safe Haven to …. Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, July 24, 2018
Trudeau Government Admits Terrorist Auxiliaries to Canada By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, July 24, 2018
Video: Israel Evacuates White Helmets’ Members From Southern Syria By South Front, July 24, 2018
Israel Intervenes to Extract US-UK-backed White Helmets From Syria By Bill Van Auken, July 24, 2018
5 Times the US Actively Supported ISIS or Similar Groups By Mint Press, July 23, 2018
Video: Al Qaeda Militants in Western Quneitra Fully Surrender to Syrian Army By South Front, July 22, 2018
Video: U.S. Backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Political Wing Seeks to Normalize Relations with Damascus By South Front, July 21, 2018
Syria’s Assad Set to Recover Golan Frontier as Surrender Deal Agreed: Sources By The Daily Star, July 20, 2018
Cost of UK Air and Drone Strikes in Iraq and Syria Reach £1.75 Billion By Chris Cole, July 20, 2018
White Helmets
Western Governments Seek to Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Resettle Them in Canada By Whitney Webb, July 19, 2018
No Nerve Agents Found – The OPCW Interim Report on Douma By Media Lens, July 18, 2018
Video: Militants Are on Full Retreat in Southern Syria By South Front, July 18, 2018
It’s Official, “Israel” Is Now a Joint Russian-American Protectorate By Andrew Korybko, July 18, 2018
Video: West’s War Against Syria Is Packed in Lies and Deceptions By Mark Taliano and Tate Ulsaker, July 17, 2018
Video: Militants Hand Over Dozens Units of Military Equipment to Syrian Army By South Front, July 17, 2018
US Message to Assad: “We Will Pull Out of Al-Tanf and the North If Iran Withdraws From Syria” By Elijah J. Magnier, July 16, 2018
West Scrambles to Evacuate White Helmets From Syria Amid Assassination Threats By Press TV, July 16, 2018
Deal with US-Supported Terrorists to Surrender. Symbolic Flag Raising in Daraa, Syria By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Liberated Daraa City By South Front, July 14, 2018
Falling Short: An Analysis of the Reporting of UK Drone Strikes by the MoD By Chris Cole, July 13, 2018
Empire of Misery: America Sees War as the Solution By Hugo Turner, July 13, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Retakes More Villages in Southern Syria By South Front, July 13, 2018
German Parliament: US Presence in Syria Is Illegal By Worlds Truth, July 12, 2018
Even More US-Made Anti-Tank Weapons Are Turning Up in ISIS Hands By Jared Keller, July 11, 2018
‘They Bombed Trapped Civilians’: Amnesty’s Damning Report on UK, US, France Destruction in Raqqa By RT News, July 11, 2018
Top Israeli Security Expert Warns Against War with Iran By Press TV, July 10, 2018
Secret US 2006 Government Document Reveals Plan to Destabilize Syria by Using Extremists, Muslim Brotherhood, Elections By Brandon Turbeville, July 10, 2018
Interim OPCW Report on Alleged April 7th Gas Attack in Syria Indicates No Evidence Yet of Any Such Attack By Eric Zuesse, July 08, 2018
Dubious OPCW Report on Douma False Flag Chemical Weapon Incident By Stephen Lendman, July 08, 2018
OPCW Investigating Accusations that Syrian Government Used Nerve Gas or Chemical Weapon in Douma By Eva Bartlett, July 08, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Retakes Multiple Points on Border with Jordan By South Front, July 07, 2018
Adam Garrie: The White Helmets and Western Governments’ Effort to Publicly Rehabilitate al-Qaeda By Adam Garrie, July 06, 2018
Eva Bartlett: Torture, Starvation, Executions: Eastern Ghouta Civilians Talk of Life Under Terrorist Rule By Eva Bartlett, July 06, 2018
Video: FSA Militants Surrender Heavy Weapons to Syrian Army By South Front, July 05, 2018
The Battle in Southern Syria Is Coming to an End: Has Israel Bowed to Russia’s Demands? By Elijah J. Magnier, July 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Government Forces Retake 27 Settlements in Southern Provinces By South Front, July 05, 2018
Sen. Lindsey Graham Warns U.S. Withdrawal From Syria Would be “Terrible” During Surprise Visit to Manbij By Whitney Webb, July 04, 2018
The Singapore-Helsinki Express. Towards the Trump-Putin Summit By Israel Shamir, July 04, 2018
Turkish–Syrian Border: Confusion, Destruction and Grief By Andre Vltchek, July 04, 2018
Iran Accuses US of Docking Chemical Weapons-Laden Ship in Persian Gulf By Zero Hedge, July 03, 2018
Video: Militants in Over 15 Settlements Surrender to Syrian Army. Is Israel Encouraging ISIS to Create a Buffer Zone in the Golan Heights? By South Front, July 02, 2018
Global Affairs Canada Statement: Disconnect From Realities on the Ground in Syria, Tacit Endorsement of Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, June 30, 2018
Video: Government Forces Liberate Multiple Settlements in Southern Syria By South Front, June 29, 2018
Why No Outrage Over US Killing of Children? By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 29, 2018
Sergev Lavrov
‘We Don’t Need the West’: Assad to Ban Foreign Money from Syria Reconstruction By RT News, June 28, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Clears 5,200km2 of ISIS Cells By South Front, June 28, 2018
Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria: Bombshell Interview with Former Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes By Zero Hedge, June 27, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Liberated Lajat District in Daraa Province By South Front, June 26, 2018
U.S. to Continue to Use White Helmets As Long As the Western Public Accepts Media War Lies By Mark Taliano and The Syria Times, June 26, 2018
Are al-Qaeda Affiliates Fighting Alongside U.S. Rebels in Syria’s South? By Sharmine Narwani, June 26, 2018
U.S. Forces Failed Attempts to Seize Territory in Southern Syria. U.S. Backed Al Qaeda Fighter Fleeing from SAA Forces By Eric Zuesse, June 26, 2018