Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Bad faith and the destruction of Palestine By Jonathan Cook, September 29, 2006
Israel committed “war crime” in Gaza By Global Research, September 27, 2006
Israel’s ‘new anti-Semitism’ By Jonathan Cook, September 23, 2006
The Next Palestinian Struggle By Ramzy Baroud, September 22, 2006
Members of Knesset: Israel could attack Syria “in order to overcome the internal crisis it faces” By Global Research, September 17, 2006
Genocide in Gaza By Ilan Pappe, September 16, 2006
A pan-European pro-Israel body, aimed at deepening relations between the EU and Israel By Global Research, September 14, 2006
Tens of Thousands Protest Olmert Government By Global Research, September 10, 2006
Kidnapped in Gaza: Chaos as a Strategy By Ramzy Baroud, September 06, 2006
Western Donors to Palestine: What Mission? By Nicola Nasser, September 06, 2006
When Napoleon Won at Waterloo By Uri Avnery, September 04, 2006
Israel’s deceptions as a way of life By Jonathan Cook, August 31, 2006
Britain’s dirty secret: how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s By Meirion Jones, August 30, 2006
25% of Palestinian MPs detained by Israel By Conal Urquhart, August 27, 2006
Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza: “People are crying, hungry, thirsty, and desperate” By Father Manuel Musallam, August 16, 2006
Israel Must Be Held Accountable For Its International Law Violations By Stephen Lendman, August 11, 2006
VIDEO: Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land By Global Research, August 05, 2006
Israeli “aggression” ongoing in Gaza, media has shifted its attention to Lebanon: Interview with Hamas leader Khalid Mish’al By Global Research, August 04, 2006
Kidnapped by Israel By Jonathan Cook, July 20, 2006
Atrocities in the Promised Land By Kathleen Christison, July 19, 2006
Death, destruction and unimaginable human suffering: “Stop that shit!” says George W. Bush By Uri Avnery, July 19, 2006
Two fronts in Israel’s brutal war By Kim Bullimore, July 19, 2006
Why is Israel Back in Gaza? By Ramzy Baroud, July 18, 2006
The BBC: propaganda which upholds Israeli war crimes By Ghali Hassan, July 17, 2006
Video News on Israel War Crimes in Lebanon and Gaza By Link TV, July 15, 2006
Israeli Colonial Conquest By The National Council of Arab Americans, July 15, 2006
When Civilians Become Targets: The Israeli Destruction of Lebanon and Gaza By Remi Kanazi, July 15, 2006
Racism Plagues Western Media Coverage By Ramzy Baroud, July 13, 2006
Israel ‘is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza By Duraid Al Baik, July 13, 2006
Congress must hold Israel Accountable for violating US law By Michael Carmichael, July 12, 2006
Palestinians have a legitimate right to defend themselves against this illegal occupation By Remi Kanazi, July 11, 2006
And Israel Shall be Safe Again By Ramzy Baroud, July 11, 2006
It’s Time to End the “Last Taboo” and Hold Israel Accountable for Its Actions By Stephen Lendman, July 11, 2006
How Many More Innocents Must Die Before the World Realizes that Israel is Gathering Thorns and Thistles? By Jason Miller, July 01, 2006
Israeli artillery strikes on the Gaza Strip: Missing the Point and the Target By Remi Kanazi, June 25, 2006
Massacre on a Beach in Gaza By Mike Whitney, June 16, 2006
Trying Times for Palestinians By Ramzy Baroud, June 14, 2006
Israeli Exceptionalism: Hamas Is Not the Issue By Ramzy Baroud, June 07, 2006
The Hamas government should be recognized By Tanya Reinhart, June 01, 2006
Palestinian Violence as an Indicator of a Bigger Battle By Ramzy Baroud, June 01, 2006
The Militarisation of the Eastern Mediterranean: Israel’s Stake in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 23, 2006
Sharon’s Legacy in Action By Tanya Reinhart, May 23, 2006
Palestinian Catastrophe: Myths Revisited By Ramzy Baroud, May 23, 2006
Palestine: The Existing Question By Remi Kanazi, May 18, 2006
Palestine: The Great Catastrophe By Karma Nabulsi, May 15, 2006
Hamas’ Impossible Mission By Ramzy Baroud, April 30, 2006
A Case for the Palestinian Government By Ramzy Baroud, April 22, 2006
Palestinian Health Care Conditions Under Occupation By Sonia Nettnin, April 10, 2006
US Attitude to Hamas: The Disturbing Parallel With Nicaragua By Ramzy Baroud, April 06, 2006
Rachel’s Words Live On: Each Palestinian has a special place in their heart for Rachel Corrie. By Remi Kanazi, March 31, 2006
The myth of the ‘honest broker’: Britain and Israel By Mark Curtis, March 30, 2006
Israeli Elections: What Happened? By Uri Avnery, March 29, 2006
It’s the Media, Stupid By Ramzy Baroud, March 28, 2006
Israeli Elections: Whom To Vote For? By Uri Avnery, March 26, 2006
The Jericho Prison Raid By Ramzy Baroud, March 22, 2006
The European Union Dilemma: Israel, Palestine and the Geneva Initiative By Am Johal, March 12, 2006
Middle East Democracy and the Hamas Factor By Ramzy Baroud, March 02, 2006
Life in Occupied Palestine By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2006
Ariel Sharon’s New Party Slated to Win in March Elections: The Secret of Kadima By Uri Avnery, February 12, 2006
At Last, A Real Middle East Democracy Project By Ramzy Baroud, February 09, 2006
Brothers in arms – Israel’s secret pact with Pretoria By Global Research, February 08, 2006
Election … Democratic or Oppressive Tool? By Dr. Elias Akleh, February 05, 2006
Hamas’s Electoral Victory Serves the Israeli Government By Shraga Elam, February 03, 2006
“Operation Justified Vengeance”: a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority By Ellis Shuman, February 01, 2006
Palestine: The Only Democracy in the Middle East By Remi Kanazi, January 31, 2006
Hamas Success By Ghali Hassan, January 28, 2006
How the BBC hollows out the ‘news’ By William Bowles, January 27, 2006
We must talk with Hamas By Gush Shalom, January 27, 2006
Israel’s Hamas By George Szamuely, January 27, 2006
The Hamas Victory By Uri Avnery, January 26, 2006
Politics of Chaos: Gaza’s Turmoil in Context By Ramzy Baroud, January 11, 2006
Democratization Process Brings Palestinian Politics to a Crossroad By Ramzy Baroud, December 28, 2005
Denying democratic rights to Hamas By Tanvir Ahmad Khan, December 27, 2005
European Union: Dishonest Brokers in upcoming Palestinian parliamentary elections By Remi Kanazi, December 25, 2005
The Canadian Peace Alliance Conference By Global Research, November 08, 2005
Arafat’s Death Still a Mystery By Trish Schuh, November 06, 2005
The point of no return By Meir Javedanfar, November 03, 2005
Water Crisis in Gaza: How Occupation Affects Palestinians Access to Water By Sonia Nettnin, November 03, 2005
“Wiped off the Map”: Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s statement regarding Israel has caused a political storm By The Democrats Diary, October 30, 2005
Palestine: Mapping Out Catastrophe By Remi Kanazi, October 24, 2005