Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine By Stephen Lendman, March 20, 2008
Hezbollah ‘ready for Israel war’ By Global Research, March 15, 2008
Palestine: Two-state dreamers By Jonathan Cook, March 12, 2008
The silent violence of Gaza’s Suffering which Candidates and Congress ignore By Ralph Nader, March 12, 2008
The meaning of Gaza’s ‘shoah’: Israel plots another Palestinian exodus By Jonathan Cook, March 08, 2008
Carnage in Gaza: To blame the victims for this killing spree defies both morality and sense By S Milne, March 05, 2008
Sue Israel for Genocide before the International Court of Justice By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, March 04, 2008
“Advancing the Cause of Peace” By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 04, 2008
Gaza: Health System On Brink Of Collapse By Physicians For Human Rights In Israel, March 03, 2008
Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions By Stephen Lendman, March 02, 2008
Israel: The time for worldwide boycott is now By Omar Barghouti, March 02, 2008
Palestine: Horror and shame By Khaled Amayreh, March 02, 2008
Academic freedom? Not for Arabs in Israel By Jonathan Cook, February 29, 2008
Israeli minister warns of Palestinian ‘holocaust’. By Global Research, February 29, 2008
Analysis: Israeli War Minister Threatens Palestinian Holocaust By Global Research, February 29, 2008
The Arab-Israeli Conflict By Dr. Sigmund Freud, February 25, 2008
Israel’s Unjust Justice System By Khalid Amayreh, February 24, 2008
Illegal Israeli siege on Gaza reaps more lives of sick Palestinians By Global Research, February 24, 2008
Coalition against the Gaza Siege By Global Research, February 17, 2008
For the World, Gaza Is Reality TV By Global Research, February 14, 2008
No Room for Two States: The Case for a Single State Solution for Palestine is Irrefutable By Prof. Hassan Nafaa, February 12, 2008
The Mediterranean Union: Dividing the Middle East and North Africa By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 10, 2008
Media Language and War: Manufacturing Convenient Realities By Ramzy Baroud, February 09, 2008
Breaking Taboos In the Search For Truth By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, February 07, 2008
The Strangulation of Gaza By Saree Makdisi, February 05, 2008
Obama’s False Hope: Why I will not Vote for Obama By Remi Kanazi, February 04, 2008
“Israel and the Clash of Civilisations” By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2008
George Habash’s contribution to the Palestinian Struggle By Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil, January 31, 2008
Is Mahmoud Abbas Israel’s lawyer? By Khalid Amayreh, January 31, 2008
UN Security Council Loses Credibility Over Iran, Israel By Thalif Deen, January 31, 2008
Life in Occupied Gaza By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2008
Gaza: A break in the siege By Osamah Khalil, January 30, 2008
Collapse of Water, Sewer and Public Health in Gaza By Mohammed Omer, January 30, 2008
NATO and Israel: Instruments of America’s Wars in the Middle East By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 29, 2008
The True Miracle of Israel By Ramzy Baroud, January 26, 2008
Canada to skip UN racism conference due to expected ‘anti-Semitism’ By Global Research, January 25, 2008
Israeli Oppression in Hebron – A Case History of Separation, Forced Displacement and Terror By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2008
Escape from Gaza or Voluntary Transfer? By Mike Whitney, January 25, 2008
Gaza: Where does it end? By Ali Abunimah, January 23, 2008
Never against! European collusion in Israel’s slow genocide By Omar Barghouti, January 22, 2008
VIDE0: Israel’s Gaza incursion, evidence of extensive crimes against humanity By Global Research, January 18, 2008
Is Hamas saving more Jewish lives than Olmert? By Mike Whitney, January 18, 2008
Betraying Palestine: Mr. Bush’s trip to Ramallah By Anne Paq, January 17, 2008
Demonstrations against Bush in Palestine By Global Research, January 15, 2008
Palestine: How the Western media took Fatah’s lies at face value By Khalid Amayreh, January 15, 2008
Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza By Global Research, January 10, 2008
Letter from Gaza By Global Research, January 10, 2008
Bush’s visit to the Middle East: triumph of form over substance? By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, January 08, 2008
“In the State of Israel the Jewish mother is disappearing” By Nurit Peled-Elhanan, January 04, 2008
War Crimes: Evidence of Israeli ‘cowardly blending’ comes to light By Jonathan Cook, January 04, 2008
Palestine: A Peace-killing Linkage, De-linkage By Nicola Nasser, December 26, 2007
On ‘Israel’s Right to Exist’ By John Whitbeck, December 23, 2007
Crimes against Humanity in Gaza: Israeli Policies at Erez Crossing By Physicians for Human Rights, December 22, 2007
Politicising Gaza’s Misery By Ramzy Baroud, December 20, 2007
Torture and torment in 2007 AD By Dr. David Halpin, December 17, 2007
Palestine: No to Unjust Peace! By Palestinian Delegation, December 14, 2007
Prison interrogation techniques in Israel: Now you are paralyzed, as we promised By Gideon Levy, December 14, 2007
Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip By Global Research, December 12, 2007
Israeli tanks enter Gaza Strip By Global Research, December 11, 2007
“We—Israeli soldiers—were put there to punish the Palestinians” By Global Research, December 11, 2007
True Aim of Annapolis, and Why It Failed By Ramzy Baroud, December 10, 2007
Extremist Jewish settlers threaten secession from Israel By Global Research, December 08, 2007
Annapolis: US prepares Palestinian civil war and rallies Arab support against Iran By Chris Marsden, December 03, 2007
Annapolis Hypocrisy Hides Occupied Palestine Reality By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2007
Olmert shatters Abbas’s hopes; says Jerusalem uncompromised By Global Research, November 30, 2007
Annapolis: US hopes talks will forge Arab unity against Iran By Global Research, November 28, 2007
Next Steps for the Palestinian Solidarity Movement By Adam Hanieh, November 28, 2007
Separate but unequal in Palestine: The road to apartheid By Mohammed Khatib, November 28, 2007
Annapolis Statement: “Palestinian Bantustan” By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, November 28, 2007
Israeli-Palestinian Middle East “Peace Process”: Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2007
Annapolis, as seen from Gaza By Laila El-Haddad, November 25, 2007
Hamas: Annapolis Conference laying the grounds for Iran War By Global Research, November 25, 2007
The PLO excluded from the Annapolis Conference By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, November 23, 2007
Torturing Palestinian Detainees By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2007
Palestine: Peace and Democracy must go Hand in Hand By Ramzy Baroud, November 09, 2007
Punishing Gaza By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2007
Attacking Iran for Israel? By Ray McGovern, November 01, 2007
Video: Palestinians systematically tortured in Israeli jails By Global Research, October 28, 2007
The 41st kilometer: Gaza, “A Zoo” By Amira Hass, October 15, 2007
US Aid Dependency: The Road to Ruin for Lebanon By Hicham Safieddine, October 07, 2007