Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Starve or Surrender: Cut off all Food and Water to Gaza, says Israeli General By Ali Abunimah, August 24, 2014
Western Media’s Biased Coverage of the War on Gaza, Interview with Illan Pappé By Illan Pappé, August 23, 2014
Israeli False Pretences for Renewal of Gaza Offensive By Global Research News, August 22, 2014
Canadian MP quits the NDP Opposition for being a “Pro-Israel Party” By Middle East Monitor, August 22, 2014
Desmond Tutu: “My Plea to the People of Israel: Liberate Yourselves by Liberating Palestine” By Desmond Tutu, August 22, 2014
What Would Happen if Palestine Joined the International Criminal Court? By Dr. Michael Kearney, August 22, 2014
Israeli F-16 Missile Attacks Venezuelan Humanitarian Aid Mission in Gaza By Global Research News, August 22, 2014
The Killing Fields of Gaza By Anthony Bellchambers, August 22, 2014
More Violations of Oslo: Israeli Military Begins Deporting Palestinian Politicians in the West Bank By Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, August 21, 2014
War Crime: Israeli Airstrike Kills Wife and Baby Son of Hamas Leader By Patrick Martin, August 21, 2014
Comprehensive Data on Palestinian Deaths in Gaza (July 6 – August 17, 2014) By Global Research News, August 20, 2014
Are the Rocket Attacks Which Break Israeli Ceasefires False Flags? By Washington's Blog, August 20, 2014
The New York Times’ Lies and Distortions Strengthens Israeli Impunity and Undermine Human Rights Workers in Gaza By Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, August 20, 2014
Israel: Violent Racist Frenzy – Right-Wing Groups Chant “Death to Arabs”; Palestinians Beaten, Arrested for Gaza Support By Patrick Strickland, August 20, 2014
Israel Resumes Assault on Gaza By Bill Van Auken, August 20, 2014
Incitement to Genocide “Incredibly Common in Israeli Political Discourse” By Max Blumenthal and Paul Jay, August 18, 2014
Israel’s Real Target is Not Hamas By Dan Glazebrook, August 18, 2014
British government
What Do Jews Say About Palestine and Gaza? By Washington's Blog, August 18, 2014
“Block the Boat for Gaza”: Demonstrators Prevent Unloading and Loading of an Israeli Ship at the Port of Oakland, U.S. By Henry Norr, August 18, 2014
Under Occupation: The Shortest Distance Between Palestine and Ferguson – Well-Camouflaged Institutional Apartheid By Jaime Omar Yassin, August 17, 2014
Not In My Name: Condemning the Massacre of Palestinians in Gaza: Statement of Jewish Holocaust Survivors By Suzanne Weiss, August 16, 2014
Over 300 Survivors and Descendants of Survivors of Victims of the Nazi Genocide Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza By Global Research News, August 16, 2014
Venezuela Calls for the Reconstruction of Gaza By Global Research News, August 16, 2014
How Israel Mercilessly Targeted and Murdered Disabled People with Special Needs in Gaza By Ibtisam Mahdi, August 16, 2014
Israeli War Crimes in Gaza By Jim Miles, August 16, 2014
Jewish Iranian MP: Israeli War Crimes Must Be Denounced by the World By Fars News Agency, August 15, 2014
War Crimes in Khuza’a, Gaza: Israel Used Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields By Alex Kane, August 15, 2014
America Giving Israel a Pass on Civilian Deaths By Gareth Porter, August 15, 2014
Gaza: New York Times Serving Israel’s Aim, Lowering Civilian Deaths – “15- to 17-Year-Olds Aren’t Children” By Patrick Connors, August 15, 2014
West Bank: 11-Year-Old Boy Bled to Death by Israeli Army, Attempts to Rescue Prevented by Live Fire By Kelly Lynn, August 15, 2014
How Israel targeted the children of Gaza By Bayan Abdel Wahad, August 14, 2014
Gaza, Ukraine and US Preparations for Urban Warfare By Bill Van Auken, August 14, 2014
Censorship in Hollywood: Celebrities Being Blacklisted by Pro-Israeli Media? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 13, 2014
Gaza, Egypt and Syria: a Common Thread of Genocide, War Crimes, and Wars Against Humanity By Esam Al-Amin, August 12, 2014
Gaza in Ruins, Heinous Crimes: Israel’s IDF Conscripts “Take the Lives of Palestinian Women and Children in the Same Way they would Switch-off the Ignition in a Car” By Anthony Bellchambers, August 12, 2014
Israel Murders Gazan Health Workers By Stephen Lendman, August 11, 2014
Total War against Gaza: Israeli Genocide and its Willing Accomplices By Prof. James Petras, August 11, 2014
Israel Is Bad for The Jews, Part 2 By Danny Schechter, August 11, 2014
London’s Gaza Protest Attracts Tens Of Thousands (PICTURES) By Global Research News, August 10, 2014
British Weapons and Military Equipment for Israel: David Cameron Should Resign By Anthony Bellchambers, August 10, 2014
Richard Falk: Maintaining the Unlawful Siege of Gaza is a Crime against Humanity By Prof. Richard Falk and Kourosh Ziabari, August 10, 2014
Israel Resumes Indiscriminate Killings in Gaza By Patrick Martin, August 09, 2014
Beware: Israel the Eager Provocateur. Iran is the Endgame. “Which Path to Persia?” By Tony Cartalucci, August 09, 2014
Today Gaza, Tomorrow Iran? By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, August 09, 2014
150 + International Legal Experts: Israel Has Committed War Crimes By Washington's Blog, August 09, 2014
Hamas, Palestine and the Geopolitics of Resistance By Sam Muhho, August 09, 2014
Stephen Lendman: Back from the Abyss By Stephen Lendman, August 08, 2014
Israel Gives Jews a Bad Name By Danny Schechter, August 08, 2014
US Leaders Aid and Abet Israeli War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 08, 2014
Claim Lodged with ICC for Israel’s “Cumulative Crimes against Humanity” By Joanne Maria McNally, August 07, 2014
Israel’s Unjust War on Gaza. “Self-Defense Against Peace”. By Michael Mandel, August 07, 2014
Egypt Complicit in Israeli Siege on Gaza By Sara Flounders, August 07, 2014
If Palestinians Were Human Beings By Shourideh C. Molavi, August 07, 2014
Israeli Army Summarily Executed Fleeing Civilians In Southern Gaza By Charlotte Silver, August 06, 2014
Gaza: A Ceasefire Agreement must be Based on International Law, respect for Human Rights By Global Research News, August 06, 2014
“Terror carried out by a Terrorist State”. Why Israel Wanted a Ceasefire Now? By Richard Becker, August 06, 2014
The “Stated Intentions” of the Israeli Government: If a Genocide Falls in the Forest. “Why are whole families being slaughtered?” By David Swanson, August 06, 2014
Gaza Massacre: Israel’s Reversion to Old Colonial Tactics By James Abourezk, August 06, 2014
“It’s Raining Bombs and Shells”: A Doctor’s Notes From Gaza By Dr. Mona El-Farra, August 06, 2014
US-Israeli Hypocrisy on Human Rights. Total Disregard for International Law By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, August 05, 2014
President Carter: Israel – Not Hamas – Is to Blame for War By Washington's Blog, August 05, 2014
How the Corporate Media Profit from Israel’s “Crime of Genocide” directed the People of Palestine By Joyce Chediac, August 05, 2014
Crimes against Humanity. Israel’s “Own Words”: “We Must Expel Arabs…We Struck Civilians Because They Deserved It” By Steven Chovanec, August 05, 2014
Israel’s Military Censors Demand ‘Prior Review’ of New York Times’ Gaza Reporting By Jon Queally, August 05, 2014
Israel’s Carnage and Wreckage of Gaza: Crimes, Victims and Witnesses By Jim Miles, August 05, 2014
Non-Aligned Movement Condemns Israeli Atrocities and Relentless Killings of Civilians By Global Research News, August 05, 2014
In the Name of Humanity, Stop the Israeli Slaughter in Gaza: More than 1,800 Killed and almost 10,000 Injured By Global Research News, August 04, 2014
Cowardly, Hypocritical, Subservient By Bruce A. Dixon, August 04, 2014
When Soldiers Lay Down their Arms – “I want to do Something Peaceful” By R. Teichmann, August 04, 2014
Israel’s Military Strategy:”Obliterate Them Completely”. Overwhelming Evidence of Genocide, Precise Data on Death and Destruction in Gaza By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 03, 2014
Turning a Blind Eye to Israeli Atrocities: Middle East “Peace Envoy” Tony Blair Parties as Gaza Burns By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 03, 2014
Anti-Semitism: The Ultimate Zionist Weapon By William Hanna, August 03, 2014
The Logic of Israeli Violence By Greg Shupak, August 03, 2014
Israel Intensifies Gaza Slaughter After Ceasefire Collapses By Peter Symonds, August 03, 2014
Israel Speaks: “We Purposefully Attack Civilians… Because They Deserve It” By Steven Chovanec, August 02, 2014
Upholding the Legitimacy of Israel’s Invasion of Gaza: Charges of anti-Semitism used to Intimidate and Criminalise Opponents of War in Germany By Ulrich Rippert, August 02, 2014
Israel’s Propaganda Machine: “Terrorist” Gaza and the “Tora Bora Tunnels”, A Zionist Psyop By Zen Gardner, August 02, 2014
The Times of Israel: Genocide is Permissible “to Achieve Responsible Goals?” By Global Research News, August 01, 2014
The West’s Liberal “Left” and the “Rationalizing” of Genocide in Historic Palestine By Phil Greaves, August 01, 2014
Gaza: “It’s not Really Violence, It’s a Massacre” By Norman Finkelstein, August 01, 2014