Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Israeli Medical Association Says British Doctors Trying to Boot Israel From World Medical Association By The Algemeiner, January 21, 2016
Israel Spraying Toxins Over Palestinian Crops in Gaza By Belal Aldabbour, January 21, 2016
EU Slaps Down Netanyahu Government as Europe Condemns Israel’s Misleading Labelling of Goods By Anthony Bellchambers, January 19, 2016
Israel Frantic over EU Attempts to Tighten Sanctions against West Bank Jewish Settlements By Middle East Monitor, January 19, 2016
European Parliament, Plenar hall by CherryX per Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Israeli Mother Addresses European Parliament By jfjfp, January 17, 2016
France: Charlie Hebdo’s Aylan Cartoon Causes Uproar By Anadolu Agency, January 16, 2016
Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them in Outdoor Cages in Winter By Mint Press, January 16, 2016
Fury at Israeli Plan to Build Town on Historic Muslim Village By Jonathan Cook, January 16, 2016
Palestinian “Child Prisoners” and the BDS Campaign. Israel’s International Image Continues to Deteriorate By Ben White, January 15, 2016
MPs debate Palestinian Child Prisoners as “Renewed Lethal Violence” Plagues the New Year By Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, January 15, 2016
Netanyahu Calls for Banning Islamic Call to Prayer (Adhan), Causes “Unbearable Noise “ By The Palestinian Information Center, January 15, 2016
Israel Sued in US over Flotilla Attacks. Civil Law Suit against the State of Israel By IMEMC, January 15, 2016
Why Israel has Silenced the 1948 Story of Nazareth’s Survival. The Only Palestinian City that was not Ethnically Cleansed By Jonathan Cook, January 13, 2016
Behind Netanyahu’s Ban on the “Islamic Movement” in Israel By Jonathan Cook, January 12, 2016
Palestine: Amid Right-wing Attacks, Suspected Arson at B’Tselem Offices By Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, January 11, 2016
Aegean Airlines | Eric Salard (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Palestinians on Plane to Tel Aviv attacked by Jewish-Israeli Passengers, Accusing them of being Terrorists By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, January 10, 2016
Ireland and Sweden have “Abandoned Israel”… By Noel Baker, January 09, 2016
International Criminal Court (ICC) Biased Report on Gaza, Overlooks Israeli Crimes against Humanity By The Palestinian Information Center, January 09, 2016
Rescuing the 1948 Palestinian Mind is Crucial to Achieving Justice for All By Shady Srour, January 09, 2016
The Disingenuous Apologies for Israel’s Assault on Palestinian Education By Matt Peppe, January 07, 2016
Jewish Terrorists Indicted for Palestinian Arson Murders By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2016
Syria Spent SYP 33.8 Billion ($148 Million) for Palestinian Refugees in 2015, Report By SANA, January 04, 2016
International organisations have issued warned that life in Gaza on brink of collapse due to effects of the oppressive Israeli siege, which is regarded a collective punishment and illegal in international law.
2016 Marks Ten Years of Israeli Siege, Illegal Blockade of Gaza By Days of Palestine, January 04, 2016
War Crimes: Israeli Planes Spray Crop-killing Chemicals on Gaza Farms By Days of Palestine, December 27, 2015
UN Resolution on Palestinian Sovereignty over its Natural Resources, Opposed by Israel, US and Canada By Maan Independent News Agency, December 27, 2015
Palestinians Resist Zionist Terror, Plus U.S., European, Arab Royal, Turkish and Nigerian Terror By Glen Ford, December 25, 2015
Violence and Dispossession in the Holy Land at Christmas By Anthony Bellchambers, December 25, 2015
Why Israel Desperately Needs Palestine: Economic-Political-Psychological Analysis By Parul Verma, December 23, 2015
According to data provided by UN OCHA, Israeli occupation forces injured 726 Palestinians in clashes at the university from October 1 to end of November
The University Where Israeli Soldiers Train on Campus and Shoot Palestinian Protesters By Ben White, December 21, 2015
US-NATO’s “Counter-Christmas Crusade” against the Cradle of Civilization and the Holy Land By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 17, 2015
McCarthyism in Israel: Incitement against Israeli Human Rights Organizations Just Got a Lot Scarier By Mairav Zonszein, December 17, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Bomb Besieged Gaza Strip By Press TV, December 14, 2015
Netanyahu Calls Palestinian Self-Defense “Terrorism”. Palestinians are Categorized as “Islamic Terrorists” By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2015
Killing Non-Jews in Israel: “The New Normal” By Middle East Monitor, December 11, 2015
The Systemic Incarceration of Palestinian Children By Reem Abd Ulhamid, December 11, 2015
Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Is Morally Indefensible By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, December 10, 2015
Israeli Army launches Limited Incursion into Blockaded Gaza By The Palestinian Information Center, December 10, 2015
US-Israeli “Rift” Has Not Dampened Partnership in Oppression of Palestinians By Matt Peppe, December 07, 2015
Right-wing Israeli Group Targets Palestinian Christians, Protests Christmas Tree Event in Jerusalem By The Voice of Palestine, December 07, 2015
Netanyahu Pushing Region towards a “Religious War”. Banned Islamic Leader, Wider Assault on Palestinians Rights By Jonathan Cook, December 06, 2015
Israel Ministry of Health “Reimbursed for Israeli War Crimes”: Hospital Bills Palestinian Authority for Medical Treatment of Dawabsha Child By International Middle East Media Center, December 04, 2015
International day of Solidarity with Palestine: Looking Back, Looking Ahead By International Movement for a Just World, December 03, 2015
As the EU helps Sustain Israel’s Illegal Settlements, NGOs urged to Cut Trading Links By Anthony Bellchambers, December 03, 2015
Netanyahu Suspends Diplomatic Ties with EU Pertaining to Peace Efforts with Palestine By Anthony Bellchambers, November 30, 2015
The True Face of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras: Meets up with Netanyahu, Endorses Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 28, 2015
Names Of The 101 Palestinians Killed By Israeli Fire Since October 1st By International Middle East Media Center, November 27, 2015
Israeli Journalists Slam Netanyahu over Closure of Arabic Media Outlets By Haggai Matar, November 27, 2015
United Nations Committee Calls for End to Israeli Occupation. US, Canada Voted against Resolution By World Bulletin, November 26, 2015
The Israeli Declaration of Independence: The World Continues to Ignore its Provisions and those of the British Balfour Declaration By Anthony Bellchambers, November 25, 2015
Netanyahu Paves the Way for a New Era Of Tyranny By Jonathan Cook, November 25, 2015
The “War on Terror” Made us Unsafe By Jamal Kanj, November 23, 2015
“Je Suis Netanyahu”: Again, BBC Caves to Israeli Pressure to Rewrite Headline By 21st Century Wire, November 22, 2015
No-Go With the Flow: Water Politics in Israel and California By Charity Crouse, November 20, 2015
Israel: Netanyahu Capitalises on Paris Bombings By Jean Shaoul, November 19, 2015
Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials By Middle East Monitor, November 15, 2015
Palestine Burns While Parisians Mourn. Israel is Guilty of Premeditated State-sponsored Terrorism By Stephen Lendman, November 15, 2015
Israel Stakes Claim to Golan After Oil Find By Jonathan Cook, November 14, 2015
Israeli Knesset Bill to Deny BDS Activists Visas Passes By Telesur, November 14, 2015
Lethal Israeli Raid on Hebron Hospital Sparks New Protests By Bill Van Auken, November 13, 2015
Will Obama Give Israel even more American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians? By Colonel Ann Wright, November 12, 2015
Report Says Palestinians Being Executed in Cold Blood By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2015
European Union Refuses To Recognise Israeli Sovereignty over Occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, Syrian Golan By Anthony Bellchambers, November 12, 2015
Non-Violent Resistance: A Palestinian Call for “Unarmed Warfare” By Jonathan Cook, November 12, 2015
Duplicitous Love Hate Relationship: Obama and Netanyahu Plot Next Moves. Multibillion Dollar Military Aid Package By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2015
Criminal Law Suit Against Latin American Media for Expressing “Solidarity with the Palestinian People” By Carlos Aznárez, November 09, 2015
Israel Has Murdered 80 Palestinians Since October 1 By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2015
Hebron, Image by Wickey-nl (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Israel Terrorizes Hebron Residents. Settlers urge Soldiers to Kill the Palestinians. By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2015
Crimes against Humanity: Arrested Palestinian Children Imprisoned, Tortured By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2015
Israel Harvesting Slain Palestinians’ Organs: Palestine’s UN envoy By Press TV, November 05, 2015
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
House Adopts Anti-Palestinian Resolution, Sustains “Israel’s Right to commit the Highest Crimes” By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2015
The ‘Non-lethal’ Chemical Weapon Killing Palestinians By Sheren Khalel, November 04, 2015
Palestine: “New Methods of Resistance” If Israeli Brutal Force Continues By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2015
Palestine is a War Zone. Israeli State Terror Rages By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2015
Nearly 100,000 Gazans Face Winter in Tents, Animal Shelters By Tasmin news, November 03, 2015
Israeli “Staatspolizei” Carry out Summary Executions in Jerusalem By Anthony Bellchambers, November 03, 2015
Shadowy Web Site Creates Blacklist of Pro-Palestinian Activists, Reminiscent of “McCarthyism” By Josh Nathan-Kazis, November 02, 2015
Israel Murdering Defenceless Palestinian Youths and Children By Stephen Lendman, November 02, 2015
“It Will Become a Prison”: Palestinians of Hebron Required to “Register” in Preparation for Severe New Restrictions By International Solidarity Movement, November 02, 2015
New Zealand’s Zionist Diplomacy in the UN Security Council: “Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself” By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, November 02, 2015
Israel’s Encirclement of Al-Aqsa ‘Nearly Complete’ By Jonathan Cook, November 02, 2015