Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
The World Watches as Netanyahu First Annexes Jerusalem, then the Golan, Now the Occupied Territories By Hans Stehling, April 08, 2019
Committee: Israel Testing Medicines on Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Monitor, April 04, 2019
Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington By Philip Giraldi, April 03, 2019
The Palestinian Political Scene is in a State of Paralysis: “The People Reject Normalization with Israel” By Abdel Bari Atwan and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, April 01, 2019
Israeli Violence Against Peaceful Palestinian Demonstrators By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2019
Health Ministry: “Army Killed 266 Palestinians in One Year” By IMEMC, April 01, 2019
Lawyers Worldwide Urge International Court: Investigate Israeli Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 01, 2019
Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards By James ONeill, March 31, 2019
Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege: Worldwide Solidarity this Weekend By IMEMC, March 31, 2019
Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21 – 27 March 2019) By IMEMC, March 29, 2019
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March By Canadian Boat to Gaza, March 29, 2019
Palestinians Commemorate Land Day 2019. Gazans Protest against Israeli Aggression and Suffocating Blockade By Stephen Lendman, March 29, 2019
Trump Trades Arab Lives for Netanyahu Votes By Laila Ujayli, March 29, 2019
US Ambassador to Israel Reveals Details of Trump’s “Middle East Peace Plan” known as “The Deal of the Century” By Middle East Monitor, March 28, 2019
Rights Groups Urge UN to Protect Palestinians on ‘Great March’ Protest Anniversary By Middle East Eye, March 28, 2019
After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli” By Whitney Webb, March 27, 2019
Two Million Palestinians Are Victims of Israeli Airstrikes and Collective Punishment Policy… Gaza under 66 Israeli Airstrikes within 12 Hours, Rendering Dozens of Civilians Homeless after Destruction of Their Houses By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, March 27, 2019
Trump’s Golan Green Light Paves Way to Israel’s Annexation of West Bank By Jonathan Cook, March 26, 2019
Trump Recognizes Israeli Annexation of Golan Heights: Green Light for Global War By Bill Van Auken, March 26, 2019
War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza? Renewed Bombing ordered by Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, March 26, 2019
Mahathir: Israel Is a State of Thieves By The Palestinian Information Center, March 25, 2019
Human Rights as Seen by the White House: Concessions to Israel Are Notable By Philip Giraldi, March 23, 2019
Palestinian-owned School Demolished by Israeli Forces By Telesur, March 21, 2019
AIPAC Is Coming to Town – Again! Yet Another Concession to Netanyahu Prior to Israel Elections By Philip Giraldi, March 19, 2019
Israel: The 10-Point Paradigm for Right-Wing Extremists By Hans Stehling, March 16, 2019
Colluding in War Crimes: Britain’s Unreported Military Alliance with Israel By True Publica, March 15, 2019
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: The Shameful Attack that Backfired By James J. Zogby, March 13, 2019
The UN Fails to Name and Shame Firms Aiding Israel’s Illegal Settlements By Jonathan Cook, March 11, 2019
Faces of Gazan Children Killed by Israeli Soldiers Appear in Tel Aviv By Haim Schwarczenberg, March 11, 2019
A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters By Robert Inlakesh, March 10, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Other Charges: Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza By Chiara Cruciati, March 06, 2019
“Israeli Forces Wound 83 Civilians, Including 23 Children, Woman, 3 Paramedics, and Journalist, in Gaza” By IMEMC, March 02, 2019
Largest Palestinian Displacement Project Since 1967 Underway in West Bank, Galilee By Julia Kassem, March 02, 2019
UN Report Accuses Israel of High Crimes in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, March 01, 2019
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Shields Israeli Systematic Mutilation Machine By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, February 28, 2019
Is Israel’s Tax Grab a Prelude to Further Hollowing Out the Palestinian Authority? By Jonathan Cook, February 27, 2019
Leading Israel Lobby Group Sees Massive Rise in Budget By David Cronin, February 25, 2019
Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report By Hans Stehling, February 25, 2019
In Hebron, Israel Removes the Last Restraint on Its Settlers’ Reign of Terror By Jonathan Cook, February 13, 2019
Eurovision 2019 Song Contest, to be Hosted by Israel: The Only “Democracy” Worldwide that Has Killed over Two Thousand Children By Hans Stehling, February 11, 2019
The Future of Statehood: Israel & Palestine By Prof. Richard Falk and Correio Braziliense, February 06, 2019
Spanish Rail Manufacturer CAF Rejects Tender for Jerusalem’s Railway as It Traverses ’67 Border’ By Maan News Agency, February 06, 2019
Video: Israel Starts Building Massive Barrier Along Gaza Border By Maan News Agency, February 05, 2019
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History By Jim Miles, February 05, 2019
Mahathir Mohamad
As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril By Miko Peled, February 04, 2019
Senator Rubio
First Senate Bill of 2019 Would Give Israel Billions of Dollars, Combat BDS By Alison Weir, January 29, 2019
Israel’s Story: Lies from Top to Bottom By Philip Giraldi, January 29, 2019
Israeli General Mounts Challenge to Netanyahu by Flaunting Gaza Carnage By Jonathan Cook, January 28, 2019
Michelle Alexander Is Right About Israel-Palestine By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 27, 2019
UN: 254 Palestinians Killed, 23,000 Injured in Gaza Protests By Middle East Monitor, January 23, 2019
A Tale of Two Walls By Philip Giraldi, January 22, 2019
Michelle Alexander on Palestinian Suffering and Injustice. Accuses America of being Run by Criminals By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2019
Medical Consequences of Drone Attacks against Gaza: Amputation Injuries By Hanne Heszlein-Lossius, Yahya Al-Borno, and et al., January 17, 2019
Are U.S. Newspapers Biased Against Palestinians? Analysis By Dorgham Abusalim, January 15, 2019
Human Rights Defenders Call Out Israel on Dangerous Herbicides Sprayed over Gaza By IMEMC, January 10, 2019
US Israel-Palestine “Peace Deal”: $250bn Compensation by Arab States for “Jewish Property Left Behind” By Middle East Monitor, January 08, 2019
Israel Seeks $250 Billion Compensation Related to Stealing Historic Palestine By Stephen Lendman, January 08, 2019
CBC Scrutiny of Jewish National Fund (JNF). Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, January 08, 2019
Report: “Israeli Soldiers Killed 312 Palestinians In 2018” By IMEMC, January 03, 2019
Israeli Supreme Court Refuses to Allow Discussion of Full Equal Rights & ‘State of All Its Citizens’ Bill in Knesset By Adalah, January 02, 2019
Unseen Enemy: Doctors in Gaza Battling Superbug Epidemic By Madlen Davies and Ben Stockton, January 01, 2019
School Employee Sues District for Israel Loyalty Oath in Contract By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 31, 2018
Occupied Palestine in 2018: Record Deaths and Injuries, Food Insecurity, Demolitions, Record Low Humanitarian Funding By ReliefWeb, December 30, 2018
“The Surgeon of Gaza”: Providing Care to the Wounded of Palestine By Hassina Mechaï, December 29, 2018
Biggest Stories of 2018: Israel Announced Apartheid, Shot Thousands of Civilians By Prof. Juan Cole, December 29, 2018
Gaza: The Palestinians Who Died During the Great March of Return By Ahmad Nafi and Chloé Benoist, December 28, 2018
In Bethlehem, I Had a Vivid Experience of What Israel’s Occupation Feels Like By Ghada Karmi, December 27, 2018
You Only Get Fired for “Telling the Truth”: Marc Lamont Hill Fired by CNN for “Criticizing the Israeli Government” By Mark Lamont Hill and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 27, 2018
Canada: Pro-Israel MPs Flout NDP Policy By Yves Engler, December 18, 2018
Israel: Ethnic Cleansing, Land Theft, Apartheid and Racism against Palestinians By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 18, 2018
Growing US Public Support for One State Shared Equally by Israelis and Palestinians Falls on Deaf Ears By Jonathan Cook, December 17, 2018
Seven Decades after UN Resolution 194 on the “Right of Return”: Why Haven’t Palestinian Refugees Returned Home? By Ghada Karmi, December 13, 2018
Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley: Cheerleader for Apartheid Israel, Swan-song at the United Nations, an Embarrassment By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, December 12, 2018
Senior Israeli Lawmaker Calls for Killing All Palestinians, “Because they are just Nazis Anyhow” By Days of Palestine, December 11, 2018
France’s “Official” (CNCDH) Human Rights Award to B’Tselem for Its Resolve to End the Occupation of Palestine: Hysterical Israeli Government Response By B'Tselem, December 11, 2018
13-year-old Gaza Artist Shot by Israeli Soldiers While “Calling for Our Basic Right to Live a Decent Life” By Wafa Aludaini, December 07, 2018
The Anti-BDS Derangement Syndrome By Kurt Nimmo, December 06, 2018
Israel Expropriates Almost 70 Acres of Catholic Church Property By Middle East Monitor, December 05, 2018
Israel’s New War of Attrition on Jerusalem’s Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, December 04, 2018
Controlling the Israel Message: How to Manage the American Sheeple By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2018