Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Why German State Racism Is Now Directed at the Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, November 25, 2022
Israel’s Right Wing Religious Coalition Seeks to Annex West Bank Settlements By Ibrahim Husseini, November 18, 2022
‘All we could do was watch’: Israeli Army Demolishes Six Family Homes in Occupied West Bank By Leila Warah, November 17, 2022
A Snapshot of Shifting Israeli Propaganda and Myths Over the Years By John Gee, November 11, 2022
Israel’s Violent Repression of Palestinian Human Rights Organizations: CJPME By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 09, 2022
Deeply Divided Arab League, Declaration Upholds Palestinian Rights, Clash with Israeli Election Outcome By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2022
Netanyahu Returns, but Israel’s Political and Military Landscape Has Changed By Abdel Bari Atwan, November 08, 2022
Netanyahu is Back, “Escalation in the West Bank”: Dr. Mamoun Farhat By Dr. Mamoun Farhat and Steven Sahiounie, November 06, 2022
After More Than 50 Years of Supporting Israel’s Occupation, What Exactly Did the Israeli Left Think Would Happen? By Gideon Levy, November 04, 2022
Israeli Election Results: Palestinians Are in Danger More Than Ever By Miko Peled, November 03, 2022
Israel Elections: Shock the Victims to Save the Coloniser By Ameer Makhoul, October 31, 2022
‘If I Win the Election, I’ll Annex West Bank Settlements’, Threatens Warmonger Netanyahu By Hans Stehling, October 27, 2022
Commission of Inquiry Finds that the Israeli Occupation Is Unlawful Under International Law By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, October 26, 2022
West Bank: Six Palestinians Killed as Israeli Troops Launch Large-scale Raid on Lions’ Den By Akram Al-Waara and Leila Warah, October 26, 2022
Glory to God in the Lowest – Journeys to an Unholy Land By Jim Miles, October 25, 2022
The West Bank in Palestine Is Ready to Explode By Steven Sahiounie, October 23, 2022
Israel Adopted British Mandatory Forces’ Repressive Measures to Contain, Tame Palestinians By Michael Jansen, October 20, 2022
‘Cast Thy Bread’: Israeli Biological Warfare During the 1948 War By Benny Morris and Benjamin Z. Kedar, October 19, 2022
Documents Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare Against Palestinians By Jordan News, October 18, 2022
Westerners Live in Denial, Convinced They’re the Good Guys. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, October 18, 2022
Unveiling the Chilly Climate: The Suppression of Speech on Palestine in Canada By Dr. Sheryl Nestel and Rowan Gaudet, October 14, 2022
Israel Authorizes Military to Kill Palestinians with Drones in the West Bank By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 14, 2022
Local and National organizations Call Upon the City of Calgary to “Keep CAF Out of Calgary” By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 06, 2022
Please Some Straight Talk from the Peace Movement By Philip Giraldi, October 03, 2022
The Israel Files: WikiLeaks Docs Show Top Hollywood Producers Working with Israel to Defend Its War Crimes By Alan MacLeod, September 27, 2022
With Mounting Evidence of Israeli Responsibility, Canada Must Support an ICC Investigation Into the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, September 23, 2022
Queen Elizabeth Declined to Visit Israel Due to Its Violation of Human Rights By Hans Stehling, September 19, 2022
Apartheid Israel Requires Palestinians to Report “Romantic Relationships” to Regime By Ben Norton, September 16, 2022
Israel Should be Demoted From Full UN Membership By Michael Jansen, September 08, 2022
The Biggest Prison on Earth. The Land of Historic Palestine By Ilan Pappe, September 05, 2022
When Starvation Is the Only Means Palestinian Prisoners Can Adopt to Challenge Israel By Michael Jansen, September 01, 2022
Abbas and Israel’s ‘Holocausts’. It’s Germany that Owes the Palestinians an Apology, The 1974 Munich Olympics By Abdel Bari Atwan, August 31, 2022
Palestine: The Shocking Myth of a ‘Land with No People for a People with No Land!’ By Hans Stehling, August 29, 2022
A Decades Old Israeli Campaign to Disrupt Palestinian Unity By Michael Jansen, August 26, 2022
U.S. Warns Palestinians Against Bid for Full UN Membership By Barak Ravid, August 26, 2022
Israel Conquers the World By Philip Giraldi, August 23, 2022
Israel Blames Its Victims for the Violence It Causes By Miko Peled, August 23, 2022
“Tell Me, Mother, What does Peace Look Like?” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Ellen Rohlfs, August 22, 2022
Israeli Troops Forcibly Shut Down Six Palestinian NGOs, Designated as “Terrorist Organizations” By The Cradle, August 19, 2022
When Roger Waters Cried. “Has any Israeli Shed Tears for a Boy from Gaza?” By Gideon Levy, August 17, 2022
Losing Battle with IDF, Palestinians in Firing Zone Face Largest Expulsion Since ’67 By Aaron Boxerman, August 16, 2022
‘A Dangerous Message’: How the West Is Enabling Israel’s Orgy of Violence Against Palestinians By David Hearst, August 15, 2022
Social Media Giant Meta Carries Out ‘Digital Massacre’ of Palestinian Posts By Hind Khoudary, August 15, 2022
Israel’s Blitz on Gaza a Carefully Choreographed Scenario to Boost Lapid-Gantz Management By Michael Jansen, August 11, 2022
Pre-Emptive Murder By Craig Murray, August 10, 2022
The Names and Faces of the 16 Children Killed in Gaza By Al-Jazeera, August 10, 2022
There Must be Consequences for Israel’s War of Aggression in Gaza: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) By Ed Rampell, August 10, 2022
All Roads in Gaza Led to Jenin, The Center of Palestinian Resistance By Steven Sahiounie, August 08, 2022
The Hundred Year War on Palestine – A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. By Jim Miles, July 26, 2022
Palestinian Authority Leader Mahmoud Abbas Is Endorsing an Altered Status Quo After Biden’s Visit By Ramona Wadi, July 26, 2022
Will the US Supreme Court Make It Illegal to Boycott Israel? By Azadeh Shahshahani and Dr. Assal Rad, July 18, 2022
“Advocating for Palestine in Canada – Histories, Movements, Actions” By Jim Miles, July 17, 2022
Burying Bad News: US Condemned Over Report on Shireen Abu Akleh’s Killing By Umar A Farooq, Zainab Iqbal, and Azad Essa, July 11, 2022
In the Wake of Abu Akleh’s Murder, Media Continued to Obscure Israeli Violence By Robin Andersen, July 06, 2022
Alas, the Palestinian Cause Is Taking Its Dying Breath By Azhar Azam, July 02, 2022
Senate Dems Press Biden to Investigate Killing of Palestinian-American Journalist Ahead of Israel Trip By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, June 27, 2022
Cognitive Warfare: Israel Targets Journalists Who Threaten Its Reality-Creation Tactics By Todd E. Pierce, June 27, 2022
Shireen Abu Akleh: UN Finds Journalist Was Killed by Israeli Forces By Middle East Eye, June 26, 2022
Israel Will Not Punish Police Who Attacked Shireen Abu Aqla Funeral By The Cradle, June 18, 2022
Israel MP Says He Wishes There Was “A Button” to Get Rid of Palestinian Citizens By Middle East Eye, June 15, 2022
Israel Calls the Nakba a Lie. So Why Do Its Leaders Threaten a Second One? By Jonathan Cook, June 15, 2022
Canada’s Arms Exports to Israel Increased by 33% in 2021 Amid Gaza Bombing By CJPME, June 13, 2022
Blinken Dismisses Evidence Holding Israel Accountable for Shireen Abu Akleh Killing By Middle East Eye, June 10, 2022
Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and Israel, Issues First Report By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, June 09, 2022
Canada Votes Against Healthcare for Palestinians at WHO Assembly By The New Arab, June 07, 2022
West Bank: Harrowing Accounts of Palestinians Shot Dead by Israeli Forces Over 24-hour Period By Middle East Eye, June 06, 2022
A World at War? Biden Lashes Out Against “Enemies” as Our Country Declines By Philip Giraldi, May 31, 2022
Biden Is Fiddling as Jerusalem Burns By David Hearst, May 31, 2022
Pressure Builds on Biden to Investigate Israel over Abu Akleh Killing By Mitchell Plitnick, May 31, 2022
Armed Jewish Extremists May Ignite a Regional War By Steven Sahiounie, May 31, 2022
Call on Israel to Demolish Apartheid, Not Palestinian Homes By Amnesty International Canada, May 29, 2022
The Assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh: Who Gave the Order? By Miko Peled, May 27, 2022
Al Jazeera to Send Shireen Abu Akleh Killing Case to ICC By Middle East Eye, May 27, 2022
‘A corpse in a gown’: Palestinian Artist Zainab al-Qolaq on Losing 22 Family Members By Mohammed al-Hajjar, May 27, 2022
Perilous Journey of Journalist: The Murder of Shireen Abu Akleh. Israel’s Continuum Crimes against Palestinian Intellectuals By Jamal Kanj, May 26, 2022
Israeli Lawmaker Warns Palestinians of Another ‘Nakba’ if They Fly Palestinian Flag By Jonathan Ofir, May 25, 2022
UN Resolution 181 Must be Repealed: The Creation of Israel and the Partition of Palestine Was a Terrible Mistake By Tony Greenstein, May 23, 2022
Israel’s Ruling Coalition Crumbles as Lawmaker Quits, Citing Abuse of Palestinians By The Cradle, May 22, 2022
Recasting Attention to the Raging Genocide against the People of Palestine: High Level Independent Investigation is Required By Shad Saleem Faruqi and Dr. Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh, May 20, 2022
Statement from the Inter-Parliamentary Task Force to Promote Palestinian Human Rights By Inter-Parliamentary Task Force, May 19, 2022