Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
‘Palestine must be obliterated,’ Says Deleted Times of Israel Column By The New Arab, May 24, 2023
Israel Pushes Law Banning Palestinian Flag By Middle East Eye, May 24, 2023
“There Is No Safe Place in Gaza”: Palestinians Speak Out During Israeli Assault By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 24, 2023
Palestinian Singer Mohammed Assaf’s Patriotic Song Removed from Spotify, Apple Music By The New Arab, May 23, 2023
“The US and UK are complicit with the Israeli apartheid and racist regime.” Interview with Sami, the Bedouin By Sami the Bedouin and Steven Sahiounie, May 23, 2023
A New Trajectory for the Region By Michael Jansen, May 19, 2023
The Occupation Is Destroying Israel’s Democracy Regardless of What Kind of Spin Is Put on It By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, May 18, 2023
Nakba: Britain and the Secret 1948 Palestine Memos By Rayhan Uddin, May 16, 2023
“Israel Is Built on the Ruins of Hundreds of Palestinian Villages” By Peoples Dispatch, May 15, 2023
One Year After the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, Canada Must Hold Israeli Officials Accountable By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 12, 2023
Palestine Is Boiling and Will Not Cool Down By Steven Sahiounie, May 10, 2023
Canada Must Condemn Israel’s Assassination of Palestinians and Their Families in Gaza By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 10, 2023
75 Years of Nakba: A Stark Reminder of Israel’s Colonialism By Ben Jamal, May 08, 2023
Israel: An Occupying Power Cannot be a Beacon of Democracy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, May 01, 2023
“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies By Philip Giraldi, April 25, 2023
Netanyahu’s Extremist-dominated Cabinet in Jeopardy By Michael Jansen, April 20, 2023
A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
Undercover in Broad Daylight: Israeli Military Raids in West Bank Cities By Ola Marshoud, April 19, 2023
The Israeli Attack on South Lebanon and Al Aqsa Crisis By Steven Sahiounie, April 17, 2023
Another Ramadan, Another Brutal Israeli Raids Into Al Aqsa By Michael Jansen, April 13, 2023
Efforts to Reduce Israeli Influence in Africa Continues By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 13, 2023
A Sad Friday in Jerusalem. Who gave the order to attack the worshippers inside the Al Aqsa Mosque? By Steven Sahiounie, April 09, 2023
Democracy or Apartheid: You Can’t Have Both By Nour, April 09, 2023
Canada Must Condemn, Sanction Brutal Israeli Attack on Al-Aqsa Worshippers By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, April 06, 2023
Passover: Time to Bring Freedom, Equality to Israel’s Palestinians By Gershon Baskin, April 04, 2023
‘NY Times’ Won’t Explain Why Palestinians Aren’t Joining the Big Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrations in Israel By James North, April 04, 2023
Israel on Fire: A Legal Slippery Slope to National Disintegration By The Cradle, April 04, 2023
UK Sanctions Enforcer Targets Aid Charities Working in Gaza By Simon Hooper, April 03, 2023
Jamaal Bowman and Bernie Sanders Urge the Biden State Department to Investigate Israeli Use of US Weapons By Alex Kane, March 31, 2023
The Beginning of the End of Israel By Steven Sahiounie, March 31, 2023
Israel’s Crisis Is About Who Gets to Play Tyrant: The Generals or Religious Thugs By Jonathan Cook, March 31, 2023
Israel Protests: “Democracy” in an Apartheid Regime? By Richard Becker, March 29, 2023
CJPME Appalled by Minister Joly’s Meeting with Far-Right Israeli Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 20, 2023
It’s Not Just the Settlers – or Israel – Responsible for the Torching of Huwwara By Jonathan Cook, March 13, 2023
Where Should Palestinians Search for Justice? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 10, 2023
Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly Must Sanction Israeli Officials for Illegal Settlement Expansion and Annexation By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 10, 2023
Sara Netanyahu and the Zionist Regime’s Societal Implosion By Hamzah Rifaat, March 10, 2023
Huwwara: Israeli Settlers Release Song Celebrating the Burning of Palestinian Town By Middle East Eye, March 09, 2023
Zionist Project Has Always Been Colonisation and Exclusion of Indigenous Palestinians By Michael Jansen, March 02, 2023
After Helping Earthquake Victims, This Palestinian Was Killed by an Israeli Rampage By Fayha Shalash, March 01, 2023
A Long History of Wiping Out Hospitals and Killing Civilians with Air Strikes: Why the Israel-US Genocidal Attack on Gaza Is Far From Unprecedented By Military Watch Magazine, March 01, 2023
Gaza Children’s Artwork Removed from London Hospital By Middle East Eye, February 28, 2023
Israeli Rampage on West Bank Village Leaves One Dead, 390 Injured, 75 Burnt Homes By The Cradle, February 27, 2023
Canada Must Condemn Israeli Massacre in Nablus By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, February 23, 2023
Blinken Gets Bibi to Bend on Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, February 21, 2023
Pompeo Claims Israel Has Biblical Right to Palestine By Middle East Eye, February 17, 2023
In East Jerusalem, Resistance to Occupation May Lead to Deportation, Loss of Israeli Citizenship for Arabs By Peoples Dispatch, February 17, 2023
A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
Canada Must Act Against Israeli Settlement Expansion By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, February 16, 2023
“Palestinians are being attacked by Israeli settlers, and weapons are replacing stones.” Interview with Dr. Stephen Sizer By Dr. Stephen Sizer and Steven Sahiounie, February 15, 2023
New Report Charges Major Corporations as Complicit in Israel’s Water Apartheid By Jessica Buxbaum, February 14, 2023
Does Israel Seek a “Final Solution for Palestinians?” By Philip Giraldi, February 14, 2023
“Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts”: Feminism Inter/Nationalism and Palestine By Jim Miles, February 14, 2023
Barcelona City Decides to Cut All Official Ties with Israel Over Its Systemic Violations of Palestinian Rights By Peoples Dispatch, February 13, 2023
Socio-Political Formations Behind Israel’s Neo-Zionist Government By Ilan Pappe, February 10, 2023
Israel Must be Held Accountable by the International Community By Michael Jansen, February 09, 2023
Violence Will Not End in Israel Until the Occupation Ends By Steven Sahiounie, February 01, 2023
Collective Punishment Against Palestinians Is a War Crime By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, January 31, 2023
The West Bank: To End the Violence, Israel Must End the Occupation By Steven Sahiounie, January 29, 2023
Considering the Invasions of Panama and Ukraine By Kim Petersen, January 28, 2023
Surprise! Arab Public Gives US Sponsored “Abraham Accords” a Big Thumbs Down By Connor Echols, January 23, 2023
Netanyahu’s Claim of Jewish Exclusivity in Palestine Must be Challenged By Iqbal Jassat, January 19, 2023
A Third Intifada and the Last War. Palestine and the Global South By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 17, 2023
UK Support of the Illegal Annexation of Palestinian Lands By Hans Stehling, January 15, 2023
“Imagining Palestine”: A Strongly Presented ‘Ideation’ of Palestine By Jim Miles, January 15, 2023
Jerusalem Churches in Crosshairs of Escalating Extremist Attacks: Churches Council By Anadolu Agency, January 09, 2023
Video: Anti-Zionist Jewish Community Flying Palestinian Flags in Jerusalem By Neturei Karta, January 09, 2023
Is Ben-Gvir Preparing a Holy War Against the Palestinians? Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, January 06, 2023
The Likud Party of Netanyahu, A Terrorist Organisation? By Hans Stehling, January 05, 2023
The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, January 05, 2023
Israel’s Ben-Gvir Storms Al-Aqsa in ‘Unprecedented Provocation’ By Middle East Eye, January 03, 2023
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME): On Far-Right Israel Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 23, 2022
Israel: How Netanyahu Handed Ben-Gvir the Gun to Start an Annexation War By Jonathan Cook, December 23, 2022
Israel’s Far-right Government Removes the Mask that Enabled Western Complacency By Gideon Levy, December 20, 2022
2022 Was Deadliest Year for Palestinians Under Occupation on Record, with 153 Killed by Israeli Forces, Squatters: UN By Prof. Juan Cole, December 20, 2022
500,000 Internally Displaced Palestinian Citizens of Israel Prevented from Returning to Their Villages By Khaled Mouammar, December 19, 2022
“Israeli Exceptionalism” Is a Canadian Value that Forgives Apartheid Israel All Its Crimes By Khaled Mouammar, December 16, 2022
Israeli Election Results Shatter Illusion About the Possibility of a Two Party State By John Kiriakou, December 14, 2022
How to Trash a Movie in Support of a Lie By Philip Giraldi, December 13, 2022
“Violence will escalate as long as extremists are allied to Netanyahu”: Interview with Tawfieq Toameh By Tawfieq Toameh and Steven Sahiounie, December 13, 2022
Palestine-Israel: The History and the Evidence By Hans Stehling, December 03, 2022
Israelis Are Not Welcome in Qatar During the 2022 World Cup By Steven Sahiounie, November 30, 2022