Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Israel-Palestine War: UK Leaders Are Paving the Way for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza By Peter Oborne, October 12, 2023
Israel Responds to Hamas Crimes by Ordering Mass War Crimes in Gaza By Alice Speri, October 11, 2023
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Netanyahu’s “False Flag”, Connecting the Dots – and More By Peter Koenig, October 11, 2023
The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine By Black Alliance for Peace, October 11, 2023
“Israel’s 9/11” Is a Slogan to Rationalize Open-Ended Massacre of Palestinian Civilians By Norman Solomon, October 11, 2023
UK Allows Key Hamas Funder to Have Military Base in Northern England By Mark Curtis, October 11, 2023
Palestine Letter: Israel Is Imposing a Blackout on Gaza to Hide a Massacre By Tareq Hajjaj, October 11, 2023
Israel and the US Bear Full Responsibility for the Ongoing Bloodshed! By US Peace Council, October 11, 2023
US, Israeli Lawmakers Call for Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza By Dave DeCamp, October 11, 2023
Israel: Racist, Violent Policing Is at the Heart of Apartheid By Jonathan Cook, October 11, 2023
The Gaza Prison Break and the Prospect of a “Final Solution” in the Israel-Palestine Conflict By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 10, 2023
Biden’s Request for Another $100 Billion for Ukraine, Doubts from US the US Congress in the Eake of the Hamas Attacks By Ahmed Adel, October 10, 2023
Hamas’ “Al-Aqsa Storm” Operation: Far-reaching Geopolitical Implications By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 10, 2023
US Has No Information to Corroborate Claims that Iran Helped Plot Hamas Attack By Michael Gabriel Hernandez, October 10, 2023
Shot Across the Bows of WW3: Contextualizing the Israel-Hamas War By Dustin Broadbery, October 10, 2023
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy at the Convention of the Zionist Organization of America, New York City, August 26, 1960 By JFK Library, October 10, 2023
Video: Israel-Hamas War: Netanyahu’s “Planned Operation on All Fronts” By Efrat Fenigson, October 10, 2023
Blue Light, Green Blood: Edifice Politics for Israel By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 10, 2023
Palestinians Demand an End to Occupation in a Massive Attack on Israel By Steven Sahiounie, October 10, 2023
The Desperate Hamas Gamble: Will Mass Slaughter Allow Palestinians a Future? By Karin Brothers, October 10, 2023
Israeli Bombing of Gaza, “I have Ordered a “Complete Siege”… “We are fighting human animals”, Israeli Defence Minister Says By Middle East Eye, October 10, 2023
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Are Hamas Fighters Using American Weapons Meant for Ukraine? Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, October 10, 2023
Solidarity with Ukraine, but Not Palestine? Welcome to the Great Hypocrisy By John Wight, October 09, 2023
No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’ By Ben Bartee, October 09, 2023
The West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout Is Stomach-turning By Jonathan Cook, October 09, 2023
Israel-Palestine and the Acceleration of Eternal Wars. Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel” By Peter Koenig, October 09, 2023
Israel “Encouraged and Started Hamas” Rep. Ron Paul By daniel_g, October 09, 2023
Israel Tries to Brand Itself as a Peaceful, Democratic Oasis. Don’t Fall for It By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2023
Israel Declares ‘State of Readiness for War’ After Hamas Claims Major Rocket Attack from Gaza Strip By Outlook, October 09, 2023
Lloyd J. Austin’s “Call for War in Palestine”: Peace Comes with Justice, Not War. Statement by Codepink By CODEPINK, October 09, 2023
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History: Was Hamas A Creation of Mossad? By Hassane Zerouky, October 09, 2023
Beware: Israel the Eager Provocateur. Is Hamas Israel’s Creation? WSJ By Tony Cartalucci, October 09, 2023
Yesterday Has Been Unprecedented. Palestine Is Fighting to Dismantle the Barrier Between Gaza and 1948 By Sandra Tamari, October 08, 2023
Palestinian Resistance in Gaza Launches Unprecedented Surprise Attack on Israel By Tareq Hajjaj, October 08, 2023
hamas militants
Hamas Created by Israel and Recognised by Council of Europe. Rodney Atkinson By Rodney Atkinson, October 01, 2023
“Palestine is Entirely Wiped Out”: Netanyahu’s Skewed Map of Israel Includes the West Bank and Gaza By Michael Jansen, September 28, 2023
Israel-Saudi Arabia: Netanyahu Promotes Normalisation with New Map Erasing Palestine By Middle East Eye, September 27, 2023
“The Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists.” Edward Said By Edward W. Said and Nashwa Bawab, September 20, 2023
Former Head of Israel’s Mossad: Israel Is an Apartheid State with the ‘KKK’ in Government and “Antisemitic” Policies Toward Palestinians By Prof. Juan Cole, September 11, 2023
Canada Complicit with Israel’s Annexation of East Jerusalem By Karen Rodman, September 04, 2023
UN Report: The Legality of the Israeli Occupation, Of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem By UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, September 01, 2023
Policy of Deceit: Britain’s Treachery Over Palestine Laid Bare By Peter Oborne, August 31, 2023
“Israel commits massive ethnic cleansing in Palestine, while building more illegal settlements.” Interview with Fra Hughes By Fra Hughes and Steven Sahiounie, August 28, 2023
Six Tropes to Look Out For that Distort Israel/Palestine Coverage By Lara-Nour Walton, August 25, 2023
“The IMF may demand Lebanon normalize with Israel.” By Alberto Garcia Watson and Steven Sahiounie, August 23, 2023
Israel Expands Law that Allows Villages and Towns to ‘Reject Palestinians’ By Lubna Masarwa and Elis Gjevori, August 22, 2023
Palestinian Prison Break: Film Shows Resilience in the Face of Israeli Injustice By Ghada Abed, August 16, 2023
Historical Analysis: Zionism and Israel By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 15, 2023
Former Israeli General Compares Treatment of Palestinians to ‘Nazi Germany’ and ‘Apartheid’ By Middle East Eye, August 15, 2023
‘Watershed Moment’: Over 700 Academics Equate Israeli Occupation with Apartheid By Middle East Eye, August 10, 2023
Israel Lights Up Palestinian Refugee Camp Violence in Lebanon By Steven Sahiounie, August 07, 2023
Albert Einstein’s 1948 Letter to the NYT Warning Of Zionist Fascism In Israel By Dr. Albert Einstein, August 05, 2023
The Assertion by Israel to Have the Only Valid Claim to Palestinian Land Is “Dangerous Nonsense”! By Hans Stehling, July 31, 2023
Israel on the Brink of Constitutional Anarchy By Steven Sahiounie, July 29, 2023
It’s Past Time to be Honest About Israel By Philip Giraldi, July 25, 2023
Netanyahu Is Powerless to Stop the Protests. Will His Government Collapse? By Steven Sahiounie, July 23, 2023
Palestinians Face Existential Threat. Palestine Transformed Into “Surveilled Open Air Prison” By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, July 18, 2023
NATO Isn’t Defending Ukraine. It’s Stabbing It in the Back By Jonathan Cook, July 17, 2023
Israel’s Absentees’ Property Law Allowing the Confiscation of Vast Amount of Properties Left Behind by Palestinian Arab Refugees By Khaled Mouammar, July 13, 2023
How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country By Eric Zuesse, July 13, 2023
The Occupation and Jewish Values By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, July 11, 2023
Palestinians Removed from Jerusalem Home to Make Way for Israeli Settler Takeover By Middle East Eye, July 11, 2023
‘Disaster’: Palestinian Homes Used as Israeli Bases in Jenin By Zena Al Tahhan, July 10, 2023
Israel’s Bloodcurdling ‘Poison Policy’ to Replace Palestinians with Jewish Settlers By Kit Klarenberg, July 06, 2023
As Israel Smashes Up Jenin, Its British Apologists Are Enabling This Violence By David Hearst, July 06, 2023
‘The gravity of the situation cannot be understated’: An Eyewitness Account From the Israeli Assault on Jenin By Mustafa Sheta, July 05, 2023
There Must be No Jewish Israeli Settlement in the Arab West Bank According to International Law By Hans Stehling, July 05, 2023
Israel Created ‘One-state’ Reality Where Palestinians Live Under Apartheid System By Michael Jansen, July 04, 2023
CJPME Horrified by Israeli Airstrikes and Siege on Jenin Refugee Camp By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, July 04, 2023
The Influence of Christian Zionism on the 1947 Establishment of the State of Israel By Hans Stehling, June 27, 2023
The Queer Israeli Youth Taking a Stand Against Pinkwashing By Oren Ziv, June 23, 2023
US Brands Israeli Moves to Expand West Bank Settlements an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ By Middle East Eye, June 23, 2023
The Hate Crime Purging of “Antisemites” Is Underway! By Philip Giraldi, June 20, 2023
Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians By Middle East Eye, June 19, 2023
Gaza: Amnesty Calls on ICC to Investigate Israel for War Crimes By Middle East Eye, June 16, 2023
Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead Two-Year-Old Palestinian By Philip Giraldi, June 13, 2023
Resistance to the Occupation of Palestine Heats Up the Egyptian-Israeli Border By Steven Sahiounie, June 07, 2023
Israeli Forces’ Systemic Denial of Fair Trial Rights to Palestinian Child Prisoners Amounts to Arbitrary Detention By Defense for Children Palestine, June 07, 2023
Israel to ‘Judaize’ Galilee and Expand West Bank Settlements? By Khaled Mouammar, June 06, 2023
The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy: Questions, Hints and Allegations By Edward Curtin, June 06, 2023