Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Israel ‘Deliberately Targets’ Bakeries to Inflict ‘Largest Amount of Casualties’ By Sally Ibrahim, October 27, 2023
Western Militaries’ Growing Role in Israel’s Gaza Campaign: U.S. Marine Generals and Special Ops. on the Ground as France Advocates Coalition Involvement By Military Watch Magazine, October 27, 2023
International Criminal Court’s Response to Palestine, Ukraine Raises Impartiality, Political Influence Concerns: Experts By Necva Tastan, October 27, 2023
Israel’s Long-Held Plan to Drive Gaza’s People Into Sinai Is Now Within Reach By Jonathan Cook, October 27, 2023
By Calling for an “Anti-Hamas Coalition”, Macron Could Provoke an All-out War By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 27, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: All I Held Dear Now Lies Under the Rubble By Ghada Ageel, October 27, 2023
Zionist Think Tank Publishes Blueprint for Palestinian Genocide By Kit Klarenberg, October 27, 2023
Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine By Aaron Mate, October 27, 2023
The Day UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Became Relevant. Israel Calls for His Resignation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 27, 2023
“Worthy Victims” vs. “Unworthy Victims”: On COVID Vaxx Mandates and the Broken Social Justice™ Moral Compass on College Campuses By Ben Bartee, October 27, 2023
Gaza Officials Identify 6,747 Palestinians Killed In Israel’s ‘Brutal Massacres’ By Brett Wilkins, October 27, 2023
New House Speaker Mike Johnson, an Evangelical Christian, Holds Ties to Israel’s Far Right By Ben Samuels, October 26, 2023
Veterans for Peace Statement on Gaza. “How could Anyone, at the very least, not Support a Ceasefire … Mr. President?” By Veterans for Peace, October 26, 2023
All of Palestine Is Under Attack. Jewish Voice for Peace By Jewish Voice for Peace, October 26, 2023
Germany Bans Public Grieving and Solidarity with Palestine By Peoples Dispatch, October 26, 2023
Israeli Think Tank Lays Out a Blueprint for the Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza By Jonathan Ofir, October 26, 2023
Gaza Media Office Says Over 12,000 Tons of Explosives Dropped by Israel Since Oct. 7 By Muhammed Sabry, October 26, 2023
The US Has Betrayed Egypt Again By Steven Sahiounie, October 26, 2023
In Solidarity with Palestine: A Surge in Suppression. How The Guardian Applies Censorship By Dylan Saba, October 25, 2023
Israel a ‘Nuclear Wildcard’ on ‘Dangerous Road to Armageddon’: Col. Douglas Macgregor By Zero Hedge, Douglas Macgregor, and Tucker Carlson, October 25, 2023
Scorched Earth Campaign: Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza, The Cruelest Weapon of War — Starvation. “Let Them Eat Cement”. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, October 25, 2023
AP Erases Israeli Pledge to Attack Gaza Like ‘Axis Power’ as Officials Threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ Doctrine By Wyatt Reed, October 25, 2023
Over 181,000 Housing Units Damaged by Israel Since 7 October By Middle East Monitor, October 25, 2023
Israeli Bombs Have Destroyed Over 52,000 Homes, Leaving 1 Million Homeless By Michele Giorgio, October 25, 2023
Israeli Genocide – No End and the World Looks On By Peter Koenig, October 25, 2023
Jews Say Ceasefire Now: Calls for Ceasefire Are Growing Rapidly, and the Mainstream Media Has Noticed. By Jewish Voice for Peace, October 25, 2023
Biden Claims CIA and Pentagon Determined Gaza Hospital Strike Originated in Gaza—But Where’s the Proof? By John Kiriakou, October 25, 2023
Queen Rania Decries Western Double Standard and Deafening Silence on War on Gaza By The Jordan Times, October 25, 2023
United Nations Resolutions for a Ceasefire in Gaza Blocked by Washington and Its Allies By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 25, 2023
History: Israel’s Move to Destroy the Palestinian Authority Is a Calculated Plan, Long in the Making. Prof Tanya Reinhart By Tanya Reinhart, October 25, 2023
Video: How Fruitless Is Collective Punishment? “Does the US support the Unbridled Invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Military?” Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 24, 2023
This Is the Second Nakba. The Time to Act Is Now By Ahmed Abu Artema, October 24, 2023
Genocide Unfolding in Palestine: Craig Murray By Craig Murray, October 24, 2023
Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders By Syriana Analysis, October 24, 2023
Iran Will ‘Strike Haifa’ if Israel Invades Gaza Strip. Personal Statement by IRGC Official, Does Not Necessarily Reflect Official Iranian Policy By Middle East Monitor, October 24, 2023
Israel’s Unfolding Crime of Genocide of the Palestinian People and U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide By Center for Constitutional Rights, October 24, 2023
US Sending More Weapons to the Middle East By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 24, 2023
Israel Is Caught Lying Time and Again. And Yet We Never Learn By Jonathan Cook, October 24, 2023
Labour and Civil Society Organizations Press Trudeau for Gaza Ceasefire By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 24, 2023
Justifying Collective Punishment: Israel’s Assault on Gaza By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2023
Britain’s “Blueprint” Regarding Israel: “The Right to Commit Crimes”. UK Political Leaders Bring Shame on Our Country By Hamza Ali Shah, October 23, 2023
Wiping Palestinians Off the Map Is Prepping for Armageddon: Netanyahu’s False Flag Exposed By Joachim Hagopian, October 23, 2023
Biden Will Not Escape History’s Judgement for Failure to Stop Gaza Assault. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, October 23, 2023
The Gathering Storm of Rage: “Hamas was the Brainchild of Netanyahu … We have a President who cannot put two Sentences together”. Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 23, 2023
U.K. Prime Minister Sunak’s Message to Israel: Carry On with the Slaughter By Peter Oborne, October 23, 2023
A “McCarthyite Backlash” Against Pro-Palestine Speech By Alex Kane, October 23, 2023
Going All-in for Israel May Make Biden Complicit in Genocide By Alice Speri, October 23, 2023
Israel Demands Evacuation of 20 Hospitals in Northern Gaza By Ikram Kouachi, October 23, 2023
What Is Biden Telling Bibi? Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, October 23, 2023
Israel’s Culture of Deceit. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, October 23, 2023
The Damage Israel Does. Constitutional Rights and Genuine National Interests Are Ignored as Governments Surrender to Jewish Power. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, October 23, 2023
31 Mosques Destroyed in Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 By Daily Sabah, October 23, 2023
Millions Demonstrate Around the World in Solidarity with Palestine By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 23, 2023
Video: Israel Is a Terrorist State By Matt Kennard, October 23, 2023
EU Staff Members Express Fury Over von der Leyen Stance on Israel-Hamas Conflict By Naomi O’Leary, October 23, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Is the US Complicit in Israel’s Alleged Use of White Phosphorous in Gaza? By Umar A Farooq, October 23, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Israel’s Urge for Revenge Is Aimed at All Palestinians By Lubna Masarwa, October 22, 2023
Israeli Airstrike on Church in Gaza Continues the Attack on Christians By Steven Sahiounie, October 22, 2023
Western Media Bias Against Palestine Reaches Unprecedented Heights By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 22, 2023
Israel: An Apartheid Nation By Chaitanya Davé, October 22, 2023
We Humans Continue to Indifferently Massacre the Earth and One Another By Jerome Irwin, October 22, 2023
World Condemnation of Hamas Ignores Israel’s Criminal Treatment of Palestinians By Karin Brothers, October 20, 2023
Video: Is It A False Flag? “Wiping Gaza Off the Map”. The Dangers of Military Escalation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, October 20, 2023
Statement on UK Arms Exports to Israel By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, October 20, 2023
500 Arrested at Capitol as Jewish Activists Demand Gaza Ceasefire By Michael Arria, October 20, 2023
Biden’s Speech Inflames Republicans. “Asks for no less handout than $100 billion” By Karsten Riise, October 20, 2023
Hamas’ Attack on Israelis Strengthens, Not Weakens, Israel’s Right Wing Political Elite By John Spritzler, October 20, 2023
Dangerous Crossroads: Russia Deploys MiG-31s in Response to USS Gerald Ford Supercarrier as “East Mediterranean Heats Up” By Drago Bosnic, October 20, 2023
“On Evil and Beyond Gaza.” Response to President Biden’s Speech in Israel. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, October 20, 2023
Video: Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds. New Evidence By Mike Adams and Brighteon Broadcast News, October 20, 2023
Israeli Siege of Gaza: Are Palestinians Not Humans? Then Why Do You Remain Silent with IDF Atrocities? By Hans Stehling, October 20, 2023
Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians by Way of Deception By Mark Taliano, October 20, 2023
Zelensky is Desperate: Can Biden Admin Trick GOP-dominated Congress to “Merge Military Aid for Israel and Kiev”? By Drago Bosnic, October 19, 2023
Winston Churchill Sent “Black and Tans” Armed Forces To Palestine. These Same Forces were Used to Fight against Sinn Fein in Ireland in the 1920s By David Cronin, October 19, 2023
What’s Known About the Gaza Hospital Blast as Hamas Claims Unravel By Tom Ozimek, October 19, 2023
U.S. Prepping to Deploy American Troops to Middle East, Israel Demands $10 Billion More in Subsidy By Ben Bartee, October 19, 2023
Billionaire CEOs Continue Campaign to Blacklist Students for Opposition to Israel’s War Crimes By Emma Arceneaux, October 19, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Captives’ Families Left Wondering if War Is the Only Priority By Peggy Cidor, October 19, 2023
Scholars Warn of Potential Genocide in Gaza By TWAIL scholars and et al., October 19, 2023
This Is Another Iraqi WMD Moment. We Are Being Gaslit By Jonathan Cook, October 19, 2023