Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter.
"Why were young children killed? They are so young and cannot even hold a stone. Like my brother Ahmad. My cousins who were infants were also killed. I have heard that the soldier who kills more – and younger children – moves up higher in ranks."
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
In 1948, 700,000 Palestinians began their flight trying to escape the massacres by Jewish militias. Commemorated ever since as the day of “Nakba” – disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm – following them to this day as land is stolen, families expelled and “settlements” encroach, and Palestinian history is bulldozed.
Israel, October 7 Attack: Foreknowledge in Financial Markets. Massive Short-selling By Charlie Kirk, December 05, 2023
‘A Mass Assassination Factory’: Inside Israel’s Calculated Bombing of Gaza By Yuval Abraham, December 05, 2023
Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, December 05, 2023
The Indiscriminate Killing of Palestinian Children, Deliberate Killing of 59 Journalists, The Forcible Annexation of Palestinian Lands, The Dangers of Military Escalation By Hans Stehling, December 05, 2023
The Ben Gurion Canal to Replace the Suez Canal: ‘Israel’ Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane By Richard Medhurst, December 05, 2023
With Ceasefire Calls Growing, Israeli Military Launches Closed-door “PR Blitz” on Capitol Hill By Ken Klippenstein and Daniel Boguslaw, December 05, 2023
The War on Gaza: How the West Is Losing. Accelerating the Transition to a Multipolar Global Order? By Amir Nour, December 04, 2023
Who Are You Betting On to Win, Hamas or the US and Israel?
 By Rima Najjar, December 04, 2023
The Crime that Israel Has Perpetrated Upon 2.2 Million Palestinians in Gaza for Over 16 Years Has Produced an Even Greater Evil Response By Hans Stehling, December 04, 2023
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago, Outlined in 40 Page Document Code-Named “Jericho Wall”: New York Times By Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman, December 04, 2023
US Urges Israel to Protect Civilians, Sends More Bombs By The Cradle, December 04, 2023
Photos: More Deaths and Destruction as Israel Targets Southern Gaza By Al-Jazeera, December 04, 2023
Israeli Drone Pilots Targeted Own Settlements, Bases, Civilians on 7 October: Report By The Cradle, December 04, 2023
Documentary Film: “Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s Torture of Palestinian Children” By Journeyman Pictures and ABC Australia, December 04, 2023
The Fools on Capitol Hill. Washington Is Run by Israel’s Proxies By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2023
The Hidden Reasons Behind the War on Gaza. Netanyahu’s Plan for “A New Middle East” By Richard Medhurst, December 04, 2023
Two Months that Shook the World: The First Phase of the Gaza War By Mouin Rabbani, Jeremy Scahill, and Murtaza Hussain, December 04, 2023
Western Complicity in Israel’s Genocide Against the People of Gaza By Dr. Leon Tressell, December 03, 2023
“Hamas is still in power in Gaza, and Israel is losing on the ground,” Interview with Tawfieq Toameh By Tawfieq Toameh and Steven Sahiounie, December 03, 2023
“The Hamas Attack”: What Really Happened on October 7? By Robert Inlakesh and Sharmine Narwani, December 03, 2023
The Genocidal State of Israel. Netanyahu’s Machinations Are Coming Undone in the Midst of a Monumental Global Re-Alignment By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 02, 2023
“Worldwide Genocide”? History of U.S. Mass Killings of Civilians: The Monstrous Plan to Kill Palestinians Is Fully Endorsed by Washington By Centre for Research on Globalization, December 02, 2023
Historical Analysis (1897-Present): Crimes Committed against the People of Palestine. “Israel, State Sponsor of Terrorism” By Richard Dunn, December 02, 2023
The War on Gaza: Might vs. Right, and the Insanity of Western Power By Amir Nour, December 01, 2023
Israel-Gaza War: Anything Is Now Possible By Dr. Paul Larudee, December 01, 2023
The Media’s Fatal Compromises. The Practice of “Embedding”: “Undisguised Effort to Control What War Correspondents See and Hear”: Patrick Lawrence By Patrick Lawrence, November 30, 2023
Netanyahu’s Insistence on the Continuation of the War. “Will the War Get Out of Control”: Interview with Dr. Ahmad Alderzi By Dr. Ahmad Alderzi and Steven Sahiounie, November 30, 2023
Genocide in Occupied Palestine and Collective Punishment for the People of Afghanistan By Black Alliance for Peace, November 30, 2023
Israel-Gaza War: Enough! Stop the Terror on Both Sides! “Let us Implement Peace” By Hans Stehling, November 30, 2023
September 11 in the Middle East: Israel’s Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, November 30, 2023
An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Hamas-Israel-Gaza Genocide. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, November 30, 2023
Can U.S. Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 29, 2023
Israel Lies Exposed Amidst Shifting Global Tide for Palestine. Soaring Death Rate. By Joachim Hagopian, November 29, 2023
Israel-Palestine: The Two-state Solution Is the New Mantra? It’s A PR Stunt? By Steven Sahiounie, November 29, 2023
Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Netanyahu Has Ordered Mass Murder, a Blatant Violation of International Law By Hans Stehling, November 28, 2023
The New York Times Reports Gaza Civilians ‘Are Being Killed at Historic Pace’ By Max Jones, November 28, 2023
From a Released Hamas Captive: “I will forever be a prisoner of gratitude because she did not leave here with a lifelong psychological trauma.” By Danyal and Emilia, November 28, 2023
Israel’s Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners By Jeremy Scahill, November 28, 2023
In Photos: Israel Leaves Trail of Destruction in Gaza After 48 Days of Bombing By Mohammed al-Hajjar, November 28, 2023
What Exactly Are US Special Forces Doing in Israel? By Connor Echols, November 28, 2023
Marching for Israel? American and Israeli War Criminals Celebrate Together By Philip Giraldi, November 27, 2023
Israel Is Assassinating Journalists in Gaza By Amanda Yee, November 27, 2023
“Netanyahu’s Vicious Attack on Civilians, The Violence is Unlimited”: Unintended Consequences of Israel’s Assault on Palestine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 27, 2023
Activists, You Must Shame and Pressure the Palestinian Authority for Its Sins as Much as You Pressure Israel for Its Crimes By Rima Najjar, November 27, 2023
Unspoken Objective: Israel Wants to Confiscate Gaza’s Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ben Samuels, and Amir Tibon, November 26, 2023
In this Truce, the Star of David Is Akin to a Swastika By Rima Najjar, November 26, 2023
Israel Admits It Killed Its Own at Nova Music Festival By The Cradle, November 26, 2023
Israel Bombed Civilians on October 7, Deliberately Created Destruction in Order to Justify Its Aggression Against Gaza By Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs, November 26, 2023
Israeli Ministry of Intelligence: Let’s Deport Palestinians to the Sinai Desert. “Erase the Palestinian Territories” By Manlio Dinucci, November 26, 2023
Pallywood Tactics: Al-Shifa Hospital and Israel’s Propaganda Effort By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 24, 2023
35 Zionist Media Lies, the Killing of Children, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel By Gideon Polya, November 24, 2023
Israeli Official Admits Not Even Trying to Get American Hostages Released By Ben Bartee, November 23, 2023
Pretexts and False Flags? Towards a Broader Middle East War? Yemeni Navy Seizes Israeli-linked Vessel By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 23, 2023
Britain’s SAS Abetting Gaza Genocide? By Kit Klarenberg, November 23, 2023
Palestinians File Emergency Motion to Block US Aid for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 23, 2023
Video: “Never Again Is Now!” Palestine’s UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush Exposes Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza By Nada Abu Tarbush, November 23, 2023
BRICS Joint Condemnation of Israel’s War on Gaza: India’s “Double Talk” on Israel-USA By Karsten Riise, November 22, 2023
Art and Struggle: Olive Trees as a Symbol of Palestinian Culture, Resistance and Peace By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, November 22, 2023
Abandoning Palestine and the UN By Renee Parsons, November 22, 2023
Israel and Its Allies Are Repurposing the Goals and Lies of 1948 – In Gaza in 2023 By Jonathan Cook, November 22, 2023
Israel’s War on Hospitals By Chris Hedges, November 22, 2023
Israel’s Genocide against Palestine: Shame on the US Ambassador to the UN: She Has Forgotten Her Roots By Steven Sahiounie, November 22, 2023
Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel By Richard C. Cook and Alison Weir, November 21, 2023
Beliefs in Every Group Are Shaped by Liars. Americans as an Example of this. America Started The War in Ukraine in 2014 By Eric Zuesse, November 21, 2023
Explosion of Middle East – Only “One Strike Away” By Karsten Riise, November 21, 2023
Read Anne Boyer’s Extraordinary New York Times Resignation Letter By Anne Boyer, November 21, 2023
Five Nations Call for ICC Investigation Into ‘Israel’s’ Genocide in Gaza By Al Mayadeen, November 21, 2023
Turkey Files Lawsuit Against Netanyahu with ICC Over Gaza Genocide By Al Mayadeen, November 21, 2023
Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic? By Prof Michael Hudson, November 20, 2023
Legal Challenge to U.S. Government’s Endorsement of Genocide. California District Court “Complaint” against Biden, Austin and Blinken By J. B. Gerald, November 20, 2023
“Zionism is Not Judaism”, “Insane Megalomania”: The Zionist Cause Is a Dark Reversal of the Real Destiny of Israel — A True Story By Julian Rose, November 20, 2023
A World Without a Moral Conscience By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 20, 2023
Zionist Israel is an Apartheid State: Gaza is a Modern-day “Extermination Camp” By Konrad Rękas, November 19, 2023
Video: No Peace in the Middle East Says the US: “No Possibility of a Cease Fire” By Greg Reese, November 19, 2023
Israel Captures Al Shifa Hospital for Their Gaza Military Post By Steven Sahiounie, November 19, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Don’t be Fooled. Biden Is Fully Signed Up to Genocide in Gaza By Jonathan Cook, November 19, 2023
The Gaza Genocide Continues. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, November 18, 2023
Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context By Robert J. Burrowes, November 17, 2023
International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation Into Israel’s Alleged War Crimes in Gaza By CODEPINK, November 17, 2023
Video: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Left Restaurant After Being Confronted by Pro-Ceasefire Protesters By Younes Arar, November 17, 2023