Killing Civilians: Obama’s Drone War in Pakistan By Sajjad Shaukat, December 14, 2012
Caravan of Dignity: Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Aafia Siddiqui By LeiLani Dowell, December 06, 2012
U.S., NATO In South Asia: Eleven Years Of Carnage By Boris Volkhonsky, October 25, 2012
GRTV: Living Under Drones: The Brutal Reality of “Targeted Killing” By GRTV, September 26, 2012
The U.S. -NATO “Afghan Endgame”: Boots on the Ground in Pakistan? By Brig. Imran Malik, September 23, 2012
GRTV: The Truth Behind Obama’s Kill List By David Swanson, September 06, 2012
Target Killing, Mass Murder of Shia Minority in Pakistan By Dr. Ismail Salami, September 05, 2012
No end to drone strikes in Pakistan: Prelude to another US led war? By Prof. Ali Sukhanver, July 28, 2012
Drone Strikes in Pakistan: Immoral, Illegal and Criminal By Saida Fazal, July 12, 2012
GRTV: The Destabilization of Pakistan By Eric Draitser and Nile Bowie, July 03, 2012
GRTV: Enemies in Deed: US Drones and Demands Hit ‘Ally’ Pakistan By Gayane Chichakyan, June 28, 2012
VIDEO: US Drone Strikes Kill 31 in 72 Hours By Mohammad K. Imani, May 29, 2012
CIA DRONES OVER PAKISTAN: Evidence in British court confirms civilian deaths By Chris Woods, April 26, 2012
AfPak: Mutiny on the Bounty By Eric Walberg, April 18, 2012
VIDEO: Pakistani Families of US Drone Victims Plead for Justice By David Swanson, March 06, 2012
Pakistani Families of Slaughtered Children to Sue the CIA Over Drone Deaths By Global Research, February 25, 2012
VIDEO: US Restarts Deadly Drone Strikes in Pakistan By Chris Woods, February 13, 2012
PAKISTAN: ‘CIA drones deliberately target innocent people’ By Noor Aftab, February 07, 2012
VIDEO: The Girl Killed by Obama: She “never saw it coming” By Global Research, February 01, 2012
America’s War on Pakistan: Death From The Skies, NATO In Search of an Enemy By Roedad Khan, December 14, 2011
Pakistan: U.S. Challenged As NATO Surrounds Iran By M. K. Bhadrakumar, December 12, 2011
Pakistan: U.S. And NATO Have Licence To Kill By Andleeb Abbas, December 04, 2011
VIDEO: The Obama Syndrome By Tariq Ali, November 23, 2011
Northwest Pakistan: U.S. Drone Strikes Kill 32 In Three Days By Global Research, November 18, 2011
US troops may invade western Pakistan – NYT By Global Research, October 21, 2011
Punishing Pakistan and Challenging China By Andrew Gavin Marshall, June 30, 2011
VIDEO: Pakistan: Toxic Chemicals in US Drone Strikes By Global Research, June 16, 2011
VIDEO: The US Agent and the Mumbai Massacre By James Corbett and Tom Secker, June 12, 2011
Imperial Eye on Pakistan By Andrew Gavin Marshall, May 28, 2011
The Prime Minister of Pakistan’s speech on the Abbottabad operation and death of Osama bin Laden By Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, May 10, 2011
U.S. And NATO Escalate World’s Deadliest War On Both Sides Of Afghan-Pakistani Border By Rick Rozoff, March 01, 2011
Dozens Slaughtered by US Forces in Afghanistan-Pakistan Air Attacks By Patrick O'Connor, February 23, 2011
‘US Drones Kill 938 Pakistanis in 2010’ By Global Research, January 06, 2011
U.S. Missile Attacks Kill At Least 80 In Pakistan This Month By Global Research, October 19, 2010
“Obama Wars”: Woodward’s Ominous Narrative on the Af-Pak War By Mohammad Jamil, October 17, 2010
US Eyeing Expanding its War on Terror Formally into Pakistan? By Global Research, October 16, 2010
New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal By Rick Rozoff, October 16, 2010
Tom Donilon: Obama’s new National Security Adviser By Eric Walberg, October 14, 2010
Shifting the “War on Terror” to Pakistan: The Real Target is Pakistan’s Nuclear Potential By A R Jerral, October 13, 2010
Impasse of US-NATO Military Adventure: Coalition loses 150 Tankers in Pakistan By Syed Moazzam Hashmi, October 09, 2010
Afghanistan: 57 NATO Tankers Set Ablaze in Fresh Assaults By Global Research, October 08, 2010
Supply Blockade Enters 7th Day as NATO Tankers Sabotaged Once Again By Syed Moazzam Hashmi, October 06, 2010
U.S. And NATO To Wage 15-Year War In Afghanistan And Pakistan By Rick Rozoff, October 06, 2010
How the CIA Ran a Secret Army of 3,000 Assassins By Julius Cavendish, October 05, 2010
NATO Expands Afghan War Into Pakistan By Rick Rozoff, September 28, 2010
Interview With Family Devastated by US Drone Attack. The Dead were Completely Unrecognisable By Asim Qureshi, September 26, 2010
America’s Undeclared War against Pakistan: Drone Attack Kills 12 in North Waziristan By Tariq Saeed, August 16, 2010
US Is No Stranger to Double-Dealing: The Role of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and its links to the CIA By Dr. Marwan Al Kabalan, July 31, 2010
NATO Pulls Pakistan Into Its Global Network By Rick Rozoff, July 24, 2010
Stop The Af-Pak War: Pakistan’s Coalition Of Conscience By Global Research, July 24, 2010
America’s Undeclared War on Pakistan By James Gundun, July 22, 2010
America’s Role in the Kashmir Crisis: India and Pakistan are Chained to Washington By James Gundun, July 21, 2010
Global War Racket Exposed: Funding Our Enemies By David DeGraw, June 22, 2010
US Drones Kill Hundreds in Pakistan By Global Research, June 21, 2010
Unrest in Pakistan: Moving Beyond “the U.S. National Interest” By Josh Brollier and Kathy Kelly, June 19, 2010
NATO Supply Vehicle Fleet Attacked in Pakistan, Leaving at Least 8 Killed, Some 30 Vehicles Destroyed By Global Research, June 10, 2010
As U.S. Steps-Up Drone Attacks, the Pentagon Goes on a Shopping Spree By Tom Burghardt, May 31, 2010
US Develops Plans for Unilateral Strike on Pakistan By Lalit K Jha, May 31, 2010
Drone Attack Kills 11 in South Waziristan By Global Research, May 29, 2010
Pakistani MPs call for a ban on oil supplies to US-led NATO forces in Afghanistan By Global Research, May 15, 2010
America’s War on Pakistan By Peter Symonds, May 15, 2010
US Drone Attacks Kill 24 in Pakistan By Global Research, May 12, 2010
Is the US Media Leading America into Another War? By Robert Bridge, May 12, 2010
20 Killed in US Drone Attack in Pakistan By Global Research, May 10, 2010
The Times Square Bombing Attempt By Bill Van Auken, May 06, 2010
Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group By Paul Joseph Watson, May 06, 2010
High-Tech Death from Above: U.S. Drone Wars Fuel War Crimes By Tom Burghardt, May 03, 2010
‘At war’ US justifies drone attacks in Pak as act of ‘self-defence’ By Global Research, March 28, 2010
US Foreign Policy Agenda: From AfPak and Central Asia to the Caucasus By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 03, 2010
Pakistanis Protest Conviction of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui By Sara Flounders, February 20, 2010
Bomb Kills Three US Marines in Pakistan By Global Research, February 03, 2010
US Predator Drones Killed 123 Innocent Pakistani Civilians By Amir Mir, February 02, 2010
15 Killed in US Drone Strike in Northwest Pakistan By Global Research, February 01, 2010
‘Blackwater, DynCorp Working in Pakistan’: US Considering Giving Pakistan Drones: Gates By Global Research, January 22, 2010
Two Missile Strikes in Pakistan Kill 10 By Global Research, January 06, 2010
Fresh US Drone Attacks Kill 5 in Pakistan By Global Research, January 04, 2010
Pakistan: Over 700 Civilians Killed in US Drone Strikes By Global Research, January 03, 2010
US Steps up Drone Attacks, Assassinations in AfPak “Surge” By Bill Van Auken, December 28, 2009
US Drones Kill 20 in Pakistan By Global Research, December 18, 2009
Mercenaries and Assassins: The Real Face of Obama’s “Good War” By Bill Van Auken, December 15, 2009