Nuclear War

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!” Fidel Castro
This is considered to be a landmark decision, widely interpreted as constituting a semi-official recognition by the US Department of Defense that Israel is a bona fide nuclear power.
While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.
“Blowing up the Planet” through the use of “peace-making nuclear bombs” is a money making undertaking, a corporate bonanza for the "defense" contractors.
The Korean Powder Keg By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 31, 2017
North Korea: The UN Security Council Condemns the Wrong Country. The Real Regional Menace Goes Unmentioned By Stephen Lendman, August 30, 2017
China Warns Tensions on Korean Peninsula at ‘Tipping Point’ After Pyongyang Missile Launch By RT News, August 30, 2017
Why Can’t Wheeler-Dealer Trump Cut a Deal with North Korea? By Mike Whitney, August 26, 2017
Trump and Korea. I’m Also Scared By Eric Margolis, August 26, 2017
Guam’s People Have Long Been Suffering from the American Bombs By Keith K. C. Hui, August 26, 2017
North Korea, An Aggressor? A Reality Check By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 24, 2017
Irreconcilable US/North Korea Differences By Stephen Lendman, August 24, 2017
Locked and Loaded: War with North Korea Cannot be Contained but Must be Prevented By K.J. Noh and Ann Garrison, August 19, 2017
Korean Americans Denounce US War Threats in Coordinated Protests By Zoom in Korea, August 19, 2017
South Korea: There Will Be No War on Korean Peninsula By Alahednews, August 18, 2017
‘Economic War with China Is Everything,’ North Korea a ‘Sideshow’: White House Chief Strategist By Telesur, August 18, 2017
Washington Pushes the World Towards the New Cuban Missile Crisis By Goran Lompar, August 18, 2017
South Korean President Says He Can Veto War Against North Korea By Jason Ditz, August 18, 2017
Truman Put Nukes in Guam and Gave the Order to Nuke North Korea By Robert Barsocchini, August 17, 2017
“Grown-ups” Versus “Ideologues”? The Media Narrative of the White House May Be All Wrong By Moon of Alabama, August 17, 2017
The One True Faith: Nuclear Weapons Are God’s Gift to the United States of America, Alone By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 17, 2017
US Wants North Korea Defenseless and Isolated By Stephen Lendman, August 17, 2017
North Korea Is Not the Provocateur By Daniel Margrain, August 16, 2017
Trump Proves Why Nuclear Weapons Systems Don’t Work for Our Safety By True Publica, August 16, 2017
Donald Trump and America’s Moral Crises. Life and Death Decisions for the Planet By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 16, 2017
South Korea Is Key to Peace on the Peninsula By Stephen Lendman, August 16, 2017
Discounting North Korea’s ICBM Capability By Stephen Lendman, August 16, 2017
North Korea’s “Not Quite” ICBM Can’t Hit the Lower 48 States By Dr. Theodore Postol, Markus Schiller, and Robert Schmucker, August 16, 2017
Increasing Tensions on the Korean Peninsula By Peter Kuznick and Edu Montesanti, August 15, 2017
Multipolar Sanctions on North Korea: Sell-Out or Strategic? By Andrew Korybko, August 15, 2017
A Preemptive Strike on North Korea Would Be Catastrophic and Illegal By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 14, 2017
North Korea Points Missiles at Ocean, Washington Says Strike on Guam Imminent By Whitney Webb, August 14, 2017
North Korea Summons Ambassadors to UN, China, Russia for Meeting in Pyongyang By Sputnik, August 14, 2017
Russia-gate’s Fatally Flawed Logic By Robert Parry, August 14, 2017
US Remains Poised to Attack North Korea. The US is Willing “To Think the Unthinkable” By Peter Symonds, August 14, 2017
Kim vs. Trump, “Behavior” vs. “Misbehavior”, Who are the Lunatics? Bringing a Peaceful End to Conflict on the Korean Peninsula By Kim Petersen, August 14, 2017
North Korea and the Unintended Consequences of Trump. Danger Looms. Bipartisan Appetite for War. By Patrick Henningsen, August 13, 2017
Let’s Save the World – Trump Must Go! By Peter Koenig, August 13, 2017
Military Industrial
Challenging America’s Military Madness By Stephen Lendman, August 13, 2017
Continuity of Agenda: Trump’s “Fire and Fury” Brewed Under Bush, Obama By Tony Cartalucci, August 13, 2017
Statement From Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Current U.S.-North Korea Relations By Jimmy Carter, August 13, 2017
The World on the Brink. The Danger of Nuclear War Looms By World Socialist Web Site, August 13, 2017
Trump and Mad Dog Mattis: Ultimatum to North Korea, Miscalculations Could Lead to Catastrophic War By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2017
The United States Threatens Nuclear War Against the Beautiful People of North Korea By Christopher Black, August 12, 2017
China Will Prevent US First Strike Against North Korean Regime By RT News, August 12, 2017
US-South Korean Joint Petition Urges End to U.S. War Games and Calls for Peace By Zoom in Korea, August 12, 2017
Video: The Threat of Nuclear War. North Korea vs. the United States By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 12, 2017
Avoiding Nuclear War: Why Kim Jong-Un’s Strategy Makes Sense By Federico Pieraccini, August 11, 2017
US-North Korea Nuclear War ‘Would Kill Millions’ Warns Corbyn By Laura Mowat, August 11, 2017
Talk to North Korea to Avert a Nuclear Disaster By Siegfried Hecker and Elisabeth Eaves, August 11, 2017
North Korea: Fire, Fury and Fear By Pepe Escobar, August 10, 2017
North Korea Responds to Trump’s Fire and Fury Threat By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2017
‘Stop the Insanity’: Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Strike Authority By Jake Johnson, August 10, 2017
Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis Threatens End of North Korea, ‘Destruction of Its People’ By Jason Ditz, August 10, 2017
Trump Threatens “Fire and Fury” Against North Korea By Peter Symonds, August 10, 2017
The Madman with Nuclear Weapons Is Donald Trump, Not Kim Jong-un By Mehdi Hasan, August 10, 2017
North Korea: Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice, The UN Security Council By Peter Koenig, August 10, 2017
US Secretary of State Hints at Talks with North Korea By Peter Symonds, August 09, 2017
“War of Words” Between US and North Korea Could Lead to Nuclear War By Stephen Lendman, August 09, 2017
Sane Voices Urge Diplomacy with North Korea After ‘Lunatic’ Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ By Julia Conley, August 09, 2017
Is America Trying to Start a World War? This Is How It Would Happen By Darius Shahtahmasebi, August 09, 2017
Why China and Russia Agreed to Tough New Sanctions on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2017
McMaster: U.S. Preparing for “Preventive War” with North Korea By Zero Hedge, August 06, 2017
North Korea’s Offer to Freeze Its Nuclear Program By Zoom in Korea, August 05, 2017
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our Government Has Never Apologized By Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World, August 05, 2017
Hiroshima – A Criminal Enterprise From Which Nothing Has Been Learned By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 03, 2017
Marshall Islands’ Nuclear Zero Lawsuit Appeal Dismissed in Ninth Circuit Court By Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, August 01, 2017
Trump Intel Chief: North Korea Learned From Libya War to “Never” Give Up Nukes By Jon Schwarz, August 01, 2017
Sanctions, Naked Confrontational Foreign Policy, Pretext for Nuclear War? By Massoud Nayeri, July 31, 2017
North Korea Would Hold Talks if South Korea Supports Peace Treaty with US By Hong Soon-do, July 31, 2017
North Korea’s Deterrent and Trump’s Options By Tim Beal, July 30, 2017
US Military Declares “Time Is Running Out” Before War with North Korea By James Cogan, July 29, 2017
Armageddon Is Two and One-half Minutes Away By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 28, 2017
The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, July 28, 2017
The Doomsday Clock is Ticking: Veterans Call on U.S. to Sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons By Brian Trautman, Gerry Condon, and Samantha Ferguson, July 18, 2017
The Logic in North Korean ‘Madness’ By Colonel Ann Wright, July 18, 2017
US Missile Defense Will Protect You From North Korea By Jim Naureckas, July 18, 2017
Challenging Nuclearism: The Nuclear Ban Treaty Assessed By Prof. Richard Falk, July 17, 2017
One Year Later, South Korea’s Anti-THAAD Fight Continues By Zoom in Korea, July 15, 2017
U.S. Peace Delegation Heads to Seongju, South Korea By Zoom in Korea, July 15, 2017
US Intends New Illegal Sanctions on China. For “Doing Business” with North Korea By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2017
North Korea’s ICBM and ROK President Moon Jae-in’s Confusing Response By Hyun Lee, July 13, 2017
US to Act Alone on North Korea. Strangle Pyongyang Economically By Stephen Lendman, July 12, 2017
Israeli Persecution of Mordechai Vanunu. Israel’s Unspoken Nuclear Weapons Program By Stephen Lendman, July 12, 2017