Nuclear War

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!” Fidel Castro
This is considered to be a landmark decision, widely interpreted as constituting a semi-official recognition by the US Department of Defense that Israel is a bona fide nuclear power.
While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.
“Blowing up the Planet” through the use of “peace-making nuclear bombs” is a money making undertaking, a corporate bonanza for the "defense" contractors.
US nearly Detonated Atomic Bomb over North Carolina – Secret Document By Global Research News, September 22, 2013
Washington Commemorates Peace and Nuclear Disarmament by Testing a New Advanced Nuclear Missile By Haider Rizvi, September 21, 2013
“Nuclear Guinea Pigs”: Deadly Experiments and Contaminated Reality By Greg Guma, August 11, 2013
The Hiroshima Myth. Unaccountable War Crimes and the Lies of US Military History By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 31, 2013
War and the New Nuclear Danger: Fukushima and Beyond Global Research News Hour Episode 31 By Michael Welch, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 24, 2013
Obama Prepares to Wage Offensive, First-strike Strategic Nuclear Warfare against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 24, 2013
Obama’s Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2013
The Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons By Lesley Docksey, June 12, 2013
Is Japan Developing a Nuclear Weapons Program? By Peter Symonds, May 07, 2013
“First Strike” Pre-emptive Nuclear War directed against Iran. The Alliance’s Nine Nuclear Weapons’ States By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 15, 2013
Military Confrontation: Obama Administration has ‘Cut off all Negotiations over North Korea’ By Gregory Elich, April 06, 2013
The Iran Nuclear Threat and “The Second Hostage Crisis” By Nile Bowie, March 20, 2013
Nuclear War Through North Korean Eyes By Nile Bowie, March 13, 2013
Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2013
Fukushima 2 Years Ago: Radioactive Winds Chase Evacuees in Japan; Hawaii Threatened by Fukushima Fallout By Rady Ananda, March 09, 2013
Banning Nuclear Weapons: UK to Snub Discussions on Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons By Global Research News, March 01, 2013
Punishing Anti-Nuke Protesters By John La Forge, February 14, 2013
North Korea Tests Nuclear Device, World Braces For Reaction By James Corbett, February 13, 2013
Nuclear Test #3: What will Follow Pyongyang’s Dangerous Atomic Gambit? By Nile Bowie, February 12, 2013
The Iran Nuclear Threat: Phantom Menace By Ben Schreiner, February 01, 2013
Double Standards. US Nuclear Weapons Test condemned by Iran, Japan By RT, December 08, 2012
Military Encirclement and Global Domination: Russia Counters US Missile Shield from the Seas By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 04, 2012
Nuclear Weapons. Who Needs “Red Lines”: Iran or Israel? By Global Research News, October 08, 2012
Revival of Nuclear Arms Race: US Conducts New Underground Nuclear Tests By Andrew Kishner, September 30, 2012
The Complete “Idiot’s Guide” to Iran and the Bomb By Global Research News, September 28, 2012
US Conducts New Type of Nuclear Test Using Intense X-Ray Beams By Xinhua, September 25, 2012
Does America Plan to Use Nukes against Iran? By Sherwood Ross, September 22, 2012
Nuclear Roulette By David Swanson, September 17, 2012
It’s Us or the Nukes By David Swanson, September 16, 2012
NATO Expansion: Threat to World Peace By Sherwood Ross, September 14, 2012
Lies and Double Standards Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program By Sam Nejad, September 06, 2012
Iran, Israel and the West: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis? By Ali Fathollah-Nejad and Hillel Schenker, August 28, 2012
Flashback: U.S. propaganda in the run up to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Cem Ertür, August 05, 2012
VIDEO: The Secret US/Japan Nuclear Program By Joseph Trento and James Corbett, May 08, 2012
VIDEO: Nuclear “Security” and Nuclear Hypocrisy By James Corbett and Joseph Trento, May 01, 2012
“NUCLEAR TERRORISM”: Obama’s Nuclear Disarmament Hoax By Peter Symonds, March 29, 2012
For nuclear security beyond Seoul, eradicate land-based ‘doomsday’ missiles By David Krieger and Daniel Ellsberg, March 28, 2012
NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: The Very Real Possibility of A Global Nuclear Catastrophe By Washington's Blog, March 25, 2012
Mossad and CIA concur: Iran is not seeking nukes By Global Research, March 19, 2012
An Israeli Attack Against Iran “Would Destroy Chance of Peace for Generations” By Richard Silverstein, March 12, 2012
Look at the Facts: Who Is The REAL Nuclear Threat in the Middle East? By Larry Everest, February 22, 2012
VIDEO – Middle-East Tensions: 300 Nukes in Israel yet “Iran is the threat” By Patrick J. Buchanan, February 22, 2012
In The “Real Non-Propaganda World”, Does Iran Constitute a Nuclear Menace?. By William Blum, February 03, 2012
Doomsday Clock: Five Minutes to Midnight By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 13, 2012
The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence Today By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, January 10, 2012
BREAKING: Iran Not Building A Nuclear Weapon: Leon Panetta By Common Dreams, January 09, 2012
The New York Times is Lying About Iran’s Nuclear Program By Robert Naiman, January 06, 2012
Avoiding Another “Long War”: Intelligence Officials Reveal “Dubious” IAEA Report on Iran’s Alleged Nuclear Weapons Program By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, January 05, 2012
War and the Financial Crisis. The Threat to Humanity of a Nuclear War against Iran By General Leonid Ivashov, December 30, 2011
Canada shipping bomb-grade uranium to U.S.: memo By Global Research, December 27, 2011
Preparing to Attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons: “No Option can be taken off the Table.” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 26, 2011
U.S Threat to Attack Iran with Nukes is “Criminal” By Sherwood Ross, December 23, 2011
America’s Covert War Against Iran. Do ‘All Options’ Mean Nukes? By Tom Burghardt, December 12, 2011
Pearl Harbor: 70 Years on, Is Iran the New Japan? By Finian Cunningham, December 08, 2011
World War III: The Launching of a Preemptive Nuclear War against Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 04, 2011
Germany supplies Israel with Submarines capable of carrying missiles with nuclear warheads By Global Research, December 01, 2011
Fukushima: “China Syndrome Is Inevitable” … “Huge Steam Explosions” By Washington's Blog, November 22, 2011
Ex-Inspector Rejects IAEA Iran Bomb Test Chamber Claim By Gareth Porter, November 20, 2011
Venezuela: Nuclear Conflict Looms ahead if Iran and Syria are Attacked By Nil Nikandrov, November 18, 2011
Nuclear Madness: Iran, Kuwait or the IAEA? By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 15, 2011
Israel’s threat to Wage War on Iran: Bluff or Blunder? By Sherwood Ross, November 13, 2011
Nuclear Israel revisited By Joseph Massad, November 11, 2011
Fukushima: Towards the Formation of a Radioactive Graveyard in the Pacific Ocean? By Lucas Whitefield Hixson, October 21, 2011
VIDEO: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy: A Video History, 1945-2004 By The National Security Archive, October 12, 2011
Fukushima and the Battle for Truth By Paul Zimmerman, September 27, 2011
Will Tokyo Be Evacuated Due to Fukushima Radiation? By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2011
VIDEO: Our Nuclear World: Nuclear Accidents Around the Globe By James Corbett, September 18, 2011
Who Owns the Nuclear Weapons? Israel, An Impediment to a Nuclear-free Middle East By Kourosh Ziabari, June 15, 2011
PHOTOS. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant . Crippled, Contaminated with Radioactive Materials By Daisuke Tsuda, June 12, 2011
How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 06, 2011
Are Nuclear Reactions Still Occurring at Fukushima? By Washington's Blog, June 04, 2011
“No Shred of Evidence”, Iran Building Nukes, Ex Head of IAEA Says By Sherwood Ross, June 02, 2011
What To Do With All The Nuclear Waste By Lucas Whitefield Hixson, May 29, 2011
Meanwhile, in Fukushima… By James Corbett, May 15, 2011
Workers at Fukushima Daiichi Cannot Clean Radiation Of Bodies Before Returning to Work By Global Research, May 14, 2011
Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant? By Yoichi Shimatsu, April 12, 2011
Dangerous Crossroads: Is America Considering the Use of Nuclear Weapons against Libya? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 07, 2011
Radiation Support for Your Immune System: We are under invisible siege By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, April 02, 2011
The Dangers of Radiation: Deconstructing Nuclear Experts By Chris Busby, March 31, 2011
America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 30, 2011