Nuclear War

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!” Fidel Castro
This is considered to be a landmark decision, widely interpreted as constituting a semi-official recognition by the US Department of Defense that Israel is a bona fide nuclear power.
While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.
“Blowing up the Planet” through the use of “peace-making nuclear bombs” is a money making undertaking, a corporate bonanza for the "defense" contractors.
North Korea Does Not Threaten World Peace, the US Does By William Boardman, July 12, 2017
United Nations Adopts Historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons By Carla Stea, July 12, 2017
US Strategic Bombers Conduct Provocative Drill Near North Korea By Peter Symonds, July 11, 2017
The New Reality: Yesterday We Banned Nuclear Weapons. A Treaty Resulting from Collective Action by People Who Came Together By Ray Acheson, July 10, 2017
Nuclear Weapons: Barbaric Tools of Death By Graham Peebles, July 09, 2017
The DPRK Has No Obligation to Bow to US Nuclear Demands By Jason Unruhe, July 09, 2017
122 Nations Create Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons. North Korea is the only Nuclear Country Which Voted Yes By World Beyond War, July 09, 2017
The United Nations Prohibits Nuclear Weapons By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, July 08, 2017
The Treaty for Banning Nuclear Weapons. “Nuclear Weapons are Not Only Immoral but Illegal” By Ray Acheson, July 08, 2017
Trump Cannot Be Trusted: Congress Must Reclaim “War-Making Authority” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 08, 2017
The Trump-Putin Meeting and the Fate of the Earth By Norman Solomon, July 06, 2017
The Long, Dirty History of U.S. Warmongering Against North Korea By Christine Hong, July 06, 2017
Even a US ‘Surgical Strike’ Against North Korea Could Lead to Full-Scale War By Jason Ditz, July 06, 2017
Provocative US Response to Latest North Korean Missile Test By Stephen Lendman, July 06, 2017
“… And the Rocket’s Red Glare …” – North Korea Wishes a Happy 4th of July By Moon of Alabama, July 05, 2017
The Nuclear Ban Treaty and Beyond. Will it Reduce Nuclear Arsenals and Defuse Nuclear Threats? By United Nations Correspondents Association, July 05, 2017
Thinking About Waiting. Time is All We Have… By Edward Curtin, July 05, 2017
Towards Adoption of a Strong Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty By Tilman Ruff, July 04, 2017
Trump’s Reckless Korean Peninsula Brinksmanship By Stephen Lendman, July 04, 2017
North Korea’s Fast Track Missile Development: How Far It’s Come and Why It Has the U.S. on Edge By Gregory Elich, July 01, 2017
Confronting the Profits and Legacies of Nuclear Violence By Ray Acheson, June 28, 2017
A Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Is in the Works and What It Could Achieve By Nuclear Information Service, June 26, 2017
Sino-US Talks in Washington. US Pressures Beijing to Threaten North Korea By Stephen Lendman, June 22, 2017
Towards a Legally Binding Ban on Nuclear Weapons By Kathy Kelly, June 22, 2017
Dealing with the Realities of Nuclear Violence By Ray Acheson, June 21, 2017
Trump Takes Another Step Towards War with North Korea By Peter Symonds, June 21, 2017
Overcoming Nuclear Crises: North Korea and Beyond By Prof. Richard Falk and David Krieger, June 17, 2017
We’re Off! to Ban Nuclear Weapons By Ray Acheson, June 15, 2017
South Korea: Moon Angered by Arrival of Weapons By Morning Star, May 31, 2017
Russia Calls House Bill Aimed at North Korea an “Act of War.” Will the Senate Block H.R. 1644? By Gar Smith, May 30, 2017
David Cameron’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Deal Raised £17.8m for Conservative Party Funds – Sets Pretext for War By Robert Woodward, May 26, 2017
The Draft Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons By Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, May 23, 2017
US Hegemony on Korean Peninsula Challenged By Leo Chang, May 15, 2017
North Korea’s Concern for Self-Defense. The DPRK Missile Test By Stephen Lendman, May 14, 2017
North Korea Test-Fires 7th Ballistic Missile Of 2017, Projectile Flew 700Km, Landed In Sea Of Japan By Zero Hedge, May 14, 2017
Proliferation of Toxic Technologies: Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons By Ray Acheson, May 13, 2017
Is Washington Planning a Nuclear First Strike on Russia? By Richard Edmondson, May 13, 2017
CIA Creates Mission Center to Address Alleged “North Korean Threat” By Telesur, May 12, 2017
Washington is Preparing a Nuclear First Strike against Russia. Are You Ready to Die? Zero Awareness and No Discussion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 12, 2017
Donald Trump and Theresa May – Partners in Planning Armageddon? By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 11, 2017
French Election: A Catastrophe for World Peace By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 10, 2017
The People of North Korea: “They Don’t Want War. They Want Peace”. By Dr. Kiyul Chung, May 09, 2017
Lockheed Martin-Funded Experts Agree: South Korea Needs More Lockheed Martin Missiles By Adam Johnson, May 09, 2017
United States Says ‘Yes’ to Nuclear Weapons Tests, ‘No’ to a Nuke Ban Treat By John LaForge, May 08, 2017
North Korea and the Looming Nuclear Danger By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, May 07, 2017
Sauron Rules in Washington: Neocons Firmly Believe They Can Win a Nuclear War against Russia and China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 05, 2017
What the North Korean “Crisis” is Really About. Pretext to Nuke Both Russia and China? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 04, 2017
U.S. to Launch Another Provocative Minuteman III ICBM Test, Amidst Accusations Directed against North Korea By Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, May 03, 2017
America’s Rapacious Aristocracy and World War III By Eric Zuesse, May 02, 2017
Responsible Actions Needed to Ensure Peace on the Korean Peninsula By Zhong Sheng, May 01, 2017
US Nuclear Breakthrough Endangers the World: America’s “Surprise First Strike Attack” By Conn Hallinan, May 01, 2017
Korea: Leading to War? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 01, 2017
Conventional vs. Nuclear Deterrence: Who is Interested in Conflict with North Korea? By Federico Pieraccini, May 01, 2017
What The Corporate Media Never Tells You About North Korea By Joe Clifford, May 01, 2017
The Unspoken Failures of “Save the Earth Science”: World Destruction with Nuclear Weapons, The Poisoning of the Earth’s Ecology By Edward Curtin, May 01, 2017
Tillerson Threatens North Korea By Stephen Lendman, April 30, 2017
The North Korea Military Gambit. Dangerous Crossroads, “All Options on the Table”, The Era of “Strategic Patience” Is Over … By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30, 2017
The Nuclearization of Space. The Crash of Cassini By Prof. Karl Grossman, April 29, 2017
Trump’s Foreign Policy After 100 Days: Tweeting with Bombs? By Nile Bowie, April 29, 2017
Endless Atrocities: The US Role in Creating the North Korean Fortress-State By Robert Barsocchini, April 28, 2017
Selected Articles: Trump’s Nuclear Obsession, Threat of Nuclear War against North Korea By Global Research News, April 28, 2017
Trump Warns There is a Chance of “A Major, Major Conflict” with North Korea By Zero Hedge, April 28, 2017
Mainstream Media Massively Hypes North Korean ‘Threat’ To America’s West Coast By Media Lens, April 28, 2017
Trump is Now a Captive of the “Deep State” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 28, 2017
Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 28, 2017
The Threat of Nuclear War, North Korea or the United States? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 28, 2017
Korea Crisis: Threats Do Not Promote Human Rights By Caleb T. Maupin, April 27, 2017
Trump Talks Tough on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, April 26, 2017
Will War Follow Another North Korea Nuclear Test? By Stephen Lendman, April 25, 2017
East Asia Nuclear Roulette. Possible Nuclear War, by Design or By Accident By Stephen Lendman, April 24, 2017
Trump’s U-Turn, “From Coward to Hero”: Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea and Yemen are the Answer By Peter Koenig, April 24, 2017
Why Does North Korea Want Nukes? By Paul Atwood, April 24, 2017
Video: The Coming War on China By John Pilger, April 23, 2017
The Reason Behind the Sales-Surge for Nuclear-Proof Bunkers By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2017
Self-Assured Destruction, The Climate Impacts of Nuclear War. Mass Starvation, Ozone Depletion By Alan Robock and Owen Brian Toon, April 22, 2017
Turning a Blind Eye Towards Armageddon — U.S. Leaders Reject Nuclear Winter Studies By Steven Starr, April 21, 2017
Lawsuit Warns $234 Billion In Aid To Israel Violates US Law Against Supporting Secret Nuclear States By Kit O'Connell, April 18, 2017
Trump Administration Takes Warmongering Directly to Korean Peninsula By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 18, 2017
Trump Delegates Warmaking to Generals. “A Nuclear War could Start without Trump” By Stephen Lendman, April 18, 2017
Tax Revenues and the Nuclear Option: In 2016, the U.S. Spent $57.6 Billion on Nuclear Weapons Programs By Robert F. Dodge, April 17, 2017