Since terrorism’s tragedy is again in the news, it is timely to revisit perhaps one of the biggest acts of terrorism in modern history - the illegal invasion and destruction - ongoing - of Iraq.
America, An Empire on its Last Leg: To be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
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January 07, 2020
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict
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January 03, 2020
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
The Geography of War: No Iraq…? No Iran!
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May 24, 2019
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
Iraqi Journalist, Member of Jury of War Crimes Tribunal Arrested by US Forces
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February 11, 2006
Colin Powell Lied to the UN: Following Orders Is No Excuse
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February 07, 2006
Paying The Iraq Bill
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February 07, 2006
Powell’s landmark February 2003 speech to the UN laying out the case for the Iraq war was based on fake intelligence
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February 07, 2006
‘In Less than Three Years’ : The cliché of US sponsored “democracy” to justify invasion and mass murder
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February 04, 2006
The State of the Union speech: Bush repeats litany of lies on Iraq war
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February 02, 2006
What the U.S. is spending to crush Iraq
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February 01, 2006
Bush’s State of the Union – Endless War and Domestic Repression
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February 01, 2006
Appeal for the Proper Treatment of Mr. Tariq Aziz
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January 26, 2006
Killing the Messenger: The Silencing of Journalism in Iraq
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January 25, 2006
US general withholds testimony in Abu Ghraib abuse trial
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January 22, 2006
Nothing depleted about ‘depleted uranium’
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January 22, 2006
Echoes of War
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January 20, 2006
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: ‘Who is Tareq Aziz’?
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January 15, 2006
“Violent Insurgency”:
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January 11, 2006
Coalitions Reject Election Results
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December 31, 2005
The American Imperial Plan and the Iraqi Oil Ministry
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December 31, 2005
Terror and Resistance
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December 31, 2005
Pentagon propaganda program orders soldiers to promote Iraq war while home on leave
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December 30, 2005
What I heard about Iraq in 2005
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December 30, 2005
Sunnis rally against Iraq ‘vote fraud’
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December 29, 2005
Extensive War Crimes committed by Occupation Forces
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December 29, 2005
Call for action to save Iraq’s Academics
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December 27, 2005
Iraqi civilian bombing casualties
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December 27, 2005
The Farce Trial Of Saddam
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December 27, 2005
Still under Occupation: Iraqi Election takes place
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December 25, 2005
Domestic Spying and Intimidation of Military Families
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December 24, 2005
Iraq and the Laws of War
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December 21, 2005
“Big Lies” and “Small Lies”: White (Phosphorous) Christmas
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December 21, 2005
Arbitrary Arrests of Iraqi Scientists: The Release of ‘Dr Anthrax’.
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December 21, 2005
The Anglo-American War of Terror: An Overview
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December 21, 2005
Thinking the Unthinkable: Saddam Trial, Arraignment or Apology?
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December 19, 2005
A young Iraqi doctor testifies on the horror in Iraq
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December 19, 2005
War in Iraq a crime, say legal experts
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December 17, 2005
The Crimes of U.S. ‘Democracy’
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December 16, 2005
Pre-Emptive Invasion and International Law
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December 13, 2005
Biopiracy and GMOs: The Fate of Iraq’s Agriculture
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December 12, 2005
The Deliberate Destruction of Iraq
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December 11, 2005
Did Big Oil participate in planning the invasion of Iraq?
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December 11, 2005
The Trial of Saddam Hussein
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December 11, 2005
The trial of Saddam Hussein: Anti-war movement must reject colonial ‘justice’
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December 10, 2005
Watching Human Rights Watch
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December 10, 2005
Where is the Iraq war headed next?
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December 10, 2005
Aegis Defence Services, Lt Col Tim Spicer and the murder of Peter McBride
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December 04, 2005
British Mercenaries Shooting at Baghdad Motorists is Part of “the Rules of Engagement”
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December 04, 2005
Iyad Allawi: ‘A man of the Shadows’
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December 03, 2005
America’s Covert War in Iraq
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December 03, 2005
What Staying on Course Really Means
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December 02, 2005
VIDEO: British Mercenary Company Kills Iraqi Civilians
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December 01, 2005
British mercenary firm exposed in civilian shooting incident in Iraq
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December 01, 2005
Death Mask: The Deliberate Disintegration of Iraq
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December 01, 2005
“Riding with the Bad Boys”: The Rise of Iraqi Death Squads
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November 30, 2005
The mysterious case of white phosphorous
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November 30, 2005
Four members of Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) in Baghdad abducted & taken hostage.
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November 29, 2005
BBC Newsspeak – ‘Credible sources’
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November 29, 2005
Demonize to Colonize
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November 29, 2005
Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq’s Oil Wealth
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November 27, 2005
Iraq: A Criminal Process
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November 27, 2005
First Light: Representative John Murtha instigates Historical Upheaval
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November 26, 2005
Iraq’s ‘Year Zero’
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November 26, 2005
Congressmen claim Iraqi pullout is coming
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November 26, 2005
Memo: Bush wanted Al Jazeera bombed
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November 24, 2005
Conversation between Blair and Bush in which the President suggested bombing Al Jazeera
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November 24, 2005
Torture and Extrajudicial Killings in Iraq
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November 24, 2005
Double Standards in Assessing War Crimes
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November 22, 2005
Battlefield Radiation. DU Vet: ‘My Days Are Numbered’
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November 22, 2005
It is Time to Unite and to Ensure Peace
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November 20, 2005
Crimes of War and Crimes Against Humanity
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November 20, 2005
The Face of War
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November 20, 2005
Democrats say “no” to Withdrawal
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November 20, 2005
Political conflict intensifies over Bush’s Iraq war lies
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November 20, 2005
The BBC’s Big White (Phosphorus) Lie
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November 19, 2005
Bush’s counteroffensive on Iraqi WMD
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November 17, 2005
Shameless BBC: When Misinformation means War Crimes
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November 17, 2005
Media Lies regarding the Use of White Phosphorus Bombs
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November 16, 2005
What Kind of Incendiary Bombs were used against Civilians in Iraq
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November 14, 2005
Crying Wolf: Media Disinformation and Death Squads in Occupied Iraq
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November 10, 2005
BBC and Fallujah: War Crimes and Media Lies
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November 10, 2005
US Army Admits Use of White Phosphorus as Weapon in Iraq
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November 10, 2005
US Uses Napalm in Iraq
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November 08, 2005