Since terrorism’s tragedy is again in the news, it is timely to revisit perhaps one of the biggest acts of terrorism in modern history - the illegal invasion and destruction - ongoing - of Iraq.
America, An Empire on its Last Leg: To be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
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January 07, 2020
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict
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January 03, 2020
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
The Geography of War: No Iraq…? No Iran!
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May 24, 2019
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
Terrorizing a Nation into Homelessness: Who is Responsible?
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May 05, 2007
Soldiers admit: ‘Iraq war is lost’
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May 03, 2007
Cost of Violence in Iraq
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May 03, 2007
Interview with Iraqi Resistance Member
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May 02, 2007
‘ Mission Accomplished.’: 48 blood soaked months later…
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May 01, 2007
Only One In Ten US Dead In Iraq Are Reported
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April 30, 2007
We’ve Been Surging For Years: More troops in Iraq than reported
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April 27, 2007
Senate passes Iraq war spending bill, paving way to Bush veto
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April 27, 2007
Iraqis oppose US plan to divide Baghdad into ghettos
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April 25, 2007
Baghdad : This Wall is their Grave
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April 25, 2007
Walls of Apartheid: Ghettoizing Baghdad
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April 25, 2007
Iraq’s Security Wall: “Selected Neighbourhoods”
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April 25, 2007
Is Cheney Right? Will Democrats Cave on Iraq Funding?
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April 23, 2007
Iraq’s Separation Walls
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April 23, 2007
Iraq may hold twice as much oil
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April 20, 2007
Iraq’s education system on the verge of collapse.
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April 18, 2007
What are Britain’s special-forces doing in northern Iraq?
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April 17, 2007
Civilian compensation claims: a glimpse into US crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan
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April 15, 2007
Iraq: Erasing History
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April 14, 2007
As US, British death toll rises: Pentagon orders 14,000 National Guard troops to Iraq
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April 12, 2007
Iraq: Refugees Speak of Escape from Hell
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April 11, 2007
Hundreds of thousands march in Iraq to demand end of U.S. occupation
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April 10, 2007
Kidnapped Iranian Diplomat accuses CIA of Torture
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April 10, 2007
U.S. accused of using Neutron Bombs
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April 10, 2007
Executing political opponents & their lawyers: Imminent threat to Iraqi Defense Attorney Badee Izzat Aref
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April 09, 2007
War Crimes: Health Care in Iraq has Collapsed
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April 06, 2007
VIDEO: Star Wars In Iraq
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April 05, 2007
Arab Perspective: Playing US Politics with Iraqi Blood for Oil
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April 05, 2007
Beyond Munich: The UN Security Council Helps Disarm a Prospective Further Victim of U.S. Aggression
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April 01, 2007
Iraq War Anniversary: Israel, Palestine Links Absent
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March 31, 2007
George Bush’s Land Mine: If the Iraqi People Get Revenue Sharing, They Lose Their Oil to Exxon
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March 30, 2007
No Good Choices in the Halls of Power: Democrats Vote $100 Billion to Continue the War
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March 28, 2007
Iraq: Counting the cost
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March 27, 2007
US Forces: Indiscriminate Strafing of Civilians in Iraq
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March 25, 2007
Democrats pass “anti-war” bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
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March 25, 2007
House Backs Troop Withdrawal in Challenge to Bush’s Iraq Policy
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March 23, 2007
Uranium and the War
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March 23, 2007
Four years into the occupation: No health for Iraq
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March 23, 2007
Iraq and Washington’s Systemic Failure
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March 21, 2007
Israeli spy planes patrol Iraq
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March 20, 2007
Tony Blair faces prospect of an International Criminal Court investigation for war crimes in Iraq.
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March 18, 2007
The Bush administration manoeuvres to unseat Iraqi government
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March 18, 2007
Playing Monopoly with Iraqi money
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March 18, 2007
Open letter to the anti-war movement
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March 18, 2007
Iraq: What about the ‘surge’ in civilian casualties?
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March 18, 2007
U.S. to expand Iraq prisons
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March 18, 2007
Blaming the Victims: Covering Up Terrorism in Iraq
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March 17, 2007
Silence of the Lambs? Proof of US orchestration of Death Squads Killings in Iraq
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March 14, 2007
Fake Congressional Opposition to War
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March 14, 2007
Three Iraqi women who face imminent execution: update
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March 10, 2007
The Sadrist Movement in Iraq
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March 07, 2007
Iraq, Defeated Occupation
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March 07, 2007
Conscientious Objector Faces Court-Martial: The Case of Augustín Aguayo
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March 06, 2007
US to join Iran at international talks: another round of threats and ultimatums
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March 04, 2007
Worldwide Mobilization: Second update on efforts to stop the Summary execution of three Iraqi women
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March 03, 2007
The death sentence pronounced on three Iraqi women alleged to be members of the resistance
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March 03, 2007
Iraq: New Martial Law Powers Threaten Basic Rights
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March 02, 2007
Outrage over Imminent Execution of Iraqi Women
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March 02, 2007
Prince Harry in Blunderland
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March 01, 2007
The Bush Adminstration’s New Strategy for Setting the Middle East Aflame
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February 28, 2007
VIDEO Dr David Kelly – Conspiracy
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February 28, 2007
Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq
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February 28, 2007
U.S. Tactics of Containing Regional Roles in Middle East
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February 28, 2007
US-installed Iraqi government imposes a culture of death and derogation of women’s rights
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February 28, 2007
The Locusts
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February 26, 2007
VIDEO: Iraq for Sale, The War Profiteers
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February 26, 2007
At least 78 Iraqi media professionals killed in 2006.
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February 25, 2007
VIDEO WEBCAST: The Death of Dr. David Kelly
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February 25, 2007
Another U.S. Military Assault on Media
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February 24, 2007
Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow
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February 24, 2007
Routine Practices of Torture by US Forces in Iraq: Testimony of Abbas Z. Abid to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
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February 23, 2007
The Model for Iraq was Ireland, 1692, Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules
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February 20, 2007
The Official Draft of the Oil and Gas Law of The Iraq Republic,
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February 20, 2007
Depleted Uranium: Pernicious Killer Keeps on Killing
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February 20, 2007
Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal
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February 19, 2007
Terrorist attacks in Iran and Iraq point to the involvement of the U.S. and Britain
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February 19, 2007
After House vote on non-binding resolution: Democrats won’t cut Iraq War Funding
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February 18, 2007
Border Closures Hinder Fleeing Iraqis
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February 18, 2007
Impeachment of Bush: Vermont takes the lead and calls for U.S troop withdrawal from Iraq
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February 18, 2007