The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
But there is a dark side to things in Iran, a land with more than 80 million people and a history and culture stretching back 5,000 years. Like the now-destroyed Iraq and Syria, it is a target country. America and Israel want the nation eliminated. It does not toe the Zionist-American line.
As warmongering against Iran has picked up pace, it is essential critical to be educated on these matters in order to undermine and extinguish the effects of the media propaganda echo-chamber.
Canada’s Media and Political Establishment Endorse Illegal Assassination of Iranian General Suleimani By Roger Jordan, January 17, 2020
How Europe Betrayed Iran: By Triggering JCPOA Dispute Mechanism, EU Helps Trump Finish Job of Killing the Iran Nuclear Deal By Scott Ritter, January 16, 2020
What’s the Point of NATO if You Are Not Prepared to Use It Against Iran? By Philip Giraldi, January 16, 2020
In Honor of Martin Luther King: “The Pursuit of Peace” and MLK’s Historic Analysis of “American Militarism” By Barry Kissin, January 16, 2020
US War of Terror Continues: Assassinating Iran’s Top Anti-ISIS General By Tony Cartalucci, January 16, 2020
Who Targeted Ukraine Airlines Flight 752? Iran Shot It Down but There May be More to the Story By Philip Giraldi, January 16, 2020
Tracked, Targeted, Killed: Qassem Soleimani’s Final Hours By Suadad al-Salhy, January 16, 2020
US Defense Secretary Esper Says Trump Lied to Justify Killing Soleimani By Arabi Souri, January 14, 2020
Trump and Esper: No Evidence, Just a “Sneaky Feeling”. Time for the Invaders to Go Home By Steven Sahiounie, January 14, 2020
Trump and Congress Double Down on Demonizing Iran By Philip Giraldi, January 14, 2020
Seems Increasingly Likely Trump Just Made Up the ‘Imminent Threat’ Posed by Soleimani By Andrea Germanos, January 14, 2020
Trump Sends a “Death Threat” to Iraq’s Prime Minister. By Renee Parsons, January 13, 2020
U.S. Now at War Against Iraq and Iran By Eric Zuesse, January 13, 2020
The Deep State “Entrapment of President Trump”: Competing Factions within the Military intelligence Complex By Junaid S. Ahmad, January 13, 2020
ISIS and Israel Praise Trump’s Assassination of Iranian Top General Soleimani By Sarah Abed, January 13, 2020
Pompeo’s Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Provocation to War By Gareth Porter, January 13, 2020
Illegality of US Foreign Policy, Pre-emptive Force and Qasem Soleimani By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 13, 2020
The West Is Run by Barbarians By Peter Koenig, January 13, 2020
New Poll Shows Most Americans Oppose Trump’s Iran Agenda By Stephen Lendman, January 13, 2020
World at Risk By Ed Lehman, January 13, 2020
Did Pompeo Dupe Trump into the Soleimani Hit? By Mike Whitney, January 13, 2020
Invoking the United Nations’ Historic “Uniting for Peace” Resolution 377 Before Trump Embroils Us in War with Iran By Dimitri Lascaris, January 12, 2020
This Iranian War Vet Has Some Advice for Trump: Don’t Play Checkers with the Grandmasters of Chess By Habib Ahmadzadeh, January 12, 2020
A New Middle East “Made in Iran” is About to be Born? By Elijah J. Magnier, January 11, 2020
Ten Ways Trump’s Actions Against Iran Hurt Americans, the Region and the World By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 11, 2020
What’s Behind Boeing Crash in Iran? By South Front, January 11, 2020
U.S. Now at War Against Iraq and Iran By Global Research News, January 11, 2020
America’ System of “Checks, Balances and Reality” Crumbles as It Seeks War with Iran: Send in Pope Francis, Not the Marines By John Stanton, January 10, 2020
Savage. Brutal. After the Assassination of Soleimani, Can We Just Admit that the United States Has No Morality at All? By Dr. Robert P. Abele, January 10, 2020
Trump Administration had Set a Trap for Soleimani By Joyce Nelson, January 10, 2020
Video: US Simulates A War with Iran Scenario By South Front, January 10, 2020
Washington Blames Iran for Ukraine Airliner Crash. Was the Plane Brought down by a Missile? By Stephen Lendman, January 10, 2020
Trump, Soleimani and Terrorism By Robert Fantina, January 10, 2020
A Window for Peace By Craig Murray, January 10, 2020
Surprise, Iraqi Resistance Bombs Green Zone! By Kurt Nimmo, January 09, 2020
The State of the Iranian Crisis. Will Trump “Escalate” or “De-escalate”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 09, 2020
The US vs. Iran: Who Won and Who Lost? By Andrew Korybko, January 09, 2020
Iran’s Strikes Against the U.S. Demonstrates the Unipolar System Is Truly Over By Paul Antonopoulos, January 09, 2020
The Deeper Story Behind the Assassination of Soleimani. Washington Threats to Engage in False flag Sniper Shootings. Iraq Prime Minister By Federico Pieraccini, January 09, 2020
Iranian Messages Behind Attacking US Bases in Iraq and the Consequences By Elijah J. Magnier, January 09, 2020
Trump’s Iran ‘Punching Bag’: US Provocations to Continue. Baiting Iran to Escalate? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 09, 2020
The US Propaganda Machine Justifies the Assassination of Qassem Suleimani By Andre Damon and David North, January 09, 2020
Iran’s Hero Has Fallen, and Now the World Is an Even More Dangerous Place By Andre Vltchek, January 08, 2020
Video: Trump Calls Upon Iran: “We Should Work Together” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 08, 2020
Iran Targets US Base of Ain Al-Assad in Iraq By Syria News, January 08, 2020
Reciprocal Escalation! Out of Control By Hasan Abu Nimah, January 08, 2020
On the Brink of War? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, January 07, 2020
Trump and His Team Are Lying Their Way to War with Iran By Ryan Costello, January 07, 2020
Trump has Placed the United States on a Collision Course with Iran By Donald Monaco, January 07, 2020
Video: Qassem Soleimani: Martyr of Iranian Revolution By South Front, January 07, 2020
What Comes Next after the US Assassination of Qassem Soleimani? The Options By Elijah J. Magnier, January 06, 2020
UK Nuclear Sub ‘In Position to Strike Iran’ Amid Tensions over Soleimani’s Killing By Mideast Discourse, January 06, 2020
The US Assassination of Major General Qassem Suleimani Underscores the Urgent Need to Reenter the Iran Deal By Physicians for Social Responsibility, January 06, 2020
Was Soleimani Framed by Trump? In Baghdad to Receive US Supported “De-escalation Proposal” from Saudi Arabia By South Front, January 06, 2020
The United States’ Assassination of Iranian Military Leader Violates International Law By Inder Comar, January 06, 2020
Assassination Is Not a Foreign Policy By Massoud Nayeri, January 06, 2020
Disruptive Assassinations: Killing Qassem Soleimani. Trump Promises “Bombing 52 Iranian Sites” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 06, 2020
Trump Tries Real Hard to Start a War for Israel. “He Should be Impeached Because He is a War Criminal” By Kurt Nimmo, January 06, 2020
War Again on the Front Burner By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05, 2020
The Coming Attack on Iran? By Prince Kapone, January 05, 2020
Black Alliance for Peace Declares: If You Believe in Peace, Commit to Defeating the Warmongers. No War on Iran! By Black Alliance for Peace, January 05, 2020
Implications of the Trump Regime’s Assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 05, 2020
The Murder of General Suleimani. Trump Expected Public Applause. It Didn’t Happen… By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2020
Soleimani’s Assassination: An Act of Psychological Warfare By Douglas Valentine and Mostafa Afzalzadeh, January 05, 2020
Trump vs. Iran: Has the US Crossed the Escalation to War Rubicon? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 05, 2020
The Foremost State Sponsor of Terror, the United States of America: Assassination of Soleimani – What Next? By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, January 05, 2020
Neoliberalism and the Killing for Profit in Iraq By Bulent Gokay and Lily Hamourtziadou, January 04, 2020
The War Hoax Redux. How to Start Another War By Edward Curtin, January 03, 2020
Trump Ordered the Assassination of Soleimani, and the Middle East Prepares for Possible War By Steven Sahiounie, January 03, 2020
No, a War with Iran Won’t Help Trump Win Re-Election By Andrew Korybko, January 03, 2020
America at War with Iran? Pentagon Ordered the Killing of IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani By Arabi Souri, January 03, 2020
Major General Soleimani’s Assassination Isn’t Going to Start World War III By Andrew Korybko, January 03, 2020
The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of the End of America’s Imperial Ambitions By Philip Giraldi, January 03, 2020
US Navy Chief Says Only ‘Regime Change’ in Iran Can Stop Country’s ‘Provocative Actions’ in Gulf By Mideast Discourse, January 02, 2020
Israel Preparing for War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, December 26, 2019
Israel Tests Nuke-capable Missile System Aimed at Iran: Report By Press TV, December 09, 2019
Israel’s War Minister Naftali Bennett Threatens Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2019
Trump Considers 14,000 Troop Deployment to Middle East to ‘Counter Iran’ By Jason Ditz, December 05, 2019
Lebanon and Iraq Protesters, the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Fed Up with Iran By Elijah J. Magnier, November 11, 2019
Time Is Running Out to Salvage the Iran Nuclear Deal By Sarah Abed, November 08, 2019