The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
But there is a dark side to things in Iran, a land with more than 80 million people and a history and culture stretching back 5,000 years. Like the now-destroyed Iraq and Syria, it is a target country. America and Israel want the nation eliminated. It does not toe the Zionist-American line.
As warmongering against Iran has picked up pace, it is essential critical to be educated on these matters in order to undermine and extinguish the effects of the media propaganda echo-chamber.
Impeach Bush—Stop Iran Invasion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15, 2007
“It’s 1938” By Qumars Bolourchian, January 14, 2007
Members of European Parliament condemn US military raids against Iranian Consulate By Global Research, January 14, 2007
Bush’s tough tactics are a ‘declaration of war’ on Iran By Anne Penketh, January 13, 2007
Did the President Declare a “Secret War” Against Syria and Iran? By Steve Clemons, January 13, 2007
Iran: The Unthinkable War By Juan Santos, January 13, 2007
Keeping all eyes focused on Iraq while Bush and Israel plot an attack on Iran By Mike Whitney, January 12, 2007
US forces carry out provocative raid on Iran’s consulate in northern Iraq By Peter Symonds, January 12, 2007
The Plan for the Economic Strangulation of Iran By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar, January 12, 2007
US Troops Raid Iran Consulate General in Northern Iraq By Global Research, January 11, 2007
Iranian Jews Dismiss Outside Calls to Emigrate By Global Research, January 11, 2007
Bush’s War Heating Up—Attack on Iran Imminent By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 08, 2007
Are We Still Going to Support Israel If They Use Nuclear Weapons? By Cenk Uygur, January 08, 2007
Israel plans to nuke Iran By Michael Carmichael, January 08, 2007
The Bush administration’s committee for regime change in Iran By Peter Symonds, January 07, 2007
Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran By Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter, January 07, 2007
Nuclear War on Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07, 2007
Planned US-Israeli Nuclear Attack on Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07, 2007
Israel ‘has plan for nuclear strike on Iran’ By Marie Woolf, January 07, 2007
Hysteria Over Iran and a New Cold War with Russia: Peak Oil, Petrocurrencies and the Emerging Multi-Polar World By William Clark, January 06, 2007
Nuclear War: US or Israeli Attack on Iran could contaminate Middle East By Sherwood Ross, January 06, 2007
Russia to sell anti-aircraft weapons to Iran, Syria By Global Research, January 03, 2007
Iran Manufactures Satellite Rockets By Global Research, January 03, 2007
Will covert U.S. plans bring regime change in Iran as well? By Global Research, January 03, 2007
2007: Decisive Year for the Israeli-Neocon Attack Iran Plan By Kurt Nimmo, January 02, 2007
Saddam execution being used in psywar against Iran By Global Research, January 01, 2007
Letter to Brown: stop Blair’s Iran war plans By Global Research, January 01, 2007
Israeli General urges US-Israel strike against Iran By Michael Carmichael, January 01, 2007
Targeting Tehran: US-Israeli Military Plan formulated in 2001 By Galal Nassar, December 27, 2006
The Meaning of the UNSC Iran Vote: Were Russia and China given private assurances by Bush? By Jorge Hirsch, December 26, 2006
Iran criticizes hypocrisy of Security Council over Israeli WMDs By Global Research, December 25, 2006
UN poised to pass Iran sanctions despite threat By Global Research, December 22, 2006
US considers military build-up to warn Iran By Global Research, December 21, 2006
U.S. Military Buildup directed against Iran By Global Research, December 20, 2006
U.S. plans naval buildup in Gulf By Global Research, December 20, 2006
Preemptive Warfare: Building a Consensus in favour of Israel’s Nukes By Global Research, December 17, 2006
It’s Not Just Bush: We’re Accountable Too By Heather Wokusch, December 17, 2006
Israeli Member of Knesset: US will attack Iran and Israel must dismantle Palestinian Authority By Anat Bereshkovsky, December 17, 2006
Divisions within Saudi Establishment: Prince Bandar allegedly Advocating Military Response against Iran By Steve Clemons, December 16, 2006
Syria: We expect Israel to launch Middle Eastern War anytime By Global Research, December 16, 2006
Saudi Arabia: Middle East on brink of exploding and GCC intends to go Nuclear By Ran Wei, December 14, 2006
Kuwait signs security agreement with NATO By Global Research, December 12, 2006
Robert Gates: Israel is a Partner in the US Sponsored Nuclear Threat against Iran By Global Research, December 09, 2006
Iran Asks Arabs to Join New Middle Eastern Security Alliance By Global Research, December 07, 2006
Majority of Israelis Favor War with Iran By Global Research, December 02, 2006
Israel between rhetoric and reality over Iran By Abid Mustafa, November 27, 2006
US exploits Kurdish Elements against Iran By Global Research, November 25, 2006
Iranian MPs Approve Bill on Fingerprinting US Nationals entering Iran By Global Research, November 19, 2006
Iran turns up the Heat By Mike Whitney, November 19, 2006
Something wicked this way comes: Is Olmert visiting GWB to plot an attack on Iran? By Jane Stillwater, November 13, 2006
Olmert talks of Military Action against Iran By Aluf Benn, November 13, 2006
Gold Rises in Asia after Iran’s Rocket Tests By Global Research, November 10, 2006
U.S. Vote: Iran Indifferent to Democrats’ Win By Ahmad Rafat, November 09, 2006
Iran: Sanctions against Iran are also Sanctions against Russia By Global Research, November 09, 2006
Cindy Sheehan: Activist mother arrested at White House protesting possible use of military in Iran By Global Research, November 08, 2006
Who’s Targeting Iran – and Why? By Gordon Prather, November 06, 2006
Iran’s “Power of Deterrence” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 05, 2006
Iran shows new generation of anti-helicopter weapons By Global Research, November 05, 2006
Massive Deployment of Naval Power directed against Iran: Eisenhower Strike Group arrives in the “Arabian Gulf” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 03, 2006
Are Israelis gearing up to bomb Iran? By Robert Fox, November 03, 2006
Iran test-fires longer range missile By Global Research, November 03, 2006
Iran fires missiles in Gulf war games By Global Research, November 02, 2006
Iran urges foreign troops not to damage Gulf peace By Global Research, November 01, 2006
“Weapons of Mass Destruction”: Building a Pretext for Waging War on Iran? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 01, 2006
U.S. war games target Iran By Matthew B. Stannard, November 01, 2006
Is Attacking Iran a Viable Option? By Liam Bailey, October 29, 2006
Iran calls “6+2” model best way to defend Gulf region’s security By Global Research, October 29, 2006
US sends the wrong messages to Iran By Dr. Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, October 24, 2006
US naval war games off the Iranian coastline: A provocation which could lead to War? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 24, 2006
Military Build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf: Israel and NATO sign Framework Agreement By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 23, 2006
The American Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group joins US build-up opposite Iran By Global Research, October 23, 2006
Iran Sparked Islamic Divide, Iran Only Can Defuse It By Nicola Nasser, October 19, 2006
Voting against nuclear war with Iran By Jorge Hirsch, October 18, 2006
Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran By Jonathan Cook, October 16, 2006
Tehran: North Korea’s Nuclear Test a Reaction to Violation of NPT By Global Research, October 15, 2006
Iran Offers Russia and America a Package Deal By Mikhail Zygar, October 12, 2006
US vs. Iran – Is An Attack Inevitable? By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar, October 09, 2006
Iran Attack Looks More Likely as Eisenhower Carrier Group Sails for Iran Theater By Dave Lindorff, October 09, 2006
Threats to Iran unacceptable: Russia foreign ministry By Global Research, October 08, 2006
“Cold War Shivers”: War Preparations in the Middle East and Central Asia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 06, 2006