The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
But there is a dark side to things in Iran, a land with more than 80 million people and a history and culture stretching back 5,000 years. Like the now-destroyed Iraq and Syria, it is a target country. America and Israel want the nation eliminated. It does not toe the Zionist-American line.
As warmongering against Iran has picked up pace, it is essential critical to be educated on these matters in order to undermine and extinguish the effects of the media propaganda echo-chamber.
History of US-Iran Relations: “Regime Change” and the Islamic State in 1979? Ayatollah Khomeini, an Instrument of the U.S.? By Sami Karimi, January 10, 2018
America Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran and Undermine Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East By Farhad Shahabi, January 10, 2018
Demonizing Iran: Mainstream Media Madness and US-Israeli-Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems By Robert Parry, January 10, 2018
A Paper Peace and Proxy War With Iran By Shamus Cooke, January 10, 2018
How the Washington Post Became the US Military-Industrial Complex’s Chief Propagandist By Eric Zuesse, January 08, 2018
Will Trump Use “Human Rights” to Kill the Iran Nukes Deal? By Mike Whitney, January 08, 2018
Trump’s Failed Coup in Iran By Eric Margolis, January 08, 2018
“Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House” By Seyed Hossein Mousavian, January 07, 2018
Unstable Geopolitics, Pakistan’s Alliance with China: Trump’s Backlash against Pakistan Reveals the Dawn of a Disputed 2018 Year By Sami Karimi, January 06, 2018
US Military
Birth of an Insurgency: The US-Israeli “Secret Deal” to Manipulate Protests in Iran By Whitney Webb, January 06, 2018
Iran in 2018 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2018
Don’t Get Too Excited About the Protests in Iran By Stephen Kinzer, January 06, 2018
Why There Won’t be a Revolution in Iran By Pepe Escobar, January 05, 2018
Iran at a Dangerous Crossroads By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2018
Iranian Protests: U.S. Meddling and the Deep State’s Unfinished Business By Tony Cartalucci, January 04, 2018
Syria Redux in Iran? By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2018
Dispelling the Iranian Terrorism Myth By Dr. M. Reza Behnam, January 03, 2018
political sanctions
Trump and Netanyahu Walk in Lockstep on Iran By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 03, 2018
The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans By Abdel Bari Atwan, January 02, 2018
Foreign Intervention Behind Iran Protests. CIA Instigated Street Violence? By Stephen Lendman, January 02, 2018
Syria 2011 All Over Again? Watch as Kurdish, Islamist Groups Call for a Violent Uprising in Iran By Paul Antonopoulos, January 01, 2018
political sanctions
Have Trump and Netanyahu Conspired to Topple Iran’s Government? By Stephen Lendman, December 31, 2017
U.S. and Israel Sign Secret Plan to Take on Iran. Report By Ali Nejad, December 31, 2017
Geopolitical Shift in the Middle East: The War on ISIS Has Increased the Influence of Iran By Sami Karimi, December 29, 2017
Propaganda Aiming to Prove Iran Supplied Missiles Backfires By Scott Ritter, December 29, 2017
Who Are the Leading State Sponsors of Terrorism? By Philip Giraldi, December 29, 2017
“Big Bipartisan Lies”: Intelligence Veterans Tell Trump Iran Is Not “Top Terror Sponsor” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, December 27, 2017
The Jerusalem UN Vote and the US-Israel Link By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 26, 2017
Will Washington’s Veiled NSS Threats against Pakistan Contribute to Consolidating Its Economic Alignment with China, Iran and Turkey By Andrew Korybko, December 23, 2017
US Military
Trump’s Scheme to Carve Up Palestine By Paul R. Pillar, December 08, 2017
Trump and Netanyahu Conspire to Make Jerusalem Israel’s Capital as They Make Preparations to Attack Iran By Hans Stehling, December 05, 2017
Netanyahu and CIA Director Pompeo Threaten Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2017
White House May Share Nuclear Power Technology with Saudi Arabia By Isaac Arnsdorf, December 02, 2017
IDF-linked Think Tank Admits Israel, ISIS Are Allies in Confronting Iran in Syria By South Front, December 01, 2017
Washington Urged by Israel to Bomb Iran. John Kerry By Stephen Lendman, November 30, 2017
Video: Israel Was Pushing Us to Bomb Iran before Nuclear Deal – John Kerry By South Front, November 29, 2017
Is the Israeli-Saudi Alliance Planning to Wage War On Iran? By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, November 29, 2017
Israel Threatens War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 27, 2017
Video: Hezbollah Forces Are on High Combat Readiness to Confront Possible Israeli Attacks By South Front, November 22, 2017
US/Saudi/Israeli Alliance for Greater Regional Turbulence? By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2017
US Wants to Divide Pakistan and Iran By News Desk, November 20, 2017
Israel and Saudis: Best of Friends? By Stephen Lendman, November 17, 2017
The US Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran. Why is Washington So Deeply Concerned about Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East? By Farhad Shahabi, November 16, 2017
Revealed – Saudis Plan to Give Up Palestine – For War on Iran By Moon of Alabama, November 16, 2017
Lebanon: The Next Battleground of Saudi Arabia? By Sami Karimi, November 15, 2017
Saudi-Israeli Collusion? Is Israel Seeking Role as Leader of the Sunni Bloc? By Jonathan Cook, November 14, 2017
Art of the Deal: Behind Saudi-Lebanon Crisis Is Trump’s Middle East ‘Peace Project’ By Patrick Henningsen, November 13, 2017
Trump’s CIA Is Laying the Groundwork for a Devastating War on Iran, with Help from Neocon Think Tank By Ben Norton, November 12, 2017
Secret Document: Saudis, Israel Working Together to Provoke War in Lebanon By Joyce Chediac, November 12, 2017
Don’t Let Misplaced Concerns over Missiles Jeopardize Iran Deal By Felicity Arbuthnot, Tytti Erästö, and Sina Azodi, November 11, 2017
Middle East Intrigue. Riyadh Accuses Iran and Hezbollah of Sowing Strife, War on Lebanon and Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2017
Dubious Osama bin Laden Documents: A Pretext for a War on Iran By Kurt Nimmo, November 08, 2017
“De-Dollarization” and the “Resistance Economy”? President Putin in Tehran, Negotiating A Multi-Billion “Petro-Ruble” Oil Deal. By Peter Koenig, November 06, 2017
Hezbollah Is Not a Threat to America By Sharmine Narwani, November 03, 2017
Neocons Push Dubious Paper to Allege Iran – Al-Qaeda Connection By Moon of Alabama, November 02, 2017
Iraq and Iran, Sharing a Neighborhood. U.S. 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Boost to Iranian Influence By Paul R. Pillar, November 01, 2017
Iran: Next Target of US Military Aggression in the Wake of the Invasion of Iraq. The 2005 “Military Roadmap” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 01, 2017
The Rise of MEK/NCRI in Washington: Pay Off the Right People and You Are No Longer a Terrorist By Philip Giraldi, October 31, 2017
Lebanon Next in US War on Middle East? By Ulson Gunnar, October 31, 2017
US Attempt to Fuel Iraq-Iran Rift Backfires By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 30, 2017
Trump and Iran. “President Trump is Willing to Pursue a Path of Aggression” By Adeyinka Makinde, October 30, 2017
political sanctions
Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu Is Leading US President Trump to War with Iran By Prof. James Petras, October 27, 2017
By Sabotaging the Iran Deal, Donald Trump Certifies US Irrelevance By Federico Pieraccini, October 25, 2017
Draft GOP Bill in US Senate Breaches Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2017
Saudi Arabia Finances Most of Israel’s Weapons Build-Up Against Iran By Richard Silverstein, October 20, 2017
Donald Trump’s Likudist Campaign Against Iran By Gareth Porter, October 20, 2017
Neocon Nikki Haley’s Anti-Iran Rage: Prelude to War? By Stephen Lendman, October 20, 2017
Should US Policy Against Iran be Taken Seriously? By Thierry Meyssan, October 20, 2017
When the Nuclear Violator Becomes the Accuser By Farhad Shahabi, October 20, 2017
President Trump Moves Towards War on Iran By Jan Oberg, October 19, 2017
America’s Predictable Betrayal of the Iran Deal By Tony Cartalucci, October 19, 2017
Kurdish Nationalist Group PJAK Utilized to Weaken and Divide Iran By Sarah Abed, October 18, 2017
The Iran Dilemma – The Tyrant Has Spoken By Peter Koenig, October 18, 2017
Video: Israel Wants War with Iran. Penetrating Historical Analysis of Israeli-CIA Meddling By Steve Pieczenik, October 18, 2017
US Betrays Iran Deal as Predicted – Edges Closer to War By Tony Cartalucci, October 17, 2017
Trump Team Targets Iran By Eric Zuesse, October 17, 2017
Wrongful Rhetoric and Trump’s Strategy on Iran By Kathy Kelly, October 16, 2017
Europe Should Stop Trump from Starting Another War in the Middle East By Farhang Jahanpour, October 16, 2017
Iran – Trump Has No Strategy, Only Aims and No Way to Achieve Them By Moon of Alabama, October 16, 2017
Trump’s Iran Deal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16, 2017