Trudeau’s Vacuous Haiti Declaration Ignores Revolution, Slavery By Yves Engler, January 10, 2019
Canada Backs Repression, Killing of Protestors in Haiti By Yves Engler, December 04, 2018
Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests? By Dady Chery, October 25, 2018
Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets. They Want the Western-imposed government out of Haiti By Ezili Dantò, October 19, 2018
Haiti Fights On. Rising Fuel Prices Trigger Mass Poverty By Philip Linder, July 13, 2018
Banking on a ‘Shithole’: US-led Racial Capitalism in Haiti Began Long Before Trump By Prof. Peter James Hudson, May 01, 2018
Human Trafficking from Haiti to Chile By Dady Chery, March 11, 2018
What the Oxfam ‘Sex Scandal’ Should Teach Us About NGO Imperialism: Haiti, the “Republic of NGOs” By Yves Engler, March 01, 2018
A UN-backed Police Force Carried Out a Massacre in Haiti. The Killings Have Been Almost Entirely Ignored. By Jake Johnston, January 19, 2018
Trump’s KKK-style Racism and Its Liberal Counterpart By Richard Becker, January 16, 2018
Haiti on this Earthquake Anniversary Still Pays the Price for Having Fought Slavery By Dady Chery, January 15, 2018
Trump “Shitholes,” and White Supremacy: Building Resistance on 8th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake. My Family and I Survived. By Jesse Hagopian, January 14, 2018
Haiti Network Blames UN Mission for Rape, Killings, Cholera By Telesur, August 29, 2017
Haiti Helped Create Largest Revolt of Enslaved Africans in U.S. History. The “Independence Debt” with France and the Louisiana Purchase By Ezili Dantò, August 24, 2017
Demands of Colonialism Reparations to the Caribbean By Colonialism Reparation, July 21, 2017
UN Engineered Cholera Epidemic: Help Haitians Find Justice Today By Jean Saint-Vil, June 28, 2017
Water for Profit: Haiti Comes to Flint By Dady Chery, June 13, 2017
Neocolonialism in Haiti, Water for Profit and the Cholera Epidemic By Dady Chery, May 23, 2017
Undermining Haitian Sovereignty. The Role of Canada By Yves Engler, May 18, 2017
Water for Profit: Haiti’s Thirsty Season By Dady Chery, May 12, 2017
The “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti”: Humanist Peacekeeping or…? By Jean Saint-Vil, May 06, 2017
Haiti and the Empire’s “Collaborators”: Guy Philippe Is A Criminal, Not a Hero By Ezili Dantò, April 26, 2017
Ten Reasons Why the U.N. Occupation of Haiti Must End By Dady Chery, April 16, 2017
“Prison Aid” to Haiti for Captive Slave Labor By Dady Chery, April 05, 2017
The Plight of Thousands of Haitian Migrants at the US-Mexico Border By Christiane Ndedi Essombe, January 20, 2017
Blatant Fraud in Haiti Elections: Form Unity Government By Dady Chery, December 28, 2016
Haiti Rejects Election Under Occupation By Dady Chery, December 05, 2016
UN Finally Offers ‘Half Apology’ to Haiti for Cholera Outbreak By Telesur, December 02, 2016
Haiti’s Rainy-Day Presidential Elections Without Clinton Thunder By Dady Chery, November 21, 2016
Haiti: How Bill and Hillary Clinton Wrecked an Entire Country By Jean Saint-Vil, November 14, 2016
Haiti Relief Efforts Fail to Address Mounting Humanitarian Crisis. What Happens to the Money? By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 18, 2016
Haiti’s Hurricane Devastation: A Tragedy Rooted in Capitalist Oppression By Bill Van Auken, October 14, 2016
Outsourcing Haiti: How Disaster Relief Became a Disaster of its Own By Jake Johnston, October 10, 2016
Haiti: Facts About Hurricane Matthew Versus The Media’s “Poetic Truth” By Dady Chery, October 10, 2016
How the Clintons Destroyed and Impoverished Haiti: Hillary’s “Dream Government” and Haiti’s Pay-to-Play “Recovery Commission” (IHRC) By Dady Chery, September 20, 2016
Cholera in Haiti: A True-Crime Medical Thriller By Crawford Kilian, June 28, 2016
How Hillary Helped Ruin Haiti By Theodore Hamm, April 13, 2016
Another Earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti? By Dady Chery, March 04, 2016
Haiti to Sell Offshore Island La Gonâve to Foreign Capital, Transformed into a Tax Haven… By Prof. Beguens Theus and Dady Chery, February 24, 2016
Amaral Duclona: Bogeyman of Haiti’s Foreign Occupation By Dady Chery, February 12, 2016
Canada Urged to Have Normal Relations with Haiti: Because it’s 2016! By Jean Saint-Vil, February 03, 2016
Aid-Money Laundering as an NGO Racket. Haiti By Dady Chery, February 01, 2016
Obama’s War Against the First Black Republic By Ezili Dantò, January 29, 2016
OAS to Send Special Mission to Haiti Amid Political Crisis By Ezili Dantò, January 29, 2016
The Clintons: We Came, We Stole, Haitians Died By Glen Ford, January 27, 2016
Haiti: Longstanding US Colony. Rigging of Elections By Stephen Lendman, January 27, 2016
Haiti’s Lead Export: Brazil’s New Slaves By Dady Chery, December 19, 2015
Haitian Government Reinstates the Army By John Marion, December 09, 2015
US Election Scams in Haiti By Ezili Dantò, October 26, 2015
US Sponsored “Occupation Democracy”: Haiti’s Cité Soleil Fights Back By Dady Chery, October 25, 2015
Staged Return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Push Haiti Elections. Maryse Narcisse for President? By Dady Chery, October 08, 2015
When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti? The UN “Destabilization Mission” By Dady Chery, September 11, 2015
The Clinton Plan for Haiti. America’s Neo-Colonial Mandate By Dady Chery, September 07, 2015
Haiti and the Profoundly Silent Chelsea Clinton By Ezili Dantò, September 04, 2015
Haitians Mark Centennial of First U.S. Military Occupation of Haiti By Kim Ives, July 29, 2015
USAID Funded Group Supporting Haitian President in 2010 By Center for Economic and Policy Research, July 28, 2015
Red Cross Itself May Not Know How Millions Donated for Haiti Were Spent: Confidential Documents By Justin Elliott and Laura Sullivan, July 22, 2015
Haiti: USAID Says it Built Houses in Caracol to Earthquake Safety Standards. It Didn’t. By Center for Economic and Policy Research, June 25, 2015
Hundreds of Thousands of Haitians Face Deportation From the Dominican Republic By John Marion, June 23, 2015
Haiti: Provisional Electoral Council Releases Final List of Candidates for Legislative Elections, Rejects Over One-Quarter of Candidates By Center for Economic and Policy Research, May 22, 2015
Haiti: What Happened to the $10 Billion in U.S. Aid Pledged After the Earthquake? By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 24, 2015
Haiti: Washington’s Front-Man, Michel Martelly and Its Police Force, MINUSTAH, Have to Go By Kim Ives, April 23, 2015
Eduardo Galeano on Haiti By Kim Ives, April 16, 2015
Haiti: Second USAID Contractor Suspended Following Caracol Housing Debacle By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 13, 2015
Haiti: Political Party KOD Rejects “U.S. Capitalists’ Rigged Elections”, Denounces Imperialists’ Project of Corrupt State By Haïti Liberté, April 09, 2015
Haiti: Martelly Government is the Most Retrograde and the Most Subject to Foreign Dictates in Latin America and the Caribbean By Berthony Dupont, March 26, 2015
Haiti: Was the U.S. Military-Intelligence Complex Involved in the Murder of Oriel Jean, Former Security Chief for President Aristide? By Kim Ives, March 11, 2015
Head of UN Occupation Force in Haiti, Edmond Mulet, Ran Child Trafficking Network in Guatemala By Dady Chery, March 07, 2015
Political Assassination in Haiti? Oriel Jean, Former Security Chief for Aristide, Gunned Down in Port-au-Prince By Kim Ives, March 05, 2015
Malcolm X’s Internationalism and the Struggle for Liberation in Haiti Today By Dr. Ajamu Nangwaya, February 27, 2015
Haiti: Carnival Tragedy — U.S., France and Canada Are Accessories to the Crime Wave and Gang Wars By Kim Ives and Thomas Péralte, February 26, 2015
Uruguay in Haiti: The Poorest President of a Mercenary Army? By Fernando Moyano, February 19, 2015
Haiti: Two Days of Demonstrations and General Strike: “Down with he UN Occupation”, “Down with the President and Prime Minister” By Kim Ives and Isabelle Papillon, February 11, 2015
Haiti: Mainstream Media Reduces Protests Against Dictatorship and Occupation to Mere Protest About Gas Prices By Ezili Dantò, February 10, 2015
Haiti: Portrait of an Uprising – Political Aftershocks Continue Rocking the Country Five Years After the Earthquake By Kim Ives, February 04, 2015
How Human Rights Can Build Haiti By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04, 2015
How to Free Haiti from Foreign Occupation: Lessons from Martin Luther King By Dady Chery, February 03, 2015
Why Did the UN Security Council Visit Haiti? By Marie Laurette Numa, January 29, 2015
Haiti by the Numbers, Five Years After the Earthquake By Center for Economic and Policy Research, January 16, 2015
Haiti “Reconstruction”: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite By Julie Lévesque, January 12, 2015