Climate Change

The very mega-billionaires behind the globalization of the world economy who have wreaked so much damage to our environment are the leading backers of the “grassroots” climate movement. Is it pangs of guilty conscience, or could it be a deeper agenda of the financialization of the very air we breathe and more?
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
While a World War III scenario implying the preemptive use of nuclear weapons has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than ten years, military planners are now involved in the formulation of concrete attack plans directed against Russia.
What I am seeing of late is that the Climate Crisis is destroying environmentalism. What I consider real environmentalism. The Climate discourse is quickly being taken over by monied interests whose desire is to save capitalism before they save the planet.
Shrinking Ireland: Global Warning in Local Communities By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 08, 2021
Global Ice Loss Increases at Record Rate By University of Leeds, January 26, 2021
Crimes Against the Earth By Dr. Andrew Glikson, November 24, 2020
“I Am Greta” Isn’t About Climate Change. It’s About the Elusiveness of Sanity in an Insane World By Jonathan Cook, November 18, 2020
The Event Horizon: Homo Prometheus and the Climate Catastrophe By Dr. Andrew Glikson, October 26, 2020
Annual Alpine Crucifixions. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 15, 2020
The Climate Strike Movement in Switzerland By Franklin Frederick, September 27, 2020
Arctic Heat Wave: Block of Ice Twice as Big as Manhattan Breaks Off Greenland’s Largest Ice Shelf, Goes into Ocean By Prof. Juan Cole, September 17, 2020
Climate Emergency Overdrive: Our Age of Compound Disasters as 10% of Oregon Is Evacuated, California Burns and Louisiana Sinks By Prof. Juan Cole, September 13, 2020
Climate Emergency: Records Tumble as 2 Million Acres of California Burn By Andy Rowell, September 11, 2020
The World on Fire By Robert Hunziker, August 09, 2020
Video: Planet of the Humans. Michael Moore’s Documentary By Michael Moore, May 01, 2020
Climate Change: The Fatal Road to 4 Degrees Celsius By Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 27, 2020
Ancestral Lands and Canada’s First Nations: Whose Ways Must Take Precedence to Heal Mother Earth By Jerome Irwin, March 03, 2020
Speeding Sea Level Rise Threatens Nuclear Plants By Paul Brown, February 18, 2020
Fish All Gone! Gulf of Alaska Fishery to Close for the First Time Ever: No More Cod: Salmon All but Gone: Millions of Small Sea Birds Died Since 2015 By The Big Wobble, February 09, 2020
Follow the “Real Money” Behind the “New Green Agenda” By F. William Engdahl, January 28, 2020
Fake-Green Zero Carbon Fraud: ‘Destroying the World to Save It’ By Julian Rose, January 13, 2020
Global Warming: “Fixing the Climate Data around the Policy” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2019
Climate Change Accounting: The Failure of COP25 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 16, 2019
Savoring What Remains: Taking in a Climate-Changed World. Alaska, “The End of Ice” By Dahr Jamail, December 10, 2019
Failed Action on the Climate Crisis Makes Resistance Imperative. Worldwide Protest against Neoliberalism By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, December 03, 2019
Melting of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets: Atmospheric CO2 and The Shift of Climate Zones By Dr. Andrew Glikson, November 26, 2019
Climate, Science and Mother Earth: Second Open Letter to Greta Thunberg By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, November 12, 2019
Incinerating Logic: Bush Fires and Climate Change in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 12, 2019
“Zero Carbon”, 5G Denial and “Green Neoliberal Globalization” By Julian Rose, October 21, 2019
Climate Change
Planet Has Been Heating Up for Almost Two Centuries By Shane Quinn, October 17, 2019
Are We Blocking Out the Sun? By F. William Engdahl, October 16, 2019
We Need Biodiversity-based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis By Dr. Vandana Shiva, October 09, 2019
Dying Wildlife on a Warming Planet By Meena Miriam Yust and Dr. Arshad M. Khan, October 07, 2019

Climate and the “Little Green Women and Men” By Peter Koenig, October 06, 2019
Climate Is Changing, Relations of Exploitation Are Not By Enzo Pellegrin, October 01, 2019
Heated Climate Change Debate Rages after Climate Action Summit at UN General Assembly By Sarah Abed, September 26, 2019
Dr. Gottschalk’s “World War II Heat Bump”: Did the War Contribute to Air Pollution and Global Warming? By Ian Baldwin, September 25, 2019
Peace Versus Climate By Peter Koenig, September 23, 2019
Climate Change Is “Not a Threat”? By Jim Miles, September 19, 2019
Wildfires and the Climate Crisis: Brazil, Siberia, California, South Europe, Queensland By Dr. Andrew Glikson, September 09, 2019
The Courage of Saying No: Children, Rebellion and Greta Thunberg By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 08, 2019
Portents of 21st Century Global Warming By Dr. Andrew Glikson, September 07, 2019
Tinderbox Earth: The Significance of the Amazon and Siberian Fires By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 27, 2019
World Extreme Weather: Is it Man or Something Else? By F. William Engdahl, August 27, 2019
The Media’s Response to Bernie Sanders’ “Climate Plan” By Eric Zuesse, August 26, 2019
Our Vanishing World: Melting Glaciers By Robert J. Burrowes, August 23, 2019
The “Lungs of the Earth” Are Literally Being Burned Away as Unprecedented Wildfires Absolutely Ravage Our Planet By Michael Snyder, August 23, 2019
The Fading Home of Homo ‘Sapiens’. Extreme Weather Events By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 15, 2019
Brazil’s Massive Crime Against Humanity. Bolsonaro has Decided to Destroy the Amazon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 30, 2019
Addressing the Climate Crisis, Worldwide Reforestation and Industrial Hemp By Ellen Brown, July 27, 2019
Some Like It Hot By William Bowles, July 18, 2019
Video: The Arctic Is Melting! Devastating Environmental Crisis By Thomas Gaulkin, July 02, 2019
Escaping Climate Catastrophe: Two Paths By Roy Morrison, July 01, 2019
Water Not Oil: Battle Cry of the “Blue Planet” By Jerome Irwin, June 28, 2019
Lessons for the Climate Emergency By Judith Deutsch, June 28, 2019
What Ever Happened to the Energy Transition? By John Treat, June 26, 2019
Beyond Climate Tipping Points: Greenhouse Gas Levels Exceed the Stability Limit of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets By Dr. Andrew Glikson, June 25, 2019
Global Warming Morphs into the Solar Minimum By Renee Parsons, June 11, 2019
Under a Greenhouse Atmosphere. Analyzing Global Carbon Emissions By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 18, 2019
The Newspeak Road to Four Degrees Celsius By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 15, 2019
Climate Destruction – Bearing Witness with Dahr Jamail By Lesley Docksey, April 26, 2019
Himalayan Glaciers on the Eve of Destruction By Pepe Escobar, April 09, 2019
The Advent of Extreme Weather Events and Climate Tipping Points By Dr. Andrew Glikson, March 18, 2019
How We, the People, Can Save the Planet. The Green New Deal By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 04, 2019
Melting Ice Sheets and Weakened Polar Fronts: Onset of Climate Tipping Points By Dr. Andrew Glikson, February 18, 2019
Resolutely Promised Prosecutions of Climate Criminals May Force Urgent Climate Action By Gideon Polya, February 08, 2019
Snow, Roads, Birds and Plows By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 03, 2019
Haven’t Enough to Keep You Awake at Night? Try the Doomsday Clock for a Truthful State of the Union By Skip Kaltenheuser, February 03, 2019
The Northern Freeze Event By Dr. Andrew Glikson, February 01, 2019
Six Dead as Record-breaking Arctic Air Mass Hits US Midwest By Niles Niemuth, February 01, 2019
Imagining Reality: Two Minutes to Midnight on the Clock of the Atomic Scientists By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 31, 2019
A Revision of Future Climate Change Trends By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 29, 2019
Ice Matters: A Meditation on Snow By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 12, 2019
The Gathering Climate Storm and the Media Cover-up By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 02, 2019
When “Green” Doesn’t “Grow”: Facing Up to the Failures of Profit-Driven Climate Policy By Sean Sweeney and John Treat, January 01, 2019
Loss of the Ice Mass in Antarctica. Increasing Sea Level Rise By Dahr Jamail, December 22, 2018
Scientists Will Begin Geo-engineering Experiment and Try to Block the Sun By Mac Slavo, December 15, 2018
Climate of Fear: Global Warming Alarmists Intimidate Dissenting Scientists into Silence By Prof. Richard Lindzen, December 15, 2018
Crimes Against the Earth By Dr. Andrew Glikson, December 14, 2018
Failed Media Coverage of Extreme Weather Events: How to Hide Global Warming in Plain Sight By Prof. Tom Huckin, December 06, 2018
Climate Crisis Made Worse by “Presidential Mis-Leadership”: Protecting Big Oil, From Bush-Cheney, Obama to Trump By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 04, 2018
Video: Global Warming Testimony. Questions the IPCC Consensus. Prominent Scientist By Prof. Don J. Easterbrook, December 01, 2018
Climate, Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying! By Robert J. Burrowes, November 27, 2018