One of the key players in U.S.-led "Soviet-Afghan war" was Osama bin Laden, a Saudi-born millionaire from a wealthy, powerful family with ties to the Saudi royal family. Before becoming America’s “boogeyman”, Osama was put in charge of fundraising for the Mujahideen.
Despite president Trump’s announced US troop withdrawal, the Afghan opium trade continues to flourish. It is protected by US-NATO occupation forces on behalf of a nexus of powerful financial and criminal interests.
Trump calls for escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Why? Is he going after the bad guys, or is it something else? Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America's illegal heroin market.
The insurgents have captured more than half of country; conclaves under peace talks are vaguely underway to negotiate the future fate of Afghanistan; the presidential election is scheduled for April 2019, all of which sets the stage for the US to implement the new giant plans.
Extension of Afghan Military Deployment By Tim Kennelly and Roger Annis, December 01, 2010
Afghan Trainee Kills Six US Troops By Bill Van Auken, December 01, 2010
Who’s Who in Afghanistan? Creating a New Impostor By Boris Volkhonsky, November 29, 2010
Afghanistan is About Perpetual War By Harvey Wasserman, November 26, 2010
NATO and South Asian security: NATO Plants Itself In South Asia For The Long Haul By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 26, 2010
Dennis Kucinich: Fake Taliban Leader, Fake Elections, Fake Deadline, Real Trouble By Dennis Kucinich, November 24, 2010
US to spend $413 billion more on Afghan war By Global Research, November 22, 2010
Afghanistan: What next? By Samson Simon Sharaf, November 22, 2010
Think tank: 92% of Afghans never heard of 9/11 By Daniel Tencer, November 21, 2010
NATO summit to embrace indefinite Afghan war By James Cogan, November 21, 2010
Britain: Thousands march against war in Afghanistan By Global Research, November 20, 2010
NATO: Afghan War Model For Future 21st Century Operations By Rick Rozoff, November 19, 2010
Karzai Calls for Reducing US Military Operations in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, November 15, 2010
Canada to extend participation in Afghan War through 2014 By Keith Jones, November 13, 2010
How long are Americans going to stay in Afghanistan? By Boris Volkhonsky, November 13, 2010
Timetable Abandoned: U.S. And NATO To Wage Endless War In Afghanistan By Rick Rozoff, November 12, 2010
US has no Afghan exit strategy: Holbrooke By Lalit K Jha, November 12, 2010
Number of Afghan Air Strikes Highest Ever By Luis Martinez, November 10, 2010
Indian boots in Afghanistan? By Ali K Chishti, November 08, 2010
War Crimes: ‘US targets civilians in Kandahar’ By Global Research, November 05, 2010
Who’s calling the shots in Afghanistan? The Pentagon or the Mercenary Outfits? By Robert Bridge, October 30, 2010
9 million Afghans live in extreme poverty By Global Research, October 28, 2010
Foreign troop deaths in Afghanistan near 600 for 2010 By Jonathon Burch, October 25, 2010
Nine Years Ago: RAWA Statement on US Strikes on Afghanistan By Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan, October 24, 2010
Afghanistan: US military death toll reaches 400 By Global Research, October 22, 2010
Digging In For The Long Haul In Afghanistan By Nick Turse, October 21, 2010
US-NATO casualties in Afghanistan in past 20 months more than the death toll in the first seven years of the war By Global Research, October 20, 2010
Dirty War in Afghanistan By Douglas Valentine, October 17, 2010
US-NATO Casualties in Afghanistan Soaring By Farid Behbud and Abdul Haleem, October 17, 2010
Tom Donilon: Obama’s new National Security Adviser By Eric Walberg, October 14, 2010
Afghanistan Air Strikes Up 172 Percent By Global Research, October 14, 2010
America’s “Afghan Trap” Enters 10th Year By Robert Bridge, October 11, 2010
Over 60 Percent of Afghans Suffer Mental Health Problems By Global Research, October 11, 2010
Afghanistan: Global NATO’s First Ground War In Its Tenth Year By Rick Rozoff, October 11, 2010
The Afghan War, Past and Present By FAIR, October 09, 2010
October 7: Ten Years of War in Afghanistan. Obama Should End the War or He Will Pay a Heavy Political Price By Kevin Zeese, October 08, 2010
Nine Years of US Presence in Afghanistan: What Next? By Boris Volkhonsky, October 06, 2010
U.S. And NATO To Wage 15-Year War In Afghanistan And Pakistan By Rick Rozoff, October 06, 2010
How the CIA Ran a Secret Army of 3,000 Assassins By Julius Cavendish, October 05, 2010
Karzai: ‘US Not After Terrorists in Afghanistan’ By Global Research, October 05, 2010
NATO Expands Afghan War Into Pakistan By Rick Rozoff, September 28, 2010
Afghanistan: Wealth, Corruption and Criminality Amidst Mass Poverty By Marc W. Herold, September 25, 2010
Why America Cannot Win in Afghanistan By General Hamid Gul, September 24, 2010
U.S. officials say CIA runs elite Afghan fighting force By Global Research, September 24, 2010
Helicopter Crash Makes 2010 the Deadliest Year for Afghanistan Occupation Troops By Bill Van Auken, September 23, 2010
US Imposed “Democracy” in Afghanistan By John W. Warnock, September 21, 2010
US Endgame in Afghanistan: The Evil of Three Lessers By Eric Walberg, September 14, 2010
American media suppresses report on US military atrocities in Afghanistan By Patrick Martin, September 12, 2010
America’s Fake “War for Democracy” in Afghanistan By Danny Schechter, September 10, 2010
US soldiers killed Afghans as sport By Global Research, September 10, 2010
Empire, Energy and Al-Qaeda: The Anglo-American Terror Network By Andrew Gavin Marshall, September 08, 2010
The American Occupation of Afghanistan and the Birth of a National Liberation Movement By Marc W. Herold, September 07, 2010
The Humanitarian Invasion of Afghanistan: Occupation by NGO By Yves Engler, September 05, 2010
VIDEO: Pentagon’s Half-Billion-Dollar PR Campaign to Sell Afghan War By Global Research, September 05, 2010
Barack Obama and Afghanistan By Marc Herold, September 02, 2010
Afghanistan: North Atlantic Military Bloc’s Ten-Year War In South Asia By Rick Rozoff, September 01, 2010
U.S. Troops Fire On Thousands Of Protesters Outside Bagram Base By Tom Mellen, August 25, 2010
Afghanistan Crisis Deepens: U.S., Canada and NATO Threaten to Extend War By Tim Kennelly, August 25, 2010
More US-NATO Military Bases: US Armed Forces in Central Asia – built to last By Aleksandr Shustov, August 17, 2010
US Airstrike Kills 8 Afghan Civilians By Global Research, August 14, 2010
German Military Offensive in Afghanistan By Michael M. Phillips, August 12, 2010
Petraeus Is Winding Back Afghanistan’s Clock By James Gundun, August 03, 2010
Obama Puts his Spin on Afghan War By Global Research, August 03, 2010
Leaked Documents Expose the Imperialist War in Afghanistan By Alex Lantier, August 03, 2010
Noble, Criminal Western Democracies By Rami G. Khouri, August 02, 2010
Afghans Riot in Kabul After Deadly NATO Crash By Global Research, July 30, 2010
Russia, Afghanistan and Star Wars By Eric Walberg, July 30, 2010
The Political Spinning of the WikiLeaks Release: Anti-war Whistleblowing or War Propaganda By Larry Chin, July 30, 2010
Leaked documents expose imperialist war in Afghanistan By Alex Lantier, July 27, 2010
Stop The Af-Pak War: Pakistan’s Coalition Of Conscience By Global Research, July 24, 2010
Reports That Pentagon Funding of Taliban is “Unintentional” Are Wrong By Ralph Lopez, July 24, 2010
America’s Undeclared War on Pakistan By James Gundun, July 22, 2010
Kyrgyzstan, America and the Global Drug Trade: Deep Forces, Coups d’Etat, Narcotics and Terror By Prof Peter Dale Scott, July 14, 2010
VIDEO: Afghan Protests Against NATO Raid in Full Swing By Global Research, July 12, 2010
Kazakhstan Ratifies Agreement With U.S. to Transit Armor to Afghanistan By Global Research, July 10, 2010
US-Led Forces Kill Two Afghan Civilians By Global Research, July 09, 2010
Afghanistan : The “Graveyard of Empires” Strikes Back. Coalition Forces are in Retreat By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 07, 2010
Losing in Afghanistan By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 07, 2010
Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia By Rick Rozoff, July 05, 2010
NATO’s Deadliest Month in Afghan War By Global Research, July 01, 2010