Fifth Generation (5G) Cell Phone Systems Threatens Human Health and Intelligence
In 1960 Allan H. Frey was 25 years old, he had graduated in biophysics and worked at General Electric’s Advanced Electronics Center at Cornell University. When a radar technician invited him to come and listen to a clicking sound of the radar broadcasting, which he was hearing in his brain at his workplace,
Allan Frey made a discovery that started his lifetime scientific research. Just one year later, in 1961, he published in a scientific magazine his experiments where people could hear in their heads, at a distance of 300 feet from the antenna, different sounds produced by pulsed microwaves. With this same method, he also produced in people the perception of severe buffeting of the head, or the pins and needles sensation (see this). His further experiments were financed by American Navy and Air Force (see this), which could see in his experiments the potential for new type of weapons. Allan Frey began to experiment with rats and frogs and found out that to influence the activity of their nervous system he needed much lower density of electromagnetic energy than is the density of electromagnetic energy used nowadays for the communication by cell phones.
Robert Becker was twice nominated to the Nobel prize for his research on effects of electric and magnetic fields on healing of fractures. At the end of 20th century he testified in a trial where the state of Wisconsin tried to ban the construction of an antenna for the communication with military submarines on its territory. The antenna was supposed to use 90 Hz frequency, which is within the range of the functioning of the human nervous system (see this). Robert Becker testified that the transmission of the antenna could be harmful to people.
When he lost his work for this testimony, he started writing books on the research of effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human organism. In the book entitled “Body Electric“ – he wrote about the experiment by Allan H. Frey, where he slowed down the heart beat of frogs by electromagnetic energy with a density of 3 microwatts per square centimeter (see this). Just to have a comparison – in the European Union the limit for electromagnetic exposure is at the frequency of 900 Mhz set to 450 microwatts per square centimeter and at another microwave frequency used by cell phone systems 1800 Mhz to 900 microwatts per square centimeter.
This means that it is permitted in the European Union to expose people to a density of electromagnetic energy 150 and 300 times higher than is necessary to slow down the heart-beat of a frog. With the fifth generation of cell phone systems this density will be increased at least tenfold. It is possible to object that at higher frequencies the skin will absorb most of this radiation, but the human body is full of salty liquids and this kind of electrolyte may act as an antenna which will carry this radiation deep into the human body – just see the veins (covered just by milimeter of skin), which are full of blood, which is an electrolyte. In addition the radiation will be transmitted constantly and there will be no place to escape from it, since it is supposed to enable driver-less car transportation and so it must penetrate every inch of the planet (see this).
In 1975 Allan Frey published an experiment where he injected a fluorescent dye into the circulatory system of white rats, then swept the microwave frequencies across their bodies and the dye had leached into the confines of the rats’ brains. It proved that microwave frequencies can breach the barrier between the blood and brain allowing toxins and viruses to enter the brain (see this). Swedish scientist Leif Salford i is engaged in similar experiments. He exposed three groups of rats to the power density of 24 microwatts, 240 microwatts and 2400 microwatts and found out that due to penetration of toxins into their brains a number of neurons in their brains were destructed, while in the control group, which was not exposed to this radiation, it did not happen (see this). Similar results were obtained by 13 scientific laboratories in 6 countries (see this, this, and this).
Indian scientists carried out an experiment where rats were exposed for 180 days for two hours a day to cell phone radiations in 900, 1800 and 2450 Mhz. Prior to the experiment the rats were trained to move in a maze. After the exposure the reactions of irradiated rats were slower than the reactions of rats that were not exposed to microwave radiation. The scientists drew a conclusion that the ability of exposed rats to learn and to remember was damaged. Their DNA was also damaged (see this). To measure the exposure of rats to electromagnetic radiation the Indian scientists used a specific absorption rate. In their experiment it was 595 microwatts per one kilogram and 672 microwatts per one kilogram. According to the European norms people may not be exposed to density of electromagnetic radiation exceeding 0,08 Watts per one kilogram. Again, this exposure is high above the exposure where toxic effects of microwave radiation on rat’s brains were observed. With this finding we should not be surprised that the intelligence quotient of people living in developed countries is decreasing since the 1990’s of the past century (see this), when the density of electromagnetic radiation in the human environment has been rapidly growing.
Allen H. Frey wrote in 2012, when he was already partially retired, that in the USA the results of effects of microwave radiation on people were falsified during the cold war years to assure people that the radiation from military radars could not harm them. Another reason to block and disqualify the unclassified research of effects of microwaves on human organism was to hide the microwave bio-weapons program. For that matter the contractors, hired by military, supposedly replicated the Allan Frey’s experiment with injecting dye into the blood of rats by injecting it into their intestines instead of incjecting it into their blood. At the scientific conferences they then presented the results of their experiments where the dye did not penetrate the rat’s brains. In this way they suppressed the impact of Frey’s experiments. To keep hiding the military research of bio-weapons the U.S. Government stopped financing unclassified research in the microwave area and in this way also stopped the subsequent publication of the results. Stopped was, as well, the funding of Allan Frey’s research on the barrier between blood and brain.
Apparently the same situation exists worldwide and many scientists do not oppose the implementation of the 5G systems, because they are afraid that they could lose the funding of their work in the same way as Robert Becker did. In the conclusion of his article Allan Frey wrote that for those reasons hundreds of millions of people, who began to use cell phones, became subjects of experiments they never gave informed consent to (see this).
However all over the world there exists legislations prohibiting experiments on people without their informed consent and at present time the world mass media fail to inform the general public of the risks connected to the use of cell phones and the implementation of the fifth generation of the cell phone systems networks. In this way people are not allowed to know that electromagnetic radiation produces in their organisms oxidative stress, which can contribute to the following illnesses:
- cancer (for example in the Czech Republic since 1985, when the use of microwaves started growing – GPS, cell phone systems and WiFi – until 2016 the occurrence of cancer disease grew by 141%, see this)
- diabetes (in the Czech Republic was registered 184000 people with this disease in 2008 and in 2018 it was already 320000 – the number of ill people grew almost by 100% in ten years, see this and this – there are some 10 millions of inhabitants in the Czech Republic)
- Parkinsons disease (20000 people are ill with this disease in the Czech republic in this year and in 2030 it is expected to be 30000 people, see this)
- Alzheimer disease (at present time there are 135000 people ill with this disease in the Czech Republic and it is expected that there will be 225000 of them in 2050 (see this) – in the last five years that number grew by 38% (see this) and certainly the life expectancy in the Czech Republic has not grown by 38% in the last five years)
- Autism (in 1975 one out of 5000 people suffered with this disease in the Czech Republic, in 1985 it was one out of 2500 people, in 2007 it was one out of 150 people and in 2015 it was one out of 86 children This is the increase by 5000% in 30 years !!! (see this))
According to the scientific research all of those illnesses can be produced by oxidative stress (see this), caused in the human organism by electromagnetic radiation (see this and this). It is highly logical to find that there is coincidence between the rapidly growing density of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere since the introduction of GPS, cell phone telephony and WiFi and rapidly growing occurrence of illnesses which can be produced by oxidative stress produced by electromagnetic radiation.
It would be appropriate to sue the governments, which promote the introduction of 5G mobile telephony, without verifying its harmlessness, for experimenting on people without their informed consent, and consequently sue the actual members of those governments for the further increase of the occurrence of the diseases mentioned above after the introduction of the 5G cell phone systems.
The readers may sign the appeal for the world wide ban of the introduction 5G technology here.
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