Hope Restored: My Life and Views on Canada, the U.S., the World & the Universe: Paul Hellyer

A Book Review


This powerful book argues that the human species is at a tipping point when it is forced to choose between a New World Order fascist government committed to rapid depopulation or a world of peace and justice.

Hellyer demonstrates that God is alive, well and everywhere, and that humanity’s choice is between the Dark and the Light. To follow the Light means giving up atomic weapons, replacing the oil economy with clean zero-point energy developed by Americans in the 1960s, having governments create 34 percent of all new money for public purposes rather than borrowing it from the 62 elite banking families, a reconciliation of the two main branches of Islam, and a just settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute to bring peace to the Middle East.

Finally it will be necessary for all countries, races, and faiths, especially young people, to forgive past atrocities and work together in common purpose to save the heritage they have in common.


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Hope Restored: An Autobiography by Paul Hellyer: My Life and Views on Canada, the U.S., the World & the Universe

Author: Paul Hellyer

Publisher: Trine Day (September 24, 2018)

ISBN-10: 9781634241847

ISBN-13: 978-1634241847

Click here to order.



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