
This interview was recorded a July 2, 2024. It was intended to be published prior to the NATO Summit. 

Due to temporary technical problems the programme was not recorded in the Lux Media Studio. Our thanks to Lux Media for


Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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Collapse of Syrian Truce: US Air Strikes in Support of the Islamic State (ISIS-ISIL-Daesh) Terror Group By South Front, September 21, 2016
Video: Contradictory Reports regarding “Humanitarian Convoy” Destroyed on Road near Aleppo By South Front, September 21, 2016
US Massacre of Syrian Soldiers Combating ISIS-Daesh Terrorists Exposes Washington’s Mendacity By John Wight, September 20, 2016
Oliver Stone’s American History: ‘We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat’ By James Reinl, September 18, 2016
US Army Corps of Engineers Approves yet Another ILLEGAL Pipeline through Endangered Ecosystems in Florida By Jafari Tishomingo, September 18, 2016
9/11 Truth 15 Years Later: The Anthrax Attacks, Alleged Saudi Involvement in 9/11, The Media Campaign By Michael Welch, Prof. Graeme MacQueen, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Barrie Zwicker, September 18, 2016
Libyan Rebels ‘Miss Gaddafi’ after Years of Chaos Created by Western Intervention By RT, September 18, 2016
Syria: US and Russia Exchange Allegations of Ceasefire Violations, Syrian Government Forces Offensive against (US Supported) Terrorist Groups By South Front, September 17, 2016
Syria War Report: End of the Islamic State? ISIS /Daesh Terrorists Killed in Russian Air Strikes By South Front, September 16, 2016
“Stop Supporting Terrorists in Syria”: Netflix and “White Helmets” (Fake NGO), “Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda” By Vanessa Beeley, September 16, 2016
Syria’s “Good” and “Bad” Terrorists: Russia Accuses Al Qaeda Rebels (Supported by US) of Violating Ceasefire By South Front, September 15, 2016
Don’t Worry, Hillary Clinton “Will Power Through”. US Media Catchword Narrative on Pneumonia Diagnosis By Washington Free Beacon, September 15, 2016
Syria: New Ceasefire Attempt. Russia Continues to Strike Terrorist Forces, Israeli Air Strikes in Support of Al Qaeda By South Front, September 13, 2016
Syrian Army Advancing in Latakia against Al Qaeda, Russian Air Support By South Front, September 13, 2016
Fire Did NOT Cause Collapse of Third WTC Building on 9/11 By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2016
Videos Show Clinton Fainting During “Medical Episode” At 9/11 Ceremony By Zero Hedge, September 12, 2016
According to Russian Intelligence The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) is Financed from 40 Countries. Putin By RT, September 12, 2016
The War Economy: CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Warns about Job Loss If US Stops Arming Saudi Arabia By Michael Krieger, September 11, 2016
Video: The Technologies of Modern Warfare in Syria. Russia’s “Electronic Ears” over Aleppo By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, September 11, 2016
9/11 Truth, 15 Years Later: Best Evidence or Psy-Op? – On WTC Controlled Demolition Claims Part One: Global Research News Hour Episode 150 By Michael Welch, James Corbett, Mark Robinowitz, and Richard Gage, September 11, 2016
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory By James Corbett, September 11, 2016
Bystanders look on at the carnage following a suicide car bombing in the Yemeni city of Aden (AFP)
Top CNN Host More Worried About US Defense Revenues Than Dead Civilians in Yemen By Sputnik, September 10, 2016
9-11 Memorial Museum Officials Accept “Truther Art” into Permanent Collection. Anthony Freda By John Massaria, September 10, 2016
Aleppo, ‘Chemical Attack’ Propaganda and the White Helmet Folly By Vanessa Beeley, September 10, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report, Iranian Fighters Arrive in Aleppo City, Heavy Losses incurred by Daesh-ISIS By South Front, September 09, 2016
Syrian Government Forces Deployed in Outskirts of Aleppo, Al Qaeda Encircled By South Front, September 09, 2016
The EU Migration Crisis: Towards the “Palestinianization” of the Refugees within the EU? By Daniel Deiss, J. Hawk, and Edwin Watson, September 08, 2016
Video: Government Forces Developing Momentum in Aleppo, Destroying Terrorist Targets. Obama-Putin Discuss Syria War By South Front, September 08, 2016
Community Doctors: Cuba’s Commitment to Health Care for All By Global Research News, September 07, 2016
Syria Army Restores Siege of Aleppo City. Extensive Russian Air Strikes against US Supported Terrorists By South Front, September 06, 2016
The Zika Trigger: CDC Unveils Forced Vaccination and Quarantine Policy, Mass Aerial Spraying of Subject Populations By James F. Tracy, September 06, 2016
Putin vs. Bilderberg: “Do you want another Cuban Missile Crisis?” By Ruslan Ostashko, September 05, 2016
Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Northern Hama. Islamist Rebels Counterattack, Targeting Russia Missile Battalion. Report By South Front, September 03, 2016
Syria’s ISIS-Daesh Leader Al Adnani Reported Dead, Kurdish YPG Launch Attack on Strategic ISIS-controlled City of Al-Bab By South Front, August 31, 2016
Video: Al Qaeda Militant Strongholds Fall Near Damascus By South Front, August 30, 2016
Science, War and Humanity By Dr. Vandana Shiva, August 30, 2016
#ThisFlag Zimbabwe: Surprise Social Media Phenomenon Or US-Manufactured Uprising? By Caleb T. Maupin, August 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Support of “Kiev Hardliners”: Towards Large Scale Escalation of Combat Operations in Ukraine? By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, August 27, 2016
US-Turkey “Operation Euphrates Shield”: Illegal Invasion of Syria By South Front, August 26, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report: Deepening Crisis in Eastern Syria By South Front, August 23, 2016
Imperial Lawlessness By Mark Taliano, August 23, 2016
Video: UN Security Council “Humanitarian” Debate on Syria, Succession of Lies and Truths By United Nations, August 23, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Uncanny Fulfillment of Israel’s Yinon Plan for a Middle East Riven with Conflict By Hub Pages, August 21, 2016
Four Million Muslims Killed In Western Wars: Should We Call It Genocide? By Kit O'Connell, August 21, 2016
Canada’s Mining Industry and Popular Resistance By Socialist Project, August 21, 2016
The South Korea Protest Movement against the THAAD Missile System. “Seongju is Korea and Korea is Seongju” By Hyun Lee, August 20, 2016
Video: Russian Military Build up in and around Syria By South Front, August 17, 2016
Video: Russian Air Force Operating against ISIS Operating Out of an Iranian Base By RT, August 17, 2016
Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars By Jay Syrmopoulos, August 16, 2016
Roots of “Black Lives Matter” in Bwa Kay Iman, Haiti (14-15 August 1791) By Jean Saint-Vil, August 16, 2016
Syrian War Report: ISIS Rebels Attack on US Outpost, Russian Airforce Bombs ISIS Positions… By South Front, August 16, 2016
Hand in Hand for Propaganda? The BBC’s “Saving Syria’s Children” Documentary By OffGuardian, August 13, 2016
Military Escalation: Turning Point in the Battle of Aleppo By South Front, August 13, 2016
Syria War Report: Opposition Terrorists Threaten Government’s Supply Lines By South Front, August 13, 2016
Russian Bombers Destroy ISIS Chemical Weapons Plant near Raqqa, Syria By RT, August 11, 2016
Video: Stalemate in Battle for Aleppo? Opposition Terrorists Strike Back By South Front, August 10, 2016
Video: DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz get served in Class Action Lawsuit, Lead Attorney Dead By Global Research News, August 08, 2016
Lead Attorney In Anti-Clinton DNC Fraud Case Mysteriously Found Dead By Zero Hedge, August 08, 2016
US State Department Remains Mute on How US Weapons Ended Up in the Hands of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists By Sputnik, August 06, 2016
Washington Uses Terrorist Groups in Syria and Iraq in Order to Oppose the Growing Influence of Iran and Russia in the Region By South Front, August 06, 2016
Anti-Corruption Protest against Brazil’s Interim President Temer ahead of Rio Olympic Games Opening By RT, August 06, 2016
Video: “Moderate” Terrorists’ Attempted Counter-Offensive In Aleppo By South Front, August 05, 2016
Deployment of US THAAD Nuclear Missiles in South Korea Threatens China’s Security By Bingxin Li, August 04, 2016
Video: Hillary Clinton is a Political Liar: “Lying for 13 Minutes Straight” By Global Research News, July 30, 2016
Jeremy Corbyn Calls for End to UK ‘Arms Bazaar’ Policy in Middle East. No More Weapons for Saudi Arabia By David Hearst and Peter Oborne, July 30, 2016
Al Nusra Rebranding: They are No Longer Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists, Henceforth They are “Moderate Rebels” By South Front, July 29, 2016
Syrian War Report: Major Gains of Pro-Government Forces in Aleppo By South Front, July 29, 2016
NATO Psychological Operations (PSYOP) to Influence Emotions and Sway Public Opinion By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, July 27, 2016
GMO and Toxic Chemicals: Monsanto Is “Feeding the World” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 27, 2016
Documentary Reveals How Israel Convinces Americans: “Palestine Occupies Israel” By Mnar Muhawesh, July 24, 2016
Countering IMF Propaganda against Brexit By Peter Koenig and Press TV, July 24, 2016
Video: France Mourns Nice Victims, Hollande Government Supports ISIS in Northern Syria: Michel Chossudovsky By Press TV and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 23, 2016
How Brexit Changes Everything A panel discussion from the Canadian Dimension Collective By Michael Welch and Prof. John Ryan, July 23, 2016
Syrian War Report: Fierce Clashes between Rebels and Government Forces By South Front, July 22, 2016
The Nice Massacre: Another ‘Known Wolf’? Inconsistencies, Shifting Narratives and the Role of ISIS By Shawn Helton, July 21, 2016
Video: US Voters Face a Difficult Choice By South Front, July 21, 2016
The Forgotten Coup: Hillary Clinton’s “Dirty Hands” in the 2009 Honduran Coup By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 21, 2016
US-NATO Border Confrontation with Russia, Risks Nuclear War By Prof Michael Hudson, July 20, 2016
Video: Studying the Turkish Coup Attempt By South Front, July 19, 2016
Erdogan’s Purge: Pro-Government Islamist Mobs Torture and Murder in Streets of Turkey By 21st Century Wire, July 17, 2016