
This interview was recorded a July 2, 2024. It was intended to be published prior to the NATO Summit. 

Due to temporary technical problems the programme was not recorded in the Lux Media Studio. Our thanks to Lux Media for


Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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Idlib ‘Chemical Attack’ was False Flag to Set Assad Up, More May Come – Putin By RT News, April 12, 2017
Washington Accuses Moscow of ‘Sowing Doubt’ over Narrative of Assad’s Culpability in Chemical Attack By RT News, April 12, 2017
Video: U.S. Ready for More Syria Missile Strikes By South Front, April 12, 2017
Video: All Out War, Confrontation with Russia? The U.S. is Pushing Towards a “Non-Peaceful Solution” of the Syrian Conflict By South Front, April 11, 2017
BREAKING Video: US Military Deployment at Syrian-Jordanian Border, Military Escalation By South Front, April 11, 2017
Video, Comparative Military Analysis: Russia’s TU-95MS ‘Bear’ Strategic Bomber and Missile Carrier By South Front, April 10, 2017
Video: US Threatens Unilateral Military Action in Response to Alleged Chemical Attack By South Front, April 07, 2017
Video: History of Syria’s Republican Guard, Fighting Terrorism and Foreign Aggression By South Front, April 07, 2017
Safe Zones As Soft Military Occupation: Trump’s Plan For Syria, Iraq Is Taking Shape By Whitney Webb, April 06, 2017
Video: Situation Escalates in Western Syria By South Front, April 06, 2017
THAAD Will Not Protect South Korea By Hyun Lee, April 05, 2017
Video: Crushing the Terrorists, The Islamic State’s Stronghold in Syria, The Battle for Raqqa By South Front, April 04, 2017
Ecuador’s Progressive Candidate Lenin Moreno Defeats Banker in Presidential Election By Telesur, April 03, 2017
A civil defense member carries an injured baby who was pulled out from under debris in Syria. | Photo: Reuters This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: "". If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.
The REAL Syria Civil Defence, Saving Real Syrians, Not Oscar Winning White Helmets, Saving Al Qaeda By Vanessa Beeley, April 03, 2017
Video: US Navy’s Newest Amphibious Assault Ship. Dead End or Breakthrough? By South Front, April 03, 2017
US Empire’s Strategy of Deception: “Balkanize and Destroy” By Mark Taliano, April 03, 2017
Ten Short Videos About 9/11. Absurdity of the Official 9/11 Narrative By Kevin Ryan, April 01, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Forces Regain Large Areas in Northern Hama By South Front, April 01, 2017
Video: Turkey Ends “Euphrates Shield” Operation in Syria. What Next? By South Front, April 01, 2017
Video: The Russian-Iranian Alliance: Aims, Objectives and Differences By South Front, March 31, 2017
Video: Advance of Syrian Forces on Jirah Military Airbase Base Occupied by ISIS-Daesh By South Front, March 31, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Regaining Ground in Northern Hama By South Front, March 31, 2017
Genocide in Yemen, Goes Unreported. Oxfam: Worst Famine… By Global Research News, March 30, 2017
Yemen Genocide: Which was Propaganda, Which was News-Reporting? By Eric Zuesse, March 30, 2017
Video: Retreat of Islamic State Forces in Northern Syria By South Front, March 30, 2017
Video: Syrian Forces Crashing ISIS In Tabqa Area By South Front, March 30, 2017
Video: Israeli Airstrikes Contribute to Further Escalation of Syrian Conflict By South Front, March 26, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Conducts Swift Counter-Attack against Al Qaeda in Northern Hama By South Front, March 25, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Forces Confront Al Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists By South Front, March 24, 2017
Video: Eurasia Can Find a Way to Do Away With The Dollar By F. William Engdahl, March 24, 2017
US Cries Foul As Russia Tests 9M729 Cruise Missile, But Who Was the First to Violate the INF Treaty? By South Front, March 23, 2017
Ten Ways to Reduce Terrorism. Now Can We Admit The War On Terror Has Failed? By Washington's Blog, March 23, 2017
“The Syrian Revolution” Is A Big Lie, To Justify “America’s Humanitarian Massacre” By Kevork Almassian, March 23, 2017
US Deception: The West’s ‘Peaceful Revolution’ Narrative in Syria Was a Lie From the Beginning By Patrick Henningsen, March 23, 2017
America Seeks to Destroy Syrian Civilization, Replace it With Terrorism and Ignorance By Mark Taliano, March 22, 2017
‘Americans Are On Our Side’: Al-Nusra Commander Says US Arming Jihadists Via Third Countries By RT, March 20, 2017
White Helmets Movie: Fake ‘Lifesaving’ and Malpractices on Children By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, March 18, 2017
The Same Frequencies Used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons Form the Foundation of the Network That Will Tie Together More Than 50 Billion Devices as Part of the Internet of Things By Washington's Blog, March 18, 2017
Syria: The Psyop of the So-called “Moderate Terrorists” By Mark Taliano, March 18, 2017
Interview with Pierre Lecorf By Patrick Henningsen and Pierre Le Corf, March 18, 2017
Video: Collapse of the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), Geopolitical Standoff in Post-ISIS Middle East By South Front, March 18, 2017
Video: ISIS Defenses Collapsing Across Syria By South Front, March 18, 2017
The West’s “Anti-Islamic Terrorists” By Mark Taliano and Sarah Abed, March 18, 2017
Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War By James Corbett, March 16, 2017
Video: Power Struggle in Aleppo Province, Confrontation of Pro-Turkish and Syrian Government Forces, Unpublicized Russian-US Cooperation By South Front, March 15, 2017
NATO Weapons to Al Qaeda Near Damascus, Seized by Government Forces By Arabi Souri, March 15, 2017
The Banking Secret, Which Makes the Fatcats Richer, While Destroying the Real Economy By Washington's Blog, March 15, 2017
Video: Syrian SAA Forces And Russian Aerospace Against ISIS-Daesh Terrorists in Palmyra Countryside By South Front, March 15, 2017
“Stand for the Truth”: Destruction of WTC Towers, A Government Researcher Speaks Out By Peter Ketcham, March 14, 2017
John Pilger: On the Dangers of Nuclear War By John Pilger, March 13, 2017
All Out War is “On the Table”: U.S. Considers First-Strike Attack against North Korea. Would China and Russia be Dragged In? By Bruce Gagnon, March 12, 2017
South Koreans Celebrate Constitutional Court’s Ruling to Impeach Park Geun-hye By Hyun Lee, March 12, 2017
President Al-Assad: “Foreign Troops Coming to Syria without Permission Are Invaders” By Bashar al Assad, March 11, 2017
The Venezuela “Opposition” We Never Hear About By Arnold August, March 11, 2017
Syrian War Report: ISIS Defenses Collapsing in Aleppo Province By South Front, March 09, 2017
Moscow Diplomacy and the Geopolitical Balance of Power in the Middle East By South Front, March 09, 2017
Syrian War Report: Military Escalation In Northern Syria, Turkey’s Fights US Supported YPG By South Front, March 08, 2017
Syrian War Report: Government Forces Rapidly Advancing In Aleppo Province By South Front, March 08, 2017
Israel’s Biggest Crime against Palestine Is Occupation Itself By Daoud Kuttab and Edu Montesanti, March 08, 2017
China Expands Its Strategic Airlift Capability, Prepares to Expand Its Sphere of Influence By South Front, March 05, 2017
Syrian War Report: US-Backed Forces Surrender Wide Areas Near Manbij to Syrian Army By South Front, March 05, 2017
Turkey’s Euphrates Shield Military Intervention. Towards the Division of Northern Syria? By South Front, March 04, 2017
Video: Looming Geopolitical and Environmental Disasters. Documentary Reveals By Regis Tremblay and Riley Waggaman, March 03, 2017
Video: Syria War Report, Tensions In Northern Syria By South Front, March 03, 2017
Iraqi War Report: Storm Over Western Mosul. US Forces Actively Involved against ISIS By South Front, March 03, 2017
Syrian War Report: Intense Clashes between Syrian Forces and Turkish Proxies By South Front, February 28, 2017
The CIA is One of the Main Peddlers of Fake News: Newly-Declassified Docs. By Washington's Blog, February 28, 2017
A Black History Month Special: Revolutionary Struggle, Malcolm X, MLK, Mumia, MOVE By Michael Welch and Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28, 2017
And the Oscar for Best Documentary Short goes to…”ISIS – Al Qaeda” By Alex Christoforou, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, and Patrick Henningsen, February 27, 2017
How U.S. Missile “Defense” Destabilizes the World By William Griffin, February 26, 2017
White Helmets Are Denied Entry into US, Hollywood Dreams Over By Vanessa Beeley, February 26, 2017
Iraqi War Report: ISIS Combat Drones in Battle for Mosul By South Front and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 24, 2017
Conventional Warfare, Military Analysis: U.S. Army’s Mobile Protected Firepower Program By Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, February 23, 2017
Video: Syrian Air Force Purges ISIS-Linked Terrorists in Idlib By South Front, February 22, 2017
Syrian War Report: Turkey Pushes Its Plan for Raqqah Offensive against ISIS (Which is Supported Covertly by US-NATO) By South Front, February 21, 2017
People Want to Shoot Hibernating Bear Families — And the US Government Just Voted to Let Them By Sarah V. Schweig, February 19, 2017
Syrian War Report: Turkish General Staff Believes Al-Bab Is ‘Liberated’ From ISIS Terrorists By South Front, February 19, 2017
JFK’s Murder: A “Coup d’état in America” By WhoWhatWhy and Cyril H. Wecht, February 19, 2017
Crimea: Time for the US Administration to Read the Truth By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, February 19, 2017
Trump and the Deep State: Attempted Coup by the “Intelligence Community”? Kucinich, Greenwald By Washington's Blog and Glenn Greenwald, February 18, 2017