
This interview was recorded a July 2, 2024. It was intended to be published prior to the NATO Summit. 

Due to temporary technical problems the programme was not recorded in the Lux Media Studio. Our thanks to Lux Media for


Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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India’s #DestroyTheAadaar: Is the FBI’s Secret Biometric ID Program to be Transferred to US Department of Defense? By The New Delhi Times, June 27, 2017
Syria: Israeli Airstrikes in Support of al Qaeda By Chris Tomson, June 26, 2017
Caught on Video: Russian Ships, Sub Fire Cruise Missiles at ISIS Targets in Syria By Zero Hedge, June 25, 2017
Video: Information is a Weapon in the War on Terror By James Corbett, June 25, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Advances against ISIS, Regaining More Ground Near Palmyra By South Front, June 24, 2017
US Shooting Down of Syrian Jet: “A Huge Act of War”: Analyst By Press TV, June 24, 2017
Calling All Muslims: It’s Time for an Anti-imperialist Secular Awareness By Ghada Chehade, June 23, 2017
Smoking Gun Proof that Russia Hacked the Entire World By Washington's Blog, June 23, 2017
Video: Qatar Crisis: Origins and Consequences By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, June 23, 2017
US Government Proves “Love for ISIS” as Bill to ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters By Matt Agorist, June 23, 2017
Cuba and Nicaragua Confirm Support for Venezuela at UN By Telesur, June 23, 2017
Video: War and Peace in Israel / Palestine: A Historical Perspective By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, June 23, 2017
Video: ISIS Blows Up Mosul’s Al-Nuri Kabir Mosque By South Front, June 23, 2017
Video: Syria Government Forces Launch Large Military Operation against Al Qaeda in Daraa By South Front, June 22, 2017
Syria’s White Helmets, Al Qaeda’s Co-Workers : Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies By Vanessa Beeley, June 22, 2017
U.S. Coalition Cleansing Raqqa of Arabs to Expand Kurdish “Autonomous Region” By Mint Press, June 21, 2017
Criminal Investigation against Tory Government into Grenfell Tower Tragedy Rather than a Public Inquiry By Aamer Anwar and RT News, June 21, 2017
Putin: US Routinely Meddles in Russian and Other Nations’ Elections By Eric Zuesse, June 21, 2017
Russian Military Halts Syria Sky Incident Prevention Interactions with US as of June 19 – Moscow By RT News, June 21, 2017
Video: Military Escalation in Syria, Towards US-Russia Confrontation? By South Front, June 21, 2017
Video: Escalation! US Hits Syrian Jet, Russia Cuts Communications By Daniel McAdams, June 20, 2017
Video: Dangerous Crossroads, US Downs Syrian SU-22 Warplane, Towards Military Escalation? By South Front, June 20, 2017
The Ineffable Reality of American Democracy. Who is Interfering in US Politics? Russia or Israel? By William Hanna, June 20, 2017
Nudging to War: U.S. Shoots Down Syrian Army Fighter Jet By 21st Century Wire, June 19, 2017
Precarious Work: Contract Faculty in the Neoliberal University By Socialist Project, June 19, 2017
Tillerson Calls for Regime Change in Iran By Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani, June 19, 2017
Trump to Reverse Cuba Policy, Reinstate ‘Regime Change’ Goals By Telesur, June 19, 2017
Morsi May Die in an Egyptian Prison. It’s Time the British Government Spoke Up By Peter Oborne, June 18, 2017
Stone’s ‘Putin Interviews’ Offend a US Establishment Drunk on Its Own Exceptionalism By John Wight, June 18, 2017
Video: Direct Line with Vladimir Putin on Russia’s Economy By Pres. Vladimir Putin, June 17, 2017
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller Is a “Political Hack” By Washington's Blog, June 17, 2017
Video: US Rocket Artillery Systems Pose Direct Threat to Government Forces in Southeastern Syria By South Front, June 17, 2017
US-UK Military Presence in Syria Contributes to Escalating Conflict on Jordan-Iraq Border By 21st Century Wire, June 17, 2017
Britain’s Worst Urban Disaster: The Grenfell Tower Social Housing Inferno By 21st Century Wire, June 16, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Captures Oil Fields Held by ISIS in Raqqa Province By South Front, June 16, 2017
US Coalition Admits Using Chemical Weapons Against Civilians in Iraq — Media Silent By Murica Today, June 15, 2017
Video: The Putin Interviews – Part 1 By Pres. Vladimir Putin and Oliver Stone, June 15, 2017
Video: Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Operations Near Syrian-Iraqi Border. Towards the Defeat of ISIS By South Front, June 15, 2017
Syria Summary – The End of the War Is Now in Sight By Moon of Alabama, June 15, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Forces Break ISIS Defense Lines in Raqqah and Homs Provinces By South Front, June 15, 2017
The Real Danger Behind the U.K. Elections By Telesur, June 14, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Reaches Border with Iraq, Strategic Implications, Failure of US Plan to Create a Buffer Zone Controlled by Western Backed Militants? By South Front, June 13, 2017
The Father of Omran, the Iconic “Aleppo Boy” Says Media Lied About His Son By Eva Bartlett, June 12, 2017
Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped By Antiphon Freeman, June 12, 2017
The Putin Interview: Does Oliver Stone Have a Weak Spot for Dictators? By Peter Kuznick, June 12, 2017
UK Elections in a Cauldron of Terror: Dissecting the Outcome By Michael Welch, J. Michael Springmann, Patrick Henningsen, and Radhika Desai, June 10, 2017
Breaking: Syrian Army Has Reached the Iraqi Border, Cutting Off the Americans at Al-Tanf – Russian MoD By Russia Insider, June 10, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Advancing in Raqqa Province, Withdrawal of ISIS By South Front, June 10, 2017
Video: Pressure on Terrorists in the Remaining ISIS Held Areas, Liberation of Western Iraq By South Front, June 09, 2017
Iraqi Forces Carrying Out Tortures in Mosul Mostly Supervised by US – Security Official By RT News, June 09, 2017
London Wolves: Third London Bridge Attacker Was on EU Watch List – Talked Terrorism with Security By Shawn Helton, June 08, 2017
Video: The Battle for Raqqah: US-led Coalition Bombs Syria Government Forces By South Front, June 08, 2017
The Case of Seth Rich’s Assassination: Will It Expose the Truth Behind the “Russia Elections Hacking” Narrative By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 08, 2017
Six-Day War, 50-Year Occupation — What Really Happened in June 1967? By Norman Finkelstein and IMEMC, June 07, 2017
Clockwork: Two London Bridge Attackers Named – One Known to MI5, Another Attacker Found Dead with ID By Shawn Helton, June 06, 2017
Video: ISIS Maskanah Stronghold Liberated, Syrian Army Moves against Islamic State in Raqqa Province By South Front, June 06, 2017
Subjugate Qatar into Client State Status: “The GCC States Led by Saudi Arabia Will Collapse into Oblivion” By Moon of Alabama, June 06, 2017
The Solution is in the Hands of the People of Afghanistan: The US Must Leave for Peace to Reign in Afghanistan By RAWA and Edu Montesanti, June 04, 2017
Putin Tells Oliver Stone: “Snowden Is Not a Traitor” By Zero Hedge, June 04, 2017
London Bridge Attacks: Who Knew, Who Benefits the Most? By Shawn Helton, June 04, 2017
Breaking: ISIS Retreat, Syrian Army Advances in Eastern Aleppo and Southeastern Desert By South Front, June 03, 2017
‘Destructive Fossil Fuel Puppet’ Trump Ditches Climate Deal with Fact-Free Speech By Lauren McCauley, June 02, 2017
Video: Drone Technology, Russia Deploys its Altius-M Heavy UAVs By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, June 02, 2017
Left Forum Bans “Deep State” Panels: Speakers Refuse to be Silenced, Come to the “Left Out Forum”! By Left Forum, June 02, 2017
Video: Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Prepare for Further Advances against ISIS By South Front, June 02, 2017
The New York Times Video Analysis of the Events in Khan Sheikhoun April 4 2017 Attack: NONE of the Cited Forensic Evidence Supports the Claims By Dr. Theodore Postol, June 01, 2017
Video: Tensions Grow as ISIS Collapses in Syria and Iraq By South Front, June 01, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Tiger Forces Prevail against ISIS in Aleppo By South Front, May 30, 2017
Pianist Van Cliburn: America’s Greatest Diplomat, Cold War Era, US-Russia Relations By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 30, 2017
Breaking: Situation Escalates at Syrian-Iraqi Border. Towards a Dangerous Standoff between U.S Special Forces and Syria’s Arab Army? By South Front, May 30, 2017
Manchester’s Known Wolf: Watched by MI5 with Ties to NATO-Backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean? By Shawn Helton, May 29, 2017
Syria: The West Only Hates Assad Because Their TV Told Them To By Caitlin Johnstone, May 29, 2017
Video: Hassan Nasrallah on Donald Trump’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the Riyadh Declaration. “It Wasn’t a Summit” By Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, May 29, 2017
Haunted by the Ghosts of War By Edward Curtin, May 28, 2017
Trump’s Visit to Israel: Prospects for Peace and Justice in the Middle East By Michael Welch, Richard Silverstein, and Prof. Richard Falk, May 27, 2017
Breaking: ISIS Defense Lines Destroyed by Syrian Army and Russian Air Force By South Front, May 27, 2017
Video: In Front of Trump, Egypt’s President Al-Sisi Exposes the State Supporters of Terrorism By Syriana Analysis, May 27, 2017
Common Sense and the Manchester Bombing. The Militarization of the United Kingdom By Mark Taliano, May 26, 2017
Video: ISIS Terrorists on the Run in East Aleppo By South Front, May 26, 2017
David Cameron’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Deal Raised £17.8m for Conservative Party Funds – Sets Pretext for War By Robert Woodward, May 26, 2017