
This interview was recorded a July 2, 2024. It was intended to be published prior to the NATO Summit. 

Due to temporary technical problems the programme was not recorded in the Lux Media Studio. Our thanks to Lux Media for


Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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Videos: From Rallies to Riots: May Day Across the World By RT News, May 03, 2018
Video: The Art of War: US Fleet with 1000 Missiles in the Mediterranean By Manlio Dinucci, May 03, 2018
Flashback 2005: Watch CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Tell Syria’s Assad ‘US Is Coming for You’ By Niall Bradley, May 03, 2018
Video: The North-South Korean Peace Agreement. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, May 02, 2018
RussiaPhobia and the Skripal Affair: Where They Tell You Not to Look By Craig Murray, May 02, 2018
Though Invisible to Us, Our Dead Are Not Absent By Edward Curtin, May 02, 2018
Only IAEA Can Assess Any Claim on Iranian Nuclear Program: Mogherini By Press TV, May 01, 2018
Netanyahu’s Anti-Iranian Reality-TV Show By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, May 01, 2018
Cutting Through the War Propaganda. Listen to What Syrians are Saying By Mark Taliano, April 29, 2018
Latin America vs. Israel: Paraguay Announces Plans to Move Tel-Aviv Embassy to Jerusalem By Telesur, April 28, 2018
Going After the “Russian Bots”: British News Team Promote Fake News About Fake News By True Publica, April 27, 2018
Israel Defense Minister Threatens Iran: “The Iranian Regime Is in Its Final Days” By South Front, April 27, 2018
Video: On a Korean Peace Plan, The Role of the CIA. The Kim-Trump Summit, Will it Take Place? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, April 27, 2018
Why Europe Is Afraid of China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, April 27, 2018
Video: No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons: Douma Witnesses Speak at OPCW Briefing at The Hague By RT News, April 27, 2018
Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks Through South Carolina Senate By Alison Weir, April 27, 2018
Video: The Art of War: Seventy Years of Subjection to the US and NATO By Manlio Dinucci, April 26, 2018
Anti-Syrian Propaganda Based on False Images of Torture: Danish State TV By Balder Blog, April 25, 2018
The CIA’s Dirty War in Nicaragua By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 24, 2018
“Were You Sad or Were You Happy?”. The Destruction of Syria’s Industrial Heartland By Mark Taliano, April 24, 2018
Video: Asma Al-Assad on Syria’s Children. President’s Wife Slams Western Media Coverage of War By Asma al-Assad, April 23, 2018
Video: Douma Chemical Attack Is Staged By Peter Ford and Gary Robertson, April 23, 2018
Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11 By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, April 23, 2018
Trump to “Counter” DNC Lawsuit Alleging “A Far-reaching Conspiracy to …Tilt the 2016 Election to Donald Trump” By Zero Hedge, April 22, 2018
Syria’s Children: “Condemned to Live”, Shackled by the Scars of US-NATO Terrorism By Mark Taliano, April 22, 2018
Swallows are Filling the Skies of Damascus… By Mark Taliano, April 22, 2018
Demonization of Assad and His Government. Syrians living in Syria know that President Assad is not a “Monster” By Mark Taliano, April 21, 2018
Scary Scenario: California’s Hayward Bay Earthquake Fault Line Is More Dangerous Than San Andreas: It’s a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’ By Mac Slavo, April 21, 2018
Video: The Art of War: Fake “Made in America” and Lies “Made in Italy” By Manlio Dinucci, April 20, 2018
Theresa May’s Husband’s Capital Group Is Largest Shareholder in BAE, Shares Soar Since Syrian Airstrikes By RT News, April 20, 2018
Exclusive Emails Show How the White Helmets Tried to Recruit Roger Waters with Saudi Money By Max Blumenthal, April 20, 2018
Video: Interview with Boy from White Helmets Douma Video Raises More Doubts Over ‘Chemical Attack’ By RT News, April 20, 2018
After Syria Strikes, Drumbeat Grows for Wider US War By Will Morrow, April 20, 2018
Journalists Found Boy Filmed in White Helmets’ Douma Alleged “Chemical Attack” Video. He Did It for Food. By South Front, April 19, 2018
Syria Douma “Chemical Attack”: “It was Hypoxia [Lack of Oxygen] Not a Gas Attack.” Al Qaeda “Rebels” in Possession of Chemical Weapons By Rodney Atkinson, April 19, 2018
The Dirty War on Syria and The Globalization of War: Special Offer By Prof. Tim Anderson and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 19, 2018
About those ‘Nice, New, Smart’ Missiles and the ‘Chemical Weapons’ Sites in Syria By Joe Quinn, April 19, 2018
Video: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Condemns US Led Air Strikes, “White Helmets are A Fake Organization” By Roger Waters, April 18, 2018
Russia Reveals Who “Staged” Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow “May Have Tampered” with Douma Site By Zero Hedge, April 17, 2018
Syrian Regime Change: A 70-Year Project By Washington's Blog, April 17, 2018
Video: TV Censorship, Sky News Experience “Technical Trouble” that Silences Expert Doubting Pro-war Syria Narrative By OffGuardian, April 16, 2018
US-UK-France Strike on Syria, The Chain of Events: Statements, Facts and Speculations By South Front, April 16, 2018
War on Syria: Disappeared Miseries. The Tentacles of This War of Aggression By Mark Taliano, April 16, 2018
The Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma Is Just Another “Fake News” from the “White Helmets” By Inside Syria Media Center, April 14, 2018
Video: Senator Exposes Syrian WMD False Flag By Alexandra Bruce, April 14, 2018
Video: UN Inspector Says Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons, Not Assad. 2013 Attack By Carla del Ponte, April 14, 2018
Russia Claims to Have Located Witnesses to Staged ‘Chemical’ Event in Douma By Eric Zuesse, April 14, 2018
The Trump Regime Is Insane By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 13, 2018
Tony Blair’s Deplorable Demand for War on Syria Proves We Must Wait for Evidence or End Up Repeating His Iraq Disaster By William J Richardson, April 13, 2018
Video: There Are Some ‘Problems’ with the Gas Cylinders Videos Used by the White Helmets as “Evidence” of Douma Attack By South Front, April 13, 2018
Video: The 2018 Elections and Democracy in Revolutionary Cuba By Juan Carlos Rodriguez Diaz, Yamil Martinez Marrero, and Michael Welch, April 13, 2018
Lights, Action and War Propaganda: Al-Jazeera Releases White Helmets Video on Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma After Trump Says “It’s Time” for U.S. Forces to Leave Syria By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 12, 2018
“There Wasn’t a Single Corpse”: Russia Claims ‘White Helmets’ Staged Syria Chemical Attack By Zero Hedge, April 12, 2018
Video: Experts Skeptical of Claim that Syria Carried Out Chemical Weapons Attack By Washington's Blog, April 12, 2018
Wikileaks Says They Have 1,700 Emails Proving Hillary Clinton Knew about U.S. Military Weapons Shipments to Al Qaeda and ISIS By Tara West, April 11, 2018
White Supremacy Colonialism
Escalation: Is the Conflict in Syria Evolving Towards a Global War? By South Front, April 10, 2018
“Just Shut Up and Die or Disappear”: Reaction of Israelis to the Gaza Massacres By Rima Najjar, April 10, 2018
9/11 Truth: Grand Jury Investigation of Collapse of WTC Twin Towers and Building Seven. Petition By Andrew Kreig, April 10, 2018
Truth, Peace, Justice and the War on Syria: Lies, Fake Humanitarians, Fake Covers for War Crimes By Mark Taliano, April 10, 2018
International Criminal Court
America Threatened OPCW Director General – “We Know Where Your Kids Are” By True Publica, April 08, 2018
Video: Skripal “Theater of the Absurd”. Russia Demolishes UK Poisoning ‘Hoax’ at UN Security Council Meeting By Alex Christoforou, April 07, 2018
The War on Syria: The Need to Amplify Voices of Truth, Peace and Justice By Mark Taliano, April 07, 2018
Cambridge Analytica Is What Happens When You “Privatize Military Propaganda” By Adam Ramsay, April 06, 2018
War Criminals
Appointment of Hawkish John Bolton Points to “Continuity in US Foreign Policy”: Dulles Brothers, Brzezinski, Kissinger… By Jay Janson, April 06, 2018
Video: Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King By James Corbett, April 05, 2018
Trump Freezing Money for Syria that Nobody Knew About By Miri Wood, April 03, 2018
Is France at War with Turkey? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, April 03, 2018
Russia Claims Skripal Poisoning Was Staged by the UK Intelligence By Zero Hedge, April 03, 2018
The White Helmets are “Black Helmets”, They are Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, April 02, 2018
Video: Murder in Gaza By Information Clearing House, April 02, 2018
Is Facebook Listening through Your Smartphone Microphone? Whistleblower Says Yes By True Publica, March 29, 2018
Caught on Camera: Israel Targets Civilians with a Chemical Weapon Drone By Zero Hedge, March 28, 2018
What Russia Needs to Learn From Gaddafi’s Mistakes By Lyuba Lulko, March 27, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Is About to Get Full Control Over Eastern Ghouta By South Front, March 27, 2018
The U.S. Relationship to Jihadists and al-Qaeda Across the World By Brandon Turbeville, March 27, 2018
Video: Thousands of US-Supported “Rebels” and Family Members Leave Eastern Ghouta By South Front, March 26, 2018
Florida School Teachers Organizing Gun Control Campaign, Role of Democratic Party Operatives. Media Blackout By James F. Tracy, March 26, 2018
Video: Turkey’s Victories and Diplomacy. What to Expect Next By South Front, March 25, 2018
Ascendancy of The Lie. US-NATO War on Syria Presented as a “Humanitarian Undertaking” By Mark Taliano, March 25, 2018
Video: Blaming Russia: “No Proof Needed, We Did It!” By In the Now, March 23, 2018