

Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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BBC Producer’s Syria Bombshell: Douma “Gas Attack” Footage “Was Staged” By Zero Hedge, February 15, 2019
ICJ Rules Iran’s Legal Bid to Recover $2bn Frozen in US Can Proceed By Press TV, February 15, 2019
Video: 5G Is War on Humanity. Towards An Unspoken Global Health Catastrophe? Claire Edwards By Claire Edwards, February 15, 2019
Video: Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G Is Safe” By Take Back Your Power, February 15, 2019
Video: US Sets Up New Base on Iraqi Border, ISIS Threat Grows in Desert By South Front, February 15, 2019
Britain’s Royal Navy “Should Develop a Reign of Terror”. “Russia Should Go Away and Shut Up.” By Joe Lo, February 14, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: US, Canada Go Home! By David William Pear, February 14, 2019
Video: Venezuela Crisis: Maduro Condemns “Extremist” Trump By Nicolas Maduro, February 13, 2019
Video: US Is Setting Ground for Military Intervention in Venezuela By South Front, February 13, 2019
Police Repression in France: Macron Brutal Tactics Against Yellow Vests Have Nothing to Do with Public Safety, Everything to Do with Global Politics By Vanessa Beeley, February 13, 2019
Indigenous Activists Set Up Protest Camp at South Texas Cemetery to Stop Trump’s Wall By Gus Bova, February 12, 2019
Video: US-led Coalition Is About to Reach Another Deal with ISIS? By South Front, February 12, 2019
Pompeo Attempts to Link Iran, Hezbollah to Crisis in Venezuela By Whitney Webb, February 11, 2019
The “Toxic Mythology” of 9/11 is Destroying Humanity By Mark Taliano, February 11, 2019
The Legal Loophole that Defies Democracy in Britain By Dr. Robert C. Palmer, February 11, 2019
Unity and Exceptionalism: Trump’s State of Union Flurries By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 11, 2019
A “Twelve Step Method” to Conduct Regime Change: From Chile (1973) to Venezuela (2019) By tricontinental, February 08, 2019
Video: INF Is Dead. Europe Is One Step Closer to Nuclear War By South Front, February 07, 2019
‘Stop Trump’s Insane Actions!’ Interview with Venezuela’s Maduro, How to Avoid War By Nicolas Maduro and RT News, February 06, 2019
The Lima Group: Conspiracy to Destroy Venezuela By Mark Taliano, February 06, 2019
Video: Abby Martin: Hands Off Venezuela By Abby Martin, February 05, 2019
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress By Arjun Walia, February 05, 2019
Video: Israel Starts Building Massive Barrier Along Gaza Border By Maan News Agency, February 05, 2019
Video: Call for Sanctions to be Lifted Against Zimbabwe By ZANU PF UK, February 05, 2019
Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela By Dimitri Lascaras, February 05, 2019
Video: US-led Coalition Warplane Struck Syrian Army Near Al-Bukamal By South Front, February 04, 2019
Video: How Crack Cocaine Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996) By Gary Webb and C-Span, February 04, 2019
US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 04, 2019
Venezuela Donated Free Heating Oil to 100,000 Needy US Households, 2005-2013 By Brett Wilkins, February 03, 2019
Water Cannon & Blood: Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protest Turns Violent By Defend Democracy Press, February 03, 2019
Video: Yellow Vest Protest in Paris: Act XII By RT News, February 02, 2019
New Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: “Would Destroy What’s Left of Its Economy” By Mark Weisbrot and The Real News Network, February 02, 2019
US Military Planes Soar over Colombia, Land in Bogota By Telesur, February 01, 2019
Here’s How a “Slip of the Tongue” Strengthened Russian-Pakistani Relations By Andrew Korybko, February 01, 2019
Gilets Jaunes: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent By Vanessa Beeley, February 01, 2019
Maduro to Americans: You Are Bigger than Trump, Don’t Let Him Start A ‘Vietnam’ War Against Venezuela By RT News, February 01, 2019
Video: Venezuela, a Golpe by the US Deep State By Manlio Dinucci, February 01, 2019
CNN Goes ‘Undercover’ to Manufacture Consent for Coup Attempt in Venezuela By Kevin Gosztola, January 31, 2019
Video: Intense Clashes, Artillery Duels Erupt in Idlib De-militarized Zone By South Front, January 31, 2019
Video: History of Oil – Hidden Cause of the First World War? By Robert Newman, January 31, 2019
Video: Trudeau Pushes Trump’s Regime Change in Venezuela. Canada Violates the UN Charter By Paul Jay, Yves Engler, and Sharmini Peries, January 30, 2019
Video: Fake News Story: Hundreds Killed in Clashes Between Pro-Iranian and Pro-Russian Forces By South Front, January 30, 2019
Video: Venezuela Crisis: US Has Painted Itself into Corner By South Front, January 30, 2019
The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader By Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, January 30, 2019
Video: Eva Golinger on Venezuela: ‘Regime Change & Domination Are Bipartisan US Policies!” By Eva Golinger and RT News, January 29, 2019
Venezuela, and Canada’s Duplicitous Criminality By Mark Taliano, January 29, 2019
Video: Kurdish Leadership at Crossroads Between Turkey and Assad By South Front, January 29, 2019
Bank of England Refused to Return $1.2bn in Gold to Venezuela – Reports By RT News, January 28, 2019
Israeli General Mounts Challenge to Netanyahu by Flaunting Gaza Carnage By Jonathan Cook, January 28, 2019
Video: Israel, “Licensed to Kill” By Manlio Dinucci, January 27, 2019
Video: Israeli Patrol Came Under Fire in Golan Heights By South Front, January 26, 2019
Ecuadorian Ex-president Correa: Сannot Rule Out US-backed ‘Military Action’ in Venezuela By RT News, January 25, 2019
Pentagon Climate Change Report Ignores Its Own Role in Fueling the Crisis By Alexander Rubinstein, January 25, 2019
Video: Arab Protesters Clash with Kurdish SDF Forces in Raqqa Province By South Front, January 24, 2019
Video: Syria Threatens to Strike ‘Tel Aviv Airport’ By South Front, January 24, 2019
Video: Analysis of Israeli Strike on Syrian Pantsir-S1 Air Defense System By South Front, January 23, 2019
Video: ISIS Suicide Bomber Hits US-led Coalition Convoy in Northeastern Syria By South Front, January 23, 2019
Ottawa’s Support of US-led War, Opposition to BDS: More Admissions and Canada’s National Disgrace By Mark Taliano, January 22, 2019
Video: Two Years Ago Today the Plasco Building Demolition Killed 22 Innocent People in Iran By AE911Truth, January 21, 2019
Video: Les Gilets Jaunes By Le Média Pour Tous – Officiel, January 21, 2019
Video: Syrian Military Reinforces Positions in Northwestern Hama By South Front, January 20, 2019
Video: Protesters Clash with French Police in Souillac Before Macron Visit By RT News, January 20, 2019
Video: 4 Americans Killed, 3 Injured in ISIS Attack in Manbij By South Front, January 18, 2019
Video: The “Great Game” of Military Bases in Africa By Manlio Dinucci, January 18, 2019
If America Stopped Destroying the World, the Bad Guys Might Win By Caitlin Johnstone, January 17, 2019
Video: Chemical Attack Preparations in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 17, 2019
Video: Turkey, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Work to Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’ By South Front, January 17, 2019
Democratic Media: For the People, By the People By Mark Taliano, January 15, 2019
Media Reports “Good News”: Kids Are Dying in Venezuela, Sanctions are Working… By David William Pear, January 15, 2019
Video: Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed in Syria By South Front, January 14, 2019
Video: 5 British Soldiers Reportedly Killed in ISIS Attack By South Front, January 12, 2019
Gilets Jaunes in 2019: French Democracy Dead or Alive? By Diana Johnstone, January 12, 2019
Video: Al-Qaeda Defeats Another Turkish-backed ‘Opposition’ Group By South Front, January 11, 2019
Trump’s Steel Barrier Border Fortification, Partial Government Shutdown, “Where is the Emergency”? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 10, 2019
Video: Al Qaeda in Syria Expands Further in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 09, 2019
A Foreign Affair: Trump’s Dominican Republic Deal By Julie Anne Miranda-Brobeck, January 08, 2019
Video: Russian Warplanes Strike Terrorists in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 07, 2019
Video: Military Situation in Syria, Intra-militant Struggle for Idlib Enters New Stage By South Front, January 05, 2019
Video: Macron Resign! French Authorities Deploy 150,000 Policemen and Soldiers on New Year’s Eve. Macron Refuses the Demands. By Defend Democracy Press, January 03, 2019
The Decade-Long U.S. Campaign to Foment Syria’s “Revolution” and Unseat Assad By Sarah Abed, January 02, 2019