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Australia Is Building World’s Largest Sudden Cardiac Arrest Registry to Solve the “Mystery” of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Sudden Cardiac Deaths By Dr. William Makis, January 09, 2024
‘Enormous Amount of Evidence’: Jonathan Turley Says Joe Biden’s Connection to His Son’s ‘Corruption’ Is ‘Impeachable’ By Haily Gomez, January 08, 2024
Video: Obama Chilling Movie, “Leave the World Behind”: Cyberattack, Power Grid Goes Out, Synchronized Chaos, Collapse, “Civil War” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 07, 2024
Video: Who Is Behind the Deadly Iran Bombing and Why? The US has Backed Terrorism in Iran for Years By Brian Berletic, January 07, 2024
In 2023 Bethlehem Was a Solemn Ghost Town: The Coming Storm Is Upon Us By Joachim Hagopian, January 05, 2024
2023, An Eventful Year: Shootings, Surveillance, Criminal Networks, Wars… “Why the World Makes No Sense Anymore”. Jacob Nordangard By Jacob Nordangard, January 05, 2024
Gaza War: “I Wish I Could Have Died with Them.” By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Genocide and the Cost of the Israel-Gaza War. “Israel is Wiping herself Off The Map. Such a Country Cannot be Allowed to Exist”. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Can Green Tea Naturally Lower Blood Pressure? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 04, 2024
How One British Business Could Stop Israeli Jets Bombing Gaza By Phil Miller, January 02, 2024
Truth About How Israel’s Zionism Began and Led to Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza By Jerome Irwin, January 01, 2024
Video: “The Deal of the Century”, Palestine and International Law: UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk By Michael Lynk and Michael Welch, January 01, 2024
War on Gaza: Global Leaders Must Find the Courage to Hit Israel and the US Where It Hurts By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 01, 2024
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 31, 2023
Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 30, 2023
American-Israeli Anthropologist Suggests that “We Are All Being Palestinized” By Jeremy Kuzmarov, December 30, 2023
US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’ By Sen. Scott Jensen, Laura Ingraham, and Wayne Dupree, December 30, 2023
Why Is the Corporate State Media Turning on Netanyahu? By Ben Bartee, December 28, 2023
How Israel Wiped Out a Generation of Gaza’s Poets, Writers and Artists By TRT World, December 28, 2023
The Sky Is Raining Iron: “If Christ were Born Today, he would be Born under the Rubble” By Abby Zimet, December 27, 2023
Zelensky’s “Forced Recruitment” Could Trigger Civil War, No More Western Money for Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, December 27, 2023
Christ in the Rubble. The Billionaires in Davos: “The Hypocrisy and Racism of the Western World is Transparent…” Rev. Munther Isaac By Rick Thomas, December 27, 2023
Palestine: The Cost of Bearing Witness. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, December 27, 2023
War Crimes Beyond Description: Israel Raids Hospital, Shoots Doctors, Bulldozes Bodies, … By Andrew Anglin, December 26, 2023
Occupation: On Christmas, Israel Denies Palestinian Christians Their Rights By Ambassador Majdi Khaldi, December 25, 2023
Video: Remember the Covid-19 Christmas 2021 under Lockdown. Will it Happen Again? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 25, 2023
The Hidden Agenda Behind the UK Government’s Chemtrail Operations By The Expose, December 24, 2023
The Antisemitic Moment. Maligning Critics by Jewish Groups to “Protect” Israel Only Damages Their Credibility By Philip Giraldi, December 22, 2023
Major Shift About Whole Milk — Now a Health Food? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 21, 2023
In the Wake of Covid and its Depredations: The Unsung Digital Annihilation of the Human Soul By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, December 21, 2023
Gaza Genocide: Hezbollah Confronting and “Inflicting Serious Damage” on Israel. “Expect Escalation…” By Karsten Riise and Hindustan Times, December 20, 2023
Propaganda Roundup: Hillary Claims Climate Change™ Targets Pregnant Women By Ben Bartee, December 20, 2023
Video: Planet Lockdown and the Corona Pandemic. The Most Devastating Crisis in Human History. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 20, 2023
Video: The World is at a Very Dangerous Crossroads. U.S. Nuclear Doctrine, “Seeking Peace on the Korean Peninsula.” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Kiyul Chung, and Dr. Young Woong Kim, December 18, 2023
When the Occupier Plays the Victim: The Mysteries of October 7 as the Trigger for the Gaza Massacre By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 18, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Why Is the Media Ignoring Evidence of Israel’s Own Actions on 7 October? By Jonathan Cook, December 18, 2023
Video: Covid-19 “Vaccine: Florida Nurse Testimony on What She Witnessed. Crisis and Corruption within the Health Care System By Dr. William Makis, December 18, 2023
Study Proves that COVID Shots Can Cause Off-Target Immune Responses. “mRNA Nobel Prize Tech Inventor is Clueless” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 18, 2023
Darkness in Bethlehem as Christmas 2023 Is Cancelled. Palestinian Christians Under Attack By Steven Sahiounie, December 18, 2023
Video: American Armies Are the Greatest Impediment to Peace in the Korean Peninsula By James Corbett, Ramsey Clark, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Kiyul Chung, Brian Becker, and Tim Shorrock, December 18, 2023
Don’t Get Jabbed: Powerful Video on “Killer Vaccine” that Needs to be Watched by Everyone By JRickey Productions, December 16, 2023
“The Worst Days in Gaza” By Peter Koenig, December 15, 2023
Psychopaths of the World United. Rebuilding Trust at the World Economic Forum By Jacob Nordangard, December 15, 2023
State Department Goon Grilled on Prosecuting Netanyahu Over Material Support to Hamas Terrorists By Ben Bartee, December 15, 2023
“Digital Euro Is Now in Preparation Phase”. Can We Trust The Head of the ECB Christine Lagarde? By Global Research News, December 14, 2023
Video: California Nurse Exposes Deadly COVID-19 Hospital Protocols, and Flood of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries By Dr. William Makis, December 14, 2023
Report Federal and State Crimes to Grand Jury Concerning COVID-19: Petition to New Jersey Governor Murphy, Attorney General Platkin and County Prosecutors By National American Renaissance Movement, December 13, 2023
COP28 “Race to Zero” and the CO2 Consensus: Not A Single Word Pertaining to “Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 12, 2023
The Weapons Israel Tests on Palestinians Will be Used Against All of Us By Antony Loewenstein and Chris Hedges, December 12, 2023
Biden Fundraising Tour: “To Destroy Democracy” By Matt Orfalea, December 12, 2023
How Many Secrets Is the President Hiding? The US Government’s Secret Plan for Censorship By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 12, 2023
Syrian Jewish Chanukah Tradition: Our Shared History, Our Love and Solidarity with The Palestinian People By Global Research News, December 12, 2023
Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger By Global Research News, December 12, 2023
Israel’s “Final Solution” for the Palestinians Did Not Start in 2023. “The Terror to Eliminate Palestinians from their Homeland” Started in the 1930s By Peter Koenig, December 11, 2023
Yuval Noah Harari Discusses the Creation of a Massive Class of “Useless People” and What Should be Done with Them By Rhoda Wilson, December 11, 2023
History and Geopolitics: The Controversial Haavara Transfer Agreement, Analysis by the Jewish Virtual Library By Ben Bartee, December 11, 2023
The ‘Blue Shirts’ of October 7. The Wall of Jericho, “The Mysterious Case of the Men with the Light Blue Shirts” By Michael Ginsburg, December 11, 2023
The Conviction of Derek Chauvin Was One of the Worst Travesties of Justice in American History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 11, 2023
Video: “The design of the so called COVID-19 vaccines was intentionally to harm people.” Dr. Mike Yeadon By Patricia Harrity and Dr. Mike Yeadon, December 11, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Mike Adams, December 09, 2023
The Genocidal State of Israel. Let It Happen or Make It Happen? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 09, 2023
Video: The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michelle Leduc Catlin, December 09, 2023
How Refined Sugar Fuels Cancer By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 08, 2023
Gaza: Starving Palestinians to Death. Restrictions on Humanitarian Aid Brings Palestinians to a Single Meal a Day By Dr. Paul Larudee, December 08, 2023
Genocide: Israel’s Mass Starvation Campaign, Targeting Children By Global Research News, December 07, 2023
Video: Kiev Sends Children to the Battlefield By South Front, December 06, 2023
Video: Palestinian Survivors Describe Israeli Air Strike on Khan Younis By Middle East Eye, December 06, 2023
Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being “Suicided in Warp Speed”. By Peter Koenig, December 06, 2023
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Study Shows mRNA Shots May Trigger Psychosis By Ben Bartee, December 05, 2023
The War on Gaza: How the West Is Losing. Accelerating the Transition to a Multipolar Global Order? By Amir Nour, December 04, 2023
Documentary Film: “Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s Torture of Palestinian Children” By Journeyman Pictures and ABC Australia, December 04, 2023
Are COVID Jab Deaths Being Covered Up? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 03, 2023
America’s Acts of Economic and Social Warfare Have Killed Millions of People By Centre for Research on Globalization, December 03, 2023
The Genocidal State of Israel. Netanyahu’s Machinations Are Coming Undone in the Midst of a Monumental Global Re-Alignment By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 02, 2023
Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: “Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital”. 
 UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario By Peter Koenig, December 02, 2023
From Shutting Down Farms to Global Control: Is This the End of Good Beef Products? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 01, 2023
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: January 6 Was an “Insurrection” and a Hoax By Sean Adl-Tabatabai, December 01, 2023
The Genocidal State of Israel By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 01, 2023
Kissinger and the Destruction of Sovereign Nation States. Color Revolutions. His Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna By Matthew Ehret-Kump, December 01, 2023
Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. “The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 01, 2023