

Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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Video: Turkish Forces Shell Syrian Army. US Claims Iran Prepares Attacks in Iraq By South Front, April 03, 2020
Video: Civil Unrest is Coming. The Military-Police State to the Rescue? By Dan Dicks and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 03, 2020
Video: US Deploys Patriot Air Defense Systems in Iraq. Houthis Attack Saudi Capital By South Front, April 01, 2020
Video: Rockefeller Blueprint for Police State Triggered by Pandemic, Exposed By Helen Buyniski and Spiro Skouras, April 01, 2020
Video: “Gaza Fights for Freedom” By Jim Miles, April 01, 2020
Video: Syria and Turkey Ramp Up Preparations for New Military Confrontation By South Front, March 31, 2020
Midnight on Planet Lockdown: Dylan Strikes Again By Pepe Escobar, March 30, 2020
Video: Kurdish Militias Start New Dangerous Game in Northern Syria By South Front, March 29, 2020
Video: The Istanbul Canal as an Instrument of Erdogan’s Multipolarity By South Front, March 29, 2020
Video: Mighty “Moderate Rebels” Pressure Turkish Army in Idlib. US-led Coalition Is Crumbling By South Front, March 27, 2020
Video: Perspectives on the COV-19 Pandemic, A Fiasco in the Making: Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University By Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis and Journeyman Pictures, March 27, 2020
Poll: 100% of Americans Expect to Get Coronavirus By Steve Watson, March 26, 2020
Video: Unfortunate Adventures of Turkish Army in Idlib By South Front, March 26, 2020
Video: Medical Martial Law and the Nuremberg Code in the Age of COVID-19 By Insight History, March 25, 2020
Video: SDF Releases Tens of ISIS Members in Eastern Syria. Turkey, Russia Struggle with Idlib De-escalation By South Front, March 25, 2020
Video: Impressive Successes of Houthis in Yemeni War Amid Saudi Oil Gamble By South Front, March 24, 2020
Video: How Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Sees the Current Corona Pandemic By Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and OVALmedia, March 24, 2020
Video: Coronavirus Treatment: New York Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc By Jim Hoft, March 24, 2020
Are 5G / Biometric Systems Being Covertly Installed During the Lockdown, Where You Live? By Take Back Your Power, March 23, 2020
Video: ‘Moderate Rebels’ Bite Hand that Feeds Them. 2 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Idlib By South Front, March 22, 2020
Video: ISIS Threat Revives in Eastern Syria. Idlib Militants Kill Each Other Over Security Zone Deal Contradictions By South Front, March 20, 2020
Video: Aleppo Man Imprisoned and Tortured by West’s “Rebels” in Terrorist-Occupied Hospital Complex By Eva Bartlett, March 19, 2020
“Defender-Europe 20” War Games, COVID-19 and NATO’s Disjointed Flight Forward. Computer Simulations of Nuclear War By Brian Gray, March 17, 2020
Video: New Syrian Army Offensive in Idlib Becoming Inevitable as Militants Sabotage Joint Turkish-Russian Patrols By South Front, March 17, 2020
Video: Iranian-backed Forces in Iraq Raise Stakes. Rocket Attack Kills Several US Coalition Troops in Iraq By South Front, March 16, 2020
Coronavirus: Why Is Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Lying to Congress and the American People? By Target Liberty, March 12, 2020
Video: Great Idlib “Rebranding” and Al Qaeda “Turkish Victories” over Russian Air Defense By South Front, March 12, 2020
Video: Saudi-initiated All-out Oil War Could Lead to Collapse of Kingdom Itself By South Front, March 11, 2020
Video: New Idlib Ceasefire Is Already Crumbling and Nobody Is Surprised By South Front, March 10, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Win Battle Against Erdogan Forces in Idlib, but War Is Far from Over By South Front, March 08, 2020
Video: Turkish Drones Falling in Idlib. ‘Moderate Rebels’ Gas Themselves by Mistake By South Front, March 07, 2020
Video: Turkish Forces Are on ‘Tactical Retreat’. Syrian Army Recaptures More Territory in Eastern and Southern Idlib By South Front, March 05, 2020
The Threat of a Nuclear War Between the US and Russia Is Now at Its Greatest Since 1983 By Scott Ritter, March 04, 2020
Washington-led NATO’s War on Syria and Syrians By Mark Taliano, March 03, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Recaptures Saraqib from Erdogan Forces as Syrian-Turkish Conflict in Idlib Intensifies By South Front, March 03, 2020
China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C By Andrew W. Saul, March 03, 2020
Video: Fall of Saraqib: Syrian Army Retreat Under Turkish Strikes in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 28, 2020
Video: “Fake News”: “The Shining Forces of Idlib Democracy” = Al Qaeda Terrorists backed by Turkish Army By South Front, February 27, 2020
Video: Erdogan Forces Recaptured Nayrab but Lost Another Dozen of Villages to Syrian Army By South Front, February 26, 2020
Huawei in the Crosshairs: “Great Power Confrontation”, The Geopolitical Battle for 5-G Technology By Mike Whitney, February 25, 2020
‘Unprecedented Brutality’: Family of Palestinian Mangled by Bulldozer Condemn Israel By Tareq Hajjaj, February 25, 2020
NYC Approves More 5G on Streetlamps, Traffic Poles, and Fiber Despite Health Impacts and Technical Issues By B.N. Frank, February 24, 2020
Trudeau’s Demand: “The Barricades Must Come Down” By Kim Petersen, February 24, 2020
Video: SAA Syrian Forces Give Turkish Army “A Whipping” in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 23, 2020
Canada and the Lima Group. Criminal Conspiracy Against Venezuela By Ken Stone and Mark Taliano, February 23, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Sultan-in-Chief Erdogan To the Rescue of Al-Qaeda in Idlib By South Front, February 22, 2020
Video: The 5G Trojan Horse By Derrick Broze, February 21, 2020
Video: Turkey’s War on Syria. Bluff or Reality? By South Front, February 21, 2020
Is World War Between the US and China Inevitable? By Insight History, February 21, 2020
You Write Injustice on the Earth; We Will Write Revolution in the Skies By Prof. Vijay Prashad, February 21, 2020
Video: Aleppo City’s Countryside Fully Secured, Syrians in Aleppo Celebrate the End of Terrorism By Eva Bartlett, February 20, 2020
Video: Syrians Are in Desperate Race to Outrun Brutal Regime Offensive By South Front, February 20, 2020
NATO Wars Against Freedom, Justice and Humanity By Mark Taliano, February 19, 2020
Video: Towards The Liberation of Idlib City By South Front, February 19, 2020
Video: Turkish “Armed Groups” Don’t Help. Syrian Army Liberates Entire Western Aleppo By South Front, February 18, 2020
Post-Brexit Britain to be the “Largest and Most Destructive Tax Haven in the World” By True Publica, February 17, 2020
Video: Turkey Supports Al Qaeda Against Syrian Forces in Idlib By South Front, February 17, 2020
Video: Drones in Modern Warfare. Drone Documentary (2014) By Global Research News, February 14, 2020
Video: Battle of Idlib and Prospects of Turkish-Syrian War By South Front, February 14, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Gives Turkey “Flick on Nose” in Nayrab, Secures Entire Aleppo-Damascus Highway By South Front, February 14, 2020
Regime Change Wars Have No Basis in International Law By Mark Taliano, February 14, 2020
Video: Residents of Syrian Town Open Fire on US Armed Forces Patrol By Almasdar News, February 14, 2020
The Syrian Arab Army Secures Fully Control of the Damascus – Aleppo Highway By Arabi Souri, February 12, 2020
Video: Turkey Fights Back Against ‘Assad Aggression’ in Idlib By South Front, February 12, 2020
Video: The Battle for Idlib is Ongoing. Turkish Forces to the Rescue of “Peaceful Al Qaeda Militants” By South Front, February 11, 2020
Video: The Truth About Venezuela’s Blackout By Telesur, February 11, 2020
9/11 Analysis: Carbon Nanotubes in World Trade Center Dust By Kevin Ryan and Prof. Niels Harrit, February 10, 2020
Video: The U.S. Attempted 2018 Coup against Nicaragua By Daniel Kovalik, February 09, 2020
Video: What Did Malcolm X Really Think about the Democratic Party? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 09, 2020
By What Right Does Canada and Its Gendarmerie Invade Wet’suwet’en Territory? By Kim Petersen, February 09, 2020
NATO Allies Hold Emergency UN Security Council Meeting to “Save Al-Qaeda” in Idlib By Miri Wood, February 09, 2020
Video: “The Deal of the Century”, Palestine and International Law: UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk By Michael Lynk and Michael Welch, February 07, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Advance in Idlib Province. Netanyahu and Erdogan to the Rescue of Al Qaeda By South Front, February 06, 2020
The Shambles of English Votes for English Laws By Mike Small, February 06, 2020
Video: Human Shields: Turkish Forces Suffer Casualties in Syrian Army Attack on Idlib By South Front, February 04, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Offensive in Greater Idlib By South Front, February 03, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Madman Erdogan Sends NATO Troops to Defend al-Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib By Arabi Souri, February 03, 2020
Video: Syria Army Advance on Saraqib. Liberated Areas held by Al Qaeda (Hayat Tahir al Sham) By South Front, January 30, 2020
Video: Syria Army Develops Momentum in Idlib and Aleppo. Turkish Military Convoy Enters Syria By South Front, January 30, 2020
Conspiracy Theory
Video: Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, The Iran-Contra Affair By Horizons and Bill Moyers, January 29, 2020