

Note: There was a bug in the first “Smoking Gun Video”, which prevented readers from seeing Joe Biden. We have rectified the video. (First published on July 13, 2024)

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation



The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is

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Joe Biden Will Fail to Bring Back ‘Normal’ Politics. What’s Needed Now Is a Populism of the Left By Jonathan Cook, November 14, 2020
Video: Joe Biden Was Firmly Behind The 2003 Iraq War. Extensive War Crimes By Worth the Price, November 13, 2020
The American Coup d’État Against President Donald Trump? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 12, 2020
Video: Armenian Defense Collapsed in Central Nagorno-Karabakh. Shusha Is in the Hands of Azerbaijan By South Front, November 10, 2020
Did President Trump Just Launch A “Sting Operation” against the “Corrupt Swamp” of the Democratic Party? By Peter Koenig, November 10, 2020
The UK Equalities Commission’s Labour Antisemitism Report Is the Real ‘Political Interference’ By Jonathan Cook, November 09, 2020
Media “Fact Checking”: President Trump “Censored” by CNBC By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Vanessa Beeley, Max Parry, and BlackCatte, November 08, 2020
Video: Fate of Armenian-Azerbaijani War Is Being Decided in Battle of Shusha By South Front, November 08, 2020
Video: British Healthcare Assistant Reveals the Lies on Covid Testing and the Lockdown. We Say No the Army and the Police By Unnamed Nurse, November 06, 2020
A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
Israel Carries Out Largest West Bank Demolition Operation in a Decade By Ahmad Al-Bazz and Oren Ziv, November 06, 2020
Video: War in Nagorno-Karabakh: Shadow of Big Ottoman Brother Covers Azerbaijan By South Front, November 06, 2020
Brainwashing the Masses: 6 Companies Own Almost All of the Media in the U.S. – Using Medical “Doctors” to Sell Their Message By Brian Shilhavy, November 05, 2020
Video: Presence of Turkish-backed Syrian Militants in Nagorno-Karabakh Gives Armenia Additional Chances in War By South Front, November 05, 2020
Video: The Plot Against the President By Wollman Productions, November 04, 2020
Video: Turkish Risk Investments in Local Conflicts and Prospects of Armenian Counter-offensive in Karabakh By South Front, November 04, 2020
Are Ventilators Killing More People Than They’re Saving?? By Mike Whitney, November 04, 2020
COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage: The Great Reset – A Call for Civil Disobedience By Peter Koenig, November 03, 2020
Why Is the Corporate Media Predicting a “Dark Winter”? By Brian Shilhavy and Derrick Broze, November 02, 2020
Can Trump Win? 2020 Presidential Election Forecast. Will It Trigger a Stock Market Tsunami? By Nadeem Walayat, November 02, 2020
Open Letter to the COVID-Corrupted Media. Non-stop Reporting, Alarming and Fearmongering By Peter Koenig, November 01, 2020
Video: Azerbaijani Troops Are at the Gates of the Capital of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic By South Front, November 01, 2020
Video: Neo-Ottoman Nights of Armenian-Azerbaijani War By South Front, October 30, 2020
Brazilian Meat Giant Trucked Cattle from Deforested Amazon Ranch By Andrew Wasley, Alexandra Heal, and et al., October 30, 2020
Video: Armenian-Azerbaijani War – One Month After By South Front, October 29, 2020
Human Rights, Terrorism and Organized Crime By Stephen Sefton, October 29, 2020
Video: The Secret Government. The Truth About the CIA and US Foreign Policy at the Height of the Cold War By Bill Moyers, October 28, 2020
VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” By Helen Buyniski, October 28, 2020
Video:The US-brokered Humanitarian Ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh Collapsed By South Front, October 28, 2020
Video: Stand Up, Say No to “New Normal”. Leeds Protest Speech by Mark Devlin By Mark Devlin, October 27, 2020
US Implements New Measure Against Sending Remittances to Cuba By Telesur, October 27, 2020
Video: Nobody Believes in Peace. Azerbaijan Attacks Armenian Forces Despite US-sponsored Ceasefire By South Front, October 27, 2020
New Report: Crowded Sky, Contested Sea: Drones over the South and East China Seas By Joanna Frew, October 27, 2020
Video: Coronavirus: Polish Police Use Tear Gas as Thousands Protest Against COVID-19 Restrictions By Global News, October 26, 2020
Capitalism Is Double-billing Us: We Pay from Our Wallets Only for Our Future to be Stolen from Us By Jonathan Cook, October 26, 2020
Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of Geopolitics, Incites Warfare Between Egypt and Ethiopia By Prof. Juan Cole, October 26, 2020
Former CIA: Blaming Moscow for Hunter Biden’s Laptop is “Russiagate Disinformation” By Ray McGovern and Aaron Mate, October 26, 2020
Video: Police Violence in Berlin Protests. Brutal Arrest of Human Rights Lawyer Markus Haintz By Anwälte für Aufklärung and Elias Davidsson, October 26, 2020
Video: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message for Freedom and Hope By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, October 26, 2020
Video: Azerbaijani Forces Rush to Capture Lachin Corridor from Retreating Armenians By South Front, October 25, 2020
“Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy By Peter Koenig, October 25, 2020
Paul Robeson and the Battle for the Soul of America By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 25, 2020
Video: Second 2020 Presidential Debate: Joe Biden and Donald Trump By Pres. Donald Trump and Joe Biden, October 24, 2020
Video: The Lockdown: Economic Hell on Earth is Coming, “They Are Killing Us” By Gerald Celente, October 24, 2020
Coronavirus: Killer Virus or Common Flu By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Prof Mark Crispin Miller, October 24, 2020
Video: Armenia Launches Ballistic Missiles on Azerbaijan Amid Retreat in Nagorno-Karabakh Region By South Front, October 23, 2020
Video: Rocco Galati Rocks Toronto’s Freedom Rally By Rocco Galati, October 23, 2020
Video: Azerbaijan-Armenia War: Counter-offensive in the South and the “Iranian Factor” By South Front, October 22, 2020
“Justice Rising”: 9/11 Truth ‘Pioneers’ Griffin, Harrit, and Jones By Craig McKee, October 22, 2020
Video: The Moment for Change Is Now. Medical Doctors Speak Out By ACU, October 22, 2020
MAS Returns to Power in Bolivia One Year after US-backed Coup By Arnold August, October 21, 2020
Video: Mike Pompeo About CIA: We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole By Telesur, October 21, 2020
Video: “Don’t be Afraid of the Virus”: American Doctors Speak Out on Misinformation Surrounding the Coronavirus By One America News Network, October 19, 2020
Covid-19: The Great Reset – Revisited. Scary Threats, Rewards for Obedience… By Peter Koenig, October 18, 2020
Video: Azerbaijani Successes in Karabakh Conflict Come Together with War Crimes By South Front, October 18, 2020
The Corona Scandal: “The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed,” Says Investigative Team By John C. A. Manley, October 15, 2020
‘We are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s COVID-19 Coup By Robert J. Burrowes, October 14, 2020
Facebook Bans Ads Questioning Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines By Zero Hedge, October 14, 2020
“Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson, Whose Model Prompted “New Normal” Lockdowns By munkle, October 14, 2020
Video: Turkey Threatens Armenia with Direct Military Intervention in Karabakh War By South Front, October 14, 2020
Video: Is There a Second Wave? The Lockdown, Ireland, Statement of WHO COVID-19 Expert By Andrew Neil, David Nabarro, and et al., October 13, 2020
Belgian Health Experts Demand Full Investigation into WHO for Faking COVID-19 Pandemic By Ethan Huff, October 13, 2020
Video: Azerbaijani Military Destroys Armenian S-300s as Humanitarian Ceasefire Nears Its Collapse By South Front, October 13, 2020
Video: COVID-19. Contagion Fear, Corruption of Medical Actors By Dr. Kevin Corbett and Northern Exposure, October 12, 2020
VIDEO: Africa’s Highest Peak, Kilimanjaro Is on Fire By Florah Temba, October 12, 2020
Is The Guardian Planning an Attack on the Great Barrington Scientists? By Freddie Sayers, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and Dr Martin Kulldorff, October 11, 2020
Video: Turkey Gets Bogged Down in Karabakh War as Armenian Forces Conduct Tactical Counter-Attacks By South Front, October 09, 2020
Video: Armenians Fight Back Against Azerbaijani Advance, Strike Strategic (BTC) Oil Pipeline By South Front, October 08, 2020
Assaulting Science in the Name of Science: Exploring the Coronavirus Crisis of 2020 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 08, 2020
Greece: Golden Dawn Trial Ends with Guilty Verdict By Freedom News, October 08, 2020
George Monbiot’s Excuses for Not Speaking Out Loudly in Defence of Assange Simply Won’t Wash By Jonathan Cook, October 07, 2020
IMF and WEF – From Great Lockdown to Great Transformation. The COVID Aftermath By Peter Koenig, October 07, 2020
Video: Covid-19, We Are Being Lied to! Here Is How… The PCR Test By Spiro Skouras, October 07, 2020
Video: A Conspiracy Against Armenia? The Role of the Pashinyan Government By South Front, October 07, 2020
Video: Ex-OPCW Chief Jose Bustani Reads Syria Testimony that US, UK Blocked at UN By Aaron Mate, October 07, 2020
Video: Azerbaijan-Turkey Alliance Is Taking “Upper Hand” in War with Armenia By South Front, October 06, 2020
Video: The Corona Scandal: “Crimes against Humanity”? Corrupt Agenda, International Class Action Lawsuit By Reiner Fuellmich, October 05, 2020
How a Police State Starts By Craig Murray, October 05, 2020
Rhodesia: Ruminations on a Former Colonial Settler State By Adeyinka Makinde, October 05, 2020
Video: Is the UK Heading Toward Medical Martial Law? By OffGuardian, October 05, 2020
The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté Testifies at UN on OPCW Syria Cover-up By Aaron Mate, October 05, 2020