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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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The Omicron Fraud. The WHO Now Says It’s “Super-mild” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 16, 2021
Assange’s Father Says His Son Has Been Vaccinated By Joe Lauria, December 15, 2021
Will Ethiopia Become Biden’s Libya 2.0 or a Driver for an African Renaissance? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, December 15, 2021
Video: Doctors for COVID Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II By Doctors for COVID Ethics, December 15, 2021
Video: The US Is Getting the Public Accustomed to the “Idea” of War with China By The New Atlas, December 14, 2021
A Desperate Cry for Help: Austria’s Plans for Criminalisation of the Unvaccinated By Kathy Gyngell, December 14, 2021
Video: Financial Fraud Expert Ortel: Investigating US Presidents and Charity Fraud By Charles Ortel and Kristina Borjesson, December 14, 2021
Julian Assange – If He Had Written About Russia or China, He Would Have Been Hero and Nobel Prize Candidate By Peter Koenig and Ramon Freire, December 14, 2021
Alix Mayer Is Vaccine Injured, but Not from the COVID Vaccine By Steve Kirsch, December 14, 2021
Unvaxxed in Austria Could be Imprisoned for a Year By Paul Joseph Watson, December 14, 2021
NATO Crowns New German Chancellor, Denounces Russia, China as Nuclear Threats By Rick Rozoff, December 13, 2021
Video: Warning: ‘Gene Therapy in 5 to 11-Year-Olds’ – Scientist Exposes the Risks By Renee Nal, December 13, 2021
Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID. Vitamin D By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 13, 2021
Video: The “Vaccine” and “The Great Reset”: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Points to Crimes against Humanity By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, December 12, 2021
Song: Rome Is Burning. To All Those People Who Have Gone into Action to End State Organized Racist Violence and Oppression and All Forms of Racism By Mistahi Corkill, December 11, 2021
Video: The Origin of Violence: “Why do Human Beings Kill One Another”? Robert J. Burrowes By Robert J. Burrowes and Henna Maria, December 10, 2021
Video: Protesters Outside Quebec Hospital Arrested and Fined for Opposing the Vaccination of Children By Alexandra Lavoie, December 10, 2021
Video: “The Storming of The Bastille 2021”. “Danser Encore”… Breaking the Covid Consensus By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 09, 2021
Video: Ping-Pong War in Yemen: Houthis Strike Back with Drones over Riyadh By South Front, December 09, 2021
The Assassination of Malcolm X: The “Actual Assassins” Known to the FBI were Never Brought to Justice By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 09, 2021
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We Should Anticipate Seeing this Immune Erosion More Widely’ By Frontline Doctors, December 09, 2021
Smoking Gun: Fauci States COVID PCR Test Has Fatal Flaw; Confession from the “Beloved” Expert of Experts By Jon Rappoport, December 09, 2021
Are You Ready for Nuclear War over Ukraine? By Selwyn Duke, December 09, 2021
Video: The Covid-19 Crisis Triggers Economic and Social Chaos Worldwide By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, December 08, 2021
Danielle Turner: 44-year-old Australian Truck Driver Suffering Uncontrollable Convulsions, Numerous Seizures after First Pfizer mRNA Injection By, December 08, 2021
How the Covid Crisis Affects Academia: Universities Become Compliant Institutions with No Room for Critical and Independent Thought By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 08, 2021
Omicron: All the Post-hype Facts About the Latest Fauci Fear Mechanism By, December 08, 2021
Video: Confidential Pfizer Document Confirms Death-by-Jab! By HighImpactTV, December 07, 2021
Video: Western Sahara, Morocco and Algeria One Step from War By South Front, December 07, 2021
Video: Urgent: Dr. Peter McCullough Calls for Immediate Vaxx Halt By Dr. Peter McCullough and Stew Peters, December 07, 2021
Nicaragua’s Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens U.S. Oppression Domestically and Abroad By Lauren Smith, December 07, 2021
Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past and Present By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 06, 2021
On the Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down the Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls for Throwing Out Nuremberg Code in Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters By Julian Conradson, December 06, 2021
Climate Change
Video: The Technocratic Dictatorship: Sacrifice or Revolt? Why the ”Why-question” Is Not Asked By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, December 06, 2021
2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women By Brian Shilhavy, December 06, 2021
Laotian Lives Matter: Unexploded Ordnance Left Over from the Indochina War By Jeremy Kuzmarov, December 06, 2021
7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days after Pfizer COVID-19 Shot By Brian Shilhavy, December 06, 2021
Vax News India: Win Against Youtube Censorship; Gates Murder Charges Filed. Indian Bar Association By Dipali Ojha and Kristina Borjesson, December 06, 2021
Australian Senator Who Opposes Vaccine Mandate Escorted to Quarantine Hotel: “This Has Been Premeditated” By The COVID World, December 06, 2021
Video: “The Way You Design the World in Your Mind is the Way you Relate to It in the Real World”: Dr. Vandana Shiva By Dr. Vandana Shiva, December 05, 2021
Video: The Corona Crisis and the Engineered Destabilization of the Global Economy. Michel Chossudovsky. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Taylor Hudak, December 04, 2021
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Interview: COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Risk Was Known, Ignored & Buried By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Taylor Hudak, December 04, 2021
The Imposition of Tyranny, Austria Sets the Stage: First Western Country to “Legally” Impose “Vaccination” on Her Population. By Peter Koenig, December 04, 2021
Video: Stormy Winter Comes to Syria By South Front, December 03, 2021
The Power to Imprison — Life in Pandemicland By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 03, 2021
Durbin Introduces Amendment to End ‘Legacy of Cruelty’ by Closing Guantánamo By Brett Wilkins, December 03, 2021
Out of Africa on Black Friday: A Boost for Omicron Booster Shots? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 01, 2021
Doctor Who First Discovered Omicron Variant Says It’s “Mild,” Hasn’t Caused Uptick in Hospitalizations By Paul Joseph Watson, December 01, 2021
Video: Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor By Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and Stew Peters, December 01, 2021
“Move On”: To All Those People Who Are Opening Up a Path for the Progress of Society By Mistahi Corkill, December 01, 2021
What Determines a Limit to Growth? “Planet Earth Next 100 Years” By Cynthia Chung, December 01, 2021
Video: Graphene Oxide in Vaccine as a Means to Deliver Nanotechnology into Our Blood By Dr. Ariyana Love and Stew Peters, November 30, 2021
Video: American Admiral Claims US Is on the Brink of Nuclear War with Russia and China. Oh, Really…? By Scott Ritter and RT News, November 30, 2021
Video: Finally! Medical Proof the COVID Jab Is “Murder”: Dr. Vernon Coleman By Dr. Vernon Coleman, November 30, 2021
Video: Ready for Nuclear Holocaust with Russia Over Ukraine? By Rep Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson, November 30, 2021
Video: Northern Syria is Volatile As Ever. Militants in Greater Idlib Ramp Up Their Provocations By South Front, November 30, 2021
Video: New COVID ‘Scariant’: Fact or Fiction with Dr. Andrew Kaufman By Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Sayer Ji, November 30, 2021
Australia “Banging War Drums” on Alleged “China Threat” By Kim Petersen, November 30, 2021
Video: 13 Year-old Canadian Girl Took the Covid-19 Vaccine. “Try Not to Cry, Her Heart Stopped and Now She is in Critical Condition” By Global Research News, November 29, 2021
Revelation 2021? High-profile Soccer Figures, Players (“Footballers”) Forcing Conversation after Three More Soccer Players Collapse in Three Days By, November 29, 2021
Video: An Evocative Appeal from Some Indigenous People in Australia By TheCrowhouse, November 29, 2021
Video: Truth, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr and David Martin. The Pathogens and the Patents By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. David Martin, November 29, 2021
Video, Nuremberg 2.0 : Poland’s Parliamentary Investigation Committee: Inauguration with Dr. Reiner Füllmich By Regnum TV, November 29, 2021
Palestine: “We Don’t Want to Die of Thirst, but We Don’t Want to Betray: Normalization with Israel Is a Big Betrayal.” By Rima Najjar, November 29, 2021
Video: Jab Mandates Are the Rehearsal, the Future Will be Worse: Prof. David M. Haskell By Prof. David Millard Haskell, November 29, 2021
Video: The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and James Corbett, November 29, 2021
Video: Summary Results of the Colonial Administration of Ukraine (2013-2021) By South Front, November 29, 2021
One World Governance and the Council on Foreign Relations. “We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent.” By Joachim Hagopian, November 28, 2021
Video: The WHO and the Road Towards a Fake Medical Dystopia. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg By Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Planet Lockdown, November 27, 2021
“Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine” and “The Pinnacles of Wealth and Power” By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, November 26, 2021
Austria: Coercion and Tyranny: The Killer Agenda Behind the Vaccine “Incentives”. “We Can and We Must Stop This” By Peter Koenig, November 26, 2021
Video: State of Chaos in Northern Syria By South Front, November 26, 2021
Is Mankind Able to Prevent Abuse of New Technologies Against Democracy and Human Rights? By Mojmir Babacek, November 25, 2021
Whistleblower Nurse Says Politicians Receive Saline Instead of mRNA Jab. Crisis in Slovenia By Daily Telegraph New Zealand, November 25, 2021
Urgent Message to Swiss Voters: Vote No in the Referendum on COVID-19 Law – Your Freedom Depends Upon It By Doctors for COVID Ethics, November 25, 2021
Video: Turkey’s Lira Plunge Leads to Rare Anti-Government Protests By South Front, November 25, 2021
Breaking: Australian Army Begins Transferring Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Cases to Quarantine Camps By Patricia Harrity, November 24, 2021
Video: Saudi-led Coalition Intensifies Efforts to Counter Yemen’s Ansar Allah By South Front, November 24, 2021
30 Flights, Some Only 12 Miles Away: U.S. Bombers Practiced Nuclear Attacks on Russia By Rick Rozoff, November 24, 2021
The War on the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy the Control Group By Jordan Schachtel, November 23, 2021