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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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Video: Google’s Youtube Censorship In Several Languages against OVALmedia. Corona Investigative Committee By Robert Cibis, Nathalie Signorini, Bianca Laura Granat, and Corona Investigative Committee, August 05, 2022
Justice in the Land of the Free By Kim Petersen, August 05, 2022
Video: Analysis of Propaganda Utilized in the Corona Crisis. Dr. Roman Braun and Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Roman Braun and Reiner Fuellmich, August 04, 2022
Video: The Current Hike in Interest Rates, Danger of Collapsing Supply Chains: Economist Ernst Wolf By Ernst Wolff and Reiner Fuellmich, August 03, 2022
Food Shortages: WEF Globalists Promote Diet of Bugs — and Cannibalism By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 03, 2022
Has China Been Bluffing? By Kim Petersen, August 03, 2022
Video: Is the Biden Administration Really Foolish Enough to Send Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, or Is It Just a Balloon of Hot Air? Don DeBar and Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, Don DeBar, and Press TV, August 02, 2022
Saudi Arabia Unveils Plans for Dystopian “Linear” City that Will Cram 9 Million People Into a Giant 109-Mile-Long Mirrored Wall By Julian Conradson, August 02, 2022
Video: Covid “Mask Mandate”to be Reimposed in Germany’s Schools? Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab By Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab and Reiner Fuellmich, August 02, 2022
Testimonies from COVID Jab Injured: “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 02, 2022
Without Consent: DNA from Newborn Babies Is Being Used by Law Enforcement and Science By Jesse Smith, August 02, 2022
“Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain” By Toby Rogers, August 02, 2022
Video: Graphene-based Nanowires, Scaffolding, and Pathological Blood Clotting Leading to Injuries and Deaths. Dr. Robert O. Young By Dr. Robert O. Young and Reiner Fuellmich, August 01, 2022
Shouldn’t Biden be Talking Directly to Putin? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 01, 2022
The Future of “Global Governance” and The “Earth Congress”. Transform the United Nations By Emanuel Pastreich, July 30, 2022
Silent Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Great Reset, the Fear Campaign and “Engineered Weather”? By Peter Koenig, July 30, 2022
Video: Survey on How 300,000 people from 175 countries have fared “without taking a COVID-19 vaccine” By Dr. Katarina Lindley and Reiner Fuellmich, July 29, 2022
Video: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Pretext for Launching A Global Economic and Social Crisis. Michel Chossudovsky and Ivaylo Grouev By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Prof. Ivaylo Grouev, July 28, 2022
DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide By Tessa Lena, July 28, 2022
Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Induces a Profound Impairment in Type I Interferon Signaling, Which Has Diverse Adverse Consequences By Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Reiner Fuellmich, July 28, 2022
The Vaccinated Are “Infecting” the Unvaccinated with Dangerous Graphene Oxide: Biomedicine Experts By Mary Villareal, July 27, 2022
Strained US-China Relations, Taiwan Spills Over into Ukraine: “A No-Win Situation” for Washington By Kim Petersen, July 27, 2022
Dutch Farmers Versus the WEF: Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 27, 2022
The Manchester Arena Attack: “Blood on Their Hands” By Phil Miller, July 27, 2022
NATO Drones Murder Syrians at Church Inauguration in Hama By Miri Wood, July 27, 2022
Video: Pfizer Trial Documents Speak of COVID Vaccine Safety Fraud. Sonia Elijah Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich By Sonia Elijah and Reiner Fuellmich, July 26, 2022
Turkey-Supported Terrorists in North-West Syria Attack Church with Deaths and Injuries By Steven Sahiounie, July 26, 2022
Engineered Inflation in the Eurozone and Worldwide: Are We in the Midst of WW-III: Execution of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig and Jerome Hughes, July 26, 2022
Video: Why Is Bill Gates Buying All the Farmland? By reallygraceful, July 25, 2022
Video: COVID-19 and Poland’s Parliamentary Group Nuremberg 2.0. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Gzegorz Braun By Grzegorz Braun and Reiner Fuellmich, July 25, 2022
COVID Jabs Impact Both Male and Female Fertility By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 25, 2022
Farms Not Factories: Global Chaos Is Part of the Plan By Farms Not Factories, July 24, 2022
The Covid-19 Crisis and “The Seventh Wave”: Our Politicians are Fraudulent, Complicit and Incompetent By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, July 23, 2022
When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe By Emanuel Pastreich, July 23, 2022
Video: New Front Burning in Ukraine By South Front, July 22, 2022
Video: Canada’s Truckers Movement and Political Prisoners: Prof. Anthony Hall By Prof. Anthony J. Hall and Kevin Barrett, July 22, 2022
Video: Israel’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Golan Ashton By Golan Ashton and Reiner Fuellmich, July 21, 2022
Video: The War of Corporations on Our Children, “Seeking to Control Their Values” By Emanuel Pastreich, July 21, 2022
Video: Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine. Judge Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, July 21, 2022
Video: UK Heatwave: London Fire Brigade Battle Fires Across Capital By Sky News, July 20, 2022
Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20, 2022
Video: The Purpose of the Covid-19 “Vaccine”: Behavioural Control of Population, Eugenics, Nanotechnology By Ricardo Delgado, July 20, 2022
Video: Illegal “Isolation and Quarantine Camp” Regulation In New York State. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox By Bobbie Anne Flower Cox and Reiner Fuellmich, July 20, 2022
Video: Optogenetics, “Wireless Interfaces”: The Planned Path to Complete Control of Our Brains? “Manipulation of Memories, Emotions and Thoughts” By Kla TV, July 19, 2022
Video: Italian Regional Court Identifies the mRNA Injections as “Experimental Substances” which not Break the Chains of Infection. Reiner Fuelmich Interviews Renate Holzeisen By Renate Holzeisen and Reiner Fuellmich, July 19, 2022
Video: The Persecution of Julian Assange: Crimes Upon Crimes Within Crimes By Kristina Borjesson, July 19, 2022
Video: Foreign Mercenaries in East Ukraine. Appeal of Alexander Drueke, US Fighter Captured in DPR By South Front, July 19, 2022
Video: Interview with Pat King from Jail, Leader of Canada’s Freedom Convoy, Imprisoned by PM Justin Trudeau By Pat King, July 19, 2022
How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 18, 2022
The West Against Russia: The Strategy Is Being Played Out in Ukraine. “Socio-Economic Suicide” in the EU. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, July 18, 2022
Will the US Supreme Court Make It Illegal to Boycott Israel? By Azadeh Shahshahani and Dr. Assal Rad, July 18, 2022
Corona Investigative Committee Session 113: Mycelium By Sonia Elijah and Corona Investigative Committee, July 18, 2022
Listen to Kissinger and CIA’s William Burns and Compare with Populist Political Platitudes By Jan Oberg, July 17, 2022
Video: Covid-19: Engineered Destruction of Civil Society: Prof Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, July 15, 2022
Video: Uruguay’s Decision to Suspend COVID Vaccination for Kids Under 13 Years. Corona Investigative Committee with Gaby Weber. By Gaby Weber and Corona Investigative Committee, July 15, 2022
Western Media and Military Analysts Still Dazed and Confused About the War in Ukraine By Larry Johnson, July 15, 2022
Video: Schizer – We Make Sh*t. Satire: “The Vaccines are Safe and Effective. They are Not of Course” By Strong and Free Canada, July 14, 2022
Video: The Devastating Effects of Pfizer COVID Vaccine on Toddlers and Infants. Corona Investigative Committee with Karen Kingston By Karen Kingston and Corona Investigative Committee, July 14, 2022
Video: Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 13, 2022
Video: Swedish Study: Pfizer Jab Installs DNA into the Human Genome By Alexandra Bruce, July 12, 2022
Video. The Proposal for COVID Vaccination of the German Armed Forces. Corona Investigative Committee By Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz, and Corona Investigative Committee, July 12, 2022
Attempts to Foment Regime Change in Cuba: Ending US Aggression against Cuba. Arnold August By Aidan Jonah, July 12, 2022
Video: The Farmers’ Protests in the Netherlands and the Use of Police Force. Corona Investigative Committee with Jeroen Pols & Willem Engel By Jeroen Pols, Willem Engel, and Corona Investigative Committee, July 11, 2022
Canadian mRNA Expert Suspended for Criticizing COVID Vaccine for Children By Belle Carter, July 11, 2022
Video: Infertility and “Depopulation”: A Diabolical Agenda By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 10, 2022
Video: European Farmers Fight Back Against the Globalist Scheme to Destroy the World’s Food Supply By Amy Mek, July 10, 2022
The United Nations Scrubbed this Article Heralding ‘The Benefits of World Hunger’ from Its Website After It Went Viral By Alicia Powe, July 08, 2022
Marionette Theater: Boris BoJo Resigns, as UK Searches for Next Globalist Puppet By Jordan Schachtel, July 08, 2022
How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results: The FDA’s “Future Framework” to Allow “Reformulated Covid Injections” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 08, 2022
Revealed: Biden Sold 1 Million Barrels of Oil from US Strategic Reserves to Chinese Company Hunter Biden Invested In By Hannah Nightingale, July 08, 2022
It ‘Felt Like the Fix Was In’ Before FDA Panel Voted to Reformulate COVID Booster Shots: Paul Offit By Megan Redshaw, July 08, 2022
Video: Russia Fights the Ukrainian Military. The Ukrainian Military Fights Zelensky By South Front, July 08, 2022
Video: Devastating Impacts of the Covid Lockdown on Bars and Restaurants. Corona Investigative Committee with Sören Pohlen By Sören Pohlen and Corona Investigative Committee, July 07, 2022
Anatomy of a Coup: How CIA Front Laid Foundations for Ukraine War By Kit Klarenberg, July 07, 2022
Ukraine Peace Statement: “Nothing is Lost by Peace. Everything can be Lost by War.” By Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Grzegorz Braun, and et al., July 07, 2022
Video: “Taming The Big Pharma Monster”. Corona Investigative Committee. Dr. Hedley Rees By Dr. Hedley Rees and Corona Investigative Committee, July 06, 2022
Video: Covid Propaganda and Social Engineering. Massive Transfers of Wealth. Towards A “One-world Dictatorship”. Margaret Anna Alice. By Margaret Anna Alice and Corona Investigative Committee, July 05, 2022
Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional: Dr. Michael Yeadon By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 05, 2022
Will Pfizer be Charged for Mislabeling Vaccine Side Effects? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 05, 2022
Vaccine Mandates Were Predicated on “Hope” Rather Than Science, Admits Deborah Birx By Natalie Winters, July 05, 2022