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Julian Assange: Courage Calls to Courage Everywhere By Stella Assange, September 05, 2022
The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative By Dr. Thomas Binder, September 03, 2022
Inspiring: Bears Are Helpless After Wildfire Burns Their Paws But Vets Try a New Treatment By The Greanville Post, September 02, 2022
Video: Ukraine War. “Is Russia in Trouble”? Scott Ritter Interviewed by Judge Napolitano By Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 02, 2022
Russia-Ukraine War: The Western Threat of Nuclear Annihilation By Joseph Massad, September 01, 2022
Video: Afghanistan: Extreme Poverty and Despair: Child Malnutrition, Six Million “at Risk of Famine.” U.N. Security Council Meeting By United Nations, September 01, 2022
Why Government Health Care Kills More People Than It Helps By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 01, 2022
Video: Israel’s Ministry of Health’s Cover-up of COVID Measures. Corona Investigative Committee By Corona Investigative Committee, August 31, 2022
Fauci Announces He Is on His Way Out By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 31, 2022
Video: Global Civil Rights Movement. Munich Stands Up — Rally at Friedensengel Park By Children’s Health Defense, August 30, 2022
COVID “Vaccines” Destroying Human Fertility. Dr. Christof Plothe By Dr. Christof Plothe, Iron Will, and Dr. Mark Trozzi, August 30, 2022
Video: Inconsistencies in the PCR Test and the Lack of Validation of Laboratory Results. Jeannette Bahr Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Jeannette Bahr and Reiner Fuellmich, August 30, 2022
‘Unknown Cause’ Is the Top Cause of Death in Canada! By Mark S. Schwendau, August 29, 2022
Video: Why the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns Won’t Work and the Vaccinated Will Never Achieve Full Immunity Again. Florian Schilling Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Florian Schilling and Reiner Fuellmich, August 29, 2022
An Apology to the Billionaires for My Irresponsible Comments By Emanuel Pastreich, August 28, 2022
Video: Kiev’s Military Operations “Switched to Terrorist Strategy” By South Front, August 28, 2022
A ‘Suicide Pact’ to Reduce the World’s Population: Former Greenpeace President Dr. Patrick Moore By Christopher Black, August 28, 2022
Nazi Atrocities at Odessa – 8 Years On By John Goss, August 27, 2022
Video: Ukraine-Russia War, Assassination of Darya Dugina, Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 26, 2022
Video: The “Suicide Pact” and Climate Change Narrative. Dr. Patrick Moore Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Patrick Moore and Reiner Fuellmich, August 26, 2022
Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 24, 2022
Video: Public Health System Rigged to Make the Covid Vaccines Look “Safe and Effective”. Deborah Conrad Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich By Deborah Conrad and Reiner Fuellmich, August 24, 2022
The Next Generation Says Good-Bye to Ursula von der Leyen’s Europe By Dr. Eric Beeth, August 23, 2022
Amish Farm Under Threat From U.S. Federal Government for Refusal to Abandon Traditional Farming Practices By Jeremy Loffredo, August 23, 2022
After Nuking Japan, US Government Lied About Radioactive Fallout as Civilians Died By Ben Norton, August 23, 2022
As the COVID Myths Explode, Delusions Are Shattering: Our Exit from Subservience Leads to Nuremberg 2.0 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 22, 2022
Subverting Medicine: The Role of the Federation of State Medical Boards By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 22, 2022
Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 22, 2022
Top Biden Official: US Would Overthrow Colombia’s New Left-wing President 40 Years Ago By Ben Norton, August 22, 2022
A Letter to UK’s Chief Coroners Office on Disturbing COVID and COVID Vaccination Deaths By John O'Looney, August 20, 2022
Censorship and Global Information Control: Who Is Behind the “Trusted News Initiative”(TNI)? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 19, 2022
44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs for Expectant Mothers Anyway. Report By Debra Heine, August 19, 2022
Video: Covid-19 Lawsuit (2020-21) on Charges of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Canadian Lawyer Michael Swinwood By Michael Swinwood and FranceSoir, August 19, 2022
Video: A Review of What Occurred in Israel Since the Onset of the Corona Crisis By Corona Investigative Committee, August 18, 2022
Former CIA Officer Joshua Schulte Faces as Many as 80 Years in Prison After Being Convicted for Providing Information to WikiLeaks By John Kiriakou, August 17, 2022
Video: Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Needs to End. Prof. Martin Schwab and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab and Reiner Fuellmich, August 17, 2022
Giant Satirical Billboards—Mounted on Trucks Driven All Over the Nation’s Capital—Are Publicly Shaming Democratic Party Leaders for Their Illegal Persecution of Julian Assange By Steve Brown, August 17, 2022
CIA, Pompeo Sued for Allegedly Spying on US Attorneys and Journalists Who Met with Assange By Kevin Gosztola, August 16, 2022
Have You Any Idea How Your Carbon Footprint and Your Carbon Wallet Are Really Going to Work in this Dystopian World the WEF Have Planned? By threadsirish, August 16, 2022
Video: The Impact of the Corona Crisis on Businesses, Insolvency of the Manufacturing Sector. Christian Beer and Alex Turck By Christian Beer, Axel Turck, and Reiner Fuellmich, August 16, 2022
Video: “The Psychiatry of COVID-19”. A Conversation with Dr. Emanuel Garcia By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 16, 2022
Video: Sinjajevina, A Plateau in the Mountains of Montenegro which has become a Military Base for NATO By Pablo Dominguez, Milan Sekulović, and PANGEA, August 16, 2022
The Ukrainian Boondoggle as a Black Hole By William J. Astore, August 15, 2022
‘A Dangerous Message’: How the West Is Enabling Israel’s Orgy of Violence Against Palestinians By David Hearst, August 15, 2022
Coordination of Censorship: United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Elitist Takeover By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 15, 2022
How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 15, 2022
Video: Who Is Allowed to Not Wear a Mask? Dr. Josef Thoma and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Josef Thoma and Reiner Fuellmich, August 15, 2022
The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them? By Robert J. Burrowes, August 13, 2022
Does Fear of Contagion Make Us Intolerant and Compliant? By Tessa Lena, August 13, 2022
Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 13, 2022
The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 13, 2022
“Forbidden Planet”: An Unelected Shadow Government of Billionaires Has Seized Power … “When Science Fiction becomes Science Fact” By Michael J. Talmo, August 12, 2022
U.S. Abusing Thousands of Refugees in Rukban Concentration Camp, to Blackmail Syria By Arabi Souri, August 12, 2022
“Factual Chaos” at the WHO? Dr. Tedros: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 12, 2022
Trudeau Government to Introduce National “Digital Identity Program” By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, August 12, 2022
First Synthetic Embryos: The Scientific Breakthrough Raises Serious Ethical Questions By Prof. Julian Savulescu, Christopher Gyngell, and Prof. Tsutomu Sawai, August 12, 2022
Video: The Corona Crisis. Worldwide Economic, Social and Political Chaos. “Closing Down Planet Earth”: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 12, 2022
Twitter Facilitates Cyber Terrorism and NATO-proxy War Crimes in Ukraine By Vanessa Beeley, August 11, 2022
Washington Steals Over 80 Percent of Syria’s Oil Output Per Day By The Cradle, August 11, 2022
UK: Contenders for Boris Johnson’s Crown Stress Fealty to Israel. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, August 11, 2022
The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 11, 2022
How the Globalist Agenda Impinges on Animal Rights: ‘Chased from Every Side’: Sumatran Elephants Pinned Down by Forest Loss By Dyna Rochmyaningsih, August 11, 2022
Take Part in The Human Chain to Free Julian Assange By Don't Extradite Assange, August 11, 2022
Video: Ketogenic Diet Brings Certain Autoimmune and Cancer Diseases Triggered by mRNA Injections Under Control. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer By Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer and Reiner Fuellmich, August 11, 2022
Video: Trudeau Catastrophe — Hospital Emergency Departments Are Shutting Down By Front Page News, August 11, 2022
Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism. The Rise and Fall of the Beast By Peter Koenig, August 10, 2022
America’s Media Focusses on Nancy Pelosi, Omits Coverage of U.S. Military Threats Directed against China By Sara Flounders, August 10, 2022
Video: Soaring Number of Stillbirths, Abnormal Placentas.”Everything We are Experiencing is Complete Absurdity”. Sara Bennett, Corona Investigative Committee By Sara Bennett and Reiner Fuellmich, August 10, 2022
Video: Hollywood’s Pro-Soviet Propaganda vs. The “Russia Probe” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 09, 2022
11 Year Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab and His Globalist Goons By American Right TV, August 09, 2022
Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Patents and Gene-Deletion. Dr. Ariyana Love Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Ariyana Love and Reiner Fuellmich, August 09, 2022
New Documentary: Eugenics to Pandemics By John Potash, August 09, 2022
No Safe Place to Hide. A Video Response to NYC’s Nuclear PSA. Have We Forgotten? By VideoNation, August 09, 2022
Commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Blaming Russia for U.S. War Crimes By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 09, 2022
Covid Vaccination and Turbo-Cancer. “Multiple Tumors in Multiple Organs”. Dr. Ute Kruger By Etana Hecht, August 08, 2022
Video: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Warns of “Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of All Time” By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, August 08, 2022
The Globalists have Launched a New Offensive against the Citizens of the Earth. By Emanuel Pastreich, August 08, 2022
Video: America Is Preparing for Confrontation with Russia and China By Manlio Dinucci, August 07, 2022
Member of European Parliament Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion “Worst Crime Ever Committed on Humanity” By Steve Watson, August 06, 2022
Video: Ukraine Deploying Petal Mines Against Donetsk Civilians By Eva Bartlett, August 05, 2022