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A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) said on Sunday that its 85,000 members, along with “tens of thousands of dockworkers and maritime workers around the world,” will hit the picket lines Tuesday, October 1, “and strike at all Atlantic and Gulf

Environmentalist and campaigner Rosemary Mason has been relentlessly exposing the insidious effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment through a decade-long series of incisive reports. Many of these reports have taken the form of scathing open letters directed

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) has rendered a great public service by very recently publishing a report titled ‘Bayer’s Toxic Trails’ which reveals how the German agrochemical giant Bayer has been lobbying hard to promote glyphosate and GMOs, or trying

“The US and UK are complicit with the Israeli apartheid and racist regime.” Interview with Sami, the Bedouin By Sami the Bedouin and Steven Sahiounie, May 23, 2023
G7 Hiroshima Summit Fails to Deliver Progress on Nuclear Disarmament By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, May 23, 2023
mRNA and Breastfeeding: COVID-19 Vaccinated Mothers Who Breastfeed — Babies Have Serious Reactions Including Death By Dr. William Makis, May 23, 2023
The Battle of Bakhmut: Russian Forces Take Full Control of the Province By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 23, 2023
Turkiye Rallies Behind Erdogan By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 23, 2023
‘Sad Day for Babies and Mums’: FDA Panel Recommends Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women By Michael Nevradakis, May 23, 2023
Ukraine Admits Murdering “Quite a Few” Russian Civilians Who Back Putin and His Invasion By Zero Hedge, May 23, 2023
The Splendor of a Thousand Suns: Hiroshima and Imperial Forgetfulness By Gonzalo Armúa, May 23, 2023
Leaked Recordings Expose Shocking State Corruption in ‘US-governed’ Moldova By Kit Klarenberg, May 23, 2023
Ban the Jab Update: Seminole County GOP Passed Ban the Jab Resolution! 90-95% of Vote! By Dr. Joseph Sansone, May 23, 2023
Where Did All the Money Go? Ukraine’s Organized Military Loses Major Stronghold City to Russian Mercenaries By Jordan Schachtel, May 23, 2023
Help to Live in Peace and Freedom! Appeal to the Youth of the World By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, May 22, 2023
“Mischief-making” in Pretoria, Moscow and Washington: The Fog of War, Military Profiteering and South Africa’s Arms Dealings By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 22, 2023
A.I. is Going to Revolutionize Everything: With GPT-5, the U.S. is “In The Lead” By Karsten Riise, May 22, 2023
The EU Can’t Keep Its Story Straight About U.S Sanctions against the Import of Russian Fuel By Andrew Korybko, May 22, 2023
The US Government Launches A.I. Tool to Detect “Russian Disinformation” By Ben Bartee, May 22, 2023
While Pushing Ukraine Proxy War, Canada Struggled to Evacuate Citizens from Sudan By Steven Sahiounie, May 22, 2023
Fears of Abandonment: Australia, Biden and Cancelling the Quad Visit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22, 2023
Toxic Contagion – Funds, Food and Pharma By Colin Todhunter, May 22, 2023
Squeezed by the Shorts: Time to Ban Short Selling? By Ellen Brown, May 22, 2023
Jeddah Meeting Unites the Arab League with Damascus By Steven Sahiounie, May 22, 2023
How in Italy We Have Broken the “War Lockdown” Against Russian Musicians By Manlio Dinucci, May 22, 2023
The FBI Must be Held Accountable for Russiagate By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 22, 2023
Can Institutions Ever Remain Honest? By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, May 22, 2023
Death’s Secretary Tries to Forget on Cape Cod By Edward Curtin, May 22, 2023
Durham Report Reveals the Real Threat to “Democracy” — The FBI Weaponized by Democrat Party Affiliated Elites By Ajamu Baraka, May 22, 2023
The Circus of the West. “The Unreality Bubble” By Karsten Riise, May 22, 2023
The Growing War Cost on Our Shoulders. Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, May 22, 2023
Japan Hosting G7 to Blast China By Peter Koenig, May 22, 2023
Two UK Babies Dead From Myocarditis: Total of 16 Babies Developed “Severe Myocarditis” in Wales & England, Eight Ended Up in Intensive Care By Dr. William Makis, May 22, 2023
The Mess that Nuland Made: The Consequences of Ukraine’s “Regime Change” By Robert Parry, May 22, 2023
Template for a Transformation of Human Society By Julian Rose, May 22, 2023
Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Issues Excoriating Review of COVID Lockdown Policies Including Business Closures and Vaccine Mandates and Calls Them ‘Among the Greatest Intrusions on Civil Liberties in the History of the Nation’ By Lewis Pennock, May 22, 2023
Demented Policing: Tasering the Elderly By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22, 2023
The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases (2001-2005) By Prof. Jules Dufour, May 21, 2023
Disbelief as “Green King Charles” Gives Royal Assent to New Gene Breeding Technology By Julian Rose, May 20, 2023
The COVID Trojan Horse: It’s Time to Move Beyond this Diabolical Deception to Understand the Real Agenda! By Howard Bertram, May 20, 2023
The Demise of Mesopotamia: The Geopolitics of Water. The Desertification of Iraq By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi, May 20, 2023
If Hashim, Then Why Not Bill—and Joe? Former Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi on Trial at The Hague for War Crimes By Jeremy Kuzmarov, May 20, 2023
Ex-Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: Covid Vaxx Push a ‘Supranational Operation’ Intended to ‘Maim and Kill Deliberately’ By Patrick Delaney, May 20, 2023
“Died Suddenly”: Bus Drivers Collapsing, Pilots Having Medical Emergencies, Weightlifters, Turbo Cancers and More By Dr. William Makis and Deanna Lorraine, May 20, 2023
The Numbers BlackRock Won’t Crunch By Teddy Ogborn, May 19, 2023
Died Suddenly: Police Officers Who Died Suddenly Recently, Possibly Due to Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates By Dr. William Makis, May 19, 2023
COVID-19: Camouflaging even Greater Threats to Democracy and Public Health: Dr. Naomi Wolf By Michael Welch and Dr. Naomi Wolf, May 19, 2023
“The Treason of the Intellectuals” By Emanuel Pastreich, May 19, 2023
“Collective Security” and the United Nations System of International Relations By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, May 19, 2023
Excess Deaths in the UK: 10,000 More Brits Are Dying. Experts Not Sure Why. By Dr. William Makis, May 19, 2023
Revealed: Russian Neo-Nazi Leader Obtained UK Missiles in Ukraine By Phil Miller, May 19, 2023
Failure of U.S. Patriot ADS and Western Combat Systems. Does Kiev Possess the Means to Win the Conflict? By Uriel Araujo, May 19, 2023
An Interview with Satan on the Eve of His Retirement By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, May 19, 2023
Imperial Protectionism: US Foreign Policy for the Middle Class By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 19, 2023
The Trump Presidency: RIP By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 19, 2023
A New Trajectory for the Region By Michael Jansen, May 19, 2023
The Feds and Their Copycats By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 19, 2023
Turkey Blasts Charlie Hebdo Cartoon Depicting Erdogan Electrocution in Bathtub By Middle East Eye, May 19, 2023
Nuclear Bombs and Drones Over the Kremlin By Ted Snider, May 19, 2023
The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, May 18, 2023
Kiev’s Air Defense Capability Threatened By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 18, 2023
People Love AI: Fastest Growing Application Ever By Karsten Riise, May 18, 2023
Taiwan War Becomes Real Threat and It Scares the G7 By Karsten Riise, May 18, 2023
Western Weapons to Ukraine: Black Market for Terrorists “On Command” By Peter Koenig, May 18, 2023
The Occupation Is Destroying Israel’s Democracy Regardless of What Kind of Spin Is Put on It By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, May 18, 2023
“Never Again is Now Global” Documentary by Vera Sharav: The COVID-19 – Holocaust Comparison By Dan Fournier and Vera Sharav, May 18, 2023
Durham Report Indicts FBI for Role in Russiagate Scam But Is Silent About the CIA By Jeremy Kuzmarov, May 18, 2023
Turkey Elections: West Failed to Depose Erdogan Despite Openly Backing Opposition By Ahmed Adel, May 18, 2023
Bombshell Report: Two 9/11 Hijackers Were Recruited by CIA By Ben Bartee, May 18, 2023
The Pentagon’s Increased Use of Elite Military Units By Shane Quinn, May 18, 2023
NATO Is Creeping Into Asia, Warns North Korea By, May 18, 2023
Russia, Ukraine and the African Mediators By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 18, 2023
The US Should be a Force for Peace in the World By Eisenhower Media Network, May 18, 2023
See 867 US Military Bases on New Online Tool. Interactive Map By World Beyond War, May 18, 2023
South Africa “Mischief-makers”? Is Ugly-American Ambassador to Pretoria Reuben Brigety Correct, that South Africa Weapons Were Shipped to Russia? By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 18, 2023
Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Zero Tolerance for the Destructive Power of War. Illuminating the Path to Peace By Dr. Rosalie Bertell and Hildegard Bechler, May 18, 2023
Ongoing Fascist Repression in Pakistan By Junaid S. Ahmad, May 18, 2023
Fighting White Elephants: The Tasmanian AFL Stadium Protest By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 18, 2023
Biowarfare Through the Food Supply By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 18, 2023
Ukraine City of Khmelnytskyi: Did Russia Vaporize Depleted Uranium Shells? By Larry Johnson, May 18, 2023
U.S. Troops’ Pay Endangered by Biden Administration Debt Default, Defense Secretary Says By Jeff Schogol, May 18, 2023
US Aid to Kiev About to “Dry Up” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 18, 2023
Biden’s New NIH Director Nominee, Who Was Selected by Fauci, Received $290 Million in Grant Funding from Pfizer By Jordan Schachtel, May 17, 2023