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In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

In modern times, governments joined at the hip with the ‘world order’ of mega-corporations and mega-banks have lost sight of what is actually needed for the wellbeing of the population.

For decades, various ‘world order’ type policies emanating from the

Children are encouraged to “sing and speak” to the “baby monster” about their deepest Climate Change™ fears — the byproduct of whatever propaganda they are fed in school — to raise something called awareness.

Via Daily Star (emphasis added):

108,000 Private Contractors in Afghanistan and “We Have No Idea What They’re Doing” By Global Research News, June 08, 2013
“Big Brother Obama”: Systematic Spying on Americans, Unconstitutional US Data-Mining By Stephen Lendman, June 08, 2013
Lebanese Army Warns: “There is a Plot to Drag Lebanon into Syria War” By 21st Century Wire, June 08, 2013
Global Cyberwarfare. High-Level US Intelligence Source: “We Hack Everyone Everywhere” By Washington's Blog, June 08, 2013
Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 08, 2013
America’s Economic War against the People of Iran: Obama Signs Executive Order Targeting Iran’s Currency and Auto Industry By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 07, 2013
America’s “Secret Fukushima”: Uranium Mining is Poisoning the Bread Basket of the World By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, June 07, 2013
The Cruel Persecution of Lynne Stewart: Jailed for the “Crime” of Being the Lawyer of an Alleged Terrorist By Barry Sheppard, June 07, 2013
Did An Israel Lobby Front Group Organize McCain’s Trip To Syria? By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, June 07, 2013
Syria: Israel Is Losing the Battle By Gilad Atzmon, June 07, 2013
Repressing “Un-American Activities”: The Historical Roots of Today’s Homeland Surveillance State By Greg Guma, June 07, 2013
Washington’s “Dual Imperial Strategy” in Latin America: Breakdown of the Colombia-Venezuela -FARC Peace Process By Prof. James Petras, June 07, 2013
Syria’s Fake Sectarian War, Triggered by Washington By Shamus Cooke, June 07, 2013
US Drone Attacks controlled from Military Bases in Germany By Ulrich Rippert, June 07, 2013
“The High Priests of Globalization”: Bilderberg Conference Convenes By Stephen Lendman, June 07, 2013
Google ‘Palestine’—It Exists, And So Do Palestinians By Global Research News, June 07, 2013
Spying on Americans and the Fourth Amendment. An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee By Norman Solomon, June 07, 2013
Buying US Treasury Bonds, A Sucker’s Game By Matthias Chang, June 07, 2013
FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus By Jonathan Benson, June 07, 2013
The EU-India Free Trade Agreement, Corporate Driven Neocolonial Plunder By Colin Todhunter, June 07, 2013
Bilderberg 2013: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissenger in attendance By 21st Century Wire, June 07, 2013
Unprecedented Wealth, Debt Slavery and Conditioned Consciousness By David DeGraw, June 06, 2013
Chile Launches Search for U.S. Suspect in Alleged Neruda Poisoning By Joseph Fitsanakis, June 06, 2013
Countering Imperialism: An Alternative Vision to Tyranny By Colin Todhunter, June 06, 2013
Bilderberg Day 1: Rare Photos of VIP’s and Police Surveillance of Demonstrators By 21st Century Wire, June 06, 2013
There is a War on Ordinary People and Feminists are Needed at the Front By John Pilger, June 06, 2013
Obama: The Most Effective of Two Evils By Julie Lévesque, June 06, 2013
When Israel Compensated Germans for Land in Palestine By Rosemarie M. Esber, June 06, 2013
Kerry and Blair’s $4 Billion Mystery Plan for Palestine: Crony capitalism under the guise of peace? By Max Blumenthal, June 06, 2013
The REAL Reason Housing Prices Have Skyrocketed. How Another Housing Bubble Was Blown … And Why By Washington's Blog, June 06, 2013
Bilderberg Member Set to Speak on Record By Paul Joseph Watson, June 06, 2013
Russia Draws a “Red Line”: S-300, MiG 29s and MiG 31s for Syria By Dr. Christof Lehmann, June 06, 2013
Global Stock Sell-off amidst Signs of Deepening Slump By Andre Damon, June 06, 2013
Anti-Syrian Blame Game Escalates: Who is Behind Killings of Civilians? By Stephen Lendman, June 06, 2013
Venezuelan Government Rejects Colombia’s Efforts to Join NATO By Tamara Pearson, June 06, 2013
International Gathering Calls for UN Troops to Leave Haiti By Haïti Liberté, June 06, 2013
June 6-9: Bilderberg Meeting behind Closed Doors. On the Agenda: Domestic Spying, Diffusing Social Protests, War on Syria and Iran By Stephen Lendman, June 05, 2013
Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land. Netanyahu and ‘Acts of Hooliganism’ By Robert Fantina, June 05, 2013
Turkey: “This is a Revolt, Not Yet a Revolution!” By Sungur Savran, June 05, 2013
Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced By Stephen Lendman, June 05, 2013
Endangering Democracy: Manning’s ‘Secrets’ v. Over-classification By Robert Parry, June 05, 2013
Studies in Intelligence: New Articles from The CIA’s In-House Journal By Jeffrey T. Richelson, June 05, 2013
Housing Prices: Up Or Down? Recovery … Or Artificial Housing Bubble Which Is About to Pop? By Washington's Blog, June 05, 2013
Global Economic Crisis Drives China’s Pro-market Reforms By John Chan, June 05, 2013
Is the International Criminal Court Guilty of “International Racial Profiling”? By Mark P. Fancher, June 05, 2013
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): US Health Reform to Slash Medicare, Leaving Millions Uninsured By Kate Randall, June 05, 2013
Bradley Manning Is Guilty of “Aiding the Enemy” — If the Enemy Is Democracy By Norman Solomon, June 05, 2013
Revolt in Turkey: Erdogan’s Grip on Power Is Rapidly Weakening By Der Spiegel, June 05, 2013
Africa Land Grabs: Farmers in several African countries stand up against Bolloré By Global Research News, June 05, 2013
Syria has the Right to Peace and to Self-defense, Despite Western Claims By John Robles, June 05, 2013
What Our Presidents Tell our Young People By William Blum, June 05, 2013
The “Trans-Pacific Partnership”: Obama’s Secret Trade Agreement Will Push the Deindustrialization of America into Overdrive By Michael Snyder, June 05, 2013
Bradley Manning: Prisoner of Conscience By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 05, 2013
John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, in Violation of US Anti-terrorism Laws By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 05, 2013
The Unfolding Monsanto Saga: Europe Rejects GMO Crops; America Seeks Labeling By Jon Rappoport, June 05, 2013
The Disastrous State of Haiti’s Finances: Senate Reports Reveal Widespread Corruption By Yves Pierre-Louis, June 04, 2013
Disinformation on Natural Gas: Pro-Fracking Spin on Public Radio, Brought to You by Qatar By FAIR, June 04, 2013
Zimbabwe: The Revolution Continues By Eric Draitser, June 04, 2013
Karl Marx, Radical Environmentalist: An Ecological Critique of Capitalism By Phil Gasper, June 04, 2013
Shadow Banking and Financial Fraud: Massive Asset Inflation, Who Really Benefits? By Matthias Chang, June 04, 2013
US Supreme Court allows Police to take DNA Samples of Arrestees By Joseph Kishore, June 04, 2013
Poverty, Unemployment, Enriching the Few: The 2008 Economic Crisis and the Restructuring of Class Relations in America By Andre Damon, June 04, 2013
The Monsanto Engame: Genetically Engineered Wheat in Oregon, Concerns of Contamination across North America By Global Research News, June 04, 2013
Libyan Rebels and International Criminal Court (ICC) Battle Over Seif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s Son By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04, 2013
Bradley Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 04, 2013
Bradley Manning Court-Martial: Secrecy and Injustice on Trial By Stephen Lendman, June 04, 2013
U.S. Builds $25-Million Military Base for Israel’s Anti Missile System, to Counter Iran By Richard Silverstein, June 04, 2013
The Right to the City Movement and the Turkish Summer By Global Research News, June 04, 2013
Kerry’s Plan: Palestinians to be cast as Fall Guys – Again By Jonathan Cook, June 04, 2013
America’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 03, 2013
The People of the World Demand the Liberation of Jerusalem By Global March to Jerusalem, June 03, 2013
Western Collapse: From Economic Turmoil to Cultural Chaos By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and James Corbett, June 03, 2013
The Poor People’s Campaign: Our Next Steps By Global Research News, June 03, 2013
Vermont Politics, Threats to Civil Liberties and Freedom of Information By Greg Guma, June 03, 2013
Israel Treats the Bedouin Like “People in a Box” By Global Research News, June 03, 2013
What is Happenning in Istanbul? By Global Research News, June 03, 2013
“Pivot to Asia”: US Military Build-up in Asia, Threatening China By Peter Symonds, June 03, 2013
Wealth from Economic “Recovery” has gone to the Richest Americans By Nick Barrickman, June 03, 2013
Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey By Stephen Lendman, June 03, 2013
African Land Grabs: Defending Basic Human Rights, Promoting Sustainable Agriculture By Grain, June 03, 2013