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Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

In modern times, governments joined at the hip with the ‘world order’ of mega-corporations and mega-banks have lost sight of what is actually needed for the wellbeing of the population.

For decades, various ‘world order’ type policies emanating from the

Twelve Years Before Edward Snowden, High-Level NSA Whistleblower Warned Congress About Mass Surveillance Against Americans By Washington's Blog, November 11, 2013
More Criminal Fraud: ‘Obamacare’ Transfers $100-$300 Billion/Year from 99% to 1% By Carl Herman, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day Hypocrisy By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2013
Messing with Our Minds: Psychiatric Drugs, Cyberspace and “Digital Indoctrination” By Greg Guma, November 11, 2013
International Talks Stall on Iran’s Nuclear Program – France Blocks Agreement By Peter Symonds, November 11, 2013
Wealth of World’s Billionaires Doubles Since 2009 By Andre Damon, November 11, 2013
Today’s Wars and The Folly of World War I By Lesley Docksey, November 11, 2013
The “Scandalization” of Canadian Politics: The Hard Truths of Neoliberal Conservatism By Stefan Kipfer, November 11, 2013
US-China Relations and the Geopolitics of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) By Jane Kelsey, November 11, 2013
What Ever Happened to Japanese Electronics?: A World Economy Perspective By Steven K. Vogel, November 11, 2013
Derivatives are Destroying the Real Economy: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 10, 2013
Fifty Organizations Seek Ban on Armed Drones By David Swanson, November 10, 2013
What You Should Be Doing Now to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation By Washington's Blog, November 10, 2013
Corporate Profits Soar. The Super Wealthy Reinvent American Capitalism By Shamus Cooke, November 10, 2013
Propaganda Alert: The Times Sinks to new Depths: “Assad’s snipers target unborn babies in wombs” By Cem Ertür, November 10, 2013
New Court Documents Detail Abuse of Pregnant Woman in UK-US Libya Renditions By Reprieve, November 10, 2013
Concealing NATO War Crimes: Britain’s Foreign Office Reports on Human Rights Violations in Libya and Iraq By Vladimir Odintsov, November 10, 2013
The Rise of Establishment Reporting: How a Crisis in Journalism Led to the “Cult of Balance” By John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney, November 10, 2013
Mass Surveillance of Personal Data by EU Member States and its Compatibility with EU Law By Global Research News, November 10, 2013
Iran’s Nuclear Talks: Theater of the Absurd By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, November 10, 2013
Widespread Child Poverty in Germany By Sybille Fuchs, November 10, 2013
Mass Surveillance and Europe’s Police State By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2013
Militarization and The Trans-Pacific “Strategic Economic” Partnership By Arnie Saiki, November 10, 2013
Week in Review: The Global Economic Chessboard and Weather Warfare By Global Research and Global Research, November 10, 2013
Pact with the Nuclear Devil: Saskatchewan’s Uranium Companies Derogate Metis Land Rights Interview with Activist Dale Smith. Global Research News Hour Episode 43 By Michael Welch, November 10, 2013
The CIA is Leading Massive Arms Deliveries to Rebels in Syria, Saudi Arabia is Training Terrorists By Press TV, November 10, 2013
Gaza Students Appeal to the World to Save their School By Global Research News, November 10, 2013
Armistice Day : The Deserter: “I Refuse to Murder or Maim this Man, My Brother, I Refuse to Obey your Command” By Global Research News, November 10, 2013
The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By T Rajamoorthy, November 10, 2013
Who is Behind the “Anonymous” Mask: Can the Million Mask March turn a Vendetta into a Victory? By Patrick Henningsen, November 09, 2013
Israeli Bombers over Syria: Al Qaeda’s Air Force By Prof. James Petras, November 09, 2013
America’s Media in Crisis: The Battle Over The Future of Journalism By Danny Schechter, November 09, 2013
The Detroit Bankruptcy Case By Thomas Gaist, November 09, 2013
The SAC Insider Trading Case. Hedge Funds and America’s “Financial Aristocracy” By Andre Damon, November 09, 2013
Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2013
Workers’ Rights and the Shrinking Minimum Wage. The Time Has Come For $15 Minimum Wage By Mark Vorpahl, November 09, 2013
Elite Policies and Global Corporate Power: A Neoliberal Field Guide By Jason Hirthler, November 09, 2013
The U.S. Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism By William Boardman, November 08, 2013
Documented: US Coup Plan for Venezuela 2013 By Les Blough, November 08, 2013
Yes… Arafat was Poisoned and Israel Killed Him, But What Can We Do? By Abdel Bari Atwan, November 08, 2013
Jets, Tanks, Planes, Bombs and Occupying Soldiers: The Wall Street Pentagon War Machine By William C. Lewis, November 08, 2013
The Website Debacle and the Fraud of Obamacare By Kate Randall, November 08, 2013
Globalization and the Police State: CIA Pays AT&T to Spy on Phone Data By Bill Van Auken, November 08, 2013
Venezuela’s Maduro Goes on the “Offensive” With Package of Economic Reforms By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, November 08, 2013
America’s Military Pivot to Asia: Obama Wants Japan to be “Able to Wage War” against China By Colonel Ann Wright, November 08, 2013
Did Israel Kill Arafat? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2013
How China Can Cause The Death Of The Dollar And The Entire U.S. Financial System By Michael Snyder, November 08, 2013
Officers and Soldiers Defect from Iraqi Army By Global Research News, November 08, 2013
Nuclear War Scare: NATO’s “Nuclear Weapons Release Procedures” By Nate Jones, November 08, 2013
Doomsday Visions: Imagining the End Times By Greg Guma, November 08, 2013
Supreme Court Rules You No Longer Have the Right to Remain Silent – Legal Experts: Dont Talk to the Police By Washington's Blog, November 08, 2013
US Sanctions and Iranian Nuclear Program By Nikolai Bobkin, November 08, 2013
Drone Strike Served CIA Revenge, Blocked Pakistan’s Strategy By Gareth Porter, November 08, 2013
Economic Warfare in Venezuela: Government Reforms to Fight Speculation and Hoarding By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, November 08, 2013
The Debacle and the Fraud of Obamacare By Kate Randall, November 08, 2013
CIA Pays AT&T to Spy on Phone Data By Bill Van Auken, November 08, 2013
The Future of Fukushima: Escape of Radiation is Virtually Unstoppable By Dr. Helen Caldicott, November 08, 2013
General Vo Nguyen Giap: Death of a Vietnamese Hero By Samuel Noumoff, November 07, 2013
US-Led Military Alliance Backed Syria Rebels in Using Chemical Weapons By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 07, 2013
America: Immoral, Aggressive and Driven by Lobbyists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2013
Shale Projects and Gas Fracking in Eastern Europe By Igor Alexeev, November 07, 2013
Climate Summit: Don’t turn Farmers into ‘Climate Smart’ Carbon Traders By Grain, November 07, 2013
HAITI: Aid or Trade? The Nefarious Effects of U.S. Policies By Haiti Grassroots Watch, November 07, 2013
Faces of Death: Syria Terrorist Opposition Tweet Smiling Photos of Dead ‘Martyrs’ for Fundraising, Recruitment By 21st Century Wire, November 07, 2013
Rwandan War Criminals Defeated in Congo, But AFRICOM Riding High By Glen Ford, November 07, 2013
Whitewashing Crime in Israel By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2013
Saskatchewan’s Nuclear Addiction Contaminates Both Politics and the People Global Research News Hour Episode 42 By Michael Welch, November 07, 2013
Greece: Tens of Thousands of Workers Protest Against the Troika By Christoph Dreier, November 07, 2013
The Democratic Victory in New York and the Crisis of Liberalism By Bill Van Auken, November 07, 2013
How America Was Lost: Without Accountable Government There is No Civil Liberty and No Democracy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2013
America’s Nuclear Arsenal: Towards a New “More Efficient” “High Precision” Nuclear Bomb By Global Research News, November 07, 2013
Who Benefits from the Protraction of War in Syria? By Kourosh Ziabari, November 07, 2013
Robotics and Unmanned Systems: New ‘Automated’ Technologies for America’s Imperial Wars By Global Research News, November 07, 2013
India’s Political and Economic Elites: Swiss Banks, Harvard And Mars, In India Everything Is Okay By Colin Todhunter, November 07, 2013
Turkey Has Let Foreign Supported Terrorists from 83 Countries Enter Syria to Topple Government By Global Research News, November 06, 2013
Jesuits Speak Out on Syria, Condemn Terrorist Insurgency By Voltaire Network, November 06, 2013
Syria has Changed: Today, Nobody Doubts that These Crimes Were the Work of Mercenaries and Jihadists By Thierry Meyssan, November 06, 2013
Fukushima’s Legacy: “Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants!” By Dr. Helen Caldicott, November 06, 2013
Leaked Document Reveals Plot to Destabilize Venezuelan Goverment: “US Embassy Officials Encouraging Acts of Sabotage” By RT, November 06, 2013
John Kerry Honors Military Dictatorship and Totalitarian Monarchy as Examples of Progress Toward Democracy By Robert Scheer, November 06, 2013