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First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

Ukrainian National Resistance Movement against the Neo-Nazi Government By Global Research News, April 27, 2014
Detained “OSCE Monitors” in Eastern Ukraine Turn out to be NATO Military Intelligence By Global Research News, April 27, 2014
Hollywood Producer Claims Boston Bombing was a “False Flag Attack” By John Robles, April 27, 2014
Nuclear Energy Reactors: U.S. to Turn Ukraine into a “Second Chernobyl”? The Role of Westinghouse By Leonid Savin, April 27, 2014
9/11 Truth and the Analysis of “Conspiracy Facts”. A Tribute to Michael C. Ruppert By Michael Welch, April 27, 2014
Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 27, 2014
The Encirclement of Russia: US-NATO Military Deployments Could Start New Cold War By Sara Flounders, April 26, 2014
Agents of Destabilization in Venezuela: The Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for Democracy By Eva Golinger, April 26, 2014
UN Accuses Syrian Government of “Curtailing” Women’s Rights While Ignoring “Crimes of Sexual Violence” by US-NATO supported Armed Groups By Global Research News, April 26, 2014
Institutional Discrimination and Racism: US Supreme Court Delivers Blow to Civil Rights. Upholds Michigan Ban on Affirmative Action By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2014
Ukraine Fact Checking: Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies By Stephen Lendman, April 26, 2014
Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi By Washington's Blog, April 26, 2014
New York Times Attempts to Whitewash its Role in Publishing Faked Ukraine Photos By Alex Lantier, April 26, 2014
US and Europe Push Confrontation with Russia Toward War By Stefan Steinberg and Barry Grey, April 26, 2014
Ecuador orders US Military Officers to Leave the Country By Prensa Latina, April 26, 2014
Political Assassination? Israel above Suspicion: Was the Death of Palestinian Ambassador Jamal al Jamal an Accident? By Karin Brothers, April 26, 2014
It’s Official: Erdogan sent Turkish Troops into Syria By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 26, 2014
Forty Years Later, From Dictatorship to Neoliberalism. Portugal as a Model for a New Socialism? By Leila Dregger, April 26, 2014
Follow Global Research on Pinterest By Global Research and Global Research, April 25, 2014
U.S. Army Propaganda: Less Suicides in the Military? Cooked Book Numbers Conceal The Real Truth By Joachim Hagopian, April 25, 2014
Beneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas By Nat Parry, April 25, 2014
TV Blackout: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – A Big Controversy that Isn’t News – But Look What Is… By FAIR, April 25, 2014
If War Was Funded Like College Tuition By David Swanson, April 25, 2014
Senate Report Confirms Ethical Breaches of Health Professionals in CIA Torture Program By Physicians for Human Rights, April 25, 2014
Killing Net Neutrality: New Law to Create Corporate-Controlled “Toll-Roads” on the Internet By Jon Queally, April 25, 2014
US Sends Apache Attack Helicopters to Egyptian Junta By Patrick Martin, April 25, 2014
Ukrainian Regime Launches Fascist-Led Crackdown By Alex Lantier, April 25, 2014
Criminal Investigation of the Nobel Peace Prize By Jan Oberg, April 25, 2014
Turkey Cooks the Books in Syria By Philip Giraldi, April 25, 2014
Oligarchs R’ US. That “Iron Law” Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us By Danny Schechter, April 25, 2014
Fukushima Didn’t Just Suffer Three Meltdowns … The Nuclear Core Has Finally Been Found … Scattered All Over Japan By Washington's Blog, April 25, 2014
Unelected Kiev Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, April 25, 2014
Controlling the Lens: The Media War Being Fought Over Ukraine Between the Western Bloc and Russia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 25, 2014
Overthrowing Fascism: Portugal and “The Right to Rebellion” By Miguel Urbano Rodrigues, April 25, 2014
Ten Things You Need To Know About The ‘Extremism’ Of War Criminal Tony Blair By Lindsey German and Robin Beste, April 24, 2014
US Propaganda on Ukraine: New York Times Retracts Russian-Photo Scoop By Robert Parry, April 24, 2014
The Myth of American Democracy – Money Talks and Those Without Money Have No Voice By Margaret Kimberley, April 24, 2014
Follow Global Research on Facebook By Global Research and Global Research, April 24, 2014
U.S. Supreme Court: White Majorities and Corporations Über Alles By Glen Ford, April 24, 2014
Turkish Prime Minister Offers Condolences to Armenians for Genocide By Joachim Hagopian, April 24, 2014
“Bomb Syria…For Ukraine’s Sake!”: The True Colors of “Humanitarian Interventionism” and “Responsibility to Protect” By Daniel McAdams, April 24, 2014
De-escalation in Ukraine as seen by Joe Biden By Nikolai Bobkin, April 24, 2014
Civilians Die in Reported Yemen Drone Strike as Weekend of Attacks Kills at Least 35 By Alice K Ross, April 24, 2014
New York Times Admits It Pushed Fabricated Evidence about Iraq, Syria and Ukraine By Washington's Blog, April 24, 2014
Does Washington want War with Russia? By Bill Van Auken, April 24, 2014
Obama Affirms US Backing for Japan in any Conflict with China By Peter Symonds, April 24, 2014
Louisiana Creates Database of Citizens Who Represent “A Risk to the State” By Paul Joseph Watson, April 24, 2014
U.S. State Terrorism: Boston vs Baghdad By Ralph Nader, April 24, 2014
War Makes Us Poor By Washington's Blog, April 24, 2014
The Criminal States of America By Global Research News, April 24, 2014
The CIA, Iran-Contra and the Narcotics Money Laundering Nexus By Global Research News, April 24, 2014
Shale Gas Fracking and America’s Proxy War against Russia: Joe Biden Promotes Fracking On Ukraine Trip By Steve Horn, April 24, 2014
Lawsuit Against Bush and Blair for War Crimes? International Lawyers Seek Justice for Iraqis By Dahr Jamail, April 23, 2014
Israel’s Remote Occupation: Women Drone Jockeys Kill Gazans Remotely By Richard Silverstein, April 23, 2014
Follow Global Research on Twitter By Global Research and Global Research, April 23, 2014
Wall Street Greed and the Corrupt Global Banking Cartel: Too Big to Prosecute? Not for a California Jury By Ellen Brown, April 23, 2014
New York Times Propaganda Photos on Ukraine Exposed By Alex Lantier, April 23, 2014
Kiev Regime Orders Crackdown as US Steps Up Threats Against Moscow By Bill Van Auken, April 23, 2014
Bombing of Syrian Red Crescent Convoy Implicates NATO in War Crimes By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 23, 2014
Secret Plan to Advance Global Internet Censorship. ISPs to Act as “Internet Police” By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Preparing Ukraine for a Proxy War with Russia By Tony Cartalucci, April 23, 2014
Vladimir Putin: The Russian World is coming to Europe By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): When Foreign Investors Sue the State By Martin Khor, April 23, 2014
Earth Day Greenwash: Oil Conglomerates Sponsor Event Praising TransCanada’s Keystone XL Tar Sands By Steve Horn, April 23, 2014
Clean Up “America’s Secret Fukushima”, The US Abandoned Uranium Mines (AUMs) By Margaret Flowers, April 23, 2014
9/11 Truth: Courageous LAPD Whistle-Blower Michael Ruppert, Committed Suicide, Why? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 23, 2014
The Rwanda Genocide Coverup: Twenty Years of Lies and Fabrications. The Anglo-Saxon Powers vs. France By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Saudi Arabia, France plan to disrupt Syria Presidential Election By Press TV, April 22, 2014
Ukraine Crisis: 300 German Intellectuals Support Putin, Criticize US-NATO Influence in Europe and Mainstream Media Propaganda By Global Research News, April 22, 2014
Anti-Semitic Fliers in Eastern Ukraine: Obama Endorses a Forgery, Supports Neo-Nazi Parties By Diana Johnstone, April 22, 2014
Eyewitness to the Syrian Rebellion: Late Father Frans Denounced a Violent “Opposition, Instigated and Paid by Foreign Interests” By John Rosenthal, April 22, 2014
Subcribe to the Official Global Research Newsletter By Global Research and Global Research, April 22, 2014
MoneyGram, Western Union and the African Money Transfer Scam By Pratap Chatterjee, April 22, 2014
Central Banks
Enough Already: The G-20 and the US Tell the Bank of Japan to End Quantitative Easing By Mike Whitney, April 22, 2014
Peddler of Iraq War Lies now Pushes Lies on Urkaine to Drum Up Confrontation with Russia By Washington's Blog, April 22, 2014
Israel: Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience Marwan Barghouti on Sham Peace Talks By Stephen Lendman, April 22, 2014
America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation By Washington's Blog, April 22, 2014
American Sailors Exposed to Fukushima Radiation By Karen Charman, April 22, 2014
The New York Times Purports to Provide Definitive Proof that Russian Spies are Active in Eastern Ukraine By Alex Lantier, April 22, 2014
Obama’s Tour to Reinforce “Pivot to Asia” By Peter Symonds, April 22, 2014