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First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

US Defense Secretary Menaces China at Singapore Forum By Peter Symonds, June 02, 2014
World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: New Evidence from Witness Testimonies and Architectural Drawings By, June 02, 2014
Drone Wars: Surveying the Home Front By Chris Cole, June 02, 2014
British Government Coverup and Whitewash of Iraq War Crimes: The Chilcot Inquiry By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 02, 2014
Syria: Dirty Lies and Black Deeds of Barack Obama By Viktor Mikhin, June 02, 2014
80,000 Palestinians Left Without Tap Water for Three Months By RT, June 02, 2014
“Putin Sponsors Terrorism”: The White House Smear Campaign on Twitter and Google By Washington's Blog, June 02, 2014
The Council on Foreign Relations vs. Global Research By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Julie Lévesque, June 02, 2014
US Plans ‘First Strike’ Nuclear Attack on Russia or China By Richard Cottrell, Rick Rozoff, and Bruce Gagnon, June 01, 2014
Political Destabilization in Venezuela and the Western Media’s Double Standard By Salim Lamrani, June 01, 2014
Infrastructure Sticker Shock: Financing Costs More than Construction By Ellen Brown, June 01, 2014
Europe’s New Arc of Instability in the 21st Century By Michael Werbowski, June 01, 2014
Bilderberg Secret Agenda Leaked: Nuclear War, Ukraine, Syria, Russia-China Gas Deal, Euro Nationalism By Daniel Estulin, June 01, 2014
The BBC: Masters of Black Propaganda By Dr. David Halpin, June 01, 2014
CIA Torture Program Exposed: More Than a 100 Detainees “Rendered” by U.S. With Help from Allies Including Canada By Asad Ismi, June 01, 2014
Is a Russia-Japan Natural Gas Pipeline Next? By Global Research News, June 01, 2014
Renowned Israeli Economist Predicts Economic Catastrophe for Israel By Richard Silverstein, June 01, 2014
The Sino-Russian Gas Deal: Psychological Warfare in Financial Markets By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 01, 2014
Time to Listen: How Should We Write and Fight? By Andre Vltchek, June 01, 2014
The Big Picture of the Geopolitical Chess Game: Ukraine is A “Square on the Chessboard” By Peter Koenig, June 01, 2014
Mass Shootings in America: Unanswered Questions in the California Isla Vista shootings By James F. Tracy, May 31, 2014
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day: The Illusions of Peace and Democracy By Danny Schechter, May 31, 2014
The Battle for Justice in Palestine By Jim Miles, May 31, 2014
Nuclear Brinksmanship: Obama’s ProtoWar Against Russia and China By Eric Sommer, May 31, 2014
NATO and an Enlarged European Union: The Shape of a New “European Identity” By Paul Rogov, May 31, 2014
Cracking the US Economic Blockade of Cuba By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 31, 2014
The West’s Weaponization of Democracy: Elections Pushed Ahead in Ukraine, Obstructed in Syria, So Mass Murder Can Continue By Tony Cartalucci, May 31, 2014
There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Global Research News, May 31, 2014
Syria’s Election – No U.S. Intervention By Global Research News, May 30, 2014
Ukraine: New “President” Pays Fighters 16 Times Average Salary By Global Research and Global Research, May 30, 2014
NBC Censors Snowden’s Critical 9/11 Comments From Prime Time Audience By Mikael Thalen, May 30, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: War Criminals, Big Oil and “Too Big to Jail” Banksters Meet in Secrecy By Julie Lévesque, May 30, 2014
What the Drones Strike: Targets Attacked by CIA Drones in Pakistan – Most are Houses By Alice K Ross and Jack Serle, May 30, 2014
American Citizen Carries Out Suicide Bombing for Al-Qaeda in Syria By Global Research News, May 30, 2014
How Global Agri-Business Destroys Farming By Colin Todhunter, May 30, 2014
Euroskepticism and its Discontents By Justin Raimondo, May 30, 2014
The Rise of the European Right: Reaction to the Neoliberal Right By Prof. James Petras, May 30, 2014
Red Carpet Rollout for General Petraeus Shale Gas Fracking Field Trip By Steve Horn, May 30, 2014
Poland must Rediscover its Anti-fascist Voice. How the Ukraine Crisis Affects Poland By Gavin Rae, May 30, 2014
Obama’s West Point Speech: A Prescription for Unending War By Bill Van Auken, May 30, 2014
Ukraine Military Helicopter Shot Down as Battles Flare in the East By Patrick Martin, May 30, 2014
The Democrats’ New Fake Populism By Shamus Cooke, May 30, 2014
Poland’s Hand in Ukraine Coup d’Etat: Trained Putchists Two Months in Advance, on Behalf of US-NATO By Thierry Meyssan, May 30, 2014
Bush’s Top Counter-Terrorism Official: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld could be Tried at the Hague for War Crimes Committed in Iraq By Washington's Blog, May 29, 2014
Nakba Killings: Israel’s Reckless Use of Force Against Palestinian Children By Patrick Strickland, May 29, 2014
The New York Times and Obama’s Afghanistan Draw Down: Selling the Never-Ending War on Terror By Steve Breyman, May 29, 2014
Afghan Elections: Pick Your Poison By David Swanson, May 29, 2014
Premature US Victory-Dancing on Ukraine By Ray McGovern, May 29, 2014
America’s Economy in Crisis: First Quarter Growth Goes Negative while Bond Yields Plunge By Mike Whitney, May 29, 2014
Propaganda: the U.S. ‘News’ Media Coverage of Ukraine’s Civil War By Eric Zuesse, May 29, 2014
Median CEO Pay in US Tops $10 Million By Andre Damon, May 29, 2014
Obama’s West Point Speech: Offending, Full of Contradictions and Imbued with Unbearable Self-Praise By Jan Oberg, May 29, 2014
Is the “Common Core” Educational Standards Initiative Part of a Domestic Spy Program? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 29, 2014
The World’s Most Powerful Private Club, Bilderberg’s Silent Takeover of Britain’s $60bn Defense Budget By Tony Gosling, May 29, 2014
Bilderberg And You By Global Research and Global Research, May 29, 2014
Hungry for Land: Small Farmers Feed the World – with less than a Quarter of all Farmland By Grain, May 29, 2014
An Assault from Obama’s Escalating War on Journalism By Norman Solomon, May 29, 2014
Challenging “All Forms of Injustice”? Who is the “Real Pope” Francis I? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, May 29, 2014
Big Pharma and the Gates Foundation: “Guinea Pigs for the Drugmakers” By Jacob Levich, May 28, 2014
Obama’s Foreign Policy: A US Military-Intelligence Agenda Which Seeks to Destabilize the Planet By Joachim Hagopian, May 28, 2014
Stop the NATO War Games on Russia’s Doorstep. The Petition the British Government Tried to Ban By Stop the War Coalition, May 28, 2014
East Ukraine Report From The Front Lines: Heavy Civilian Casualties By Information Clearing House, May 28, 2014
Who is Protecting Boko Haram. Is the Nigerian Government involved in a Conspiracy? By Audu Liberty Oseni, May 28, 2014
Virginia Senator Thanks Syrian President Bashar Al Assad for Saving the Lives of Christians By Richard H. Black, May 28, 2014
France’s Resolution to Refer Syria to the International Criminal Court Rejected by the UN By Thierry Meyssan, May 28, 2014
Racism and Law Enforcement in the U.S.: Police Target Black Children By Margaret Kimberley, May 28, 2014
Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Elite Desperate to Rescue Unipolar World By Paul Joseph Watson, May 28, 2014
The Battle of Words in Palestine: It is not “Apartheid”, it is “Genocide” By Global Research News, May 28, 2014
The So-called War on Terror Is A Criminal Fraud By Prof Michael Keefer and Kourosh Ziabari, May 28, 2014
Coming Soon: A U.S. Death Squad Program for West Africa By Glen Ford, May 28, 2014
Don’t Be Fooled By “Conspiracy Theory” Smears By Andrew Kreig, May 28, 2014
51st Anniversary: The African Union and the Illusive Promise of Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 28, 2014
Freedom of the Press Geared Towards Protecting Critics of Government Corruption, Not Government Apologists By Washington's Blog, May 28, 2014
Strategic Moscow-Beijing Agreement: Russian Counter-Offensive on the Eastern Front By Manlio Dinucci, May 28, 2014
Announcing Afghan Drawdown, Obama Pledges Military Forces for Other “Priorities Around the Globe” By Jerry White, May 28, 2014
The Bloodbath in Donetsk By Thomas Gaist and Barry Grey, May 28, 2014
Money Laundering, Graft and Corruption: Who is Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko? By Global Research News, May 28, 2014
Polish Death Squads Fighting in Ukraine. CIA Covert Operation? By Nikolai Malishevski, May 28, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: List of Participants: Mingling of Military-Intel, Politicians, Finance, Oil, Media, Academia and Neocon Think Tanks By Global Research News, May 27, 2014
Bloodbath in Donesk: Kiev Unleashes Military Attack, Killing Civilians By RT, May 27, 2014