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This is a modified version of an address made at the NZDSOS conference “Empowering Change” in Auckland, 28 September 2024.


Some time ago I initiated an Official Information Act request, which yielded, to my astonishment, the following draft

Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest

Hezbollah has announced the death of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah almost 24 hours after the September 27 massive Israeli attack on the Hreik neighborhood in south Beirut which resulted in the assassination of Nasrallah and others.

The Initial Public Offering Frenzy for Chinese Internet Trading Company ‘Alibaba’: Symptom of a Diseased Economic Order By Nick Beams, September 22, 2014
Obama Marshals Allies for War on Syria and Iraq By Peter Symonds, September 22, 2014
174 Palestinians Kidnapped in One Week By Tony Seed, September 22, 2014
As A German Jew And Refugee From Nazi Germany, “I am Ashamed of Israel” By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
Multi Billion Dollar Bonanza: Companies which Make Money By Keeping Americans “Terrified of Terror Attacks” A massive industry profits off the government-induced fear of terrorism. By Alex Kane, September 22, 2014
Donbass: “The Kiev Junta’s Southern Front Disaster”. Prior to the Cease Fire Ukraine Forces were being Defeated. By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
Orientalism and the Islamic State Spectacle. “Leftists” Support US-NATO’s “Civilizing Mission” By Phil Greaves, September 22, 2014
Obama Is Defeated in Ukraine. Status-Quo Truce-Lines Agreed. Donbass Separatists: “We Will Build Our Own Country” Russia's Leader Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists' Aim to Become Part of Russia. But Separatists Will Almost Certainly Receive Reconstruction Aid from Russia. By Eric Zuesse, September 22, 2014
“Climate March” Hides Real Culprits and Real Solutions By Tony Cartalucci, September 22, 2014
Climate Change, Manufactured Dissent and “Foundation-funded Doomsayers” By James F. Tracy, September 21, 2014
Drone Vet Speaks Out: Killer Crafts More Deadly Than Government Admits "The psychological pressure of not knowing if strikes were accurate was debilitating at times." By Lauren McCauley, September 21, 2014
Turkey Protects the Islamic State: Nurse Says She’s Tired of Treating ISIL Terrorists By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
“Boots on the Ground” against ISIL? US Generals Challenge Obama on Ground Troops in Iraq, Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 21, 2014
Kagame Started the Genocide in Rwanda, then Congo By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
Hotel Propaganda: What Really Happened in Rwanda in 1994 By Antony C. Black, September 21, 2014
Poland Announces Formation of Joint Military Unit with Ukraine and Lithuania By Niles Williamson, September 21, 2014
Israeli Supreme Court Upholds Law Allowing Housing Discrimination Against Palestinians By Annie Robbins, September 21, 2014
More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
Malaysian Flight MH17 Crash Analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
Rigged Scottish Referendum? Why the Anglo-American Establishment is Opposed to an Independent Scotland By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 21, 2014
The “State Sponsors” of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey: Why are they No Subject to Sanctions? By Ulson Gunnar, September 21, 2014
House Bans War Powers Resolution Actions By David Swanson, September 20, 2014
US Lays New Chemical Weapon Allegations Against Syria By Peter Symonds, September 20, 2014
ebola virus microscope
The Ebola Crisis: Profiting from the Pandemic Outbreak By Michael Welch, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and Jon Rappoport, September 20, 2014
Voter Fraud: Was the Scottish Independence Referendum Rigged to Fail? By Shawn Helton, September 20, 2014
Imperial Conquest: America’s Long War Against Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 20, 2014
How the People’s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign By Arun Gupta, September 20, 2014
Is the U.S. Military Manufacturing Ebola Vaccines to Be Tested on its Soldiers to “Advance US Ability to Wage War”? By Julie Lévesque, September 20, 2014
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists’ Aim to Become Part of Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 20, 2014
Scotland Votes ‘NO’, Now Watch As the Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet By Patrick Henningsen, September 20, 2014
Westminster in Panic: In the Wake of The Scottish Referendum By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20, 2014
The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 20, 2014
ebola virus microscope
Ebola Virus Patented by US Government in October 2009: “Invention Related to Novel Species of Human Ebola (hEbola) virus” By Global Research News, September 20, 2014
Canada’s “Copy and Paste” Foreign Policy with Regard to Ukraine: Ottawa Supports US War Agenda directed against Russia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 20, 2014
Israel’s Support for Latin American Dictators: “Mothers of the Disappeared” Feel Gaza’s Pain By Andrew Klein, September 20, 2014
The Benefits of Non-GMO Soy for Farmers: Less Birth Deformities, Lower Medicine Costs and More Profits By Ib Borup Pederson, September 20, 2014
ebola virus microscope
The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”? By Joachim Hagopian, September 20, 2014
CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture” By RT, September 19, 2014
Donors Will Fail Gaza Again By Nicola Nasser, September 19, 2014
The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline By Dmitry Minin, September 19, 2014
Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket By Global Research News, September 19, 2014
Europe 2020 – Community or Empire? Is the EU Exploding? By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), September 19, 2014
“The Benefits” of the Israeli Occupation: Gaza is a Weapons Testing Ground for Military Contractors By Rania Khalek, September 19, 2014
Strategic Alliance between Russia and China: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on the Rise By Alexander Clackson, September 19, 2014
History: ‘Yes’ to Scotland Independence and Britain’s Waning Imperialism By John Goss, September 19, 2014
Monsanto’s RoundUp-Ready GMO Grass About to Be Approved and Fed to Cattle By Christina Sarich, September 19, 2014
The CIA was “Training the ISIL” and Now it is being Asked to “Go After the ISIL” By Press TV, September 19, 2014
Dutch MH17 Investigation Omits US “Intel”. Fabrications and Omissions Supportive of US-NATO Agenda Directed against Russia By Tony Cartalucci, September 19, 2014
Ideology, Islam and Obama: Going to War on a Misunderstanding By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 19, 2014
Who’s Paying the Pro-War Pundits? “Going After ISIL” Fuels Military Industrial Complex By Lee Fang, September 19, 2014
ISIS and the U.S. Empire of Chaos in Iraq and Syria: Obama’s ‘Stupid Stuff’ Turned Upside Down By Pepe Escobar, September 19, 2014
Ukrainian President Poroshenko in Washington By Stephen Lendman, September 19, 2014
Israeli Incremental Genocide By Jamal Kanj, September 19, 2014
Anti-Assad Extremists and Obama Plan Coordinated Attacks on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 19, 2014
Shale Fracking is a “Ponzi Scheme” … “This Decade’s Version of the Dotcom Bubble” By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2014
Vote Fraud in Scottish Referendum? By Global Research News, September 19, 2014
Wealth of World’s Billionaires: $7.3 Trillion By Joseph Kishore, September 19, 2014
Ukrainian President Poroshenko Delivers Bellicose Speech to the US Congress By Niles Williamson, September 19, 2014
Climate Crimes: People’s Climate March Should Call for a Reduction of Expenditure on Military Hardware and War By Global Research News, September 19, 2014
Autism And Cancer Related To Human Fetal DNA In Vaccines. Study By Global Research News, September 19, 2014
‘YES’ Supporters Claim Videos Show Scottish Referendum Was Rigged By Paul Joseph Watson, September 19, 2014
America’s “Coalition of the Guilty” is the Problem in Iraq and Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 19, 2014
Ukraine’s President Poroshenko in Ottawa and Washington. Harper and Obama Applaud By Stephen Lendman, September 18, 2014
Canada’s Government Silencing Dissent: Academics By Press TV, September 18, 2014
Reported US-Syrian Accord on Air Strikes By Robert Parry, September 18, 2014
Syria’s “Moderate Rebels” Seek Support of Israel By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
Impacts of Fed’s Monetary Policy: U.S. National Debt Surges $1 Trillion In Just 12 Months By Zero Hedge, September 18, 2014
War and Reconstruction: Gaza Struggles to Deal With 2.5 Million Tons of Rubble By al Akhbar, September 18, 2014
NYC climate convergence 2014 coverage on
Global Capitalism: We Need “System Change” to Stop Climate Change By Chris Williams, September 18, 2014
Did Senator Orrin Hatch Just Censor Testimony on the Retirement Crisis? By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, September 18, 2014
15 Syrian Children Dead Following UN Measles Vaccination Campaign By RT News, September 18, 2014
Open Letter to Mrs. Michelle Obama From a Son of Haiti By Jafrik Aayiti, September 18, 2014
Staged and Fake ISIS Attacks against the Homeland. Promoting Fear in America By Tony Cartalucci, September 18, 2014
The US-EU-Russia Sanctions Puzzle By Pepe Escobar, September 18, 2014
Israel’s Gaza Probe Aims to Stymie War Crimes Trials By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
House Passes Bill To Arm Syrian Rebels Despite Evidence of ISIS Ties By Global Research News, September 18, 2014
U.S. General: Sending Military to Fight Ebola is “an Absolute Misuse of the U.S. Military” By Jerome R. Corsi, September 18, 2014
The U.S. Has Already Completed Regime Change In Syria (1949), Iran (1953), Iraq (Twice), Afghanistan (Twice), Turkey, Libya and Other Oil-Rich Countries By Washington's Blog, September 18, 2014
In the Wake of the Ukraine Cease Fire. The Road Map to War with Russia? By Israel Shamir, September 18, 2014
Ukrainian and European Parliaments Adopt EU Association Agreement By Peter Schwarz, September 18, 2014