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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

French National Front Leader Marine Le Pen Addresses Oxford Union By Chris Marsden, February 08, 2015
The Re-Colonization of Africa by Agribusiness By Jim Goodman, February 08, 2015
Shell Pays Niger Delta Community $84 Million To Settle Pollution Claims By Fatima Hansia, February 08, 2015
National Security Strategy Document Affirms US Drive for World Domination By Patrick Martin, February 07, 2015
Meeting in Moscow Fails to Produce Agreement as US Plots Escalation in Ukraine By Niles Williamson, February 07, 2015
On the Morning of 9/11 at the Pentagon: Conflicting Accounts on the Activities of Brig. Gen. Montague Winfield By, February 07, 2015
GMO and Europe’s “Bread Basket”. Monsanto’s Land Grab in Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, February 07, 2015
Police Violence in America: Florida Sheriff Tells Drivers To Run Over Street Protesters By Herbert Dyer Jr., February 07, 2015
The Perpetrators of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks Are Still At Large By Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Lars Schall, February 07, 2015
Russia Eyes New Peace Conference Without USA to Avoid World War III By, February 07, 2015
The Horror! The ISIL Cult Beheads, Crucifies Iraqi Children By Dr. Ismail Salami, February 07, 2015
Merkel and Hollande for Peace in Ukraine: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, February 07, 2015
Mass Surveillance, Secrecy and “Intelligence Sharing”: Prism and Upstream. The Illegality of UK-US “Bulk Collection” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07, 2015
The War in Donbass: German Chancellor Angela Merkel Fears Devastating Defeat of the Ukrainian Army By Eric Zuesse, February 07, 2015
A Call for Truth and Justice in the African Great Lakes Region By Global Research News, February 07, 2015
“Mainstream Reporters are Always Pro-War”: Brian Williams’ Lie: The Bigger Picture By Washington's Blog, February 07, 2015
The IMF’s Role in the Ebola Outbreak – The Long-Term Consequences of Structural Adjustment By Bretton Woods Project, February 07, 2015
Lying Journalists: Some Other Tall Tales NBC’s Brian Williams Might Want to Apologize For By Jim Naureckas, February 07, 2015
The Shame of US Journalism Is the Destruction of Iraq, Not Fake Helicopter Stories By Christian Christensen, February 07, 2015
Al-Qaeda Plotter Claims Saudi Royals Helped Fund 9/11 Attacks By Joseph Fitsanakis, February 07, 2015
Ukraine: Washington is Promoting Military Escalation in Donbass. Direct Confrontation with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2015
A Return to European Ghettoisation or a Forced Migration to Israel if no Paradigm Shift by Netanyahu By Anthony Bellchambers, February 06, 2015
Western Military Intervention in Ukraine, Media Disinformation regarding the Donbass Military Leadership By George Eliason, February 06, 2015
Greece’s Debt Overhang. Looted by Wall Street and the European Central Bank By Peter Koenig, February 06, 2015
Colonialism and Foreign Intervention: Coups, Conflict and Sectarian Violence in the Central African Republic By Devon Douglas-Bowers, February 06, 2015
Remembering World War II: Six Veterans of Stalingrad Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
Ukraine: Vladimir Putin Prefers a “Bad Peace” By Israel Shamir, February 06, 2015
Why was a Rookie Navy Captain in Charge of the US National Military Command Center while the 9/11 Attacks were Unfolding? By, February 06, 2015
CIA Carried Out Terrorist Bombing in Syria’s Capital — Why Are They Claiming it Now? By Richard Becker, February 06, 2015
What Liberals Get Wrong About Obama and Ukraine’s War By Eric Zuesse, February 06, 2015
Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel By Robert Parry, February 06, 2015
Ottawa-Tel Aviv Bilateral Agreement: Canadian Government agrees to “Fight” the Boycott, Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement Directed against Israel By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
A Country in Ruins. Life on a Greek Island By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, February 06, 2015
Political Gangsters at UN: Silencing the Syrian Narrative.”There’s no United Nations anymore, it’s over” By Eva Bartlett, February 06, 2015
The Fallujah Option for East Ukraine: The Real Reason Washington Feels Threatened by Moscow By Mike Whitney, February 06, 2015
From Left to Right: Israel’s Repositioning in the World By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, February 06, 2015
Europe, not Russia, Pressed Kiev over EU Association – ex-Ukrainian PM By RT, February 06, 2015
Washington Drives an “Imperial Wedge” Between Congo and China By Antoine Roger Lokongo, February 06, 2015
Meet The Man Behind The Scenes: The “Pro-Market Socialist” Banker Who Will Shape “Europe’s Financial Future” By Zero Hedge, February 06, 2015
American Sniper: A Model American By Gerald Celente, February 06, 2015
Key Diplomat’s Personal Notebook Sheds Light on US Government Response to 1994 Genocide in Rwanda By The National Security Archive, February 06, 2015
Doctor That Said “Don’t Vaccinate” Targeted for Investigation By Heather Callaghan, February 06, 2015
Saudi Arabia, 9/11 and the “War on Terror” By Patrick Martin, February 06, 2015
German, French Leaders Fly to Russia amidst Warnings of “Total War” over Ukraine By Alex Lantier, February 06, 2015
Rafah on the Border with Gaza: 3,300 Year Old City to be “Wiped Off the Map” By Daily Kos, February 06, 2015
Evidence Emerges that Measles Outbreaks Are Deliberately Encouraged by Big Pharma to Ignite Vaccine Hysteria By Mike Adams, February 06, 2015
Chinese Rating Agency Warns Coming Economic Crisis Is Worse Than 2008, Blames Credit-Based Consumption By ITAR-TASS, February 06, 2015
“I Was Accused of Throwing Stones”: Testimony of 13 Year Old Palestinian Boy By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
6000% Increase in Cancer Rates at Fukushima Site By Christina Sarich, February 06, 2015
Syriza’s Climbdown or the End of the Left’s Dream. By Takis Fotopoulos, February 06, 2015
NATO Heading for War with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2015
Palestinian Civil Society Condemns Canadian Government Disinformation and Repression Against BDS Boycott Movement By BDS Movement, February 05, 2015
Canada: Harper Government Relies on Torture Evidence, Say Three Professional Organizations By Global Research News, February 05, 2015
Israeli Gaza War Crimes Investigation By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2015
Arrogant Western Military Coordination and the New/Old Threat to Africa By Mark P. Fancher, February 05, 2015
Thailand: US Meddling in Asia Backfiring By Tony Cartalucci, February 05, 2015
The War in Ukraine: Editorial in The New York Times Suggests US Is Looking for a Face-Saving Way Out By Alexander Mercouris, February 05, 2015
Imperialist Hypocrisy over ISIS Execution By Barry Grey, February 05, 2015
NATO Meeting in Brussels Heightens Danger of War with Russia By Johannes Stern, February 05, 2015
Iraq Lies: NBC’s Brian Williams Forced to Admit His Tale of Being on a Downed Helicopter in Iraq Was Pure Fantasy By Michael Krieger, February 05, 2015
US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko By Rep. Ron Paul, February 05, 2015
US Mainstream Media: “Muslims Are Nazis”, USA Today Jokes By Jim Naureckas, February 05, 2015
Crowd of Several Hundred Tries to Storm Ukrainian Presidential Administration Office By ITAR-TASS, February 05, 2015
Palestinians to Become ICC Member from April 1, UN Confirms By RT, February 05, 2015
Monsanto’s Shares Surge as its Drive to Force GM Crops into India Gathers Pace By Colin Todhunter, February 05, 2015
The British Army is Creating a Battalion of “Facebook Warriors” By Global Research News, February 05, 2015
VIDEO: The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, February 05, 2015
Schools, Kindergartens, Hospitals, Residential Areas: UN Says Escalation of Ukraine Conflict Catastrophic for Over 5 Million Civilians By Sputnik, February 04, 2015
US Embassy Bribing Venezuela Officials to Topple Maduro Government By Telesur, February 04, 2015
Corporate Media Disinformation: Syriza, Democracy And The Death Of A Saudi Tyrant By Media Lens, February 04, 2015
Market Uncertainty: Gold, Oil and the US Dollar By Bill Holter, February 04, 2015
Britain’s Army’s “Facebook Warriors”: Reflexive Control, Covert Information and Subversion Campaigns on the Internet By Washington's Blog, February 04, 2015
Why the Palestinian Authority Can Be Sued in the US for “Terrorism” but Israel Can’t By Charlotte Silver, February 04, 2015
Haiti: Portrait of an Uprising – Political Aftershocks Continue Rocking the Country Five Years After the Earthquake By Kim Ives, February 04, 2015
How Human Rights Can Build Haiti By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04, 2015
Slow Death, Fast Profits: Pesticides and Chemical Conflicts in Europe By Colin Todhunter, February 04, 2015
CIA Mission: Destroy the Whistleblower and Perfume the Stench of ‘Operation Merlin’ By Norman Solomon, February 04, 2015
Merck Vaccine Scientist Threatened with Jail Time for Trying to Expose Massive Vaccine Data Manipulation and Fraud By Mike Adams, February 04, 2015
US Orchestrated Coup Plot in Venezuela? The Insidious Role of Vice President Joe Biden By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2015
New Genetically Modified Tree Approved by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) with No Assessments By Mike Barrett, February 04, 2015