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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

National Identity: The Inventiveness of Macedonia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 27, 2015
The Neoconservative Threat To International Order By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 27, 2015
Clashes between Israel and Hezbollah and the “Iran-led Resistance Bloc” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 27, 2015
The Criminalisation of Social Protest in the Republic of Ireland: The Movement against Economic Austerity and Water Privatization By John O Shea, February 27, 2015
Malcolm X’s Internationalism and the Struggle for Liberation in Haiti Today By Dr. Ajamu Nangwaya, February 27, 2015
The Cuban Revolution, the U.S. Imposed Economic Blockade and US-Cuba Relations By Dr. Birsen Filip, February 27, 2015
Coup Plot in Venezuela, Fascism and Antisemitism By Global Research News, February 26, 2015
Is the U.S. Mainstream Media’s Climate Coverage Criminal? By David Ray Griffin, February 26, 2015
Cut Through the Spin: It’s Time for Truth in Media By Global Research and Global Research, February 26, 2015
Venezuelan Opposition Mayor, Alias “The Vampire,” Arrested for Role in Blue Coup Plot By Rachael Boothroyd, February 26, 2015
Haiti: Carnival Tragedy — U.S., France and Canada Are Accessories to the Crime Wave and Gang Wars By Kim Ives and Thomas Péralte, February 26, 2015
Nazi Kiev Official Greeted in Ottawa and Washington By Stephen Lendman, February 26, 2015
The Foiling of a Coup Plot in Venezuela By Gloria La Riva, February 26, 2015
Media Silence on Libya By Margaret Kimberley, February 26, 2015
Obama Wants Authority to Deploy Ground Troops in Iraq and Syria: U.S. Secretary of State Kerry Makes It Clear By Sarah Lazare, February 26, 2015
1984 Is Here: Samsung Admits its TVs Might Spy on You, Warns Against Carrying Out Sensitive Conversations By J. D. Heyes, February 26, 2015
US Backing for ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels: Long Reported, Continually Forgotten By Adam Johnson, February 26, 2015
Internet Needs to Be “Regulated” to Suppress Videos and Search Results Deemed “Anti-Semitic”, French President Says By Ali Abunimah, February 26, 2015
US “Pivot” Sends Asia Fleeing Toward China By Ulson Gunnar, February 26, 2015
Drug-Induced Dementia isn’t Alzheimer’s By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 26, 2015
The Coup d’Etat Attempt in Venezuela By Chris Gilbert, February 26, 2015
Gold versus Fiat Money: The Global Economy is a Banana Republic By Bill Holter, February 26, 2015
CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks By Norman Solomon, February 26, 2015
The Drive to Dismantle Pensions in the United States By Andre Damon, February 26, 2015
Top Ukrainian Nazi Visits U.S. Congress, Pentagon, Canadian Parliament, Seeks Weapons for Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, February 26, 2015
America’s “Successful” Lying War Propaganda. “Vladimir Putin, The Blood Thirsty Fiend” By Eric Zuesse, February 26, 2015
Vaccines Linked to Autism – Preserve Medical Freedom: Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. By Health Impact News, February 25, 2015
Ready for Nuclear War over Ukraine? By Robert Parry, February 25, 2015
Top 10 Bogus ISIS Stories By Adam Johnson, February 25, 2015
Netanyahu Goes Nuclear…Now Wait for the Fallout By Jonathan Cook, February 25, 2015
What is Neo-Liberalism? A Revolutionary Analysis of the Final Stage of Imperialism By Danny Haiphong, February 25, 2015
The US “Pivot to Asia” and the Australian Leadership Crisis By Peter Symonds, February 25, 2015
In Leaked Recording, Egyptian Minister Calls For Machine-gunning Protesters By Thomas Gaist, February 25, 2015
Turkey’s Invasion of Syria Shows Turkish Connection to ISIS; NATO Agenda By Brandon Turbeville, February 25, 2015
Chicago Police Caught Disappearing People Into Secret CIA-Style Detention Center By Carey Wedler, February 25, 2015
The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination By Prof Alfred McCoy, February 25, 2015
Breaking Out of the Invisible Prison: The Ten-Point Global Paradigm Revolution By Prof. John McMurtry, February 25, 2015
The “Era of Terrorism”: Sydney’s Lindt Café Hostage Crisis, Australia’s Prime Minister Abbott’s Response By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 25, 2015
The Greek Tragedy: Some Things not to Forget, which the New Greek Leaders have not By William Blum, February 25, 2015
​Russia Ratifies $100 Billion BRICS New Development Bank By RT, February 25, 2015
What’s Behind Ukraine’s Secret Weapons Deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? By Eric Zuesse, February 25, 2015
New Report Reveals Increasing Hunger Rates Among African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 25, 2015
Media Disinformation: Lethal Drones could be used as “Flying Bombs by Islamic State Terrorists” against EU Nuclear Power Stations o By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
Syriza MP Asks $330 Billion Dollar Question: “How Will A Four Month Extension Improve Our Negotiating Position?” By Costas Lapavitsas, February 25, 2015
World Health Organization Says Cell Phones a “Possible Cause of Cancer” By Stacy Simon, February 25, 2015
Israel’s New Asian Allies By Jonathan Cook, February 24, 2015
The Troika’s Message to the New Greek Government: We Don’t Care About Humanitarian Issues By Ernst Wolff, February 24, 2015
Autism Rates To Increase By 2025? Glyphosate Herbicide May Be Responsible For Future Half Of Children With Autism By Susan Scutti, February 24, 2015
Calling Out the US Army as Liars is a Gross Understatement! By Joachim Hagopian, February 24, 2015
Washington Has Resurrected the Threat of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 24, 2015
Greek Drama: A Preliminary Review of the First Four Weeks of the SYRIZA Government By Isidoros Diakides, February 24, 2015
The Very Sick Joke of American Justice Today By Anthony Bellchambers, February 24, 2015
US Slaughter in Afghanistan Rages On By Bill Van Auken, February 24, 2015
White House Economic Report Calls for Cutting Corporate Taxes By Andre Damon, February 24, 2015
Obama’s Demagoguery on Countering Violent Extremism By Stephen Lendman, February 24, 2015
Financial Warfare, Geopolitics and Macro-Economic Agendas. What Happens Behind the Scenes By Bill Holter, February 24, 2015
United States Imperialism and Militarism Breeds Instability in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 24, 2015
Varoufakis Keeps Greece in the Eurozone, by its Fingernails By Mike Whitney, February 24, 2015
Vladimir Putin: Russian-Hungarian Cooperation; Defeated Kiev Troops Encircled in East Ukraine By Pres. Vladimir Putin, February 24, 2015
Bush Family Ties to Terror Suspects Re-opened by the 9/11 Classified “28 Pages” By Ralph Lopez, February 24, 2015
Vladimir Putin: NATO Legions are already Fighting in Ukraine By Pres. Vladimir Putin, February 24, 2015
Britain’s Royal Air Force Supplies Weapons to Islamic State Terrorists in Iraq By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists By Fars News Agency, February 24, 2015
The SIM Card Saga. The NSA and Britain’s GCHQ’s Agenda: Establishing Total Control Over Internet and Mobile Phone Users By Vladimir Platov, February 24, 2015
Wet Dreams About Winston Churchill By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 24, 2015
Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide Triggers Autism in Children. MIT Scientist By Janet Phelan, February 24, 2015
Three Fronts For Russia: How Washington Will Fan The Flames Of Chaos In Central Asia By Ivan Lizan, February 24, 2015
Bar Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu from Entry to the United States By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Kharkov False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, February 24, 2015
Malcolm X: Revolutionary Voice of Struggle and Liberation By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 24, 2015
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo-Nazis Are Part of Our Forces. Without Them Russia Would Have Defeated Us By Damir Marinovic, February 24, 2015
Devastating Impacts of “Secretly Negotiated” TTIP Trade-Deal between EU and US, Obama Blocks Making Its Terms Public By Eric Zuesse, February 24, 2015
Turkey’s Transgression into Syrian Territory in Support of Islamic State Terrorists. “Deep Connection between the Turkish government and ISIS” By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Role in Defeating Apartheid By Matt Peppe, February 24, 2015
Lies and Fabrications: The Propaganda Campaign in Support of Genetically Modified Crops (GMO) By Colin Todhunter, February 24, 2015
Continued Fighting In Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War By Washington's Blog, February 24, 2015
Humanitarian Crisis: Israel’s Open Dams Flood Gaza, Hundreds Evacuated By al Akhbar, February 24, 2015
America’s “Economic Fairy Tale”. Whatever Became of Economists and the American Economy? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 24, 2015
Fresh Leak at Fukushima Nuclear Plant Sees 70-fold Radiation Spike By RT, February 24, 2015
Greece — Syriza – Subservience to Neoliberalism – The Killing Plague that Knows No Mercy? By Peter Koenig, February 24, 2015